ᐅ Florida Death Notices 2009-2025
Margil, Margiiotta, Margiewicz, Margieh, Margie, Margherita...

Gerald, Marguerite, Eleanore, Mounder, Mouder, Helen, Victor, Alice, Gina...

Database updated March 2025
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▰ Gerald "Jerry" Margil

Died September 05, … More Information
Gerald "Jerry" Margil passed away September 5, 2000 in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Obituary published: September 06, 2000 in "PBP"

▰ Gerald "Jerry" Margil

Died September 05, … More Information
Gerald "Jerry" Margil, of Florida, born in Sharon, Massachusetts, departed this life Sunday September 5, 2000.
Obituary published: September 06, 2000 in "Boston Globe (MA)"

▰ Gerald "Jerry" Margil

Died September 06, … More Information
Gerald "Jerry" Margil passed away September 6, 2000 in Boynton Beach, Florida.
Obituary published: September 07, 2000 in "Boston Globe (MA)"

▰ Marguerite S (Sperry) Margiiotta

Died September 25, … More Information
Marguerite S (Sperry) Margiiotta, of Boynton Beach, Florida, departed this life Sunday September 25, 2002. Marguerite was 81.
Obituary published: September 26, 2002 in "PBP"

▰ Eleanore Margiewicz

Died January 01, … More Information

▰ Mounder Mr Margieh

Died July 15, … More Information
Mounder Mr Margieh, age 53 of Florida, passed away peacefully July 15, 2014.
Obituary published: July 16, 2014 in "Tampa Trib"

▰ Mounder Margieh

Died July 13, … More Information
Mounder Margieh, born March 15, 1951 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord July 13, 2014 in Spring Hill, Florida. Mounder was 63.

▰ Mounder Margieh

Died July 13, … More Information
Mounder Margieh, born February 15, 1951 entered into eternal rest July 13, 2014 in Spring Hill, Florida. Mounder was 63.
Family members and close friends: , Janeen Shorosh

▰ Mouder Margieh

Died January 01, … More Information

▰ Helen (Romano) Margie

Died May 26, … More Information
Helen (Romano) Margie, of Florida, born in Illinois, entered eternal life May 26, 2007. Helen was 92.
Obituary published: May 27, 2007 in "Chicago T (IL)"

▰ Victor J Margherita

Died December 07, … More Information
Victor J Margherita, of Florida, born in New York, departed this life Sunday December 7, 2004. Victor was 86.
Obituary published: December 08, 2004 in "DailySun"

▰ Alice Marghella

Died July 19, … More Information
Alice Marghella, born August 29, 1911 entered eternal life July 19, 2016 in Fort Myers, Florida. Alice was 104.

▰ Alice Duckett Marggraf

Died July 28, … More Information
Alice Duckett Marggraf, born July 6, 1917 departed this life Sunday July 28, 2014 in Pompano Beach, Florida. Alice was 97.

▰ Alice Duckett Marggraf

Died July 28, … More Information
Alice Duckett Marggraf, born July 6, 1917 died on July 28, 2014 in Deerfield Beach, Florida. Alice was 97.
Family members and close friends: , Alana Kolifrath, Claudia Perry - Kraeer Funeral Home

▰ Gina Margey

Died April 11, … More Information
Gina Margey went into the presence of the Lord on April 11, 1999 in Halesite, Florida.
Obituary published: April 12, 1999 in "Newsday (NY)"

▰ Kathleen J Margetts

Died August 20, … More Information
Kathleen J Margetts, of Florida, born in Kibourn Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, entered Heaven's gates on August 20, 2016. Kathleen was 87.
Obituary published: August 21, 2016 in "Tampa Bay"

▰ Kathleen J Margetts

Died August 14, … More Information
Kathleen J Margetts, born June 8, 1929 gained her wings on August 14, 2016 in Lake Placid, Florida. Kathleen was 87.

▰ Charles Albert "Chuck" Margetta

Died June 17, … More Information
Charles Albert "Chuck" Margetta, age 75 of Florida, born in Erie, Pennsylvania, passed away peacefully June 17, 2014.
Obituary published: June 18, 2014 in "Sarasota H-T"

▰ Charles Albert "Chuck" Margetta

Died June 16, … More Information
Charles Albert "Chuck" Margetta, age 75 of Florida, born in Erie, Pennsylvania, departed this life Sunday June 16, 2014.
Obituary published: June 17, 2014 in "Sarasota H-T"

▰ Ann (Gbur) Margetko

Died April 19, … More Information
Ann (Gbur) Margetko, of Florida, born in Youngstown, Ohio, departed this life Sunday April 19, 2004. Ann was 87.
Obituary published: April 20, 2004 in "The Vindicator (OH)"

▰ John S Margetis

Died January 03, … More Information
John S Margetis, of Ft Pierce, Florida, entered into eternal rest January 3, 2010. John was 73.
Obituary published: January 04, 2010 in "PJ"

▰ Tommy Margetes

Died September 30, … More Information
Tommy Margetes, age 78 of Florida, born in Ridgeway, Illinois, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord September 30, 2003.
Obituary published: October 01, 2003 in "State J-R (IL)"

▰ Esther Margetes

Died September 08, … More Information
Esther Margetes, born February 12, 1925 went to be with her Lord and Savior September 8, 2019 in Marco Island, Florida. Esther was 94.
Family members and close friends: , Marcia Campbell, Steve Wierdak

▰ Ester Margetes

Died September 12, … More Information
Ester Margetes passed away peacefully September 12, 2019, at her home in Marco Island, Florida. She was 94.
Obituary published: September 13, 2019 in "Naples D-N"

