ᐅ Florida Death Notices 2009-2025
Morell, Morelewski, Moreland, Neovelino, Mary, Mario, Marilu...

Neovelino, Mary, Mario, Marilu, Maria, Lucina, Jose, Jock, Irma, Generosa...

Database updated March 2025
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▰ Neovelino Morell

Died January 29, … More Information
Neovelino Morell, born September 23, 1927 entered eternal life January 29, 2013 in West Palm Beach, Florida. Neovelino was 85.
Family members and close friends: , Tara Locastro, Fresa Atienza, Emilia M.molliner

▰ Mary Jane Morell

Died January 16, … More Information
Mary Jane Morell, born October 27, 1942 left her earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home January 16, 2014 in Jacksonville, Florida. Mary was 71.
Family members and close friends: , Vickie Croft Jones, Kristine, Laura & Tim Mccall, Judy Wren, Ronnie & Helen Lane, Paul And Ruth Downhour, Bill & Beverly Henderson, Catherine Winter, Tom & Anne Price, Eugene Bell, Rhonda Geoghagan & Family, Liz Bacher, Dustyn & Lee Mccall, Gayle Gyland

▰ Mario S Lezcano Morell

Died May 18, … More Information
Mario S Lezcano Morell, born October 22, 1938 entered the Kingdom of Heaven May 18, 2014 in Homestead, Florida. Mario was 75.

▰ Marilu Morell

Died November 04, … More Information
Marilu Morell went into the presence of the Lord on November 4, 2003 in Boynton Beach, Florida.
Obituary published: November 05, 2003 in "Beaver CT (PA)"

▰ Marilu Morell

Died November 05, … More Information
Marilu Morell went into the presence of the Lord on November 5, 2003 in Boynton Beach, Florida.
Obituary published: November 06, 2003 in "PBP"

▰ Marilu Morell

Died November 04, … More Information
Marilu Morell left this earth on November 4, 2003 to meet with Jesus, her Lord and Savior in Boynton Beach, Florida.
Obituary published: November 05, 2003 in "PBP"

▰ Maria Jomarron Morell

Died November 03, … More Information
Maria Jomarron Morell, born September 25, 1933 went to be with the Lord on November 3, 2020 in Miami, Florida. Maria was 87.

▰ Maria Morell

Died August 28, … More Information
Maria Morell, born June 24, 1929 joined the Lord August 28, 2012 in Miami, Florida. MARIA was 83.

▰ Lucina E Morell

Died January 01, … More Information

▰ Jose Enrique Morell

Died February 01, … More Information
Jose Enrique Morell, born June 1, 1964 departed this life Sunday February 1, 2016 in Miami, Florida. Jose was 51.

▰ Jock Gerald Morell

Died November 10, … More Information
Jock Gerald Morell, of Florida, born in Aurora, Illinois, went to be with the Lord on November 10, 2005. Jock was 58.
Obituary published: November 11, 2005 in "Sun-Sent"

▰ Irma Morell

Died August 18, … More Information
Irma Morell, born February 14, 1927 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord August 18, 2013 in Miami, Florida. Irma was 86.
Family members and close friends: , Antonio Perez

▰ Generosa Morell

Died July 17, … More Information
Generosa Morell, age 84 of Ft Myers, Florida, departed this life Sunday July 17, 1998.
Obituary published: July 18, 1998 in "Ft Myers N-P"

▰ Elsa Margarita Morell

Died July 02, … More Information
Elsa Margarita Morell, born March 30, 1922 entered Heaven's gates on July 2, 2020 in Miami, Florida. Elsa was 98.
Family members and close friends: , Aracely Sotolongo ( Eduardo ) ( Deceased ), Maria Ramona Machado ( Antonio ) ( Deceased ), Andrea Piloto, Rosa Maria Milian ( Deceased ), Ohen Martin Milian ( Josefina ) ( Deceased ), Margarita Piloto ( Jose Piloto ), Amanda Piloto, Jose Piloto Ii, Leoner Humberto Morell ( Deceased ), Julio Milian ( Sara ) ( Deceased )

▰ Edwin Bermudez Morell

Died March 12, … More Information
Edwin Bermudez Morell, born March 8, 1924 went to be with his Lord and Savior March 12, 2016 in Murburry, Florida. Edwin was 92.

