ᐅ Texas Death Notices 2009-2025
Reyes, Anthony, Anselmo, Anselma, Annette, Anna, Anita, Angelita...

Anthony, Anselmo, Anselma, Annette, Anna, Anita, Angelita, Angelina, Angelica...

Database updated February 2025
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▰ Anthony Edward Reyes

Died July 26, … More Information
Anthony Edward Reyes, born July 13, 1945 entered eternal life July 26, 2020 in Denison, Texas. Anthony was 75.
Family members and close friends: , Coleen Anderson

▰ Anselmo Y Jr "Ray" Reyes

Died January 10, … More Information
Anselmo Y Jr "Ray" Reyes, age 44 of Texas, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before Anselmo January 10, 2005.
Obituary published: January 11, 2005 in "San Antonio E-N"

▰ Anselmo Reyes

Died January 18, … More Information
Anselmo Reyes, born April 23, 1923 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord January 18, 2017 in Texas. Anselmo was 93. Tags: #Alamo #Texas #Antonio #Juan #Baudelio #Guadalupe #Cecilia #Vigilia #Hillcrest #Little #Catholic #Polo #Road #Mount #North
Obituary: Anselmo Reyes, 93. Falleció el 18 de enero del 2017, en Socorro, Texas. El nacio el 23 de abril de 1923 en Alamo Alto, Texas. Lo sobreviven sus hijos: Antonio, Juan y Baudelio Reyes; hijas: Guadalupe Rubio y Cecilia Romo; 16 nietos y 8 bisnietos. Visitación se tomara acabo el domingo, 22 de enero del 2017 de 5:00 a 9:00 p.m. con Vigilia/Rosario a las 7:00 p.m. en Hillcrest -Carolina. Misa de se tomara acabo el lunes, 23 de enero del 2017 a las 9:00 a.m. en Little Flower Catholic Church, 171 Polo Inn Road. Sepelio seguirá en Mount Carmel . Servicios de funeral dirigidos por Hillcrest 1060 North Carolina Dr. 915-598-3332.

▰ Anselmo Reyes

Died January 18, … More Information
Anselmo Reyes, born April 23, 1923 entered into eternal rest January 18, 2017 in El Paso, Texas. Anselmo was 93.

▰ Anselma G Reyes

Died January 26, … More Information
Anselma G Reyes, born September 9, 1929 passed away peacefully January 26, 2010 in Webster, Texas. ANSELMA was 80.

▰ Annette Reyes

Died January 24, … More Information
Annette Reyes, age 35 of Texas, left earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home January 24, 2005.
Obituary published: January 25, 2005 in "San Antonio E-N"

▰ Anna Reyes

Died September 15, … More Information
Anna Reyes, born July 26, 1956 left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home September 15, 2015 in Dallas, Texas. Anna was 59.

▰ Anna Reyes

Died September 15, … More Information
Anna Reyes, born July 26, 1956 ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before her September 15, 2015 in Dallas, Texas. Anna was 59.

▰ Anita M Reyes

Died January 22, … More Information
Anita M Reyes, born July 26, 1934 ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before her January 22, 2016 in San Antonio, Texas. Anita was 81. Tags: #Arturo
Obituary: Anita was born on 26, 1934 and passed away on , 22, 2016. Anita was a resident of San Antonio, Texas at the time of passing. Anita was married to Arturo.

▰ Anita G Reyes

Died November 13, … More Information
Anita G Reyes, born April 21, 1927 ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before her November 13, 2010 in Houston, Texas. Anita was 83.

▰ Angelita H Reyes

Died December 24, … More Information
Angelita H Reyes, 60 of San Antonio, Texas, was anxious to meet her Maker and Master, December 24, 2000.
Obituary published: December 25, 2000 in "San Antonio E-N"

▰ Angelita N Reyes

Died November 26, … More Information
Angelita N Reyes, born April 7, 1931 departed this life Sunday November 26, 2016 in Alamo, Texas. Angelita was 85. Tags: #Jesus
Obituary: Angelita was born on 7, 1931 and passed away on , 26, 2016. Angelita was a resident of Alamo, Texas at the time of passing. Angelita was married to Jesus Reyes Sr.

▰ Angelita Reyes

Died August 10, … More Information
Angelita Reyes, born August 2, 1938 left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home August 10, 2016 in Abilene, Texas. Angelita was 78.

▰ Angelita Reyes

Died August 10, … More Information
Angelita Reyes, born August 2, 1938 entered Heaven's gates on August 10, 2016 in Abilene, Texas. Angelita was 78.

