ᐅ Colorado Death Notices 2009-2025
Lillie, Lillich, Lillibridge, Lilliard, Lillian, Lilley-fogle...

Michael, Margery, Justus, Jimmie, F, David, Charlene, Boles, Betty, Anna...

Database updated March 2025
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▰ Michael Lillie

Died October 10, … More Information
Michael Lillie, of Colorado, born in New Jersey, entered the Kingdom of Heaven October 10, 1999. Michael was 57.
Obituary published: October 11, 1999 in "Denver P"

▰ Margery Joan Lillie

Died December 29, … More Information
Margery Joan Lillie, born June 10, 1932 entered Heaven's gates on December 29, 2016 in Centennial, Colorado. Margery was 84.

▰ Margery Joan Lillie

Died December 29, … More Information
Margery Joan Lillie, born June 10, 1932 was anxious to meet her Maker and Master December 29, 2016 in Centennial, Colorado. Margery was 84.
Family members and close friends: , Lynn And Andy Lillie, Ron And Pat Spindle, Evie Lillie Richardson

▰ Justus J Lillie

Died December 08, … More Information
Justus J Lillie, age 91 of Colorado, born in Nebraska, entered Heaven's gates on December 8, 2000.
Obituary published: December 09, 2000 in "RMN"

▰ Justus J Lillie

Died December 06, … More Information
Justus J Lillie, age 91 of Colorado, born in Nebraska, went into the presence of the Lord on December 6, 2000.
Obituary published: December 07, 2000 in "Denver P"

▰ Jimmie L (Green) Lillie

Died March 25, … More Information
Jimmie L (Green) Lillie, age 66 of Colorado, born in Winona, Mississippi, went to be with the Lord on March 25, 2001.
Obituary published: March 26, 2001 in "GZ"

▰ F Dean Lillie

Died April 29, … More Information
F Dean Lillie, born August 13, 1934 died April 29, 2018 in Longmont, Colorado. Lillie was 83.
Family members and close friends: , Donna Stromberg

▰ David Leroy Lillie

Died January 30, … More Information
David Leroy Lillie, of Colorado, born in Spring Valley, Wisconsin, departed this life Sunday January 30, 2004. David was 59.
Obituary published: January 31, 2004 in "CCDailyRecord"

▰ David Leroy Lillie

Died January 31, … More Information
David Leroy Lillie, of Colorado, born in Wisconsin, entered into eternal rest January 31, 2004. David was 59.
Obituary published: February 01, 2004 in "CCDailyRecord"

▰ Charlene E Lillie

Died January 22, … More Information
Charlene E Lillie, born February 4, 1934 entered Heaven's gates on January 22, 2015 in Longmont, Colorado. Charlene was 80.
Family members and close friends: , Belva Norris Renehan

▰ Boles Lillie

Died January 01, … More Information

▰ Boles Lillie

Died January 01, … More Information

▰ Betty A Lillie

Died November 27, … More Information
Betty A Lillie, born November 12, 1934 was anxious to meet her Maker and Master November 27, 2019 in Grand Junction, Colorado. Betty was 85.

▰ Anna Helen (Mckelvie) Lillie

Died November 03, … More Information
Anna Helen (Mckelvie) Lillie, 92, of Grand Junction, Colorado gained her wings on November 3, 2005.
Obituary published: November 04, 2005 in "Daily Sentinel"

▰ Keith Lenard Lillich

Died September 23, … More Information
Keith Lenard Lillich, born October 18, 1930 departed this life Sunday September 23, 2017 in Colorado. Keith was 86.

▰ Donn Lillich

Died September 10, … More Information
Donn Lillich, 75, of Denver, Colorado departed this life September 10, 2002.
Obituary published: September 11, 2002 in "RMN"

▰ Bill Lillibridge

Died May 12, … More Information
Bill Lillibridge, age 83 of Arvada, Colorado, left hisearthly home and passed through the Veil to his Eternal Home May 12, 2003.
Obituary published: May 13, 2003 in "RMN"

▰ William E "Bill" Lilliard

Died October 07, … More Information
William E "Bill" Lilliard, of Denver, Colorado, passed from this life on October 7, 2002. William was 65.
Obituary published: October 08, 2002 in "RMN"

▰ Hazel Lillian

Died August 25, … More Information
Hazel Lillian, age 91 of Lakeland, Colorado, left earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home August 25, 2008.
Obituary published: August 26, 2008 in "AuburnPub (NY)"

