ᐅ Oregon Death Notices 2009-2025
Saucerman, Saucedo-diaz, Saucedo, Saucede, Sauceda, Saubert, Sauber...

Kelly, Ethel, Israel, Rick, Richard, Rebecca, Mathew, Lido, Augustine, Alex...

Database updated March 2025
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▰ Kelly A Saucerman

Died February 16, … More Information
Kelly A Saucerman, born December 5, 1959 entered the Kingdom of Heaven February 16, 2010 in Oregon. Kelly was 50. Tags: #Kelly #Emanuel #Portland #Oregon #Gordon #Elizabeth #Milwaukie #Kellys #Mary
Obituary: Many things can be said about Kelly Saucerman. Known to friends and acquaintances as a friendly, energetic, empathic and decisive woman, her compassionate nature would always shine through, revealing her charm, warmth and conscientious demeanor. She was warmhearted, gentle and organized in all the things she sought to accomplish. Kelly was a mentor, a natural eacher capable of seeing things clearly, leading others and bringing out the best in all of those around her. She generally had a focus on harmony and peace.

Kelly was born on 5, 1959 at Emanuel Hospital in Portland, Oregon. Her parents were Gordon and Elizabeth McGinnis. Kelly was raised in Milwaukie, Oregon. When she was young, Kellys friends and family found that straightforward and honest were perfect words to describe her. Even as a child, Kelly demonstrated strong qualities of self-confidence, perceptive ability and a disposition that was enjoyable to those around her.

Kelly grew up with one sibling. She had a younger sister, Mary. Kelly was constantly involved in all sorts of activities with her family. She was even-tempered, taking care not to get involved in too many family conflicts. This quality served her well, in perpetually bringing harmony, understanding and a sense of peace to the family. Kelly carried these traits into her adult life and served as one of many reasons why family and friends found her pleasurable and delightful to be around. Kelly was a person who genuinely understood and cared for others, making powerful connections with those she knew.

As a young girl, Kelly was imaginative, ingenious, clever and a ovel thinker. Regardless of whether her peers were older or younger, or came from different backgrounds, Kelly could easily relate to other kids. She was a Blue Bird, then Campfire Girl. At about 10 years old she was involved with American Legion Junior Auxilary. In her spare time she liked to listen to music, attend concerts, collect records, knit quilts and embroidering. Kellys memorable achievements included receiving several ribbons for cooking in 4-H club. However, to Kelly, the most fun to be had was simply playing and spending time with her many friends.

During her high school years, Kelly had a natural flair for cheering on and applauding just about everyone. She was constantly offering her support and encouragement to fellow members of the groups and activities in which she participated. She graduated from Milwaukie High in 1978. She did well in school and genuinely enjoyed telling stories in a way that drew people to her. In this way, Kelly had a talent for becoming kind of a social catalyst. Kelly was often found to be the lead person facilitating a group activity, frequently filling the role of being he life of the party. Teachers and classmates knew Kelly as an excellent listener. She placed a high value on learning and always understood that there was a new lesson to be grasped waiting for her just around the corner. The teachers she enjoyed learning from the most were "handsome" Mr. Bohlman and her English teacher, Mrs. McGinnis. Kelly was very good in math, business and could be found on the Honor Roll.

Kelly did well in college, as a result of her being intuitive and finely organized. She graduated from North Western Business in 1983. Her favorite course was business. Kelly also made the Deans list. The skill of being a good communicator helped Kelly immensely during her college days. No matter what class it was, Kelly was always very perceptive and embraced the mental challenges that her college experience provided.

Always considered a good friend, Kelly sought to understand the things that others enjoyed. For this reason Kelly always seemed to possess a never-ending collection of acquaintances. Kellys friends found her easy to know and get along with because of her talent for being socially at ease, adept at conversation, and always amiable in her dealings with others. Kelly would always seek to learn what her friends enjoyed, and she would go out of her way to make sure that their needs were met. Kelly was always seen as the type of person who was the more gracious giver. In fact, she sometimes felt ill at ease when she was the one on the receiving end. Throughout her life she had many friends. While growing up, some of her best friends were Ellen Harris, Darcy Hayden, and Kim Stansberry. Later in life, she became friends with Anna Whitaker, Elaine Medealf, Darey Saucerman, Fran Job, and a host of other very good friends.

Kellys quality of being a caring and tolerant person who was very accepting of others translated to being a good mother to her children. Kelly shared these values with her two children, two sons, Brandon and Dillon. Kelly was also blessed with two grandchildren, River and Aidan. Kelly related well to children of all ages and was able to connect to them on their level. The children always loved her and she was completely and totally devoted to them.

