ᐅ Florida Death Notices 2009-2025
Macgregor, Macgraw, Macgrath, Macgranor, Macgrann, Macgrady...

Martha, Marjorie, Margaret, Malcom, Hugh, Helga, Harold, Greg, Frederick...

Database updated March 2025
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▰ Martha Jane Macgregor

Died December 08, … More Information
Martha Jane Macgregor, of Florida, was anxious to meet her Maker and Master December 8, 1997. Martha was 96.
Obituary published: December 09, 1997 in "Florida Today"

▰ Marjorie "Bunny" Macgregor

Died May 14, … More Information
Marjorie "Bunny" Macgregor, of Tampa, Florida, went to be with the Lord on May 14, 2006. Marjorie was 69.
Obituary published: May 15, 2006 in "Tampa Trib"

▰ Margaret "Peg" (Clark) Macgregor

Died November 27, … More Information
Margaret "Peg" (Clark) Macgregor, age 88 of Florida, born in Haddon Heights, New Jersey, died on November 27, 2020.
Obituary published: November 28, 2020 in "OS"

▰ Malcom G Macgregor

Died September 01, … More Information
Malcom G Macgregor, age 83 of Bokeelia, Florida, entered Heaven's gates on September 1, 2010.
Obituary published: September 02, 2010 in "Ft Myers N-P"

▰ Hugh Macgregor

Died August 23, … More Information
Hugh Macgregor, of Naples, Florida, joined the Lord August 23, 2007. Hugh was 72.
Obituary published: August 24, 2007 in "Toronto G&M (ON)"

▰ Hugh Macgregor

Died August 23, … More Information
On August 23, 2007, Hugh Macgregor, 72, of Naples, Florida left us to live with the Father in his new eternal home.
Obituary published: August 24, 2007 in "Naples D-N"

▰ Helga S Macgregor

Died February 05, … More Information
Helga S Macgregor, of Jacksonville, Florida, gained her wings on February 5, 2001. Helga was 79.
Obituary published: February 06, 2001 in "Florida T-U"

▰ Helga S Macgregor

Died February 06, … More Information
Helga S Macgregor, of Florida, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before she February 6, 2001. Helga was 79.
Obituary published: February 07, 2001 in "Florida T-U"

▰ Harold F Jr Macgregor

Died January 18, … More Information
Harold F Jr Macgregor, age 68 of Florida, born in New York, departed this life Sunday January 18, 2005.
Obituary published: January 19, 2005 in "Fort Pierce T"

▰ Harold F Jr Macgregor

Died January 18, … More Information
Harold F Jr Macgregor, age 68 of Florida, born in Brooklyn, New York, passed away peacefully January 18, 2005.
Obituary published: January 19, 2005 in "StuartNews"

▰ Greg Macgregor

Died March 29, … More Information
Greg Macgregor, of Florida, born in San Francisco, California, passed from this life on March 29, 1998. Greg was 85.
Obituary published: March 30, 1998 in "San Diego U-T (CA)"

▰ Frederick M Jr Macgregor

Died August 22, … More Information
Frederick M Jr Macgregor, age 89 of Florida, born in Melrose, Massachusetts, gained his wings on August 22, 2014.
Obituary published: August 23, 2014 in "Sarasota H-T"

▰ Ethel M Macgregor

Died August 31, … More Information
Ethel M Macgregor, age 94 of Florida, born in New York, New York, went to be with her Lord and Savior August 31, 2001.
Obituary published: September 01, 2001 in "Sarasota H-T"

▰ Emily (Whitbeck) Macgregor

Died November 06, … More Information
Emily (Whitbeck) Macgregor, of Florida, born in New York, passed from this life on November 6, 2001. Emily was 90.
Obituary published: November 07, 2001 in "PBP"

▰ Duncan Sanders Sr Macgregor

Died January 25, … More Information
Duncan Sanders Sr Macgregor, of Florida, born in Hinsdale, Illinois, passed from this world into the next January 25, 2018. Duncan was 87.
Obituary published: January 26, 2018 in "Tampa Bay"

