ᐅ Pennsylvania Death Notices 2009-2025
Tammany, Tamm-komensky, Tamm, Tamlyn, Tamlitts, Tamlia, Tamke...

Charles, Mary, Paulette, Faye, Frank, John, George, Joseph, Stephen, Helen...

Database updated March 2025
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▰ Charles L Tammany

Died July 31, … More Information
Charles L Tammany, of West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, joined the Lord July 31, 2000. Charles was 58.
Obituary published: August 01, 2000 in "Norristown TH"

▰ Mary (Dyak-Ramach)[Tamm] Tamm-Komensky

Died March 23, … More Information
Mary (Dyak-Ramach)[Tamm] Tamm-Komensky, 82, of Dale Johnstown, Pennsylvania, entered the Kingdom of Heaven March 23, 2008.
Obituary published: March 24, 2008 in "Johnstown T-D"

▰ Mary (Dyak-Ramach)[Tamm] Tamm-Komensky

Died March 22, … More Information
Mary (Dyak-Ramach)[Tamm] Tamm-Komensky, of Dale Johnstown, Pennsylvania, entered eternal life March 22, 2008. Mary was 82.
Obituary published: March 23, 2008 in "Johnstown T-D"

▰ Paulette Sue (Wendell) Tamm

Died November 13, … More Information
Paulette Sue (Wendell) Tamm died unexpectedly on November 13, 2014 at the age of 58 in Mountain Top, Pennsylvania.
Obituary published: November 14, 2014 in "Johnstown T-D"

▰ Paulette Sue Tamm

Died November 12, … More Information
Paulette Sue Tamm, born October 13, 1956 passed from this life on November 12, 2014 in Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania. Paulette was 58.

▰ Faye N Tamlyn

Died January 29, … More Information
Faye N Tamlyn, born February 26, 1919 passed away peacefully January 29, 2016 in West Chester, Pennsylvania. Faye was 96.

▰ Faye N Tamlyn

Died January 29, … More Information
Faye N Tamlyn, born February 26, 1919 went to be with her Lord and Savior January 29, 2016 in Paoli, Pennsylvania. Faye was 96.

▰ Frank C Tamlitts

Died October 31, … More Information
Frank C Tamlitts, of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, entered into eternal rest October 31, 2002. Frank was 90.
Obituary published: November 01, 2002 in "Pittsburgh P-G"

▰ Frank C Tamlitts

Died October 30, … More Information
Frank C Tamlitts, of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, joined the Lord October 30, 2002. Frank was 90.
Obituary published: October 31, 2002 in "Pittsburgh P-G"

▰ John A "Jack" Tamlia

Died November 10, … More Information
John A "Jack" Tamlia, age 65 of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord November 10, 1996.
Obituary published: November 11, 1996 in "Pittsburgh P-G"

▰ George Robert Frederick Tamke

Died May 31, … More Information
George Robert Frederick Tamke, of Pennsylvania, born in New York, was anxious to meet his Maker and Master May 31, 2006. George was 82.
Obituary published: June 01, 2006 in "Daily Item"

▰ Joseph T Tamino

Died February 19, … More Information
Joseph T Tamino, age 84 of North Braddock, Pennsylvania passed away February 19, 2004.
Obituary published: February 20, 2004 in "Pittsburgh P-G"

▰ Joseph T Tamino

Died February 18, … More Information
Joseph T Tamino, of North Braddock, Pennsylvania, joined the Lord February 18, 2004. Joseph was 84.
Obituary published: February 19, 2004 in "Pittsburgh P-G"

▰ Joseph Tamino

Died January 01, … More Information

▰ Charles "Chuck" Tamino

Died April 26, … More Information
Charles "Chuck" Tamino went into the presence of the Lord on April 26, 2004 in West Mifflin, Pennsylvania.
Obituary published: April 27, 2004 in "Pittsburgh P-G"

▰ Charles "Chuck" Tamino

Died April 25, … More Information
Charles "Chuck" Tamino passed away April 25, 2004 in West Mifflin, Pennsylvania.
Obituary published: April 26, 2004 in "Pittsburgh P-G"

▰ Stephen "Stac" Tamine

Died April 16, … More Information
Stephen "Stac" Tamine, of Pennsylvania, born in Kentucky, entered the Kingdom of Heaven April 16, 2005.
Obituary published: April 17, 2005 in "Trib-Rev"

▰ Helen Tamilowski

Died October 21, … More Information
Helen Tamilowski, of Monroeville, Pennsylvania, left herearthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home October 21, 2003. Helen was 95.
Obituary published: October 22, 2003 in "Pittsburgh P-G"

▰ Joseph L Tamilia

Died November 08, … More Information
Joseph L Tamilia, born June 28, 1926 joined the Lord November 8, 2016 in Ingram, Pennsylvania. Joseph was 90.