Kelly experienced success in her work life over and over again. Her primary occupation was insurance claims processor. She was employed for over 20 years in the insurance industry. Kelly always made the effort to understand what was needed at work, and was well known by her colleagues as a team player. Kelly took pride in managing her professional responsibilities and seemed to always know what was necessary to successfully complete a project. Kelly was one to take the initiative and her skills at working cooperatively were highly valued. Kelly continually sought to learn what her co-workers did well and how they were most effective, a talent that enabled her to help them develop their own potential.

Because she was organized and methodical, Kelly took great pleasure in her various hobbies. Her favorite pursuits were Needle Point, traveling, and entertaining. Kelly enjoyed sharing her passions with others continued...

▰ Ethel C (Bond) Saucerman

Died January 04, … More Information
Ethel C (Bond) Saucerman, of metro Portland, Oregon, entered eternal life January 4, 1996. Ethel was 100.
Obituary published: January 05, 1996 in "Oregonian"

▰ Israel Saucedo-Diaz

Died May 19, … More Information
Israel Saucedo-Diaz, 27, of Aloha, Oregon gained his wings on May 19, 2011.
Obituary published: May 20, 2011 in "Hillsboro Argus"

▰ Rick Saucedo

Died May 20, … More Information
Rick Saucedo, of Medford, Oregon, passed away peacefully May 20, 2010. Rick was 55.
Obituary published: May 21, 2010 in "Desert Sun (CA)"

▰ Richard Saucedo

Died May 05, … More Information
Richard Saucedo, age 54 of Medford, Oregon, joined the Lord May 5, 2010.
Obituary published: May 06, 2010 in "Mail Tribune"

▰ Richard Saucedo

Died May 05, … More Information
Richard Saucedo, age 54 of Medford, Oregon, passed away peacefully May 5, 2010.
Obituary published: May 06, 2010 in "ADT"

▰ Rebecca Rae (Benker) Saucedo

Died September 29, … More Information
Rebecca Rae (Benker) Saucedo, age 35 of Oregon, born in California, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before she September 29, 2000.
Obituary published: September 30, 2000 in "Salem Statesman J"

▰ Rebecca Rae (Benker) Saucedo

Died September 28, … More Information
Rebecca Rae (Benker) Saucedo, age 35 of Oregon, born in California, died on September 28, 2000.
Obituary published: September 29, 2000 in "Salem Statesman J"

▰ Mathew E "Matt" Saucedo

Died January 11, … More Information
On January 11, 2009, Mathew E "Matt" Saucedo, 33, of Aurora, Oregon left us to live with the Father in his new eternal home.
Obituary published: January 12, 2009 in "Oregonian"

▰ Lido Marguerito Saucedo

Died December 29, … More Information
Lido Marguerito Saucedo, age 75 of Oregon, born in Westminster, California, passed from this world into the next December 29, 2007.
Obituary published: December 30, 2007 in "Oregonian"

▰ Augustine Sr Saucedo

Died April 13, … More Information
Augustine Sr Saucedo, age 66 of Oregon, born in California, entered into eternal rest April 13, 2001.
Obituary published: April 14, 2001 in "Oregonian"

▰ Alex C Saucedo

Died July 02, … More Information
Alex C Saucedo, of Oregon, born in Merced, California, died on July 2, 2013. Alex was 77.
Obituary published: July 03, 2013 in "Klamath Falls H-N"

▰ Donna Jean Saucede

Died January 01, … More Information

▰ Maria N Sauceda

Died December 17, … More Information
Maria N Sauceda passed away December 17, 2001 in Oregon.
Obituary published: December 18, 2001 in "McMinnville NR"

▰ David A Sauceda

Died March 29, … More Information
David A Sauceda, of McMinnville, Oregon, died on March 29, 2000. David was 0.
Obituary published: March 30, 2000 in "Salem Statesman J"

▰ Iva Arlene (Benton) Saubert

Died August 26, … More Information
Iva Arlene (Benton) Saubert, of Oregon, died on August 26, 2009. Iva was 89.
Obituary published: August 27, 2009 in "Register-Guard (OR)"

▰ Clifton Sidney Saubert

Died March 15, … More Information
Clifton Sidney Saubert, age 89 of Florence, Oregon passed away March 15, 2007.
Obituary published: March 16, 2007 in "Register-Guard OR"

