ᐅ Texas Death Notices 2009-2025
Ruiz, Celestino, Cecilia, Cathy, Caterina, Catarina, Catalina...

Celestino, Cecilia, Cathy, Caterina, Catarina, Catalina, Casimiro, Carrie...

Database updated March 2025
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▰ Celestino Sr Ruiz

Died October 16, … More Information
Celestino Sr Ruiz, age 80 of San Angelo, Texas, entered Heaven's gates on October 16, 2008.
Obituary published: October 17, 2008 in "San Angelo S-T"

▰ Cecilia G Ruiz

Died November 08, … More Information
Cecilia G Ruiz, age 68 of San Antonio, Texas, entered into eternal rest November 8, 1995.
Obituary published: November 09, 1995 in "San Antonio E-N"

▰ Cecilia Hortencia Ruiz

Died April 20, … More Information
Cecilia Hortencia Ruiz, born July 9, 1960 died on April 20, 2016 in Houston, Texas. Cecilia was 55. Tags: #Ceci #Julio #Matamoros #Tamaulipas #Roberto #Cecilia #Dios #Joaquina #Cristina #Mayra #Gonzalez #Osvaldo #Mila #Tomas #Martin #Saldierna #Mario #Cuando
Obituary: Cecilia Hortencia Ruiz


Cecilia H. Ruiz, amada esposa, madre, hija, hermana y amiga, perdió su valiente batalla contra el cáncer de mama.
Ella durmió para abrir sus ojos ante la presencia del señor el 20 de abril, 2016.
Cecilia, conocida como Ceci, nació el 9 de Julio, 1960 en Matamoros, Tamaulipas. Su belleza, linda sonrisa, y humildad atrajo la admiración de Roberto

Ruiz. Los dos se casaron el 26 de mayo, 1984.
Encontraba placer en su jardín, plantando rosales y apapachándolos para hacerlos brotar bellas rosas. Disfrutaba la madre naturaleza y encontraba paz al lado de un rio o mar. Le encantaba todo color rosa y todo lo que era bello y brillante o como ella decía ling-bling.

Pero sobretodo, Cecilia amaba a Dios. Le gustaba asistir a la iglesia para adorar al señor porque ahí encontraba paz y fuerzas para seguir adelante.
A sus 55 años, marcados por la bondad, valor, lealtad y sacrificó, hace que su paso por este mundo haya sido y sea muy importante para su familia.

Cecilia fue a encontrarse con dios y con sus seres amados. Su madre, Joaquina, la encontró en el cielo. Ella dejo atrás a acariciar su memoria, su esposo de 32 años, Roberto y cuatro hijos: Cristina, Mayra (Troy Gonzalez), José Roberto y Osvaldo. Dios le concedió el placer de hacer abuela y cuidar a su nieta, Mila Rose, hasta los últimos días de su vida. Es sobrevivida por su padre Tomas y sus hermanos: José Martin (Imelda Saldierna) y Mario Enrique. También es sobrevida por lindos sobrinos, sobrinas, primos, primas, amigas, cuñadas, cuñados y familia.

Cuando me vaya, déjenme ir.no se aten a mí con lágrimas. Por los hermosos años que vivimos juntos démosle gracias a Dios. Si tienen que llorar, dejen que la fe en Dios conforte su pena, la vida sigue adelante, yo estaré cerca, sentirán el amor de mi amor en sus corazones. Y cuando ustedes tengan que viajar por este camino, junto con Dios, los recibiere y con una sonrisa les diré: ¡Sean bienvenidos, nunca más nos separaremos!

▰ Cecilia Ruiz

Died December 04, … More Information
Cecilia Ruiz died unexpectedly on December 4, 2004 at the age of 72 in Texas.
Obituary published: December 05, 2004 in "San Antonio E-N"

▰ Cecilia Hortencia Ruiz

Died April 20, … More Information
Cecilia Hortencia Ruiz, born July 9, 1960 joined the Lord April 20, 2016 in Houston, Texas. Cecilia was 55.
Family members and close friends: , Patricia Garcia Y Familia, Ernesto Ruiz, Luly's Morales, Amanda Zander, Irna Cruz, Hector Ruiz Jr, Margie & Robert Synoracki, Lorena Rodriguez, Corina Rodriguez, Sammy Rodriguez, Lupita Flores, Angel Barba, Erika Perales, Dalia Cecilia Perales, Esmeralda Ruiz Soliz, Claudia Janelfhia Lopez Walle, Cristina Cavazos, Florentina Flores