▰ Catherine A (Mareno) Tamilia

Died November 19, … More Information
Catherine A (Mareno) Tamilia died unexpectedly on November 19, 2003 at the age of 96 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Obituary published: November 20, 2003 in "Pittsburgh P-G"

▰ Catherine A (Mareno) Tamilia

Died November 18, … More Information
Catherine A (Mareno) Tamilia, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, entered into eternal rest November 18, 2003. Catherine was 96.
Obituary published: November 19, 2003 in "Pittsburgh P-G"

▰ Helen F (Wagner) Tamiggi

Died January 22, … More Information
Helen F (Wagner) Tamiggi, of Baldwin, Pennsylvania, joined the Lord January 22, 2004. Helen was 80.
Obituary published: January 23, 2004 in "Pittsburgh P-G"

▰ Helen F (Wagner) Tamiggi

Died January 21, … More Information
On January 21, 2004, Helen F (Wagner) Tamiggi, 80, of Baldwin, Pennsylvania left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home.
Obituary published: January 22, 2004 in "Pittsburgh P-G"

▰ Frank Tamiggi

Died October 02, … More Information
Frank Tamiggi, born February 13, 1926 went to be with the Lord on October 2, 2014 in Lawrenceville, Pennsylvania. Frank was 88.

▰ William D Jr Tami

Died July 23, … More Information
William D Jr Tami, of St Marys, Pennsylvania, entered into eternal rest July 23, 2010. William was 60.
Obituary published: July 24, 2010 in "BradEra"

▰ Bonnie Lynn Tami

Died January 29, … More Information
Bonnie Lynn Tami, born January 31, 1956 joined the Lord January 29, 2017 in Chandler’s Valley, Pennsylvania. Bonnie was 60. Tags: #Terry
Obituary: Bonnie was born on 31, 1956 and passed away on , 29, 2017. Bonnie was a resident of Chandler’s Valley, Pennsylvania at the time of passing. Bonnie was married to Terry.

▰ Lena M (Sigler) Tamgni

Died July 11, … More Information
On July 11, 1996, Lena M (Sigler) Tamgni, 95, of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home.
Obituary published: July 12, 1996 in "Hagerstown M-H (MD)"

▰ Joan M (Weslow) Tamewitz

Died September 14, … More Information
Joan M (Weslow) Tamewitz, age 69 of Wilkins, Pennsylvania, entered eternal life September 14, 2004.
Obituary published: September 15, 2004 in "Pittsburgh P-G"

▰ Joan M (Weslow) Tamewitz

Died September 13, … More Information
Joan M (Weslow) Tamewitz, of Wilkins, Pennsylvania, went to be with the Lord on September 13, 2004. Joan was 69.
Obituary published: September 14, 2004 in "Pittsburgh P-G"

▰ Isabel D Tamero

Died July 28, … More Information
Isabel D Tamero, of Cheswick, Pennsylvania, passed from this life on July 28, 2006. Isabel was 85.
Obituary published: July 29, 2006 in "Pittsburgh P-G"

▰ Isabel D Tamero

Died July 27, … More Information
Isabel D Tamero, a resident of Cheswick, Pennsylvania for decades, died July 27, 2006 in Cheswick, Pennsylvania at the age of 85.
Obituary published: July 28, 2006 in "Pittsburgh P-G"

▰ Isabel (Dally) Tamero

Died August 01, … More Information
Isabel (Dally) Tamero, of Cheswick, Pennsylvania, went to be with the Lord on August 1, 2006. Isabel was 85.
Obituary published: August 02, 2006 in "Coraopolis R"

▰ Lillian F Tamerler

Died July 08, … More Information
Lillian F Tamerler, born July 18, 1922 was anxious to meet her Maker and Master July 8, 2016 in Oakmont, Pennsylvania. Lillian was 93. Tags: #Robert
Obituary: Lillian was born on 18, 1922 and passed away on , 8, 2016. Lillian was a resident of Oakmont, Pennsylvania at the time of passing. Lillian was married to Robert Sr.

▰ Erma (Useted) Tameris

Died November 20, … More Information
Erma (Useted) Tameris, age 78 of Pennsylvania, born in North Castle, New York, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before she November 20, 2000.
Obituary published: November 21, 2000 in "Elmira S G (NY)"