▰ William L "Bill" Sauber

Died January 26, … More Information
William L "Bill" Sauber, of Oregon, born in Nebraska, departed this life Sunday January 26, 2012. William was 78.
Obituary published: January 27, 2012 in "Hillsboro Argus"

▰ Robert Leonard "Bob" Sauber

Died June 19, … More Information
Robert Leonard "Bob" Sauber, of Oregon, died on June 19, 2012. Robert was 58.
Obituary published: June 20, 2012 in "Oregonian"

▰ Donald William Sauber

Died January 18, … More Information
Donald William Sauber, of Oregon, born in Lincoln, Nebraska, passed from this world into the next January 18, 2010. Donald was 80.
Obituary published: January 19, 2010 in "Hillsboro Argus"

▰ Donald William Sauber

Died February 01, … More Information
Donald William Sauber, of Oregon, born in Lincoln, Nebraska, passed away peacefully February 1, 2010. Donald was 80.
Obituary published: February 02, 2010 in "Oregonian"

▰ Lucy A (Peyer) Saub

Died July 16, … More Information
Lucy A (Peyer) Saub, age 88 of Clackamas, Oregon, passed from this life on July 16, 2004.
Obituary published: July 17, 2004 in "Oregonian"

▰ Clarence "Larry" Saub

Died November 20, … More Information
Clarence "Larry" Saub, of Portland, Oregon, passed away peacefully November 20, 2009. Clarence was 96.
Obituary published: November 21, 2009 in "Oregonian"

▰ Orion Christopher Satushek

Died June 27, … More Information
Orion Christopher Satushek, age 27 of Oregon, born in Bellingham, Washington, died on June 27, 2003.
Obituary published: June 28, 2003 in "Oregonian"

▰ Orion Satushek

Died July 03, … More Information
Orion Satushek, of Oregon, born in Bellingham, Washington, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before he July 3, 2003. Orion was 27.
Obituary published: July 04, 2003 in "Bellnghm H (WA)"

▰ Orion Satushek

Died July 02, … More Information
Orion Satushek, of Oregon, born in Bellingham, Washington, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord July 2, 2003. Orion was 27.
Obituary published: July 03, 2003 in "Bellnghm H (WA)"

▰ Lydia Sattler

Died July 17, … More Information
Lydia Sattler, born March 6, 1920 joined the Lord July 17, 2015 in Angel, Oregon. Lydia was 95. Tags: #Gustave
Obituary: Lydia was born on 6, 1920 and passed away on , 17, 2015. Lydia was a resident of Angel, Oregon at the time of passing. Lydia was married to Gustave.

▰ Leo Gene Sattler

Died March 01, … More Information
Leo Gene Sattler, of metro Portland, Oregon, joined the Lord March 1, 1996. Leo was 49.
Obituary published: March 02, 1996 in "Oregonian"

▰ John Ernest Sattler

Died February 07, … More Information
John Ernest Sattler, of metro Portland, Oregon, went to be with the Lord on February 7, 1996. John was 66.
Obituary published: February 08, 1996 in "Oregonian"

▰ Henrietta E (Mattson) Sattler

Died October 28, … More Information
Henrietta E (Mattson) Sattler, age 84 of Oregon, born in Armourdale Twp, North Dakota, went to be with her Lord and Savior October 28, 2003.
Obituary published: October 29, 2003 in "Oregonian"

▰ Dale Darwin Sattler

Died October 25, … More Information
Dale Darwin Sattler, age 82 of Oregon, born in Topeka, Kansas, passed away October 25, 2018.
Obituary published: October 26, 2018 in "Mail Tribune"

▰ Dale Darwin Sattler

Died October 20, … More Information
Dale Darwin Sattler, born December 18, 1935 went to be with the Lord on October 20, 2018 in Medford, Oregon. Dale was 82.

▰ Clinton Milo Sattler

Died July 17, … More Information
Clinton Milo Sattler, born April 6, 1933 died on July 17, 2016 in Portland, Oregon. Clinton was 83. Tags: #Pegg #Paxson #Springer #Chapel #Watson
Obituary: Clinton Milo Sattler, age 83, passed away on , 17, 2016 in Vancouver, Washington.

Clinton's life will be celebrated by family and friends and his memory will live on always.

are under the direction of Pegg, Paxson & Springer Chapel

Pegg, Paxson & Springer Chapel
4675 SW Watson
Beaverton, OR 97007

If you have any questions or need assistance, please call 503-644-1176.