▰ Erin Rachel Lilley-Fogle

Died October 11, … More Information
Erin Rachel Lilley-Fogle, born October 25, 1995 departed this life Sunday October 11, 2019 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Erin was 23.
Family members and close friends: , Joseph Morelli, Melinda Lilley, Christian Dominguez, Jan Fogle, Michael Lilley, John Wood, Pamela Thede, Kristen Lilley, Sajeed Farouk, Daniel Weiss, Jessica Lilley, Kristen Fogle, Rachel Soderstrom, Rhiana Bulkley, Larinda Patterson, Alicia Stull, Rebekah Peters, Xavier Ballejos, Judy Ballard, Gail Graves, Nicole King, Samantha Lilley, Jessie Lilley, Olivia Miller, Mikayla Criscoe, Kaitlyn King, William Harris, Michael Lilleh, Angelica Sposato

▰ Velma G Lilley

Died November 08, … More Information
Velma G Lilley, born November 6, 1920 joined the Lord November 8, 2014 in Thornton, Colorado. Velma was 94.
Family members and close friends: , Joyce Pfeif, Michele Lilley, Dawn Miller, Jazmin Lilley-cox

▰ Thelma Faye [Alkire] Lilley

Died December 07, … More Information
Thelma Faye [Alkire] Lilley passed away December 7, 2004 in Colorado.
Obituary published: December 08, 2004 in "RMN"

▰ Michael Lee Lilley

Died July 06, … More Information
Michael Lee Lilley passed away July 6, 2004 in Northglenn, Colorado.
Obituary published: July 07, 2004 in "RMN"

▰ Laura Lilley

Died July 28, … More Information
Laura Lilley, born December 14, 1936 passed away peacefully July 28, 2017 in Fort Collins, Colorado. Laura was 80.

▰ Katherine Ann Macmath Lilley

Died June 24, … More Information
Katherine Ann Macmath Lilley, born April 3, 1926 died on June 24, 2020 in Thornton, Colorado. Katherine was 94.
Family members and close friends: , Karen Stanley, Mark Lilley, Ellen Kenney-reffel

▰ Eugene M Lilley

Died June 21, … More Information
Eugene M Lilley, of Colorado, born in Kenton, Ohio, entered the Kingdom of Heaven June 21, 2001. Eugene was 93.
Obituary published: June 22, 2001 in "GZ"

▰ Claude F Lilley

Died January 14, … More Information
Claude F Lilley, age 82 of Colorado, born in Philadelphia, Mississippi, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before Claude January 14, 1998.
Obituary published: January 15, 1998 in "Denver P"

▰ Charles W Lilley

Died June 01, … More Information
Charles W Lilley, age 75 of Thornton, Colorado, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before Charles June 1, 2001.
Obituary published: June 02, 2001 in "RMN"

▰ Maxine Augusta (Skaggs) [Glover] Lillemoen

Died February 17, … More Information
Maxine Augusta (Skaggs) [Glover] Lillemoen, age 82 of Colorado, born in Stratford, Oklahoma, went into the presence of the Lord on February 17, 2003.
Obituary published: February 18, 2003 in "Modesto Bee (CA)"

▰ Selmer Arnold "Sammy" Lillehaug

Died May 07, … More Information
Selmer Arnold "Sammy" Lillehaug passed away May 7, 2003 in Denver, Colorado.
Obituary published: May 08, 2003 in "RMN"

▰ Selmer Arnold "Sammy" Lillehaug

Died May 08, … More Information
Selmer Arnold "Sammy" Lillehaug went into the presence of the Lord on May 8, 2003 in Colorado.
Obituary published: May 09, 2003 in "RMN"

▰ Selmer Arnold "Sammy" Lillehaug

Died May 06, … More Information
Selmer Arnold "Sammy" Lillehaug went into the presence of the Lord on May 6, 2003 in Colorado.
Obituary published: May 07, 2003 in "RMN"

▰ Selmer Arnold "Sammy" Lillehaug

Died May 05, … More Information
Selmer Arnold "Sammy" Lillehaug went into the presence of the Lord on May 5, 2003 in Colorado.
Obituary published: May 06, 2003 in "RMN"

▰ Selmer A "Sammy" Lillehaug

Died May 05, … More Information
Selmer A "Sammy" Lillehaug, age 86 of Colorado, born in South Dakota, passed from this world into the next May 5, 2003.
Obituary published: May 06, 2003 in "Argus Leader (SD)"

