ᐅ California Death Notices 2009-2025
Nanale, Nana, Nan, Namwong, Namvong, Namsung, Namson, Namsaly...

Ms, Mr, Johnathan, George, Leona, June, Jem, James, Debbie, Chy, Carl, Arthur...

Database updated March 2025
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▰ Ms Ann Marie S Nanale

Died June 03, … More Information
Ms Ann Marie S Nanale, born August 22, 1969 died June 3, 2013 in San Diego, California. Ms was 43.

▰ Mr Eleodoro Dichoson Nanale

Died December 11, … More Information
Mr Eleodoro Dichoson Nanale, born November 21, 1931 departed this life Sunday December 11, 2017 in San Diego, California. Mr was 86.

▰ Johnathan Polanco Nana

Died July 30, … More Information
Johnathan Polanco Nana, born October 10, 1976 passed away peacefully July 30, 2016 in Chualar, California. Johnathan was 39.

▰ George C Jr "Mayor" Nana

Died December 27, … More Information
George C Jr "Mayor" Nana, age 50 of Watsonville, California, passed from this world into the next December 27, 2002.
Obituary published: December 28, 2002 in "Monterey Herald"

▰ Leona Leavitt Nan

Died February 17, … More Information
Leona Leavitt Nan, born April 24, 1918 passed from this life on February 17, 2018 in Fresno, California. Leona was 99.
Family members and close friends: , Stephens & Bean Chapel

▰ June Mak Chu Nan

Died February 04, … More Information
June Mak Chu Nan, born November 6, 1958 departed this life Sunday February 4, 2021 in Whittier, California. June was 62.

▰ Jem (Khoun) [Roeung] Nan

Died January 19, … More Information
Jem (Khoun) [Roeung] Nan, of California, entered eternal life January 19, 2005. Jem was 93.
Obituary published: January 20, 2005 in "Modesto Bee"

▰ James Allen Nan

Died September 10, … More Information
James Allen Nan, born February 28, 1962 departed this life Sunday September 10, 2020 in Hughson, California. James was 58.
Family members and close friends: , Arthur Nan, Danielle Miller ( Derek ), Nora Bottasso, Donna Lynn Nan, Brittany Ramey ( Nick ), Anna Mae Huber, Kensington Miller, Wayne Nan, Marie Harrison, Braxton Miller, Leighton Miller

▰ Debbie (Labate) Nan

Died March 03, … More Information
Debbie (Labate) Nan, of San Francisco, California, entered Heaven's gates on March 3, 2003. Debbie was 48.
Obituary published: March 04, 2003 in "Modesto Bee"

▰ Chy Nan

Died March 03, … More Information
Chy Nan passed away March 3, 2003 in California.
Obituary published: March 04, 2003 in "Long Beach P-T"

▰ Carl N Nan

Died April 09, … More Information
Carl N Nan, age 84 of Madera, California, entered Heaven's gates on April 9, 2006.
Obituary published: April 10, 2006 in "Fresno B"

▰ Arthur John Nan

Died January 15, … More Information
Arthur John Nan, age 74 of Fresno, California, went to be with his Lord and Savior January 15, 2001.
Obituary published: January 16, 2001 in "Fresno B"

▰ Tu (Borisoot)[Maenkeo] Namwong

Died October 18, … More Information
Tu (Borisoot)[Maenkeo] Namwong, of California, departed this life Sunday October 18, 2001. Tu was 71.
Obituary published: October 19, 2001 in "FSDailyRep"

▰ Jiang Namvong

Died February 18, … More Information
Jiang Namvong, age 86 of California, departed this life Sunday February 18, 1999.
Obituary published: February 19, 1999 in "San Diego U-T"

▰ Nisa Namsung

Died October 02, … More Information
Nisa Namsung, born February 18, 1944 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord October 2, 2019 in Colton, California. Nisa was 75.
Family members and close friends: , Montip Chumnanrob, Nimit Namsung, Robert Cantos, Nid ( David ), Patrick Plymesser, Varin ( Alex ), Oodie ( Abby ), Nat ( Rebecca )

▰ Sandra Namson

Died January 01, … More Information

▰ James Arne Namson

Died May 30, … More Information
James Arne Namson, age 54 of Rancho Mirage, California, died on May 30, 2008.
Obituary published: May 31, 2008 in "Desert Sun"

▰ Kheua Namsaly

Died September 26, … More Information
Kheua Namsaly, born May 1, 1949 entered Heaven's gates on September 26, 2017 in California. Kheua was 68.

