ᐅ Hawaii Death Notices 2009-2024
Siemons, Siemers, Siemann, Siegel, Siefermann, Siebert, Sidiaren...

Alice, Katherine, Charlotte, Herman, Betty, Valentine, James, Teodorico...

Database updated December 2024
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▰ Alice Dolores Siemons

Died September 28, … More Information
Alice Dolores Siemons passed away September 28, 2016 in Hilo, Hawaii.

▰ Katherine Louise Siemers

Died August 05, … More Information
On August 5, 1999, Katherine Louise Siemers, 78, of Hawaii left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home.
Obituary published: August 06, 1999 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Katherine L Siemers

Died August 04, … More Information
Katherine L Siemers, age 78 of Hawaii, born in Charleston, South Carolina, gained her wings on August 4, 1999.
Obituary published: August 05, 1999 in "Honolulu S-B"

▰ Charlotte Carol (Kim) Siemann

Died March 06, … More Information
Charlotte Carol (Kim) Siemann, of Kea'au, Hawaii, left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home March 6, 2002. Charlotte was 67.
Obituary published: March 07, 2002 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Herman "Hy" Siegel

Died January 15, … More Information
Herman "Hy" Siegel, of Hawaii, born in Brooklyn, New York, went to be with the Lord on January 15, 2008. Herman was 96.
Obituary published: January 16, 2008 in "Contra Costa (CA)"

▰ Betty Tomiko (Amano) Siegel

Died November 28, … More Information
Betty Tomiko (Amano) Siegel, of Hawaii, entered Heaven's gates on November 28, 1998. Betty was 73.
Obituary published: November 29, 1998 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Valentine Siefermann

Died January 01, … More Information
Valentine Siefermann, of Hawaii, passed away peacefully January 1, 1998. Valentine was 77.
Obituary published: January 02, 1998 in "Ft Myers N-P (FL)"

▰ James G Siebert

Died September 27, … More Information
James G Siebert, of Kapaa Kauai, Hawaii, died on September 27, 1999. James was 52.
Obituary published: September 28, 1999 in "Honolulu S-B (HI)"

▰ James G Siebert

Died September 21, … More Information
James G Siebert, age 52 of Hawaii, born in Cincinnati, Ohio, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before James September 21, 1999.
Obituary published: September 22, 1999 in "Honolulu S-B (HI)"

▰ Teodorico Saturnio Sidiaren

Died May 13, … More Information
Teodorico Saturnio Sidiaren, age 59 of Hawaii, entered eternal life May 13, 1999.
Obituary published: May 14, 1999 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Pascual Tabladillo Sidiaren

Died August 11, … More Information
Pascual Tabladillo Sidiaren, age 88 of Hawaii, entered into eternal rest August 11, 2004.
Obituary published: August 12, 2004 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Ida Mae O'Day (O'Day) Siders

Died April 07, … More Information
Ida Mae O'Day (O'Day) Siders, age 92 of Honolulu, Hawaii, left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home April 7, 2002.
Obituary published: April 08, 2002 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Alberta Rosalyn Siders

Died May 31, … More Information
Alberta Rosalyn Siders, born March 3, 1933 went into the presence of the Lord on May 31, 2020 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Alberta was 87.

▰ Claude Daniel "Dan" Sidebottom

Died December 03, … More Information
Claude Daniel "Dan" Sidebottom, of Hawaii, born in Fruita, Colorado, entered into eternal rest December 3, 2011. Claude was 71.
Obituary published: December 04, 2011 in "Topeka C-J (KS)"

▰ Wasim Siddiqui

Died December 21, … More Information
Wasim Siddiqui, born May 10, 1934 passed from this life on December 21, 2018 in Kaneohe, Hawaii. Wasim was 84.

