ᐅ Missouri Death Notices 2009-2025
Volkart, Volk, Voles, Volenetz, Volder, Volden, Vold, Volcek, Volb...

Agatha, William, Susanna, Shirley, Robert, Leah, Joseph, John, Hilda, Duane...

Database updated March 2025
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▰ Agatha Ethel Volkart

Died April 12, … More Information
Agatha Ethel Volkart, of Rich Hill, Missouri, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before she April 12, 1997. Agatha was 85.
Obituary published: April 13, 1997 in "K C Star"

▰ William E Volk

Died January 12, … More Information
William E Volk, of Missouri, born in Elk City, Oklahoma, died on January 12, 2000. William was 71.
Obituary published: January 13, 2000 in "Joplin Globe"

▰ Susanna (Wild) Volk

Died July 28, … More Information
Susanna (Wild) Volk passed away July 28, 1997 in St Louis, Missouri.
Obituary published: July 29, 1997 in "St Louis P-D"

▰ Shirley Marie (Hacker)[Trokey] Volk

Died March 18, … More Information
Shirley Marie (Hacker)[Trokey] Volk went into the presence of the Lord on March 18, 2002 in St Louis, Missouri.
Obituary published: March 19, 2002 in "Farm D-J"

▰ Robert John Volk

Died March 26, … More Information
Robert John Volk went into the presence of the Lord on March 26, 2003 in St Louis, Missouri.
Obituary published: March 27, 2003 in "St Louis P-D"

▰ Robert John Volk

Died March 25, … More Information
Robert John Volk passed away March 25, 2003 in St Louis, Missouri.
Obituary published: March 26, 2003 in "St Louis P-D"

▰ Leah (Stevens)[Cunningham] Volk

Died June 29, … More Information
Leah (Stevens)[Cunningham] Volk, of Missouri, born in Kansas, left herearthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home June 29, 1987. Leah was 37.
Obituary published: June 30, 1987 in "CoffeyvilleJournal (KS)"

▰ Joseph William Volk

Died April 02, … More Information
Joseph William Volk, of Missouri, passed from this life on April 2, 2009. Joseph was 88.
Obituary published: April 03, 2009 in "St Louis P-D"

▰ John David Volk

Died April 18, … More Information
John David Volk, age 92 of Kansas City, Missouri, died on April 18, 1997.
Obituary published: April 19, 1997 in "K C Star"

▰ Hilda Volk

Died March 10, … More Information
Hilda Volk, of St Louis, Missouri, left herearthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home March 10, 1996. Hilda was 91.
Obituary published: March 11, 1996 in "St Louis P-D"

▰ Duane Anton Volk

Died October 21, … More Information
Duane Anton Volk, age 47 of Lees Summit, Missouri, left earthly home and passed through the Veil to his Eternal Home October 21, 2004.
Obituary published: October 22, 2004 in "K C Star"

▰ Duane A Volk

Died October 22, … More Information
Duane A Volk, age 47 of Missouri, born in Peoria, Illinois, entered Heaven's gates on October 22, 2004.
Obituary published: October 23, 2004 in "K C Star"

▰ Duane A Volk

Died October 22, … More Information
Duane A Volk, age 47 of Missouri, born in Peoria, Illinois, died on October 22, 2004.
Obituary published: October 23, 2004 in "Journal Star (IL)"

▰ Mary Ann Voles

Died June 04, … More Information
Mary Ann Voles, age 87 of Elfindale, Missouri, joined the Lord June 4, 2009.
Obituary published: June 05, 2009 in "Aurora Ad"

▰ William C "Bill" Volenetz

Died October 17, … More Information
William C "Bill" Volenetz, age 90 of Missouri passed away October 17, 2001.
Obituary published: October 18, 2001 in "Steelville Star"

▰ John Volder

Died August 03, … More Information
John Volder, of Missouri, born in Sawtelle, California, joined the Lord August 3, 2007. John was 79.
Obituary published: August 04, 2007 in "K C Star"

▰ Elizabeth Christine Volden

Died January 11, … More Information
Elizabeth Christine Volden, of Salem, Missouri, was anxious to meet her Maker and Master January 11, 1999. Elizabeth was 49.
Obituary published: January 12, 1999 in "Rolla D-N"