▰ Cathy Ann Ruiz

Died August 06, … More Information
Cathy Ann Ruiz, born April 2, 1965 left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home August 6, 2011 in Austin, Texas. Cathy was 46.
Family members and close friends: , Gilbert Paul Rodriguez, Cris Rendon, Rosie & Gilbert Tello

▰ Caterina Ruiz

Died May 21, … More Information
Caterina Ruiz, 79, of Weslaco, Texas, entered the Kingdom of Heaven May 21, 2000.
Obituary published: May 22, 2000 in "Valley M-S"

▰ Catarina (Rios) Ruiz

Died November 30, … More Information
Catarina (Rios) Ruiz, age 62 of Lubbock, Texas, died on November 30, 1998.
Obituary published: December 01, 1998 in "Clovis N-J (NM)"

▰ Catalina Gonzales Ruiz

Died February 18, … More Information
Catalina Gonzales Ruiz, born April 30, 1945 passed away peacefully February 18, 2017 in Midlothian, Texas. Catalina was 71.

▰ Catalina Rodriguez Ruiz

Died September 16, … More Information
Catalina Rodriguez Ruiz, born April 29, 1930 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord September 16, 2019 in Houston, Texas. Catalina was 89.
Family members and close friends: , Carol Sedberry, Virginia Hernandez, Betty Scull, Sandy Maples-long, Vilma Garcia

▰ Casimiro R Ruiz

Died June 13, … More Information
Casimiro R Ruiz, of San Antonio, Texas, entered eternal life June 13, 2002. Casimiro was 89.
Obituary published: June 14, 2002 in "San Antonio E-N"

▰ Carrie P Ruiz

Died September 17, … More Information
Carrie P Ruiz, born March 17, 1930 passed from this life on September 17, 2013 in San Antonio, Texas. Carrie was 83.

▰ Carolina O Ortega Ruiz

Died November 28, … More Information
Carolina O Ortega Ruiz, born November 4, 1912 went to be with the Lord on November 28, 2012 in El Paso, Texas. Carolina was 100.

▰ Carol Ruiz

Died November 12, … More Information
Carol Ruiz, born May 22, 1988 joined the Lord November 12, 2017 in Houston, Texas. Carol was 29.
Family members and close friends: , Carla Nelson-braden

▰ Carmen (Montoya) Ruiz

Died October 30, … More Information
Carmen (Montoya) Ruiz, of Austin, Texas, passed away peacefully October 30, 1999. Carmen was 79.
Obituary published: October 31, 1999 in "Statesman"

▰ Carmen (Gonzales) Ruiz

Died October 28, … More Information
Carmen (Gonzales) Ruiz, 80, of Texas departed this life October 28, 1998.
Obituary published: October 29, 1998 in "Rockdale R"

▰ Carmen Lozano Ruiz

Died July 08, … More Information
Carmen Lozano Ruiz, born March 15, 1934 departed this life Sunday July 8, 2017 in Texas. Carmen was 83.

▰ Carmen Ruiz

Died June 09, … More Information
Carmen Ruiz, born July 17, 1932 entered the Kingdom of Heaven June 9, 2017 in Houston, Texas. Carmen was 84. Tags: #Guadalupe #Ruiz #Carmen #Ricardo #Reynaldo #Houston #Texas #Beeville #Reyes #Beatrice #Calvary #Carmens
Obituary: Carmen Ruiz Sr., age 84, peacefully passed away, on , 9th 2017.
He is survived by his wife, Guadalupe (Tencha) Ruiz of 60 years; his sons, Carmen Ruiz Jr, Ricardo (Ricky) Ruiz and Reynaldo (Rey) Ruiz of Houston, Texas; and his 11 grandchildren, 24 great- grandchildren and 1 great-great grandchild expected in . He leaves this earth as a part of six generations of the Ruiz family legacy.

