ᐅ Hawaii Death Notices 2009-2024
Kano, Kannys, Kanno, Kanna, Kanja, Kanipae, Kaninau, Kanimura...

Lillian, Katsutoshi, Isamu, Ezekiel, Yoshie, Tomizo, Robert, Lorraine...

Database updated December 2024
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▰ Lillian Yoshie Kano

Died May 15, … More Information
Lillian Yoshie Kano, of Honolulu, Hawaii, entered Heaven's gates on May 15, 2003. Lillian was 80.
Obituary published: May 16, 2003 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Katsutoshi Kano

Died May 21, … More Information
Katsutoshi Kano, of Hawaii, joined the Lord May 21, 1997. Katsutoshi was 91.
Obituary published: May 22, 1997 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Isamu Kano

Died May 22, … More Information
Isamu Kano, of Mililani, Hawaii, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord May 22, 2002. Isamu was 79.
Obituary published: May 23, 2002 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Ezekiel J Kannys

Died August 14, … More Information
Ezekiel J Kannys, born November 17, 1969 joined the Lord August 14, 2018 in Kaneohe, Hawaii. Ezekiel was 48.

▰ Yoshie "Mildred" (Shishido) Kanno

Died August 27, … More Information
Yoshie "Mildred" (Shishido) Kanno, of Honolulu, Hawaii, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord August 27, 1998. Yoshie was 83.
Obituary published: August 28, 1998 in "Honolulu S-B"

▰ Tomizo "Tomio" Kanno

Died September 05, … More Information
Tomizo "Tomio" Kanno, age 93 of Hawaii, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord September 5, 1997.
Obituary published: September 06, 1997 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Tomizo "Tomio" Kanno

Died September 04, … More Information
Tomizo "Tomio" Kanno died unexpectedly on September 4, 1997 at the age of 93 in Hawaii.
Obituary published: September 05, 1997 in "Honolulu S-B"

▰ Tomizo "Tomio" Kanno

Died September 04, … More Information
Tomizo "Tomio" Kanno, age 93 of Hawaii, passed away peacefully September 4, 1997.
Obituary published: September 05, 1997 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Robert Katsuo Kanno

Died January 29, … More Information
Robert Katsuo Kanno, age 83 of Ewa, Hawaii, passed from this life on January 29, 2003.
Obituary published: January 30, 2003 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Lorraine Fusaye (Hebaru) Kanno

Died December 29, … More Information
Lorraine Fusaye (Hebaru) Kanno, age 81 of Honolulu, Hawaii, passed from this life on December 29, 2002.
Obituary published: December 30, 2002 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Lillian Kanno

Died January 31, … More Information
Lillian Kanno, born February 27, 1937 entered the Kingdom of Heaven January 31, 2020 in Kaneohe, Hawaii. Lillian was 82.

▰ Kinnosuke Kanno

Died December 25, … More Information
Kinnosuke Kanno, a resident of Hilo, Hawaii for decades, died December 25, 2001 in Hilo, Hawaii at the age of 86.
Obituary published: December 26, 2001 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Katsumi Kanno

Died November 02, … More Information
Katsumi Kanno, of Hawaii, entered into eternal rest November 2, 1998. Katsumi was 76.
Obituary published: November 03, 1998 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Katsuji Kanno

Died November 03, … More Information
Katsuji Kanno, 76, of Ewa Oahu, Hawaii departed this life November 3, 1998.
Obituary published: November 04, 1998 in "Honolulu S-B"

▰ James Y Kanno

Died March 28, … More Information
James Y Kanno, of Honolulu, Hawaii, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord March 28, 2002. James was 85.
Obituary published: March 29, 2002 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Hanako Kanno

Died June 07, … More Information
Hanako Kanno, of Honolulu, Hawaii, departed this life Sunday June 7, 2001. Hanako was 91.
Obituary published: June 08, 2001 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Daniel Kaili Kanno

Died November 07, … More Information
Daniel Kaili Kanno, of Honolulu, Hawaii, passed from this life on November 7, 2002. Daniel was 71.
Obituary published: November 08, 2002 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Clara Fugiye "Uyehara" Kanno

Died March 31, … More Information
Clara Fugiye "Uyehara" Kanno, age 80 of Hawaii, left herearthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home March 31, 1999.
Obituary published: April 01, 1999 in "Honolulu A (HI)"

▰ Clara F (Uyehara) Kanno

Died March 30, … More Information
On March 30, 1999, Clara F (Uyehara) Kanno, 80, of Kaneohe Oahu, Hawaii left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home.
Obituary published: March 31, 1999 in "Honolulu S-B"

▰ Chieko (Tonokawa) Kanno

Died August 14, … More Information
Chieko (Tonokawa) Kanno, of Hawaii, entered the Kingdom of Heaven August 14, 1997. Chieko was 75.
Obituary published: August 15, 1997 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Alice Akie Kanno

Died July 09, … More Information
Alice Akie Kanno, age 74 of Honolulu, Hawaii, departed this life Sunday July 9, 2001.
Obituary published: July 10, 2001 in "Honolulu A"

▰ George A Dr Kanna

Died July 15, … More Information
George A Dr Kanna, age 70 of Hanapepe, Hawaii, entered Heaven's gates on July 15, 2001.
Obituary published: July 16, 2001 in "Honolulu A"