▰ Doris Meyer [Davis] Morell

Died October 03, … More Information
Doris Meyer [Davis] Morell, of Florida, born in New York, departed this life Sunday October 3, 2006. Doris was 83.
Obituary published: October 04, 2006 in "ShermanHD (TX)"

▰ Doris (Meyer) Morell

Died October 04, … More Information
Doris (Meyer) Morell, age 83 of Florida, born in Buffalo, New York, left earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home October 4, 2006.
Obituary published: October 05, 2006 in "PBP"

▰ Doris (Meyer) Morell

Died October 03, … More Information
Doris (Meyer) Morell, age 83 of Florida, born in Buffalo, New York, passed from this life on October 3, 2006.
Obituary published: October 04, 2006 in "PBP"

▰ Doris (Meyer) Morell

Died October 02, … More Information
Doris (Meyer) Morell, of Florida, born in New York, entered into eternal rest October 2, 2006. Doris was 83.
Obituary published: October 03, 2006 in "PBP"

▰ Dolores Shimshock Morell

Died December 31, … More Information
Dolores Shimshock Morell, born April 20, 1929 left her earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home December 31, 2017 in Gotha, Florida. Dolores was 88.
Family members and close friends: , Lynne Craig, Lisa Fulkerson

▰ Diego R Morell

Died November 29, … More Information
Diego R Morell, age 83 of Vero Beach, Florida, entered eternal life November 29, 2003.
Obituary published: November 30, 2003 in "PJ"

▰ Carlos A Chao Morell

Died May 14, … More Information
Carlos A Chao Morell, born November 6, 1924 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord May 14, 2013 in Coral Gables, Florida. Carlos was 88. Tags: #Chao #Funeraria #Plan #Gables #Avenida #Miami #Catholic #Coralia #Valle #Cory #Lourdes #Antonio #Carlos #Ricardo #Giancarlo #Christian #Katrina #Erika #Olivia #Nina #Cecilia #Annabelle
Obituary: El Señor Carlos A. Chao

Fallecio en la ciudad de Miami, el dia 14 de mayo de 2013, habiendo recibido los santos sacramentos y la bendicion Papal.

El velorio del Señor Chao sera el jueves, 16 de mayo de 2013 a las 6:00 p.m. hasta la medianoche en la Funeraria Memorial Plan Coral Gables situada en 1717 SW 37 Avenida, Miami, FL. Se celebrara una misa por el eterno descanso de su alma el viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013 a las 9:30 a.m. en St. Raymonds Catholic Church, situada en 3475 SW 17 St, Miami, Fl.

Los que subscriben, su esposa, Coralia Del Valle Chao; sus hijos, Cory Chao, Lourdes Chao, su esposo Antonio Navarrete, y Carlos M. Chao; sus nietos, Ricardo, Giancarlo, Christian, Katrina y Erika; sus bisnietas, Mia, Olivia, Nina, Cecilia, Gia y Annabelle, y demas familiares ruegan a las personas de su amistad y compueblanos placeteños les acompañen en tan piadosos actos.

▰ Carlos A Chao Morell

Died May 14, … More Information
Carlos A Chao Morell, born November 6, 1924 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord May 14, 2013 in Miami, Florida. Carlos was 88.

▰ Ann Mary Morell

Died February 05, … More Information
Ann Mary Morell, 77, of North Porto, Florida departed this life February 5, 1997.
Obituary published: February 06, 1997 in "Hartford Courant (CT)"

▰ Ann Mary Morell

Died February 06, … More Information
Ann Mary Morell, age 77 of Florida, born in New Britain, Connecticut, entered eternal life February 6, 1997.
Obituary published: February 07, 1997 in "Charlotte S-H"

▰ Ann Mary Morell

Died February 05, … More Information
Ann Mary Morell, age 77 of Florida, born in New Britain, Connecticut, gained her wings on February 5, 1997.
Obituary published: February 06, 1997 in "Tampa Trib"

▰ Ann Mary Morell

Died February 03, … More Information
Ann Mary Morell, age 77 of Florida, joined the Lord February 3, 1997.
Obituary published: February 04, 1997 in "Hartford Courant (CT)"

▰ Abilio L Morell

Died July 22, … More Information
Abilio L Morell, born February 20, 1926 went to be with the Lord on July 22, 2018 in Hialeah, Florida. Abilio was 92.

▰ S R Cdr "Moe" Morelewski

Died January 01, … More Information
S R Cdr "Moe" Morelewski, age 80 of Florida, born in Buffalo, New York, passed away peacefully January 1, 2005.
Obituary published: January 02, 2005 in "OS"

▰ S R Cdr "Moe" Morelewski

Died December 31, … More Information
S R Cdr "Moe" Morelewski, of Florida, born in Buffalo, New York, entered eternal life December 31, 2004. MORELEWSKI was 80.
Obituary published: January 01, 2005 in "OS"

▰ Willie Lee Moreland

Died June 08, … More Information
Willie Lee Moreland, of Bradenton, Florida, entered eternal life June 8, 2016. Willie was 89.
Obituary published: June 09, 2016 in "Sarasota H-T"

▰ William L Moreland

Died June 06, … More Information
William L Moreland, born April 17, 1938 died on June 6, 2015 in Dunedin, Florida. William was 77.