▰ Duncan S Macgregor

Died January 22, … More Information
Duncan S Macgregor, born August 31, 1930 entered the Kingdom of Heaven January 22, 2018 in Spring Hill, Florida. Duncan was 87.
Family members and close friends: , Ginger Cohen, Malachi Fogle, Jan Sigetty Boeje, Barbara Stiner ( Koch )

▰ Doris M Kearley Macgregor

Died November 19, … More Information
Doris M Kearley Macgregor, of Florida, born in Boston, Massachusetts, died on November 19, 2003. Doris was 90.
Obituary published: November 20, 2003 in "Tallahassee D"

▰ Dan Bruce Macgregor

Died January 23, … More Information
Dan Bruce Macgregor, born March 5, 1928 went into the presence of the Lord on January 23, 2018 in Tampa, Florida. Dan was 89.
Family members and close friends: , Jane ( Gillanders ) Maas, Peggy Nielsen ( Sawyers ), Joan Wheelock, Jane Gillanders, Jayne Stefanski

▰ D Bruce Macgregor

Died February 17, … More Information
D Bruce Macgregor, of Florida, born in Michigan, went to be with the Lord on February 17, 2018. MacGREGOR was 89.
Obituary published: February 18, 2018 in "Royal Oak DT (MI)"

▰ D Bruce Macgregor

Died February 16, … More Information
D Bruce Macgregor, of Florida, born in Royal Oak, Michigan, passed away peacefully February 16, 2018. MacGREGOR was 89.
Obituary published: February 17, 2018 in "Tampa Bay"

▰ Clark Hon Macgregor

Died February 16, … More Information
Clark Hon Macgregor, of Pompano Beach, Florida, left earthly home and passed through the Veil to his Eternal Home February 16, 2003. Clark was 80.
Obituary published: February 17, 2003 in "Minneapolis S-T (MN)"

▰ Clark Macgregor

Died February 13, … More Information
Clark Macgregor died unexpectedly on February 13, 2003 at the age of 80 in Pompano Beach, Florida.
Obituary published: February 14, 2003 in "Citrus Co C"

▰ Ann (Austin) Macgregor

Died December 23, … More Information
Ann (Austin) Macgregor, of Florida, born in Massachusetts, went to be with her Lord and Savior December 23, 2020. Ann was 93.
Obituary published: December 24, 2020 in "Sarasota H-T"

▰ Gloria Anita (Brodeur) Macgraw

Died April 11, … More Information
Gloria Anita (Brodeur) Macgraw, 77, of Sebastian, Florida, left her earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home April 11, 2011.
Obituary published: April 12, 2011 in "PJ"

▰ Marion L Macgrath

Died September 11, … More Information
Marion L Macgrath, born March 31, 1927 died September 11, 2015 in Hudson, Florida. Marion was 88.

▰ Alice M (Klowaris) Macgrath

Died April 23, … More Information
Alice M (Klowaris) Macgrath, of Florida, born in St Louis, Missouri, left earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home April 23, 1999. Alice was 72.
Obituary published: April 24, 1999 in "DB N-J"

▰ Robert L Macgranor

Died February 10, … More Information
Robert L Macgranor, age 76 of Florida, born in Andover, Connecticut, died on February 10, 1999.
Obituary published: February 11, 1999 in "Hartford Courant (CT)"

▰ Robert L Macgranor

Died February 03, … More Information
Robert L Macgranor, of Florida, born in Hartford, Connecticut, died on February 3, 1999. Robert was 76.
Obituary published: February 04, 1999 in "Hartford Courant (CT)"

▰ Mark "Jameson" Macgrann

Died April 21, … More Information
Mark "Jameson" Macgrann, age 68 of Florida, born in Pennsylvania, went to be with the Lord on April 21, 2019.
Obituary published: April 22, 2019 in "Vineland TJ (NJ)"

▰ Elease M Macgrady

Died February 14, … More Information
Elease M Macgrady, 88 of Port St Lucie, Florida, was anxious to meet her Maker and Master, February 14, 2011.
Obituary published: February 15, 2011 in "PJ"

▰ Elease M Macgrady

Died February 11, … More Information
Elease M Macgrady, born March 28, 1922 went to be with her Lord and Savior February 11, 2011 in Port St Lucie, Florida. Elease was 88.