Carmen Ruiz Sr. was born on 17, 1932 in Beeville, Texas, to his parents Reyes and Beatrice Ruiz, who were migrant and farm workers. Our father, who in search of a better life, for his family came to Houston in 1960s and started his career in construction. He was responsible for bringing to life architectural wonders of beauty for many people in his 50 year career.
His family and friends will always remember him as a very hard working, no nonsense, and simple kind of man.
The funeral is scheduled for , 12th at Calvary Hill at 11:00 a.m. Visitation are scheduled for , 11th from 3:00-7:00 p.m. All are welcome to attend and celebrate Carmens life.
The family would like to thank everyone for their continued support and prayers. We are respectfully asking for any help you are able to give to aid with the funeral arrangements. Any monetary donations can be sent to Calvary Hill or given to the front desk, in care of funeral arrangements for Carmen Ruiz, Sr.

▰ Carmen Ruiz Sr

Died June 09, … More Information
Carmen Ruiz Sr , born July 17, 1932 died June 9, 2017 in Humble, Texas. Carmen was 84.

▰ Carmen Ruiz

Died January 21, … More Information
Carmen Ruiz, born April 18, 1938 entered into eternal rest January 21, 2019 in Arlington, Texas. Carmen was 80.

▰ Carmen Ruiz Sr

Died June 09, … More Information
Carmen Ruiz Sr , born July 17, 1932 died June 9, 2017 in Humble, Texas. Carmen was 84.

▰ Carlos Herminio Ruiz

Died September 01, … More Information
Carlos Herminio Ruiz, born August 28, 2017 entered Heaven's gates on September 1, 2017 in Mission, Texas. Carlos was 0.

▰ Carlos Ruiz

Died August 01, … More Information
Carlos Ruiz, born February 14, 1993 entered eternal life August 1, 2016 in Dallas, Texas. Carlos was 23.

▰ Carlos Ruiz

Died August 01, … More Information
Carlos Ruiz, born February 14, 1993 went into the presence of the Lord on August 1, 2016 in Dallas, Texas. Carlos was 23.

▰ Carlos Ruiz Sr

Died November 12, … More Information
Carlos Ruiz Sr , born December 4, 1955 departed this life Sunday November 12, 2017 in Houston, Texas. Carlos was 61.

▰ C Jr "Tony" Ruiz

Died June 21, … More Information
C Jr "Tony" Ruiz, 62, of Odessa, Texas departed this life June 21, 2001.
Obituary published: June 22, 2001 in "Odessa A"

▰ Brittany Danet Ruiz

Died May 30, … More Information
Brittany Danet Ruiz, born December 14, 2000 passed away peacefully May 30, 2016 in El Paso, Texas. Brittany was 15.

▰ Briann Alekzander Ruiz

Died July 17, … More Information
Briann Alekzander Ruiz, born August 29, 2011 entered into eternal rest July 17, 2017 in El Paso, Texas. Briann was 5.

▰ Briann Alekzander Ruiz

Died July 17, … More Information
Briann Alekzander Ruiz, born August 29, 2011 passed from this world into the next July 17, 2017 in El Paso, Texas. Briann was 5.

▰ Brenda J Ruiz

Died August 24, … More Information
Brenda J Ruiz, of Ft Worth, Texas, died on August 24, 2005. Brenda was 61.
Obituary published: August 25, 2005 in "Fort Worth S-T"

▰ Brenda (Warren) Ruiz

Died August 24, … More Information
Brenda (Warren) Ruiz, age 61 of Azle, Texas passed away August 24, 2005.
Obituary published: August 25, 2005 in "SpringtownE"

▰ Bonifacio L Ruiz

Died January 04, … More Information
Bonifacio L Ruiz, age 95 of Austin, Texas, died on January 4, 2000.
Obituary published: January 05, 2000 in "Statesman"

▰ Blasita Ruiz

Died February 25, … More Information
Blasita Ruiz, born November 29, 1932 went into the presence of the Lord on February 25, 2016 in San Marcos, Texas. Blasita was 83.

▰ Blanca Inez Ruiz

Died December 21, … More Information
Blanca Inez Ruiz, of Texas, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord December 21, 2019. Blanca was 46.
Obituary published: December 22, 2019 in "Tyler M-T"

▰ Blanca Alicia (Vargas) Ruiz

Died August 07, … More Information
Blanca Alicia (Vargas) Ruiz, age 86 of Texas, went into the presence of the Lord on August 7, 2012.
Obituary published: August 08, 2012 in "Statesman"

▰ Blanca Estela Ruiz

Died December 11, … More Information
Blanca Estela Ruiz, born January 28, 1955 joined the Lord December 11, 2014 in Penitas, Texas. Blanca was 59.