▰ Angelita Reyes

Died February 27, … More Information
Angelita Reyes, born July 6, 1925 entered eternal life February 27, 2015 in San Antonio, Texas. Angelita was 89.
Family members and close friends: , Victoria Gutierrez, Lonnie Montellano, Edgar Dejesus, Melissa Mata, Jennifer Dejesus, Angela Gutierrez, Mike Rhea, Pilar Cordova, Michael And Daphne Rayburn, Jay And Lisa Ernst, Patricia Hernandez, Annamarie Harding, Belinda Reyes, Samantha Wickens, Krystal Gutierrez

▰ Angelina G Reyes

Died July 16, … More Information
Angelina G Reyes, born October 11, 1961 joined the Lord July 16, 2020 in San Antonio, Texas. Angelina was 58.
Family members and close friends: , Elisa Deleon, Mary Cruz, Exylia Ambriz, Jennifer Kitchen, Marilyn Walker, Stephanie Moreno, Ruth Castor, Cindy Reyna, Sharon Hillmeyer, Heidi Brazil, Rene Maldonado, Alice Castaneda, Derek Dillberg, Pam Wells, Margarita Gutierrez, George Satchell, Sarah Pennington, Raya Crum, Angelina Is Survived By Her Parents, Lino And Angelina Gutierrez; Her Husband, Aurelio Reyes; Her Children, Exylia Ambriz ( Tino ) , Elisa Deleon ( Danny ) , And Jose Luis Almorejo; Her Grandchildren, Tino, Gabriella, Jerimiah, And Lia; Her Brothers, Lino And Jesse; Her Sister, Linda; And Her Half-brother, John., Michael Callen, Sonya Gutierrez, Brittany Ferguson, Melanie Miller, Diana Gonzalez, Molly Miller, Marivel Almorejo, Yvonne Torres, Eva Vega, Constanza Valdes, Teri Medcalf, Sunem Martinez, Ana Valle, Marisela Vargas, Joey Almorejo, Odilia Perales, Sarah Barfell, Rhonda Kerley, Catherine Rodriguez, Mary Bales, Diana Aguilar, Sherry Kiolbassa, Mary Wong, Tom Adelstein, Erick Sawyer, Sharenda Garcia, Juan Y Eva Ruiz, Carmina Reyes, Edna Elizondo, John Casarez, Rita Jones

▰ Angelica Reyes

Died February 29, … More Information
Angelica Reyes, born July 9, 1953 went to be with her Lord and Savior February 29, 2016 in San Angelo, Texas. Angelica was 62.

▰ Angelica Reyes

Died July 04, … More Information
Angelica Reyes, born December 11, 1954 entered the Kingdom of Heaven July 4, 2016 in El Paso, Texas. Angelica was 61.
Family members and close friends: , Lydia Martinez, Diane Morales, Hector Martinez, Alejandra Lords, Kim & Peewee Guzman, Arturo Martinez, Lydia Martinez, Marilyn Morrow Aldoff, Barbie Cuellar, Felipe Miranda, Rosa Luna

▰ Angela (Cruz) Reyes

Died July 19, … More Information
Angela (Cruz) Reyes, age 86 of Austin, Texas, went to be with her Lord and Savior July 19, 2012.
Obituary published: July 20, 2012 in "Statesman"

▰ Angel Reyes

Died May 24, … More Information
Angel Reyes, of Texas, entered into eternal rest May 24, 1998. Angel was 80.
Obituary published: May 25, 1998 in "Monitor"

▰ Angel Deleon Reyes

Died January 14, … More Information
Angel Deleon Reyes, born June 22, 1939 entered into eternal rest January 14, 2021 in Victoria, Texas. Angel was 81.

▰ Angel Reyes

Died June 18, … More Information
Angel Reyes, born October 1, 1929 entered Heaven's gates on June 18, 2018 in Pasadena, Texas. Angel was 88.
Family members and close friends: , Elsa Hernandez, Magda Reyes, Blanca Stella Turrubiartes ( Reyes ), Jasmin Reyes, Betzy Garcia, Guillermo Paz, Ana Bertha Turrubiartes Tapia

▰ Andrew Jr Reyes

Died September 13, … More Information
Andrew Jr Reyes, age 53 of Victoria, Texas passed away September 13, 2001.
Obituary published: September 14, 2001 in "Victoria Advoc"