▰ William Kenneth Macgown

Died September 22, … More Information
William Kenneth Macgown, born November 29, 1948 passed away peacefully September 22, 2015 in Fort Pierce, Florida. William was 66.

▰ W Leroy Macgowan

Died June 28, … More Information
W Leroy Macgowan, age 100 of Florida, born in New York, entered eternal life June 28, 1989.
Obituary published: June 29, 1989 in "Tallahassee D"

▰ Thomas John Macgowan

Died January 11, … More Information
Thomas John Macgowan, age 88 of Vero Beach, Florida, passed away peacefully January 11, 1994.
Obituary published: January 12, 1994 in "Juniata Sentinel (PA)"

▰ Robert A Macgowan

Died February 25, … More Information
Robert A Macgowan, of Florida, born in New Jersey, passed away peacefully February 25, 2014. Robert was 76.
Obituary published: February 26, 2014 in "Juniata Sentinel (PA)"

▰ Robert A Macgowan

Died December 28, … More Information
Robert A Macgowan, age 76 of Vero Beach, Florida, departed this life Sunday December 28, 2013.
Obituary published: December 29, 2013 in "Press Journal"

▰ Robert Macgowan

Died December 23, … More Information
Robert Macgowan, age 76 of Vero Beach, Florida, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord December 23, 2013.
Obituary published: December 24, 2013 in "Press Journal"

▰ Mary Lou Leman Macgowan

Died February 07, … More Information
Mary Lou Leman Macgowan, of Tallahassee, Florida, passed from this world into the next February 7, 1993. Mary was 95.
Obituary published: February 08, 1993 in "Tallahassee D"

▰ Marion F Macgowan

Died April 04, … More Information
Marion F Macgowan, of Vero Beach, Florida, departed this life Sunday April 4, 1995. Marion was 83.
Obituary published: April 05, 1995 in "Juniata Sentinel (PA)"

▰ Kate Byrd Macgowan

Died May 10, … More Information
Kate Byrd Macgowan, of Tallahassee, Florida, was anxious to meet her Maker and Master May 10, 1991. Kate was 93.
Obituary published: May 11, 1991 in "Tallahassee D"

▰ Jay Robert Macgowan

Died December 29, … More Information
Jay Robert Macgowan, born September 18, 1947 passed away peacefully December 29, 2017 in West Palm Beach, Florida. Jay was 70.

▰ Dorothy T "Dot" Macgowan

Died July 11, … More Information
Dorothy T "Dot" Macgowan, of Jupiter, Florida, joined the Lord July 11, 2000. Dorothy was 77.
Obituary published: July 12, 2000 in "PBP"

▰ Dorothy T "Dot" Macgowan

Died July 10, … More Information
Dorothy T "Dot" Macgowan, of Jupiter, Florida, gained her wings on July 10, 2000. Dorothy was 77.
Obituary published: July 11, 2000 in "PBP"

▰ Christopher Michael Macgowan

Died February 22, … More Information
Christopher Michael Macgowan, of Florida, joined the Lord February 22, 2005. Christopher was 24.
Obituary published: February 23, 2005 in "JupiterCourier"

▰ Christopher Michael Macgowan

Died February 22, … More Information
Christopher Michael Macgowan, of Jupiter, Florida, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before Christopher February 22, 2005. Christopher was 24.
Obituary published: February 23, 2005 in "PBP"

▰ Bruce Macgowan

Died April 08, … More Information
Bruce Macgowan, born April 24, 1937 went into the presence of the Lord on April 8, 2020 in Fort Myers, Florida. Bruce was 82.

▰ Terry Macgovern

Died August 03, … More Information
Terry Macgovern passed away August 3, 2015 in Saint Petersburg, Florida.

▰ Terence Macgovern

Died August 03, … More Information
Terence Macgovern passed away August 3, 2015 in Saint Petersburg, Florida.

▰ George B Macglennon

Died March 16, … More Information
George B Macglennon, of Vero Beach, Florida, gained his wings on March 16, 2000. George was 83.
Obituary published: March 17, 2000 in "PJ"

▰ Roger A Macglashing

Died December 19, … More Information
Roger A Macglashing, of Florida, born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, was anxious to meet his Maker and Master December 19, 2003. Roger was 63.
Obituary published: December 20, 2003 in "Ledger"
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