ᐅ California Death Notices 2009-2025
Nakao, Nakanoq, Nakano, Yoshie, Tsumaye, Toshiko, Tom, Thomas...

Yoshie, Tsumaye, Toshiko, Tom, Thomas, Teruko, Takako, Shizue, Sawae, Sanaye...

Database updated March 2025
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▰ Yoshie Nakao

Died August 23, … More Information
Yoshie Nakao, 79, went to be with the Lord on August 23, 2005 in Gardena, California.
Obituary published: August 24, 2005 in "SO BAY D-B"

▰ Tsumaye Nakao

Died July 06, … More Information
Tsumaye Nakao went into the presence of the Lord on July 6, 1979 in Whittier, California.

▰ Toshiko D Nakao

Died October 05, … More Information
Toshiko D Nakao, age 82 of Hayward, California, entered Heaven's gates on October 5, 2006.
Obituary published: October 06, 2006 in "Oakland Tribune"

▰ Tom Tamotsu Nakao

Died May 30, … More Information
Tom Tamotsu Nakao, age 84 of California, born in Ogden, Utah, left earthly home and passed through the Veil to his Eternal Home May 30, 2013.
Obituary published: May 31, 2013 in "Monterey Herald"

▰ Tom Miyuki Nakao

Died August 02, … More Information
Tom Miyuki Nakao passed away August 2, 1986 in Whittier, California.

▰ Tom Nakao

Died May 22, … More Information
Tom Nakao, age 84 of California, born in Ogden, Utah, left hisearthly home and passed through the Veil to his Eternal Home May 22, 2013.
Obituary published: May 23, 2013 in "Monterey Herald"

▰ Thomas Yoshinobu Nakao

Died November 10, … More Information
Thomas Yoshinobu Nakao, born April 20, 1913 entered Heaven's gates on November 10, 1982 in Whittier, California. THOMAS was 69.

▰ Teruko M (Makita) Nakao

Died December 14, … More Information
Teruko M (Makita) Nakao, of California, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before Teruko December 14, 2011. Teruko was 91.
Obituary published: December 15, 2011 in "Sacramento Bee"

▰ Takako Nakao

Died May 02, … More Information
Takako Nakao, born June 1, 1931 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord May 2, 2016 in Upland, California. Takako was 84.

▰ Takako Nakao

Died May 02, … More Information
Takako Nakao, born June 1, 1931 joined the Lord May 2, 2016 in Upland, California. Takako was 84.

▰ Shizue Bessie Nakao

Died October 12, … More Information
Shizue Bessie Nakao went into the presence of the Lord on October 12, 1988 in Whittier, California.

▰ Sawae Nakao

Died December 20, … More Information
Sawae Nakao, born September 23, 1912 entered eternal life December 20, 2014 in Garden Grove, California. Sawae was 102.

▰ Sawae Nakao

Died December 20, … More Information
Sawae Nakao, born September 23, 1912 entered eternal life December 20, 2014 in Westminster, California. Sawae was 102.

▰ Sawae Nakao

Died December 23, … More Information
Sawae Nakao, of Garden Grove, California, entered Heaven's gates on December 23, 2014. Sawae was 102.
Obituary published: December 24, 2014 in "OCR"

▰ Sanaye Sadamura Nakao

Died June 05, … More Information
Sanaye Sadamura Nakao, born January 25, 1926 entered Heaven's gates on June 5, 2013 in Whittier, California. Sanaye was 87.

▰ Sam Isamu Nakao

Died January 21, … More Information
Sam Isamu Nakao, of Stockton, California, passed from this life on January 21, 1998. Sam was 68.
Obituary published: January 22, 1998 in "Stockton Record"

▰ Rose Suzuko Nakao

Died December 07, … More Information
Rose Suzuko Nakao went into the presence of the Lord on December 7, 1988 in Whittier, California.

▰ Robert Matsumi Nakao

Died July 03, … More Information
Robert Matsumi Nakao, age 73 of Stockton, California, entered into eternal rest July 3, 2004.
Obituary published: July 04, 2004 in "Stockton Record"

▰ Raliegh Masakazu Nakao

Died April 26, … More Information
Raliegh Masakazu Nakao, born May 13, 1946 died on April 26, 2019 in San Jose, California. Raliegh was 72.

▰ Naoki Nakao

Died December 23, … More Information
Naoki Nakao, born June 10, 1878 entered into eternal rest December 23, 1959 in Whittier, California. NAOKI was 81.

▰ May S Nakao

Died February 08, … More Information
May S Nakao, born May 25, 1939 went to be with the Lord on February 8, 2017 in San Francisco, California. May was 77.
Family members and close friends: , Elvira Manalaysay

▰ Margaret Midori Nakao

Died September 27, … More Information
Margaret Midori Nakao, age 78 of California, gained her wings on September 27, 1995.
Obituary published: September 28, 1995 in "San Luis Obispo T"

▰ Margaret Midori Nakao

Died September 27, … More Information
Margaret Midori Nakao, age 78 of Sunnyvale, California, was anxious to meet her Maker and Master September 27, 1995.
Obituary published: September 28, 1995 in "San Jose M-N"

▰ Mamoru Nakao

Died August 12, … More Information
Mamoru Nakao, age 83 of Morgan Hill, California, passed from this world into the next August 12, 2002.
Obituary published: August 13, 2002 in "San Jose M-N"

▰ Lillian Yuriko Nakao

Died June 18, … More Information
Lillian Yuriko Nakao, born May 25, 1936 joined the Lord June 18, 2016 in Whittier, California. Lillian was 80.