▰ Mary Elizabeth Tamer

Died February 23, … More Information
Mary Elizabeth Tamer, born September 6, 1923 died on February 23, 2017 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Mary was 93. Tags: #James #George #Elizabeth #John #Daniel #Seton #Economics #University #Pittsburgh #Library #Information #Johnstown #Chartiers #School #Notre #Lady #Grace #Womens #Parish #Kathy #Susan #Crawley #Greg #Tamer #Becky #Falato #Mark #Advanced #Concordia #South
Obituary: Our mother, Mary Elizabeth Tamer, passed peacefully on 23, 2017. Mary Elizabeth was born 6, 1923, in Windber, Pennsylvania. She was preceded in death by her husband, James; parents, George and Elizabeth Solomon; brother, John Solomon; and grandson, Daniel Tamer. Mary Elizabeth was a strong, loving woman, deeply rooted in her faith and family. She attended Seton Hill where she earned a BS in Economics and the University of Pittsburgh where she earned a M.S. in Library and Information Science. She spent the first and last part of her career as an educator in Johnstown and a librarian in the Chartiers Valley School District. In between she raised her five children on her own after her husband passed away. her family, watching sports was her next love, especially Notre Dame and anything Pittsburgh. She was a prolific reader and bridge player and active n Our Lady of Grace serving in the Womens Guild and on the Parish Council. Mary Elizabeth is survived by her children, Kathy Tamer, Susan (Jim) Crawley, Greg (Jan) Tamer, Becky (Rory) Falato and Mark (Christine) Tamer; four siblings; nine grandchildren; 14 great-granchildren; as well as many nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. The family would very much like to thank the staff of Advanced Personal and Concordia of the South Hills for their loving care.

▰ Betty Tamer

Died December 07, … More Information
Betty Tamer, born September 22, 1926 died December 7, 2014 in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Betty was 88. Tags: #Richard
Obituary: Betty was born on 22, 1926 and passed away on , 7, 2014. Betty was a resident of Latrobe, Pennsylvania at the time of passing. Betty was married to Richard.

▰ Bette J (Shaffer) Tamenne

Died August 26, … More Information
Bette J (Shaffer) Tamenne left this earth on August 26, 2003 to meet with Jesus, her Lord and Savior in Plum, Pennsylvania.
Obituary published: August 27, 2003 in "Coraopolis R"

▰ Bette J (Shaffer) Tamenne

Died August 26, … More Information
Bette J (Shaffer) Tamenne left this earth on August 26, 2003 to meet with Jesus, her Lord and Savior in Plum Borough, Pennsylvania.
Obituary published: August 27, 2003 in "Plum A-L"

▰ Bette J Tamenne

Died August 26, … More Information
Bette J Tamenne passed away August 26, 2003 in Plum, Pennsylvania.
Obituary published: August 27, 2003 in "Times Express"

▰ Bette Tamenne

Died August 21, … More Information
Bette Tamenne passed away August 21, 2003 in Plum, Pennsylvania.
Obituary published: August 22, 2003 in "Pittsburgh P-G"

▰ Eleanor M (Sykes) Tamen

Died January 16, … More Information
Eleanor M (Sykes) Tamen, age 75 of Lower Paxton Twp, Pennsylvania, passed from this life on January 16, 2002.
Obituary published: January 17, 2002 in "Harrisburg P-N"

▰ Benjamin Tamen

Died December 12, … More Information
Benjamin Tamen, 86, of Lower Paxton Twp, Pennsylvania departed this life December 12, 2005.
Obituary published: December 13, 2005 in "Harrisburg P-N"

▰ Margaret L Tamea

Died June 25, … More Information
Margaret L Tamea, of Weatherly, Pennsylvania, passed from this life on June 25, 2013. Margaret was 93.
Obituary published: June 26, 2013 in "Hazleton S-S"

▰ Margaret (Lozosky) Tamea

Died June 26, … More Information
Margaret (Lozosky) Tamea, age 93 of Weatherly, Pennsylvania, entered into eternal rest June 26, 2013.
Obituary published: June 27, 2013 in "Hazleton S-S"

▰ Ida M (Greco) Tamburry

Died December 02, … More Information
Ida M (Greco) Tamburry, age 95 of Pennsylvania, born in Maryland, went to be with her Lord and Savior December 2, 2007.
Obituary published: December 03, 2007 in "Harrisburg P-N"

▰ Raymond Tamburro

Died May 30, … More Information
Raymond Tamburro, 73, of Masury, Pennsylvania departed this life May 30, 1998.
Obituary published: May 31, 1998 in "Sharon H"

▰ Pedina M (Monaca) Tamburro

Died March 13, … More Information
Pedina M (Monaca) Tamburro, age 88 of Verona, Pennsylvania, went to be with the Lord on March 13, 2007.
Obituary published: March 14, 2007 in "Coraopolis R"

▰ Martha (Gardner) Tamburro

Died July 29, … More Information
Martha (Gardner) Tamburro, a resident of Pennsylvania for decades, died July 29, 1999 in Pennsylvania at the age of 86.
Obituary published: July 30, 1999 in "Citizen V"

▰ Kayla M Tamburro

Died February 14, … More Information
Kayla M Tamburro, age 13 of Brentwood, Pennsylvania, departed this life Sunday February 14, 2002.
Obituary published: February 15, 2002 in "Pittsburgh P-G"

▰ Kayla M Tamburro

Died February 17, … More Information
Kayla M Tamburro, of Brentwood, Pennsylvania, entered eternal life February 17, 2002. Kayla was 13.
Obituary published: February 18, 2002 in "Pittsburgh P-G"
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