▰ Richard Warren Vold

Died May 20, … More Information
Richard Warren Vold, age 68 of Columbia, Missouri, entered the Kingdom of Heaven May 20, 2003.
Obituary published: May 21, 2003 in "MorganCoP"

▰ Paula K (Pitt) Vold

Died February 27, … More Information
Paula K (Pitt) Vold, age 53 of Missouri, born in Springfield, Tennessee, passed from this world into the next February 27, 2008.
Obituary published: February 28, 2008 in "SedaliaDem"

▰ Paula K (Pitt) Vold

Died March 04, … More Information
Paula K (Pitt) Vold, of Missouri, born in Tennessee, died on March 4, 2008. Paula was 53.
Obituary published: March 05, 2008 in "MorganCoP"

▰ Dorothy E (Berrick) Vold

Died September 04, … More Information
Dorothy E (Berrick) Vold, age 87 of Missouri, born in Oskaloosa, Iowa, passed from this life on September 4, 2004.
Obituary published: September 05, 2004 in "K C Star"

▰ Frank P Volcek

Died May 31, … More Information
Frank P Volcek, of Kansas City, Missouri, joined the Lord May 31, 1998. Frank was 78.
Obituary published: June 01, 1998 in "Omaha W-H (NE)"

▰ Frank Volcek

Died May 30, … More Information
Frank Volcek, of Raytown, Missouri, entered Heaven's gates on May 30, 1998. Frank was 78.
Obituary published: May 31, 1998 in "Omaha W-H (NE)"

▰ Frank Volcek

Died May 29, … More Information
Frank Volcek, of Raytown, Missouri, departed this life Sunday May 29, 1998. Frank was 78.
Obituary published: May 30, 1998 in "Omaha W-H (NE)"

▰ Frank Volcek

Died May 28, … More Information
Frank Volcek, of Raytown, Missouri, entered eternal life May 28, 1998. Frank was 78.
Obituary published: May 29, 1998 in "Omaha W-H (NE)"

▰ Joseph Snider Volb

Died September 03, … More Information
Joseph Snider Volb, age 67 of Jerico Springs, Missouri, went to be with the Lord on September 3, 1997.
Obituary published: September 04, 1997 in "Springfield N-L"

▰ Dorothy A Volansky

Died February 13, … More Information
Dorothy A Volansky left this earth on February 13, 1998 to meet with Jesus, her Lord and Savior in St Louis, Missouri.
Obituary published: February 14, 1998 in "St Louis P-D"

▰ Orbon Voland

Died February 16, … More Information
Orbon Voland, of Missouri, born in Illinois, passed from this life on February 16, 1999. Orbon was 82.
Obituary published: February 17, 1999 in "CarlyleUB (IL)"

▰ Jerry Vokracka

Died August 25, … More Information
Jerry Vokracka went into the presence of the Lord on August 25, 1997 in St Louis, Missouri.
Obituary published: August 26, 1997 in "St Louis P-D"

▰ Harold Edward Vokoun

Died November 29, … More Information
Harold Edward Vokoun, 73, of Kansas City, Missouri departed this life November 29, 2018.
Obituary published: November 30, 2018 in "Waterloo CFC (IA)"

▰ Randal L Vokolek

Died April 09, … More Information
Randal L Vokolek passed away April 9, 2016 in Sedalia, Missouri.

▰ Guy C Vokes

Died March 17, … More Information
Guy C Vokes, age 73 of Missouri, born in Iowa, left earthly home and passed through the Veil to his Eternal Home March 17, 2003.
Obituary published: March 18, 2003 in "K C Star"

▰ Margaret Vojtech

Died October 28, … More Information
Margaret Vojtech, born November 24, 1916 left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home October 28, 2015 in Kirkwood, Missouri. Margaret was 98. Tags: #Joseph
Obituary: Margaret was born on 24, 1916 and passed away on , 28, 2015. Margaret was a resident of Kirkwood, Missouri at the time of passing. Margaret was married to Joseph.