▰ William L Moreland

Died June 06, … More Information
William L Moreland, born April 17, 1938 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord June 6, 2015 in Clearwater, Florida. William was 77.

▰ Timothy Moreland

Died May 16, … More Information
Timothy Moreland, born July 20, 1964 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord May 16, 2015 in Bradenton, Florida. Timothy was 50.

▰ Thomas W Moreland

Died September 17, … More Information
Thomas W Moreland died unexpectedly on September 17, 2003 at the age of 82 in Vero Beach, Florida.
Obituary published: September 18, 2003 in "PJ"

▰ Thomas A Moreland

Died June 25, … More Information
Thomas A Moreland, of Florida, born in Dolomite, Alabama, entered the Kingdom of Heaven June 25, 2004. Thomas was 71.
Obituary published: June 26, 2004 in "Florida T-U"

▰ Thelma Moreland

Died April 17, … More Information
Thelma Moreland, age 90 of St Petersburg, Florida, was anxious to meet her Maker and Master April 17, 1997.
Obituary published: April 18, 1997 in "St Pete T"

▰ Ted M Moreland

Died November 09, … More Information
Ted M Moreland, born August 9, 1927 left earthly home and passed through the Veil to his Eternal Home November 9, 2015 in N. Fort Myers, Florida. Ted was 88. Tags: #Myers #Florida #Cleo
Obituary: Ted was born on 9, 1927 and passed away on , 9, 2015. Ted was a resident of N. Fort Myers, Florida at the time of passing. Ted was married to Cleo.

▰ Sybol Margurite Moreland

Died April 02, … More Information
Sybol Margurite Moreland, 76, of Leesburg, Florida departed this life April 2, 1999.
Obituary published: April 03, 1999 in "Daily Commercial"

▰ Shirley A Moreland

Died May 07, … More Information
Shirley A Moreland, age 67 of Palm Coast, Florida passed away May 7, 2002.
Obituary published: May 08, 2002 in "Nws-Trbn"

▰ Sandra Ann Moreland

Died May 10, … More Information
Sandra Ann Moreland, of Bradenton, Florida, died on May 10, 2006. Sandra was 59.
Obituary published: May 11, 2006 in "Sarasota H-T"

▰ Ruth M Moreland

Died September 09, … More Information
Ruth M Moreland, born August 31, 1929 died on September 9, 2010 in Boca Raton, Florida. Ruth was 81.

▰ Russell E Moreland

Died July 02, … More Information
Russell E Moreland, age 84 of Florida, gained his wings on July 2, 2001.
Obituary published: July 03, 2001 in "St Pete T/H"

▰ Roy Moreland

Died December 01, … More Information
Roy Moreland went into the presence of the Lord on December 1, 2000 in Jacksonville, Florida.
Obituary published: December 02, 2000 in "Florida T-U"

▰ Rosalie Sapp Moreland

Died August 03, … More Information
Rosalie Sapp Moreland, of Florida, born in Georgia, departed this life Sunday August 3, 1993. Rosalie was 94.
Obituary published: August 04, 1993 in "Tallahassee D"

▰ Ronald G Moreland

Died July 25, … More Information
Ronald G Moreland, of Ocala, Florida, entered Heaven's gates on July 25, 1999. Ronald was 81.
Obituary published: July 26, 1999 in "Ocala S-B"

▰ Robert T Sr Moreland

Died March 19, … More Information
Robert T Sr Moreland, age 76 of Florida, born in Ohio, joined the Lord March 19, 2002.
Obituary published: March 20, 2002 in "Ocala S-B"

▰ Robert M Moreland

Died January 08, … More Information
Robert M Moreland, age 71 of Florida, born in Pennsylvania, passed from this world into the next January 8, 2003.
Obituary published: January 09, 2003 in "Lancaster N-E (PA)"

▰ Robert M Moreland

Died January 09, … More Information
Robert M Moreland, age 71 of Florida, born in Pennsylvania, entered the Kingdom of Heaven January 9, 2003.
Obituary published: January 10, 2003 in "Lancaster I-J (PA)"

▰ Robert E Moreland

Died January 24, … More Information
Robert E Moreland, of Florida, born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before Robert January 24, 1999. Robert was 69.
Obituary published: January 25, 1999 in "Florida Today"
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