▰ Andres Medina Reyes

Died June 16, … More Information
Andres Medina Reyes, of San Antonio, Texas, left hisearthly home and passed through the Veil to his Eternal Home June 16, 1999. Andres was 89.
Obituary published: June 17, 1999 in "San Antonio E-N"

▰ Andres A Reyes

Died December 20, … More Information
Andres A Reyes, a resident of San Antonio, Texas for decades, died December 20, 2001 in San Antonio, Texas at the age of 80.
Obituary published: December 21, 2001 in "San Antonio E-N"

▰ Andres Villa Reyes

Died September 15, … More Information
Andres Villa Reyes, born November 29, 1939 went to be with the Lord on September 15, 2014 in Austin, Texas. Andres was 74.

▰ Andres M Reyes

Died January 14, … More Information
Andres M Reyes, born August 7, 1957 died January 14, 2016 in La Feria, Texas. Andres was 58.
Family members and close friends: , Joshua And Kimberly Reyes

▰ Andrea B Pena Reyes

Died June 17, … More Information
Andrea B Pena Reyes, born October 5, 1957 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord June 17, 2016 in Pharr, Texas. Andrea was 58.

▰ Andrea Reyes

Died October 20, … More Information
Andrea Reyes, born May 6, 1922 passed away peacefully October 20, 2017 in El Paso, Texas. Andrea was 95.
Family members and close friends: , Elena Saenz, Bea Thick, Norma Fredericks-arenaz, Delia Esparza

▰ Anastacio Reyes

Died February 04, … More Information
Anastacio Reyes, born April 27, 1931 entered eternal life February 4, 2020 in Dallas, Texas. Anastacio was 88.
Family members and close friends: , Guadalupe Reyes, Fernando Reyes, Elsa Reyes, Beatrice Reyes, Fernando Reyes ( Wife Elizabeth Jacksis Reyes ), Lucio Reyes, Elizabeth Reyes, Sofia Reyes Oakley

▰ Anastacio Reyes

Died April 22, … More Information
Anastacio Reyes, born August 31, 1950 entered eternal life April 22, 2018 in Houston, Texas. Anastacio was 67.
Family members and close friends: , Ignacio Reyes Gardea, Jose Reyes Gardea, Sebastian Reyes Gardea, Alexis Joanna Rodriguez, Bianca Lizbeth Rodriguez, Alejandra Yaneli Rodriguez, Alejandro Giovanni Rodriguez, Victor Junior Dominguez, Ozkar Enrike Chavez, Izak Xavier Chavez, Inaki Emmanuel Chavez, Jackelyn Anastazia Chavez, Tadeo Guerrero Reyes, Maria De La Luz Reyes Gardea, Guadalupe Elena Reyes Gardea, Cleotilde Reyes Gardea, Ofelia Reyes Gardea, Adalberto Junior Narvaez, Frank Narvaez, John Marco Narvaez, Maribel Reyes De Rodriguez And Husband Alejandro, Lusidaid Reyes, Edith Reyes, Guerrero Reyes, Sebastian Reyes Mora ( Deceased ), Francisca Gardea, Socorro Moreno De Reyes

▰ Anastacia "Ann" (Saenz) Reyes

Died August 30, … More Information
Anastacia "Ann" (Saenz) Reyes, of Austin, Texas, was anxious to meet her Maker and Master August 30, 2012. Anastacia was 87.
Obituary published: August 31, 2012 in "Statesman"

▰ Ana Maria Reyes

Died April 02, … More Information
Ana Maria Reyes left this earth on April 2, 2017 to meet with Jesus, her Lord and Savior in Texas.

▰ Ana E Reyes

Died October 21, … More Information
Ana E Reyes, born May 27, 1964 joined the Lord October 21, 2016 in Laredo, Texas. Ana was 52.

▰ America Gonzales Reyes

Died June 02, … More Information
America Gonzales Reyes, born January 6, 1936 left her earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home June 2, 2015 in George West, Texas. America was 79. Tags: #Ruben
Obituary: America was born on 6, 1936 and passed away on , 2, 2015. America was a resident of George West, Texas at the time of passing. America was married to Ruben SR.

▰ Amelia Reyes

Died November 02, … More Information
Amelia Reyes, age 39 of San Antonio, Texas, died on November 2, 1995.
Obituary published: November 03, 1995 in "San Antonio E-N"

▰ Amayah Reyes

Died January 16, … More Information
Amayah Reyes, born September 21, 2012 entered eternal life January 16, 2014 in Dallas, Texas. Amayah was 1.