▰ Penieh Ishou Namrod

Died August 06, … More Information
Penieh Ishou Namrod, born April 26, 1935 passed from this world into the next August 6, 2014 in Modesto, California. Penieh was 79.

▰ Thankam Nampoori

Died October 21, … More Information
Thankam Nampoori, born May 15, 1937 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord October 21, 2014 in San Jose, California. Thankam was 77.

▰ Laila Namoury

Died November 13, … More Information
Laila Namoury, born May 25, 1947 passed away peacefully November 13, 2019 in Westminster, California. Laila was 72.

▰ Castor Namocot

Died October 04, … More Information
Castor Namocot, of California, born in Ewa, Hawaii, passed away peacefully October 4, 2006. Castor was 68.
Obituary published: October 05, 2006 in "Contra Costa"

▰ Anselma H Namocatcat

Died January 01, … More Information

▰ Anselma H Namocatcat

Died January 01, … More Information

▰ Salah Aref Nammari

Died August 27, … More Information
Salah Aref Nammari passed away August 27, 1990 in Whittier, California.

▰ Bounkham Ken Nammachanthy

Died April 14, … More Information
Bounkham Ken Nammachanthy, born March 1, 1948 passed from this world into the next April 14, 2016 in California. Bounkham was 68.

▰ Bounkham Ken Nammachanthy

Died April 14, … More Information
Bounkham Ken Nammachanthy, born March 1, 1948 went to be with the Lord on April 14, 2016 in Hughson, California. Bounkham was 68.
Family members and close friends: , Lakewood Funeral Home, Gabriel Belloso

▰ John Phillips Namle

Died June 21, … More Information
John Phillips Namle, of Sacramento, California, entered Heaven's gates on June 21, 2004. John was 85.
Obituary published: June 22, 2004 in "Sacramento Bee"

▰ John Phillips Namle

Died June 22, … More Information
John Phillips Namle, of Sacramento, California, departed this life Sunday June 22, 2004. John was 85.
Obituary published: June 23, 2004 in "Sacramento Bee"

▰ Margaret Namit

Died February 15, … More Information
Margaret Namit, age 86 of California, born in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, went to be with her Lord and Savior February 15, 2006.
Obituary published: February 16, 2006 in "Redding R-S"

▰ Margaret Namit

Died February 13, … More Information
Margaret Namit, 85, went to be with the Lord on February 13, 2006 in Redding, California.
Obituary published: February 14, 2006 in "Redding R-S"

▰ Ann G Namiot

Died January 12, … More Information
Ann G Namiot, of California, born in Brooklyn, New York, gained her wings on January 12, 2004.
Obituary published: January 13, 2004 in "Los Angeles T"

▰ Hassan Miramidy Naminy

Died May 10, … More Information
Hassan Miramidy Naminy, born May 22, 1952 gained his wings on May 10, 2013 in North Hollywood, California. Hassan was 60.

▰ Sacha F Namin

Died August 31, … More Information
Sacha F Namin, of Torrance, California, went to be with the Lord on August 31, 2018. Sacha was 32.
Obituary published: September 01, 2018 in "OCR"

▰ Laura Keiko Namimoto

Died July 22, … More Information
Laura Keiko Namimoto, born April 25, 1969 went to be with the Lord on July 22, 1971 in Whittier, California. LAURA was 2.