▰ Blanca Inez Ruiz

Died December 19, … More Information
Blanca Inez Ruiz, born October 25, 1973 left her earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home December 19, 2019 in Tyler, Texas. Blanca was 46.
Family members and close friends: , Martha Garcia, Rosendo Ruiz ( Deceased ), Jesus Ruiz And Wife Claudia, Norma Tarango And Husband Alejandro, Andrew Andrew Diaz, Juan Ruiz And Wife Corinna, Inez Ruiz ( Deceased ), Ruiz And Wife Felicitas, Maria Olivares And Husband Dagoberto, She Leaves Behind Numerous Nieces, Nephews And Cousins.

▰ Bessie Ruiz

Died December 21, … More Information
Bessie Ruiz, age 94 of Texas, went to be with her Lord and Savior December 21, 2004.
Obituary published: December 22, 2004 in "San Antonio E-N"

▰ Bertha Moreno Ruiz

Died August 20, … More Information
Bertha Moreno Ruiz, born October 20, 1938 left her earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home August 20, 2020 in Odessa, Texas. Bertha was 81.
Family members and close friends: , Marge Hook, Lisa Buss, Lorie Casas

▰ Bernardo "Ben" Ruiz

Died March 06, … More Information
Bernardo "Ben" Ruiz, of Haskell, Texas, died on March 6, 2000. Bernardo was 58.
Obituary published: March 07, 2000 in "Abilene R-N"

▰ Bentura Ruiz

Died January 02, … More Information
Bentura Ruiz, born July 14, 1973 entered into eternal rest January 2, 2016 in Plano, Texas. Bentura was 42.

▰ Bentura Ruiz

Died January 02, … More Information
Bentura Ruiz, born February 28, 1970 joined the Lord January 2, 2016 in Dallas, Texas. Bentura was 45.

▰ Benny S Ruiz Sr

Died November 04, … More Information
Benny S Ruiz Sr , born August 22, 1929 died on November 4, 2019 in Dallas, Texas. Benny was 90.
Family members and close friends: , Sarah Pantoja, Maria & Natalie Rodriguez

▰ Benjamin Paul Ruiz

Died April 20, … More Information
Benjamin Paul Ruiz, of Odessa, Texas, left hisearthly home and passed through the Veil to his Eternal Home April 20, 2009. Benjamin was 22.
Obituary published: April 21, 2009 in "Odessa A"

▰ Benjamin V Ruiz

Died October 31, … More Information
Benjamin V Ruiz left this earth on October 31, 2015 to meet with Jesus, his Lord and Savior in Laredo, Texas. Tags: #Maria
Obituary: Benjamin passed away on , 31, 2015. Benjamin was a resident of Laredo, Texas at the time of passing. Benjamin was married to Maria.

▰ Benjamin Ruiz

Died May 09, … More Information
Benjamin Ruiz, 43, of Burleson, Texas departed this life May 9, 2005.
Obituary published: May 10, 2005 in "Fort Worth S-T"

▰ Benancio V Ruiz

Died May 28, … More Information
Benancio V Ruiz, of Weslaco, Texas, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before Benancio May 28, 1998. Benancio was 79.
Obituary published: May 29, 1998 in "Valley M-S"

▰ Belen A Ruiz

Died April 06, … More Information
Belen A Ruiz, born July 1, 1924 entered into eternal rest April 6, 2016 in El Paso, Texas. Belen was 91.

▰ Beatrice Ruiz

Died October 17, … More Information
Beatrice Ruiz, of Freeport, Texas, left earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home October 17, 1996. Beatrice was 67.
Obituary published: October 18, 1996 in "Corpus Christi C-T"

▰ Beatrice Ruiz

Died January 01, … More Information
Beatrice Ruiz, born February 26, 1946 gained her wings on January 1, 2020 in Dallas, Texas. Beatrice was 73.
Family members and close friends: , Kat Morris, Renee Pena
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