ᐅ Missouri Death Notices 2009-2025
Ogden, Ogburn, Ogborn, Ogaz, Ogawa, Ogara, Ogan, Ofstad, Ofokansi...

Agnes, Cecil, Steven, Maxine, Luther, Eldora, Barbara, Arnold, Cruz, Richard...

Database updated March 2025
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▰ Agnes E (Kenney) Ogden

Died August 27, … More Information
Agnes E (Kenney) Ogden passed away August 27, 1997 in St Louis, Missouri.
Obituary published: August 28, 1997 in "St Louis P-D"

▰ Cecil Lee Ogburn

Died December 20, … More Information
Cecil Lee Ogburn, born January 2, 1922 went to be with the Lord on December 20, 2016 in Bethany, Missouri. Cecil was 94.

▰ Steven R "Steve" Ogborn

Died June 20, … More Information
Steven R "Steve" Ogborn passed away June 20, 1997 in St Louis, Missouri.
Obituary published: June 21, 1997 in "St Louis P-D"

▰ Maxine (Levil) Ogborn

Died February 13, … More Information
Maxine (Levil) Ogborn, age 88 of Missouri, born in Illinois, passed from this life on February 13, 2008.
Obituary published: February 14, 2008 in "Anna G-D (IL)"

▰ Luther P Ogborn

Died August 13, … More Information
Luther P Ogborn, age 87 of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, entered Heaven's gates on August 13, 2002.
Obituary published: August 14, 2002 in "Paducah S (KY)"

▰ Luther P Ogborn

Died August 14, … More Information
Luther P Ogborn, of Missouri, born in Kentucky, left us to live with the Father in his new eternal home August 14, 2002. Luther was 87.
Obituary published: August 15, 2002 in "Anna G-D (IL)"

▰ Eldora Grace (Pecord) Ogborn

Died May 19, … More Information
Eldora Grace (Pecord) Ogborn, age 92 of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, entered the Kingdom of Heaven May 19, 2010.
Obituary published: May 20, 2010 in "Anna G-D (IL)"

▰ Barbara (Simpson)[Treece] Ogborn

Died June 07, … More Information
Barbara (Simpson)[Treece] Ogborn, 57, of Cape Girardeau, Missouri departed this life June 7, 2006.
Obituary published: June 08, 2006 in "Anna G-D (IL)"

▰ Arnold L Ogborn

Died March 22, … More Information
Arnold L Ogborn, of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, left earthly home and passed through the Veil to his Eternal Home March 22, 1998. Arnold was 81.
Obituary published: March 23, 1998 in "Southeast Missourian"

▰ Cruz Ogaz

Died June 09, … More Information
Cruz Ogaz, of Kansas City, Missouri, entered into eternal rest June 9, 1999. Cruz was 45.
Obituary published: June 10, 1999 in "K C Star"

▰ Richard Ogawa

Died August 22, … More Information
Richard Ogawa, age 73 of Missouri, born in Honolulu, Hawaii, went into the presence of the Lord on August 22, 2006.
Obituary published: August 23, 2006 in "Columbia D-T"

▰ Richard Ogawa

Died August 24, … More Information
Richard Ogawa, age 73 of Missouri, born in Hawaii, joined the Lord August 24, 2006.
Obituary published: August 25, 2006 in "Col Mo"

▰ Dr Donald Toshio Ogawa

Died June 09, … More Information
Dr Donald Toshio Ogawa, age 38 of Ozark, Missouri, went into the presence of the Lord on June 9, 1997.
Obituary published: June 10, 1997 in "St Louis P-D"

▰ Donald Toshio Ogawa

Died June 09, … More Information
Donald Toshio Ogawa, a resident of Columbia, Missouri for decades, died June 9, 1997 in Columbia, Missouri at the age of 38.
Obituary published: June 10, 1997 in "Springfield N-L"

▰ Frank L Ogara

Died February 29, … More Information
Frank L Ogara, of North Kansas City, Missouri, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before Frank February 29, 2000. Frank was 77.
Obituary published: March 01, 2000 in "K C Star"