▰ Kunihior Pete Nakao

Died November 27, … More Information
Kunihior Pete Nakao, age 86 of Los Angeles, California, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before Kunihior November 27, 2002.
Obituary published: November 28, 2002 in "Los Angeles T"

▰ Joyce Yukiye Nakao

Died August 08, … More Information
Joyce Yukiye Nakao left this earth on August 8, 1973 to meet with Jesus, her Lord and Savior in Whittier, California.

▰ Hiyoshi Nakao

Died June 14, … More Information
Hiyoshi Nakao, born August 6, 1921 went into the presence of the Lord on June 14, 1981 in Whittier, California. Hiyoshi was 59.

▰ Henry Susumo Nakao

Died March 28, … More Information
Henry Susumo Nakao, born March 29, 1946 died March 28, 2020 in San Francisco, California. Henry was 73.
Family members and close friends: , Matthew Maxson

▰ George Satoru Nakao

Died March 14, … More Information
George Satoru Nakao, of Yuba City, California, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord March 14, 2001. George was 76.
Obituary published: March 15, 2001 in "Sacramento Bee"

▰ George Tadami Nakao Jr

Died May 18, … More Information
George Tadami Nakao Jr , born December 7, 1937 passed from this world into the next May 18, 2018 in San Jose, California. George was 80.

▰ George Tadami Nakao Jr

Died May 18, … More Information
George Tadami Nakao Jr, born December 7, 1937 went to be with the Lord on May 18, 2018 in San Jose, California. George was 80.

▰ Esther Y Nakao

Died October 05, … More Information
Esther Y Nakao passed away October 5, 1996 in Sacramento, California.
Obituary published: October 06, 1996 in "Sacramento Bee"

▰ Edward Masao Nakao

Died December 16, … More Information
Edward Masao Nakao, age 83 of Los Angeles, California, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before Edward December 16, 2002.
Obituary published: December 17, 2002 in "Los Angeles T"

▰ Chuichi Charles "Chuck" Nakao

Died December 11, … More Information
Chuichi Charles "Chuck" Nakao, age 80 of San Pablo, California, passed from this life on December 11, 1997.
Obituary published: December 12, 1997 in "Contra Costa"

▰ Brian Dean Nakao

Died January 09, … More Information
Brian Dean Nakao, age 47 of Sacramento, California, departed this life Sunday January 9, 2013.
Obituary published: January 10, 2013 in "Sacramento Bee"

▰ Ruth Yaeko (Inabata) Nakanoq

Died March 23, … More Information
Ruth Yaeko (Inabata) Nakanoq, age 98 of California, born in Hawaii, left herearthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home March 23, 2012.
Obituary published: March 24, 2012 in "San Diego U-T"

▰ Yukiya Nakano

Died September 11, … More Information
Yukiya Nakano, born September 17, 1944 passed away peacefully September 11, 2014 in San Jose, California. Yukiya was 69.

▰ Yukiya Nakano

Died September 11, … More Information
Yukiya Nakano, born September 17, 1944 went into the presence of the Lord on September 11, 2014 in San Jose, California. Yukiya was 69.

▰ Yukie Nakano

Died April 16, … More Information
Yukie Nakano, age 93 of California, entered Heaven's gates on April 16, 2009.
Obituary published: April 17, 2009 in "Oakland Tribune"

▰ Yoshiko Nakano

Died March 13, … More Information
Yoshiko Nakano went into the presence of the Lord on March 13, 2002 in Fremont, California.
Obituary published: March 14, 2002 in "San Jose M-N"

▰ Wayne Isao Nakano

Died July 14, … More Information
Wayne Isao Nakano left this earth on July 14, 1986 to meet with Jesus, his Lord and Savior in Whittier, California.

▰ Umazo Nakano

Died April 13, … More Information
Umazo Nakano, born January 12, 1879 entered Heaven's gates on April 13, 1946 in Whittier, California. UMAZO was 67.

▰ Tsuyoshi George Nakano

Died May 05, … More Information
Tsuyoshi George Nakano went into the presence of the Lord on May 5, 1990 in Whittier, California.

▰ Tsuruye "Trudy" Nakano

Died December 03, … More Information
Tsuruye "Trudy" Nakano died unexpectedly on December 3, 2014 at the age of 99 in Mountain View, California.
Obituary published: December 04, 2014 in "San Mateo T"

▰ Tsuneshiro Nakano

Died September 30, … More Information
Tsuneshiro Nakano, born July 20, 1893 died on September 30, 1961 in Whittier, California. TSUNESHIRO was 68.

▰ Tomio Nakano

Died June 11, … More Information
Tomio Nakano, born February 23, 1924 entered into eternal rest June 11, 2013 in Bonita, California. TOMIO was 89.

▰ Teppei Nakano

Died June 09, … More Information
Teppei Nakano, age 30 of Torrance, California, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before Teppei June 9, 2008.
Obituary published: June 10, 2008 in "SO BAY D-B"

▰ Tamaye Dorothy Nakano

Died July 02, … More Information
Tamaye Dorothy Nakano, of El Cerrito, California, entered the Kingdom of Heaven July 2, 2008. Tamaye was 67.
Obituary published: July 03, 2008 in "Contra Costa"

▰ Sumiye Mrs Nakano

Died September 04, … More Information
Sumiye Mrs Nakano, age 80 of California, born in Seattle, Washington, departed this life Sunday September 4, 2002.
Obituary published: September 05, 2002 in "Los Angeles T"
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