▰ Adele M (Faveere) Voitlein

Died September 10, … More Information
Adele M (Faveere) Voitlein went into the presence of the Lord on September 10, 1995 in St Louis, Missouri.
Obituary published: September 11, 1995 in "St Louis P-D"

▰ Guy Y Voisine

Died June 23, … More Information
On June 23, 2000, Guy Y Voisine, 54 of Kansas City, Missouri passed from this world into the next.
Obituary published: June 24, 2000 in "Paducah S (KY)"

▰ Guy V Voisine

Died June 07, … More Information
Guy V Voisine, age 54 of Missouri, passed from this world into the next June 7, 2000.
Obituary published: June 08, 2000 in "Topeka C-J (KS)"

▰ Linda A (Denny) Voisin

Died March 21, … More Information
Linda A (Denny) Voisin, 39, of Missouri gained her wings on March 21, 2000.
Obituary published: March 22, 2000 in "Rolla D-N"

▰ Rosalie D Voisey

Died August 06, … More Information
Rosalie D Voisey, born January 20, 1954 went to be with the Lord on August 6, 2019 in St. Louis, Missouri. Rosalie was 65.

▰ Margaret R (Dixon) Voisey

Died June 28, … More Information
Margaret R (Dixon) Voisey left this earth on June 28, 2003 to meet with Jesus, her Lord and Savior in St Louis, Missouri.
Obituary published: June 29, 2003 in "St Louis P-D"

▰ Joseph Patrick Voirol

Died June 15, … More Information
Joseph Patrick Voirol passed away June 15, 2016 in Saint Louis, Missouri. Tags: #Renee
Obituary: Joseph passed away on , 15, 2016. Joseph was a resident of Saint Louis, Missouri at the time of passing. Joseph was married to Renee.

▰ Howard H Voiles

Died February 16, … More Information
Howard H Voiles, age 76 of Columbia, Missouri, went into the presence of the Lord on February 16, 1999.
Obituary published: February 17, 1999 in "K C Star"

▰ Lucille Voigts

Died February 18, … More Information
Lucille Voigts, born September 23, 1913 went to be with her Lord and Savior February 18, 2012 in Kansas City, Missouri. Lucille was 98.

▰ Helen O (Oliver) Voigts

Died January 18, … More Information
Helen O (Oliver) Voigts, of Kansas City, Missouri, passed away peacefully January 18, 1998. Helen was 91.
Obituary published: January 19, 1998 in "K C Star"

▰ Busch Voigts

Died January 24, … More Information
Busch Voigts, born November 16, 1910 departed this life Sunday January 24, 2011 in Kansas City, Missouri. Busch was 100.

▰ Ronald David Voigtmann

Died March 06, … More Information
Ronald David Voigtmann, born January 20, 1950 departed this life Sunday March 6, 2016 in Chesterfield, Missouri. Ronald was 66. Tags: #Ginger
Obituary: Ronald was born on 20, 1950 and passed away on , 6, 2016. Ronald was a resident of Chesterfield, Missouri at the time of passing. Ronald was married to Ginger.

▰ John Paul Voigtmann

Died September 22, … More Information
John Paul Voigtmann, born August 17, 1931 entered eternal life September 22, 2018 in Arnold, Missouri. John was 87.
Family members and close friends: , Eugene Voigtmann, Gina Warren, Geraldine Voigtmann ( Nee Struempf ), Robert Wiegland, Connie Schlifer, Michael R. Maine, Ryan Wiegland, Jon Voigtmann, Roberta Messmer, Robert Voigtmann ( Deceased ), Grace Logsdon ( Deceased )

▰ V Marie (Dehart) Voigt

Died June 11, … More Information
V Marie (Dehart) Voigt, age 96 of St Charles, Missouri, entered Heaven's gates on June 11, 2007.
Obituary published: June 12, 2007 in "Lynchburg NA (VA)"

▰ V Marie Voigt

Died June 12, … More Information
V Marie Voigt, age 96 of St Charles, Missouri, entered Heaven's gates on June 12, 2007.
Obituary published: June 13, 2007 in "Lynchburg NA (VA)"

▰ V Marie Voigt

Died June 10, … More Information
V Marie Voigt, age 96 of St Charles, Missouri, passed from this world into the next June 10, 2007.
Obituary published: June 11, 2007 in "Lynchburg NA (VA)"

▰ Shirley Ann Voigt

Died June 09, … More Information
Shirley Ann Voigt went into the presence of the Lord on June 9, 2015 in Springfield, Missouri.
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