▰ Rosemary Helen (Cross) Ogan

Died March 19, … More Information
Rosemary Helen (Cross) Ogan, age 75 of LaMonte, Missouri, entered Heaven's gates on March 19, 1997.
Obituary published: March 20, 1997 in "K C Star"

▰ Richard Luther Ogan

Died September 21, … More Information
Richard Luther Ogan, 84, of Sedalia, Missouri departed this life September 21, 2006.
Obituary published: September 22, 2006 in "K C Star"

▰ Richard Luther Ogan

Died September 21, … More Information
Richard Luther Ogan, age 84 of Missouri, born in Ottumwa, Iowa, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord September 21, 2006.
Obituary published: September 22, 2006 in "SedaliaDem"

▰ Rev Leland C Ogan

Died January 26, … More Information
Rev Leland C Ogan, age 85 of Creve Couer, Missouri, went into the presence of the Lord on January 26, 1999.
Obituary published: January 27, 1999 in "Calhoun N-H (IL)"

▰ Lloyd Lee Ogan

Died August 22, … More Information
Lloyd Lee Ogan, of Sedgewickville, Missouri, was anxious to meet his Maker and Master August 22, 2001. Lloyd was 87.
Obituary published: August 23, 2001 in "Southeast Missourian"

▰ Leland C Pastor Ogan

Died January 08, … More Information
Leland C Pastor Ogan passed away January 8, 1999 in Missouri.
Obituary published: January 09, 1999 in "St Louis P-D"

▰ Leland C Pastor Ogan

Died January 07, … More Information
Leland C Pastor Ogan left this earth on January 7, 1999 to meet with Jesus, his Lord and Savior in Missouri.
Obituary published: January 08, 1999 in "St Louis P-D"

▰ Joseph E "Joe" Ogan

Died November 18, … More Information
Joseph E "Joe" Ogan, age 71 of Richmond, Missouri, entered the Kingdom of Heaven November 18, 2003.
Obituary published: November 19, 2003 in "K C Star"

▰ Jessica Marie Ogan

Died March 20, … More Information
Jessica Marie Ogan, 1, went to be with the Lord on March 20, 1996 in Independence, Missouri.
Obituary published: March 21, 1996 in "K C Star"

▰ George Wellington Jr Ogan

Died September 30, … More Information
George Wellington Jr Ogan, of Kansas City, Missouri, entered eternal life September 30, 1998. George was 80.
Obituary published: October 01, 1998 in "K C Star"

▰ Clydena M Ogan

Died October 15, … More Information
Clydena M Ogan, age 82 of Lebanon, Missouri, passed away peacefully October 15, 1998.
Obituary published: October 16, 1998 in "Springfield N-L"

▰ Wayne Ofstad

Died November 14, … More Information
Wayne Ofstad, born February 4, 1946 went to be with the Lord on November 14, 2015 in Washington, Missouri. Wayne was 69.

▰ Priscilla Chinwe Ofokansi

Died November 12, … More Information
Priscilla Chinwe Ofokansi, 63, of Kansas City, Missouri gained her wings on November 12, 2003.
Obituary published: November 13, 2003 in "K C Star"

▰ Krystal Ofodile

Died April 14, … More Information
Krystal Ofodile, born April 4, 1974 entered the Kingdom of Heaven April 14, 2019 in Columbia, Missouri. Krystal was 45.

▰ Fr Lawrence Nickels Ofm

Died May 01, … More Information
Fr Lawrence Nickels Ofm, born May 12, 1952 entered Heaven's gates on May 1, 2018 in St. Louis, Missouri. Fr was 65.
Family members and close friends: , Knights Of Columbus Of Greater St. Louis, Steve Harman

▰ Fr Edwin Albers Ofm

Died November 26, … More Information
Fr Edwin Albers Ofm, born February 21, 1934 entered the Kingdom of Heaven November 26, 2017 in St. Louis, Missouri. Fr was 83.
Family members and close friends: , Donna, Ken Gebken, Paul Repking, Bereavement Committee Knights Of Columbus, Bob Erb