▰ Clinton Milo Sattler

Died July 17, … More Information
Clinton Milo Sattler, born April 6, 1933 left earthly home and passed through the Veil to his Eternal Home July 17, 2016 in Beaverton, Oregon. Clinton was 83.
Family members and close friends: , Staff Of Pegg, Paxson & Springer Funeral Chapel Funeral Chapel

▰ Barbara Ilene (Demerly) Sattler

Died January 05, … More Information
Barbara Ilene (Demerly) Sattler, of Oregon, born in Michigan, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord January 5, 2010. Barbara was 85.
Obituary published: January 06, 2010 in "Oregonian"

▰ Margaret Elizabeth (Williams) Satti

Died May 23, … More Information
Margaret Elizabeth (Williams) Satti, of Beaverton, Oregon, went to be with her Lord and Savior May 23, 2003. Margaret was 86.
Obituary published: May 24, 2003 in "Oregonian"

▰ Margaret Elizabeth (Williams) Satti

Died May 29, … More Information
Margaret Elizabeth (Williams) Satti, age 86 of Beaverton, Oregon, joined the Lord May 29, 2003.
Obituary published: May 30, 2003 in "SF Chronicle (CA)"

▰ Lucille Katherine (Barnes)[Christensen] Satterwhite

Died November 30, … More Information
Lucille Katherine (Barnes)[Christensen] Satterwhite, age 91 of Oregon, born in Kentucky, went into the presence of the Lord on November 30, 2011.
Obituary published: December 01, 2011 in "Register-Guard"

▰ Wilson Bruce Satterthwaite

Died February 13, … More Information
Wilson Bruce Satterthwaite, age 89 of Oregon, born in Udall, Kansas, died on February 13, 2002.
Obituary published: February 14, 2002 in "GrantsPassDC"

▰ Wilson B Satterthwaite

Died February 10, … More Information
Wilson B Satterthwaite, 89, of Grants Pass, Oregon, entered the Kingdom of Heaven February 10, 2002.
Obituary published: February 11, 2002 in "GrantsPassDC"

▰ Harry O Satterthwaite

Died August 23, … More Information
Harry O Satterthwaite, of Oregon, born in Plylmouth, North Carolina, gained his wings on August 23, 2002. Harry was 48.
Obituary published: August 24, 2002 in "Register-Guard"

▰ Amy E Satterstrom

Died January 26, … More Information
Amy E Satterstrom, a resident of Eugene, Oregon for decades, died January 26, 1999 in Eugene, Oregon at the age of 86.
Obituary published: January 27, 1999 in "Spokesman-Review (WA)"

▰ Scott C Satterlund

Died August 17, … More Information
Scott C Satterlund, of Oregon, born in Cumberland, Wisconsin, died on August 17, 2003. Scott was 45.
Obituary published: August 18, 2003 in "Oregonian"

▰ Douglas Eugene Satterlund

Died February 12, … More Information
Douglas Eugene Satterlund, of Oregon, born in Longview, Washington, passed from this life on February 12, 2002. Douglas was 52.
Obituary published: February 13, 2002 in "Oregonian"

▰ Virginia (Hamilton)[Springer] Satterlee

Died April 05, … More Information
Virginia (Hamilton)[Springer] Satterlee, age 78 of Oregon, born in Yuma, Colorado, entered into eternal rest April 5, 2001.
Obituary published: April 06, 2001 in "Oregonian"

▰ Twila Rose (Hokanson) Satterlee

Died March 20, … More Information
Twila Rose (Hokanson) Satterlee, of Oregon, born in Washington, died on March 20, 2002. Twila was 62.
Obituary published: March 21, 2002 in "Corvallis G-T"

▰ Mabel J (Groven) Satterlee

Died May 15, … More Information
Mabel J (Groven) Satterlee, of Oregon, born in Tacoma, Washington, passed away peacefully May 15, 2002. Mabel was 94.
Obituary published: May 16, 2002 in "Hillsboro Argus"

▰ Lilburn Ray Satterlee

Died February 03, … More Information
Lilburn Ray Satterlee, of Oregon, joined the Lord February 3, 2016. Lilburn was 80.
Obituary published: February 04, 2016 in "Albany DH"

▰ Lilburn Ray Satterlee

Died February 02, … More Information
Lilburn Ray Satterlee, born September 22, 1935 passed from this world into the next February 2, 2016 in Albany, Oregon. Lilburn was 80.

▰ Leonard Satterlee

Died January 24, … More Information
Leonard Satterlee, age 92 of Oregon, born in Missouri, went to be with the Lord on January 24, 2012.
Obituary published: January 25, 2012 in "Register-Guard"
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