ᐅ Texas Death Notices 2009-2025
Marquez, Rene, Remedios, Rejino, Reina, Raymond, Raul, Ramona...

Rene, Remedios, Rejino, Reina, Raymond, Raul, Ramona, Primitivo, Pragediz...

Database updated March 2025
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▰ Rene Marquez

Died March 15, … More Information
Rene Marquez, born January 28, 1968 entered eternal life March 15, 2016 in Dallas, Texas. Rene was 48.

▰ Rene H Marquez

Died January 19, … More Information
Rene H Marquez, born May 6, 1959 passed from this life on January 19, 2017 in Harlingen, Texas. Rene was 57.

▰ Remedios Marquez

Died December 06, … More Information
Remedios Marquez, of Texas, entered the Kingdom of Heaven December 6, 2004. Remedios was 61.
Obituary published: December 07, 2004 in "Fort Worth S-T"

▰ Rejino Molleda Marquez

Died December 21, … More Information
Rejino Molleda Marquez, born September 7, 1920 entered into eternal rest December 21, 2016 in Driscoll, Texas. Rejino was 96.

▰ Reina Morena Marquez

Died June 20, … More Information
Reina Morena Marquez, born September 14, 1960 went into the presence of the Lord on June 20, 2020 in Houston, Texas. Reina was 59.

▰ Raymond Rivera Marquez

Died January 01, … More Information

▰ Raul Marquez

Died November 03, … More Information
Raul Marquez, born November 1, 1958 left earthly home and passed through the Veil to his Eternal Home November 3, 2018 in La Feria, Texas. Raul was 60.

▰ Raul Marquez Jr

Died June 14, … More Information
Raul Marquez Jr , born March 4, 1974 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord June 14, 2018 in Houston, Texas. Raul was 44.
Family members and close friends: , Raul Marquez Sr., Kimberly Caroline Trejo, Gloria Annalisa Correa, Tina Renee Correa And Raul Anthony Marquez, Gilbert Urbano, Tina Correa, Raul Marquez, Stephanie Renee Coronado, Rene Torres, Marina Ostigin, Carol Marquez, Gloria Correa, Isaiah Rene Torres, Mariah Alanna Torres, Ian Anthony Torres, Jacob Brody Torres, Rene Torres Jr., Jairus Christopher Torres, Adrian Torres, Jaylyn Torres And Aevin Ismael Torres, Arturo Marquez, Liz Hernandez, Raul Marquez, Iii And His Companion Cynthia, Adam Torres And His Wife Sonia, Albert Torres And His Wife Desiree, Rene Torres And His Wife Ashley And Christopher Torres And His Wife Josslyn, Raul Marquez Lll, Francisco Antonio Olea, Bryan Michael Juarez ( Godson ) , Jeremy Ernesto Trejo, Jacob Lee Olea And Joseph Edward Trejo

▰ Ramona Marquez

Died July 26, … More Information
Ramona Marquez, age 61 of El Paso, Texas, died on July 26, 1997.
Obituary published: July 27, 1997 in "El Paso Times"

▰ Ramona Marquez

Died February 04, … More Information
Ramona Marquez, born September 12, 1943 entered the Kingdom of Heaven February 4, 2017 in Meridian, Texas. Ramona was 73.

▰ Primitivo Marquez

Died October 16, … More Information
Primitivo Marquez, born June 10, 1932 passed from this life on October 16, 2016 in El Paso, Texas. Primitivo was 84.

▰ Pragediz Marquez

Died July 25, … More Information
Pragediz Marquez, born April 15, 1937 departed this life Sunday July 25, 2018 in El Paso, Texas. Pragediz was 81.
Family members and close friends: , Victor Marquez, Patricia Marquez, Berta Manuela Marquez, Victor Mendoza, Maribel Marquez, Luis Ricardo Marquez, Maria Elena Salazar, Mrs. Marquez Also Leaves 24 Grandchildren And 20 Great Grandchildren To Cherish Her Memory., Jesus Marquez

▰ Petra Marquez

Died February 01, … More Information
Petra Marquez left this earth on February 1, 2000 to meet with Jesus, her Lord and Savior in Texas.
Obituary published: February 02, 2000 in "Houston Chronicle"

▰ Pedro Celestino Marquez

Died December 12, … More Information
Pedro Celestino Marquez, born May 19, 1926 went into the presence of the Lord on December 12, 2020 in Houston, Texas. Pedro was 94.
Family members and close friends: , Edgar Mendoza, Gab Aguirre, Nathalie Y Edgar Mendoza Castañeda, Tony Algarin, Belitza Y Anibal Bernate Gascón, Verónica Pérez Albarrán Y Familia, Clara Guevara, José María Gómez, Carlos Alfredo Flores Liucci, José Damián Alvarez, Perla Marquez, Leida Marquez, Mario Occhipinti, Rhandy Piñero, Yelena Calderón, Lois Bullock, Karla Loria, Jolhy Mariela, Alvaro Perez, Luis Espinosa