▰ Fr Bernardine L Hahn Ofm

Died February 08, … More Information
Fr Bernardine L Hahn Ofm, born December 13, 1915 entered into eternal rest February 8, 2017 in St. Louis, Missouri. Fr was 101.
Family members and close friends: , Friends Of Priests Of Greater St. Louis, Knights Of Columbus Of Greater St. Louis, Kevin Kreifels, Mary Welsh

▰ Fr Austin Albers Ofm

Died August 09, … More Information
Fr Austin Albers Ofm, born July 7, 1936 entered into eternal rest August 9, 2016 in St. Louis, Missouri. Fr was 80.
Family members and close friends: , Thad Pieper, Mark & Karen Pruemer, Margie Ulses, Friends Of Priests Of Greater St. Louis, Joseph Maghe

▰ Fr Aloysius J Gabrus Ofm

Died June 15, … More Information
Fr Aloysius J Gabrus Ofm, born March 23, 1945 died June 15, 2015 in St. Louis, Missouri. Fr was 70.
Family members and close friends: , Jane Kennedy, Jenny Bartels, June Sellung, Christopher Luboski, Ute And Gary Kegel, Carol Polich

▰ Noble Paul Ofield

Died March 12, … More Information
Noble Paul Ofield, of Kansas City, Missouri, went into the presence of the Lord on March 12, 1998. Noble was 57.
Obituary published: March 13, 1998 in "K C Star"

▰ Martha K (Metter)[Beiser] Ofiara

Died November 16, … More Information
Martha K (Metter)[Beiser] Ofiara went into the presence of the Lord on November 16, 1998 in Missouri.
Obituary published: November 17, 1998 in "St Louis P-D"

▰ Martha K (Metter)[Beiser] Ofiara

Died November 15, … More Information
Martha K (Metter)[Beiser] Ofiara left this earth on November 15, 1998 to meet with Jesus, her Lord and Savior in Missouri.
Obituary published: November 16, 1998 in "St Louis P-D"

▰ Tamera Lynn Offutt

Died November 29, … More Information
Tamera Lynn Offutt, 19, of Lebanon, Missouri departed this life November 29, 1997.
Obituary published: November 30, 1997 in "Springfield N-L"

▰ Steven Owen Offutt

Died August 07, … More Information
Steven Owen Offutt, age 89 of Missouri, born in Morganfield, Kentucky, went to be with the Lord on August 7, 2008.
Obituary published: August 08, 2008 in "Monett T"

▰ Roberta "Maurine" Offutt

Died May 25, … More Information
Roberta "Maurine" Offutt passed away peacefully May 25, 2001, at her home in Orrick, Missouri. She was 91.
Obituary published: May 26, 2001 in "K C Star"

▰ Richard G Offutt

Died December 03, … More Information
Richard G Offutt, age 81 of Raytown, Missouri, passed from this world into the next December 3, 1996.
Obituary published: December 04, 1996 in "K C Star"

▰ Nellie Irene (Baker) Offutt

Died December 11, … More Information
Nellie Irene (Baker) Offutt, age 84 of Kansas City, Missouri, entered the Kingdom of Heaven December 11, 2006.
Obituary published: December 12, 2006 in "K C Star"

▰ Mr James A Offutt

Died August 03, … More Information
Mr James A Offutt, born November 18, 1934 died on August 3, 2010 in Columbia, Missouri. Mr was 75.

▰ Minnie (Carlyle) Offutt

Died February 04, … More Information
Minnie (Carlyle) Offutt, age 87 of Mexico, Missouri, left herearthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home February 4, 2004.
Obituary published: February 05, 2004 in "Columbia D-T"

▰ Matthew Lee Offutt

Died April 24, … More Information
Matthew Lee Offutt, of Kirksville, Missouri, entered into eternal rest April 24, 2009. Matthew was 0.
Obituary published: April 25, 2009 in "Star Beacon (OH)"

▰ Mary Lois Offutt

Died March 07, … More Information
Mary Lois Offutt, of Independence, Missouri, departed this life Sunday March 7, 2001. Mary was 81.
Obituary published: March 08, 2001 in "Independence E"