▰ Amalia Gutierrez Reyes

Died July 02, … More Information
Amalia Gutierrez Reyes, born May 31, 1936 was anxious to meet her Maker and Master July 2, 2015 in Manor, Texas. Amalia was 79. Tags: #Guadalupe
Obituary: Amalia was born on May 31, 1936 and passed away on , 2, 2015. Amalia was a resident of Manor, Texas at the time of passing. Amalia was married to Guadalupe.

▰ Amada Escamilla Reyes

Died August 20, … More Information
Amada Escamilla Reyes, born September 13, 1940 left earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home August 20, 2017 in San Antonio, Texas. Amada was 76.
Family members and close friends: , Lucy C. Salinas, Yolanda Herrera, Roland And Mary Ochoa, Celia Leija

▰ Alvino Villareal Reyes

Died February 05, … More Information
Alvino Villareal Reyes, a resident of Houston, Texas for decades, died February 5, 2003 in Houston, Texas at the age of 84.
Obituary published: February 06, 2003 in "Houston Chronicle"

▰ Alicia F Reyes

Died December 11, … More Information
Alicia F Reyes, 74, of San Antonio, Texas departed this life December 11, 2000.
Obituary published: December 12, 2000 in "San Antonio E-N"

▰ Alicia B Reyes

Died June 12, … More Information
Alicia B Reyes, born May 2, 1930 entered the Kingdom of Heaven June 12, 2017 in Kingsville, Texas. Alicia was 87.

▰ Alicia Reyes

Died July 12, … More Information
Alicia Reyes passed away July 12, 2002 in San Antonio, Texas.
Obituary published: July 13, 2002 in "San Antonio E-N"

▰ Alfred F Reyes

Died July 11, … More Information
Alfred F Reyes, born August 3, 1925 went to be with the Lord on July 11, 2009 in San Antonio, Texas. Alfred was 83. Tags: #Luther #High #Military #Antonio #Reyes #Olivia #Alfred #Manuel #Richard #Arthur #Christopher #Jeffrey #Marissa #Olga #Rudy #Soledad #Santos #Guerra #Valadez #Metropolitan #Odyssey
Obituary: Alfred F. Reyes born on 3, 1925 in San Antonio, Texas and went to be with the Lord on 11, 2009. Mr. Reyes was a graduate of Luther Burbank High School, he served in the Military. He was a key element in the growth of the family business San Antonio Packing Co. /Apco for over fifty years. Mr. Reyes is preceded in death by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Santos Reyes, Sr.; loving wife, of 53 years, Olivia S. Reyes; son, Alfred R. Reyes, Jr., and brothers, Manuel and Richard Reyes. He is survived by his son, Arthur D. Reyes; grandsons, Christopher and Jeffrey Reyes; great-granddaughter; Marissa A. Reyes; second wife Olga Reyes, siblings, Rudy F, Soledad F. and Santos F. Reyes and numerous nieces and nephews. Special thanks to the Guerra and Valadez Families for all your love and support, the ICU staff at Metropolitan Hospital and Odyssey Hospice for your care and assistance.

▰ Alfonso B Reyes

Died September 05, … More Information
Alfonso B Reyes left this earth on September 5, 2000 to meet with Jesus, his Lord and Savior in San Benito, Texas.
Obituary published: September 06, 2000 in "Valley M-S"

▰ Alfonso B Reyes

Died September 06, … More Information
Alfonso B Reyes, of Mexia, Texas, entered the Kingdom of Heaven September 6, 2000. Alfonso was 68.
Obituary published: September 07, 2000 in "Valley M-S"

▰ Alfonso A Reyes

Died March 16, … More Information
Alfonso A Reyes, born May 26, 1965 passed away peacefully March 16, 2016 in Rio Grande City, Texas. Alfonso was 50.

▰ Alfonso A Reyes

Died January 01, … More Information

▰ Alfonso Reyes

Died September 07, … More Information
Alfonso Reyes left this earth on September 7, 2000 to meet with Jesus, his Lord and Savior in San Benito, Texas.
Obituary published: September 08, 2000 in "Valley M-S"

▰ Alfonsa (Gonzalez) Reyes

Died July 27, … More Information
Alfonsa (Gonzalez) Reyes, of Texas, born in Chicago, Illinois, entered Heaven's gates on July 27, 1998. Alfonsa was 73.
Obituary published: July 28, 1998 in "Monitor"
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