▰ Donald Erwin Sichter

Died December 31, … More Information
Donald Erwin Sichter, age 73 of Hawaii, went to be with the Lord on December 31, 1999.
Obituary published: January 01, 2000 in "Honolulu A (HI)"

▰ Donald E Sichter

Died December 31, … More Information
Donald E Sichter, of Hawaii, went into the presence of the Lord on December 31, 1999. Donald was 73.
Obituary published: January 01, 2000 in "Honolulu S-B (HI)"

▰ Arthur L Jr Sicher

Died September 16, … More Information
Arthur L Jr Sicher, age 51 of Hawaii, born in Glendale, California, entered into eternal rest September 16, 1997.
Obituary published: September 17, 1997 in "Sacramento Bee (CA)"

▰ Arthur L Jr Sicher

Died September 15, … More Information
Arthur L Jr Sicher, of Hawaii, was anxious to meet his Maker and Master September 15, 1997. Arthur was 50.
Obituary published: September 16, 1997 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Marcos Bonifacio Sicat

Died October 19, … More Information
Marcos Bonifacio Sicat, of Hawaii, went into the presence of the Lord on October 19, 2002. Marcos was 55.
Obituary published: October 20, 2002 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Margaret M Halouska (Bernard) Sica

Died December 30, … More Information
Margaret M Halouska (Bernard) Sica, of Hawaii, died on December 30, 1997. Margaret was 94.
Obituary published: December 31, 1997 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Edelberto Acaso Sibunga

Died January 08, … More Information
Edelberto Acaso Sibunga, age 80 of Waipahu, Hawaii passed away January 8, 2003.
Obituary published: January 09, 2003 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Alden W Jr Sibley

Died July 18, … More Information
Alden W Jr Sibley, age 78 of Hawaii, born in Detroit, Michigan, joined the Lord July 18, 2002.
Obituary published: July 19, 2002 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Ethlyn B Sibilsky

Died April 11, … More Information
On April 11, 2001, Ethlyn B Sibilsky, 83 of Honolulu, Hawaii passed from this world into the next.
Obituary published: April 12, 2001 in "Honolulu S-B"

▰ Ethlyn B Sibilsky

Died April 13, … More Information
Ethlyn B Sibilsky, of Hawaii, passed from this life on April 13, 2001. Ethlyn was 83.
Obituary published: April 14, 2001 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Edward Louis Sr Sibilsky

Died July 21, … More Information
Edward Louis Sr Sibilsky, age 91 of Hawaii, born in Laurium, Michigan, entered the Kingdom of Heaven July 21, 2008.
Obituary published: July 22, 2008 in "Macon T (GA)"

▰ Anthony John "Tony" Sibilla

Died May 02, … More Information
Anthony John "Tony" Sibilla, age 72 of Hawaii, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, passed away May 2, 2002.
Obituary published: May 03, 2002 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Jonathan Andrew Sibert

Died March 10, … More Information
Jonathan Andrew Sibert, of Hawaii, was anxious to meet his Maker and Master March 10, 1998. Jonathan was 47.
Obituary published: March 11, 1998 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Billiamic Sibayton

Died July 29, … More Information
Billiamic Sibayton went into the presence of the Lord on July 29, 2015 in Keaau, Hawaii.

▰ Norberta Sato Siarot

Died June 15, … More Information
Norberta Sato Siarot, age 56 of Hawaii, passed from this world into the next June 15, 2002.
Obituary published: June 16, 2002 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Marcelino Daan Siarot

Died January 24, … More Information
Marcelino Daan Siarot, of Hawaii, went into the presence of the Lord on January 24, 1997. Marcelino was 86.
Obituary published: January 25, 1997 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Dennis Kaiama "Dennis Boy" Siarot

Died June 04, … More Information
Dennis Kaiama "Dennis Boy" Siarot, age 22 of Wai'anae, Hawaii, departed this life Sunday June 4, 2003.
Obituary published: June 05, 2003 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Pearla Wailua Siaris

Died August 11, … More Information
Pearla Wailua Siaris, born October 25, 1945 entered eternal life August 11, 2002 in Kaneohe, Hawaii. Pearla was 56.