▰ Robert M Margeson

Died September 22, … More Information
Robert M Margeson, of Florida, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before Robert September 22, 1997. Robert was 69.
Obituary published: September 23, 1997 in "Ledger"

▰ Robert Ii Margeson

Died September 05, … More Information
Robert Ii Margeson, age 45 of Lake Worth, Florida, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord September 5, 2008.
Obituary published: September 06, 2008 in "Elmira S G (NY)"

▰ Robert Ii Margeson

Died September 04, … More Information
Robert Ii Margeson, age 45 of Lake Worth, Florida, died on September 4, 2008.
Obituary published: September 05, 2008 in "Elmira S G (NY)"

▰ Robert Ii Margeson

Died August 30, … More Information
Robert Ii Margeson died unexpectedly on August 30, 2008 at the age of 45 in Lake Worth, Florida.
Obituary published: August 31, 2008 in "Elmira S G (NY)"

▰ Robert Ii Margeson

Died February 17, … More Information
Robert Ii Margeson, age 45 of Lake Worth, Florida, entered into eternal rest February 17, 2007.
Obituary published: February 18, 2007 in "Elmira S G (NY)"

▰ Robert Ii Margeson

Died February 16, … More Information
Robert Ii Margeson, age 45 of Lake Worth, Florida, died on February 16, 2007.
Obituary published: February 17, 2007 in "Elmira S G (NY)"

▰ Olivia E Margeson

Died January 01, … More Information

▰ Olivia E Olivia Margeson

Died February 11, … More Information
Olivia E Olivia Margeson, born December 9, 1930 ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before her February 11, 2015 in Jacksonville, Florida. Olivia was 84.

▰ Olivia E Margeson

Died January 01, … More Information

▰ Olivia E Margeson

Died January 01, … More Information

▰ Olivia E Olivia Margeson

Died February 11, … More Information
Olivia E Olivia Margeson, born December 9, 1930 joined the Lord February 11, 2015 in Middleburg, Florida. OLIVIA was 84.

▰ Miriam (Labarre) Margeson

Died March 05, … More Information
Miriam (Labarre) Margeson, of Florida, born in New York, went to be with her Lord and Savior March 5, 2001. Miriam was 89.
Obituary published: March 06, 2001 in "PBP"

▰ Martha C Margeson

Died August 01, … More Information
Martha C Margeson, born November 5, 1951 went to be with the Lord on August 1, 2018 in Tampa, Florida. Martha was 66.

▰ James Marion Margeson

Died March 15, … More Information
James Marion Margeson, born November 2, 1935 entered Heaven's gates on March 15, 2016 in Orlando, Florida. James was 80.

▰ Gerald Margeson

Died February 16, … More Information
Gerald Margeson, age 81 of Seffner, Florida, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before Gerald February 16, 2020.
Obituary published: February 17, 2020 in "Sarasota H-T"

▰ Deforest "Mark" Margeson

Died August 14, … More Information
Deforest "Mark" Margeson, of Boynton Beach, Florida, passed away peacefully August 14, 2006. Deforest was 98.
Obituary published: August 15, 2006 in "PBP"

▰ Clyde L Margeson

Died August 08, … More Information
Clyde L Margeson, of Florida, born in Dorchester, Massachusetts, entered into eternal rest August 8, 2001. Clyde was 84.
Obituary published: August 09, 2001 in "Florida T-U"

▰ Joseph Margery

Died March 04, … More Information
Joseph Margery, 70, of Largo, Florida departed this life March 4, 1998.
Obituary published: March 05, 1998 in "St Pete T"

▰ Verna Jean (Morrow) Margerum

Died August 13, … More Information
Verna Jean (Morrow) Margerum, age 80 of Florida, born in Kansas, entered eternal life August 13, 2005.
Obituary published: August 14, 2005 in "Ft Myers N-P"

▰ Mary Helen (Dull) Margerum

Died March 06, … More Information
Mary Helen (Dull) Margerum, of Gainesville, Florida, departed this life Sunday March 6, 2006. Mary was 83.
Obituary published: March 07, 2006 in "Gainesville Sun"

▰ Jeraldine Elizabeth Margerum

Died March 23, … More Information
Jeraldine Elizabeth Margerum went into the presence of the Lord on March 23, 2000 in Jacksonville, Florida.
Obituary published: March 24, 2000 in "Florida T-U"

▰ Jeraldine Margerum

Died March 28, … More Information
Jeraldine Margerum died unexpectedly on March 28, 2000 at the age of 80 in Neptune Beach, Florida.
Obituary published: March 29, 2000 in "Beaches Ldr"

▰ Marilyn Lou Margeolas

Died July 23, … More Information
Marilyn Lou Margeolas, born December 19, 1932 went to be with the Lord on July 23, 2017 in Sanford, Florida. Marilyn was 84.

▰ Marilyn Lou Margeolas

Died July 23, … More Information
Marilyn Lou Margeolas, born December 19, 1932 passed from this world into the next July 23, 2017 in Sanford, Florida. Marilyn was 84.
Family members and close friends: , Georgia Margeolas

▰ Anastasios Panagos Margeolas

Died June 10, … More Information
Anastasios Panagos Margeolas, born January 15, 1931 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord June 10, 2019 in Sanford, Florida. Anastasios was 88.

▰ James Albert Margentino Jr

Died September 09, … More Information
James Albert Margentino Jr , born November 12, 1949 joined the Lord September 9, 2020 in New Port Richey, Florida. James was 70.
Family members and close friends: , Mary Alice Kowal
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