▰ Pedro Alvarez Marquez

Died February 16, … More Information
Pedro Alvarez Marquez, born June 29, 1922 left us to live with the Father in his new eternal home February 16, 2020 in Corpus Christi, Texas. Pedro was 97.
Family members and close friends: , Manuel Marquez ( Dora ), Thomasa Marquez ( Deceased ), Santiago Marquez ( Lydia ), Isabel Marquez, Aurelio Marquez, Alberto Marquez ( Concepcion ), Maria Elena Coronado ( Humberto ), Pedro Marquez ( Deceased ), Maria Marquez ( Deceased ), Raul Marquez ( Deceased ), Nicolasa Marquez ( Deceased ), Irma Marquez

▰ Pauline (Gonzales) Marquez

Died August 20, … More Information
Pauline (Gonzales) Marquez, of San Antonio, Texas, was anxious to meet her Maker and Master August 20, 1999. Pauline was 85.
Obituary published: August 21, 1999 in "San Antonio E-N"

▰ Pauline (Gonzales) Marquez

Died August 21, … More Information
Pauline (Gonzales) Marquez, of Seguin, Texas, was anxious to meet her Maker and Master August 21, 1999. Pauline was 85.
Obituary published: August 22, 1999 in "San Antonio E-N"

▰ Paula (Polly) Cortez Marquez

Died August 06, … More Information
Paula (Polly) Cortez Marquez, born June 26, 1938 was anxious to meet her Maker and Master August 6, 2014 in Odessa, Texas. Paula was 76.
Family members and close friends: , Angel & Rosa Vasquez, Cynthia M Cortez-ray, Robert Lujan, Rosa Urquieta- Garcia, Jerry Bernard, Miguel Chavez, Lupita Magana

▰ Paul Dr Marquez

Died April 18, … More Information
Paul Dr Marquez, age 30 of Dallas, Texas, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before Paul April 18, 1998.
Obituary published: April 19, 1998 in "Dallas M-N"

▰ Oscar G Marquez

Died September 18, … More Information
Oscar G Marquez, born March 3, 1941 died September 18, 2017 in Greenville, Texas. Oscar was 76.

▰ Oscar Manuel Marquez

Died January 07, … More Information
Oscar Manuel Marquez, born February 24, 1981 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord January 7, 2021 in Dallas, Texas. Oscar was 39.

▰ Olivia Gatica Marquez

Died November 14, … More Information
Olivia Gatica Marquez, born May 21, 1953 died on November 14, 2020 in San Angelo, Texas. Olivia was 67.
Family members and close friends: , Ragen Fraire, Dena Fraire, Ezra Ogle, Peggy Fiveash, Jason Marquez ( Debbie ), Jon Thomas Fraire, Delma Guadarrama, Sariah Avila, Deveraux Savoy, Santiago Fraire, Bianca Marquez ( Hayden Ogle ), Jimmie Confer, Terry & Leonard Talamantes, Amanda Marquez ( Raul ), Draco Savoy, Belia Hebert, Catarina Salazar Gatica ( Deceased ), Juan Gatica ( Deceased ), As Well As Numerous Other Relatives And Friends. She Is Also Survived By Her Pets, Spike, Scruffy, Luna And Her Favorite, Pancho., Jose Angel Gatica ( Deceased ), Heather La Cour, Janie Grimaldo, Dexter Savoy

▰ Olga Marquez

Died August 08, … More Information
Olga Marquez left this earth on August 8, 2017 to meet with Jesus, her Lord and Savior in Texas.

▰ Olga K Marquez

Died November 08, … More Information
Olga K Marquez, born December 9, 1947 joined the Lord November 8, 2019 in El Paso, Texas. Olga was 71.
Family members and close friends: , Olga Marquez Tambien Deja A 8 Nietos Para Honrar Su Memoria., Carlos Marquez, Javier Marquez, Jesus Marquez Jr., Luz Maria Rolon, Jesus Marquez

▰ Ofelia Lucero Marquez

Died June 08, … More Information
Ofelia Lucero Marquez, born May 2, 1922 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord June 8, 2018 in El Paso, Texas. Ofelia was 96.
Family members and close friends: , Arturo Marquez, Raymond Nieves, Yolanda Marquez, Hector Marquez ( Deceased )

▰ Norberta Chavez Marquez

Died November 11, … More Information
Norberta Chavez Marquez, born May 6, 1928 died November 11, 2020 in Odessa, Texas. Norberta was 92.
Family members and close friends: , Sonnya Guzman, Alfredo Marquez, Lynette Lene Marquez- Martinez, Leandra Vasquez, Frances & Johnny Orona, Viola Urias, Lynette Lene Marquez-martinez

▰ Nicolas Marquez

Died October 11, … More Information
Nicolas Marquez, age 80 of San Antonio, Texas, left hisearthly home and passed through the Veil to his Eternal Home October 11, 1995.
Obituary published: October 12, 1995 in "San Antonio E-N"

▰ Nazareth Xavier Marquez

Died May 19, … More Information
Nazareth Xavier Marquez, born May 14, 1995 went into the presence of the Lord on May 19, 2016 in San Antonio, Texas. Nazareth was 21.