▰ Kenneth T Namimatsu

Died January 13, … More Information
Kenneth T Namimatsu, age 78 of Saratoga, California, passed from this life on January 13, 2015.
Obituary published: January 14, 2015 in "San Mateo T"

▰ Kenneth Toshikazu Namimatsu

Died December 30, … More Information
Kenneth Toshikazu Namimatsu, born June 2, 1936 died December 30, 2014 in Saratoga, California. Kenneth was 78.

▰ Kenneth Toshikazu Namimatsu

Died December 30, … More Information
Kenneth Toshikazu Namimatsu, born June 2, 1936 died on December 30, 2014 in San Jose, California. Kenneth was 78.

▰ Hideo "Henry" Namimatsu

Died January 03, … More Information
Hideo "Henry" Namimatsu, of Sartoga, California, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before Hideo January 3, 1998. Hideo was 89.
Obituary published: January 04, 1998 in "San Jose M-N"

▰ Hatsuko (Yamaoka) Namimatsu

Died April 27, … More Information
Hatsuko (Yamaoka) Namimatsu, 90, of Saratoga, California departed this life April 27, 2005.
Obituary published: April 28, 2005 in "San Jose M-N"

▰ Chieko Namimatsu

Died September 13, … More Information
Chieko Namimatsu, born January 1, 1925 died on September 13, 2018 in Glendora, California. Chieko was 93.
Family members and close friends: , Lynsey Hacker, Ms. Namimatsu Also Leaves Behind Five Grandchildren And One Great Grandchild To Honor And Cherish Her Memories., Lynsey Hacker, Adrienne Curayag, Larry Namimatsu, Katherine Onishi, Lester Namimatsu, Lance Hacker

▰ Ken Namikawa

Died February 06, … More Information
Ken Namikawa, of Sacramento, California, gained his wings on February 6, 2021. Ken was 81.
Obituary published: February 07, 2021 in "Sacramento Bee"

▰ Ada Consuelo Namihas

Died November 09, … More Information
Ada Consuelo Namihas, born November 11, 1930 passed from this life on November 9, 2020 in Bellflower, California. Ada was 89.
Family members and close friends: , Guillermo Carlos Miranda Arosemena

▰ Jerome Namias

Died February 12, … More Information
Jerome Namias, of San Diego, California, was anxious to meet his Maker and Master February 12, 1997. Jerome was 86.
Obituary published: February 13, 1997 in "Atlanta Journal (GA)"

▰ Jerome Namias

Died February 12, … More Information
Jerome Namias, 86, of San Diego, California departed this life February 12, 1997.
Obituary published: February 13, 1997 in "Wash DC Post (DC)"

▰ Jerome Namias

Died February 11, … More Information
Jerome Namias, of San Diego, California, left earthly home and passed through the Veil to his Eternal Home February 11, 1997. Jerome was 86.
Obituary published: February 12, 1997 in "Los Angeles T"

▰ Jerome Namias

Died February 10, … More Information
Jerome Namias, of California, born in Bridgeport, Connecticut, entered Heaven's gates on February 10, 1997. Jerome was 86.
Obituary published: February 11, 1997 in "San Diego U-T"

▰ Jerome Namias

Died February 10, … More Information
Jerome Namias, a resident of California for decades, died February 10, 1997 in California at the age of 86.
Obituary published: February 11, 1997 in "SO BAY D-B"

▰ Jerome Namias

Died February 11, … More Information
Jerome Namias, age 86 of San Diego, California, entered into eternal rest February 11, 1997.
Obituary published: February 12, 1997 in "Tampa Trib (FL)"

▰ Steila M (Hanson) Namhie

Died August 13, … More Information
Steila M (Hanson) Namhie, of California, born in Oregon, went to be with the Lord on August 13, 2008. Steila was 57.
Obituary published: August 14, 2008 in "Oregonian (OR)"
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Information may include (when available): known aliases or other names, marital status, birth date and age, family members or cohabitants, arrest or conviction history, association with business, work history, professional or business licenses, property records, tax records, litigation history, driver records, and even political party affiliation.