▰ Lavonne S (Snyder) Lillard

Died August 02, … More Information
Lavonne S (Snyder) Lillard, age 67 of Loveland, Colorado, passed from this world into the next August 2, 1998.
Obituary published: August 03, 1998 in "Reporter Herald (CO)"

▰ Judith Ann Lillard

Died October 01, … More Information
Judith Ann Lillard, born February 9, 1948 left earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home October 1, 2015 in Montrose, Colorado. Judith was 67. Tags: #Dave
Obituary: Judith was born on 9, 1948 and passed away on , 1, 2015. Judith was a resident of Montrose, Colorado at the time of passing. Judith was married to Dave.

▰ Joe M Lillard

Died July 07, … More Information
Joe M Lillard, of Colorado, born in Missouri, passed from this life on July 7, 2004. Joe was 93.
Obituary published: July 08, 2004 in "RMN"

▰ Annalee Lilland

Died May 27, … More Information
Annalee Lilland, born January 18, 1976 went to be with the Lord on May 27, 2017 in Colorado. Annalee was 41.

▰ Annalee Lilland

Died May 27, … More Information
Annalee Lilland, born January 18, 1976 left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home May 27, 2017 in Longmont, Colorado. Annalee was 41.
Family members and close friends: , Gleaves, Cathy And Kayli Beard

▰ William T Lill

Died April 24, … More Information
William T Lill, age 74 of Colorado, born in Rochester, New York, passed from this world into the next April 24, 1997.
Obituary published: April 25, 1997 in "Denver P"

▰ Dorothy Liljestrand

Died July 27, … More Information
Dorothy Liljestrand left this earth on July 27, 1998 to meet with Jesus, her Lord and Savior in Colorado.
Obituary published: July 28, 1998 in "RMN"

▰ Gary Wendell Liljenberg

Died May 11, … More Information
Gary Wendell Liljenberg, born April 30, 1934 went into the presence of the Lord on May 11, 2020 in Grand Junction, Colorado. Gary was 86.
Family members and close friends: , Don Heer

▰ Lyle Alan Liljegren

Died May 15, … More Information
Lyle Alan Liljegren, of Colorado, born in Longview, Washington, entered into eternal rest May 15, 2013. Lyle was 62.
Obituary published: May 16, 2013 in "GreeleyTribune"

▰ Lee Ray Liljegren

Died March 04, … More Information
Lee Ray Liljegren, age 53 of Silverton, Colorado, passed from this world into the next March 4, 1999.
Obituary published: March 05, 1999 in "Waterloo/Cedar Falls Courier (IA)"

▰ Craig Allen Liljedahl

Died July 31, … More Information
Craig Allen Liljedahl, age 9 of Evergreen, Colorado, entered the Kingdom of Heaven July 31, 1998.
Obituary published: August 01, 1998 in "Glenwood Post"

▰ Craig Allen Liljedahl

Died July 29, … More Information
Craig Allen Liljedahl, 9, of Evergreen, Colorado gained his wings on July 29, 1998.
Obituary published: July 30, 1998 in "Glenwood Post"

▰ Robert "Pockie" Gordon Liljander

Died April 14, … More Information
Robert "Pockie" Gordon Liljander, born August 15, 1940 entered Heaven's gates on April 14, 2020 in Loveland, Colorado. Robert was 79.
Family members and close friends: , Doris Ferguson, Caroline Nordyke, Al Youngdahl, Rhonda Weiler, Neil Liljander, Janet Christensen, Harry Long, Kim Michael, Patricia Liljander Canney, Tom Christopherson

▰ Shirley R Lilja

Died August 01, … More Information
Shirley R Lilja, of Arvada, Colorado, entered the Kingdom of Heaven August 1, 2001. Shirley was 72.
Obituary published: August 02, 2001 in "RMN"

▰ Shirley R Lilja

Died July 27, … More Information
Shirley R Lilja, of Arvada, Colorado, passed from this world into the next July 27, 2001. Shirley was 72.
Obituary published: July 28, 2001 in "RMN"

▰ Roy Leonard Lilja

Died February 26, … More Information
Roy Leonard Lilja, of Colorado, born in St Paul, Minnesota, passed from this life on February 26, 2001. Roy was 79.
Obituary published: February 27, 2001 in "RMN"
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