▰ Natividad Diaz Marquez

Died December 23, … More Information
Natividad Diaz Marquez, born December 25, 1929 entered into eternal rest December 23, 2015 in San Antonio, Texas. Natividad was 85.
Family members and close friends: , Rosalinda Marquez

▰ Mrs Maria E Marquez

Died December 21, … More Information
Mrs Maria E Marquez, born August 27, 1959 died on December 21, 2016 in Houston, Texas. Mrs was 57.

▰ Mr Luis Raul Marquez

Died December 08, … More Information
Mr Luis Raul Marquez, born August 3, 1957 entered the Kingdom of Heaven December 8, 2016 in Hereford, Texas. Mr was 59.

▰ Mr Alejandro Marquez

Died August 30, … More Information
Mr Alejandro Marquez, born September 19, 1925 departed this life Sunday August 30, 2013 in Houston, Texas. Mr was 87.

▰ Mirna Del Carmen Rojas Marquez

Died May 28, … More Information
Mirna Del Carmen Rojas Marquez, born February 23, 1966 left earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home May 28, 2019 in Carrollton, Texas. Mirna was 53.

▰ Minerva Ibarra Marquez

Died August 16, … More Information
Minerva Ibarra Marquez, born July 10, 1925 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord August 16, 2011 in Mission, Texas. MINERVA was 86.

▰ Milton Abraham Marquez

Died May 16, … More Information
Milton Abraham Marquez, born February 12, 1935 was anxious to meet his Maker and Master May 16, 2020 in El Paso, Texas. Milton was 85.
Family members and close friends: , Veronica Galindo Swatts, Michelle Taylor, Jorge Galindo, Sylvia Altizer, Socorro Rodriguez, Elisa Marmalejo, Georgina Ramirez, Larry Marquez

▰ Mike Marquez

Died May 28, … More Information
Mike Marquez, age 43 of Big Spring, Texas, joined the Lord May 28, 1999.
Obituary published: May 29, 1999 in "Abilene R-N"

▰ Mike Marquez

Died May 29, … More Information
Mike Marquez, age 42 of Big Spring, Texas, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord May 29, 1999.
Obituary published: May 30, 1999 in "Abilene R-N"

▰ Mike S Marquez

Died April 18, … More Information
Mike S Marquez, born September 7, 1924 died on April 18, 2012 in San Antonio, Texas. Mike was 87.
Family members and close friends: , Ty Garcia

▰ Miguel Marquez

Died October 05, … More Information
Miguel Marquez, of Texas, was anxious to meet his Maker and Master October 5, 1998. Miguel was 86.
Obituary published: October 06, 1998 in "Monitor"

▰ Miguel A Marquez

Died July 06, … More Information
Miguel A Marquez, born June 11, 1958 ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before his July 6, 2019 in Brownsville, Texas. Miguel was 61.

▰ Michael Marquez

Died December 06, … More Information
Michael Marquez, 55, went to be with the Lord on December 6, 2000 in McAllen, Texas.
Obituary published: December 07, 2000 in "Monitor"

▰ Michael Marquez

Died June 26, … More Information
Michael Marquez, born September 30, 1981 died on June 26, 2020 in Weslaco, Texas. Michael was 38.

▰ Melinda Marquez

Died January 10, … More Information
Melinda Marquez, born September 29, 1960 left earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home January 10, 2016 in Waco, Texas. Melinda was 55.

▰ Melany M Marquez

Died October 02, … More Information
Melany M Marquez went into the presence of the Lord on October 2, 2017 in Texas.

▰ Matilde Marquez

Died November 03, … More Information
Matilde Marquez, age 77 of Texas, died on November 3, 2003.
Obituary published: November 04, 2003 in "Fort Worth S-T"

▰ Mary Frances Marquez

Died December 10, … More Information
Mary Frances Marquez, born April 18, 1924 passed from this world into the next December 10, 2016 in Texas. Mary was 92.

▰ Mary Marquez

Died January 27, … More Information
Mary Marquez, born March 13, 1941 entered the Kingdom of Heaven January 27, 2021 in San Antonio, Texas. Mary was 79.
Family members and close friends: , Michelle Castillo, Kara Marquez, Jeff Mormann, Julie Riedy, Clarence/stella Montano, Nicole Marquez, Anita Naugle, Raul Marquez

▰ Mary Marquez

Died January 17, … More Information
Mary Marquez, born December 1, 1936 passed from this world into the next January 17, 2021 in Dallas, Texas. Mary was 84.
Family members and close friends: , Lucy Gomez, Raquel Moreno, Lucy Carrasco, Ricardo Marquez

▰ Mary Barker Marquez

Died December 29, … More Information
Mary Barker Marquez, born July 11, 1923 passed from this world into the next December 29, 2018 in Dallas, Texas. Mary was 95.
Family members and close friends: , Julie & Carmine Nittolo, Lauren Loupot, Gina Welty Dr Burbano Office, Richard Marquez, Elizabeth Ibarra, Mary Daly

▰ Mary Frances Marquez

Died December 10, … More Information
Mary Frances Marquez, born April 18, 1924 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord December 10, 2016 in San Antonio, Texas. Mary was 92.
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