▰ Don Brian Siaris

Died March 25, … More Information
Don Brian Siaris, age 42 of Waipahu, Hawaii, went to be with his Lord and Savior March 25, 2002.
Obituary published: March 26, 2002 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Henry Goo Siares

Died February 06, … More Information
Henry Goo Siares, of Hawaii, went into the presence of the Lord on February 6, 1999. Henry was 69.
Obituary published: February 07, 1999 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Tevita Halaiano Rev Siaosi

Died September 03, … More Information
Tevita Halaiano Rev Siaosi, of Ewa Beach, Hawaii, passed from this world into the next September 3, 2002. Tevita was 60.
Obituary published: September 04, 2002 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Muaaufeagai Punefu (Solaita) Siania

Died January 09, … More Information
Muaaufeagai Punefu (Solaita) Siania, age 85 of Hawaii, joined the Lord January 9, 1998.
Obituary published: January 10, 1998 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Paterno Siangco

Died October 29, … More Information
Paterno Siangco, age 69 of Hawaii, entered eternal life October 29, 1997.
Obituary published: October 30, 1997 in "Honolulu A"

▰ George Tayros Siangco

Died December 14, … More Information
George Tayros Siangco, age 67 of Hawaii, entered into eternal rest December 14, 1998.
Obituary published: December 15, 1998 in "Honolulu A"

▰ George T Siangco

Died December 15, … More Information
George T Siangco, of Wahiawa Oahu, Hawaii, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before he December 15, 1998. George was 67.
Obituary published: December 16, 1998 in "Honolulu S-B"

▰ Gerome Sherwood "Gigi" Siamani

Died March 07, … More Information
Gerome Sherwood "Gigi" Siamani, age 19 of Honolulu, Hawaii, passed from this world into the next March 7, 2003.
Obituary published: March 08, 2003 in "Honolulu A"

▰ John Ramel Siador

Died June 26, … More Information
John Ramel Siador, born October 25, 1932 departed this life Sunday June 26, 2016 in Honolulu, Hawaii. John was 83.

▰ Charles Labiano "Charlie" Siador

Died November 13, … More Information
Charles Labiano "Charlie" Siador, age 81 of Hawaii, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before Charles November 13, 1999.
Obituary published: November 14, 1999 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Teofilo Aggabao "Pilo" Siababa

Died March 29, … More Information
Teofilo Aggabao "Pilo" Siababa, age 91 of Hawaii, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord March 29, 2001.
Obituary published: March 30, 2001 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Teofila Aggabao "Pilo" Siababa

Died March 31, … More Information
Teofila Aggabao "Pilo" Siababa, of Hawaii, passed away peacefully March 31, 2001. Teofila was 91.
Obituary published: April 01, 2001 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Li Shuxian

Died June 15, … More Information
Li Shuxian died unexpectedly on June 15, 1997 at the age of 73 in Beijing C, Hawaii.
Obituary published: June 16, 1997 in "San Diego U-T (CA)"

▰ Jack Shuttleworth

Died April 21, … More Information
Jack Shuttleworth, of Hawaii, born in Ohio, joined the Lord April 21, 1997. Jack was 82.
Obituary published: April 22, 1997 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Clara Leilani Shuttleworth

Died September 22, … More Information
Clara Leilani Shuttleworth, age 90 of Kailua, Hawaii, passed from this life on September 22, 2002.
Obituary published: September 23, 2002 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Todd Kevin Shuttlesworth

Died August 21, … More Information
Todd Kevin Shuttlesworth, of Hawaii, born in Manchester, Connecticut, went to be with the Lord on August 21, 2000. Todd was 36.
Obituary published: August 22, 2000 in "Prov Journal (RI)"

▰ Margaret Elizabeth Shutes

Died December 05, … More Information
Margaret Elizabeth Shutes left this earth on December 5, 2002 to meet with Jesus, her Lord and Savior in Kona, Hawaii.
Obituary published: December 06, 2002 in "Times-Star (CA)"
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