▰ Mary Lois Offutt

Died March 07, … More Information
Mary Lois Offutt, 81, went to be with the Lord on March 7, 2001 in Independence, Missouri.
Obituary published: March 08, 2001 in "K C Star"

▰ Marjorie F Offutt

Died July 13, … More Information
Marjorie F Offutt, born September 17, 1920 passed from this world into the next July 13, 2010 in Raymore, Missouri. Marjorie was 89. Tags: #George #Chestnut #Belton #Hampton #Platte #Endowment #Sept #Howard #Lorene #Church #Offutt #Reginal #Lloyd #Dehnert #Washington #Jill #Jeff #Corri #Ryan #Trey #Katie #Jacqueline #Josiah
Obituary: Marjorie Faye Offutt, 89, of Belton, Mo., passed away 13, 2010. service will be 1 p.m. , 17, at McGilley & George , 611 Chestnut, Belton. Visitation 12 to 1 p.m. prior to the service. Graveside service at 3 p.m. in the Hampton near Platte City, Mo. Contributions are suggested to the Hampton Endowment Fund c/o McGilley & George , PO Box 182, Belton, MO 64012. Marjorie was born Sept. 17, 1920, in Platte , Mo., to Howard and Lorene Moore. She was a member of the Belton Christian Church and was a secretary/bookkeeper for Offutt Trucking. Marjorie enjoyed gardening and serving her loving family. Preceded in death by a step-brother, Reginal Jacks. Survived by husband of 72 years, Lloyd B. Offutt; two daughters, Joy and Bob Dehnert, Washington, D.C., and Jill and Jeff Warren, Belton; six grandchildren, Corri Clark, Ryan Clark, Trey Warren, Jill Olmstead, Katie Mares and Jacqueline Dehnert; and a great grandson, Josiah Olmstead. Condolences may be left at www.mcgilleygeorgebelton.com McGilley & George , 611 Chestnut, Belton, MO 64012, 816-322-2995

▰ Loraine Inman Offutt

Died April 12, … More Information
Loraine Inman Offutt, of Lee's Summit, Missouri, went to be with her Lord and Savior April 12, 2000. Loraine was 94.
Obituary published: April 13, 2000 in "K C Star"

▰ Lloyd B Offutt

Died June 16, … More Information
Lloyd B Offutt, born July 29, 1913 was anxious to meet his Maker and Master June 16, 2012 in Raymore, Missouri. Lloyd was 98. Tags: #Graveside #Hampton #Platte #Missouri #Joseph #Mattie #Kansas #Royals #Marjorie #Mary #Tody #Dehnert #Washington #Jill #Jeff #Belton #Corey #Ryan #Trey #Katie #Jacqueline #George #Cremation #Chestnut
Obituary: Lloyd B Offutt, 98, of Belton Missouri passed away 16 2012. The funeral service will be 19 2012 at McGilley and George home, 611 Chestnut, Belton, MO. Visitation will be held 12 to 1pm prior to the service. The Graveside service will be 2:30pm at the Hampton near Platte City, Missouri. Lloyd was born 29 1913 in Platte , Missouri to Joseph and Mattie Offutt. His life avocation was farmer and owner-operator of a trucking business but his passion was his wife, daughters and grandchildren. Lloyd lived life to the fullest enjoying traveling, gardening and being a fan of the Kansas City Royals, but his greatest joy was sharing time with the family. He was preceded in death by wife of 72 years, Marjorie Offutt and sisters Mary Babcock and Tody Hughes. He is survived by 2 daughters Joy and Bob Dehnert of Washington DC and Jill and Jeff Warren, of Belton Missouri; 6 grandchildren Corey Clark, Ryan Clark, Trey Warren, Jill Olmstead, Katie Mares and Jacqueline Dehnert; and 4 great- grandchildren. Contributions are suggested to the Hampton endowment fund in care of McGilley and George , PO Box 182, Belton, MO 64012. (Condolences may be left at mcgilleygeorge belton.com) McGilley and George and Cremation Services, 611 Chestnut, Belton, MO 64012, 816-322-2995 www.mcgilleygeorgebelton.com
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