▰ George A Kanna

Died July 19, … More Information
George A Kanna, age 70 of Hanapepe, Hawaii, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord July 19, 2001.
Obituary published: July 20, 2001 in "GardenIsland"

▰ Spike Isamu Kanja

Died April 13, … More Information
Spike Isamu Kanja passed away April 13, 2001 in Lihue, Hawaii.
Obituary published: April 14, 2001 in "Honolulu S-B"

▰ Spike Isamu Kanja

Died April 13, … More Information
Spike Isamu Kanja, age 75 of Lihue, Hawaii, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord April 13, 2001.
Obituary published: April 14, 2001 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Kahu Marian Kuuleialoha Kanipae

Died January 01, … More Information

▰ Kaniela Kaikaiolkalani Nash Kaninau

Died April 07, … More Information
Kaniela Kaikaiolkalani Nash Kaninau, age 18 of Honolulu, Hawaii, went into the presence of the Lord on April 7, 2003.
Obituary published: April 08, 2003 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Kaniela Kaikaiolalani Nash Kaninau

Died April 06, … More Information
Kaniela Kaikaiolalani Nash Kaninau, of Honolulu, Hawaii, entered into eternal rest April 6, 2003. Kaniela was 18.
Obituary published: April 07, 2003 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Edith Kahauliko Kaninau

Died October 09, … More Information
Edith Kahauliko Kaninau, of Hawaii, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before she October 9, 1997. Edith was 79.
Obituary published: October 10, 1997 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Daniel Kaniela Sr Kaninau

Died April 24, … More Information
Daniel Kaniela Sr Kaninau, of Wai'anae, Hawaii, died on April 24, 2003. Daniel was 87.
Obituary published: April 25, 2003 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Charles Kaninau

Died April 18, … More Information
Charles Kaninau, 84, of Honolulu, Hawaii departed this life April 18, 2002.
Obituary published: April 19, 2002 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Joyce T (Tsunoda) Kanimura

Died October 07, … More Information
Joyce T (Tsunoda) Kanimura, age 73 of Honolulu, Hawaii, passed from this world into the next October 7, 1998.
Obituary published: October 08, 1998 in "Honolulu S-B"

▰ William Kauhlwailani Sr Kaniho

Died February 01, … More Information
William Kauhlwailani Sr Kaniho, a resident of Oceanview, Hawaii for decades, died February 1, 2004 in Oceanview, Hawaii at the age of 48.
Obituary published: February 02, 2004 in "MauiNews"

▰ Raine Kaniho

Died March 19, … More Information
Raine Kaniho, of Hawaii, departed this life Sunday March 19, 1998. Raine was 0.
Obituary published: March 20, 1998 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Philip "Pilipo" Kaniho

Died April 25, … More Information
Philip "Pilipo" Kaniho, age 69 of Hawaii, passed from this world into the next April 25, 1997.
Obituary published: April 26, 1997 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Maraea Kamahele Kaniho

Died August 06, … More Information
Maraea Kamahele Kaniho passed away August 6, 2015 in Hauula, Hawaii. Tags: #Clarence
Obituary: Maraea passed away on , 6, 2015. Maraea was a resident of Hauula, Hawaii at the time of passing. Maraea was the companion of Clarence.

▰ John J "Honey Chew" "Big John" Kaniho

Died June 07, … More Information
John J "Honey Chew" "Big John" Kaniho, age 68 of Wailuku Maui, Hawaii, departed this life Sunday June 7, 1999.
Obituary published: June 08, 1999 in "Honolulu S-B"

▰ Daniel Sr "Ipo" Kaniho

Died April 21, … More Information
Daniel Sr "Ipo" Kaniho, of Hawaii, passed from this life on April 21, 1999. Daniel was 67.
Obituary published: April 22, 1999 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Daniel Kaniho

Died April 21, … More Information
Daniel Kaniho, of Kamuela Hawaii, Hawaii, went to be with the Lord on April 21, 1999. Daniel was 66.
Obituary published: April 22, 1999 in "Honolulu S-B"

▰ Margie (Kahlokia)[Wessel] Kanihiwa

Died February 08, … More Information
Margie (Kahlokia)[Wessel] Kanihiwa, age 79 of Waimanalo, Hawaii, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before she February 8, 2006.
Obituary published: February 09, 2006 in "The Daily News (WA)"

▰ Susan Tweenie Kukana Kaniaupio

Died December 10, … More Information
Susan Tweenie Kukana Kaniaupio, age 72 of Hawaii, left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home December 10, 1999.
Obituary published: December 11, 1999 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Susan T K Kaniaupio

Died December 10, … More Information
Susan T K Kaniaupio, of Hilo Hawaii, Hawaii, was anxious to meet her Maker and Master December 10, 1999. Susan was 72.
Obituary published: December 11, 1999 in "Honolulu S-B (HI)"

▰ Marshall Kaipolani Kaniaupio

Died January 03, … More Information
Marshall Kaipolani Kaniaupio, age 45 of Hawaii, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord January 3, 1997.
Obituary published: January 04, 1997 in "Honolulu Advertiser"

▰ Louisa Lani Kaniaupio

Died April 09, … More Information
Louisa Lani Kaniaupio, of Hawaii, went to be with the Lord on April 9, 1998. Louisa was 71.
Obituary published: April 10, 1998 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Helene (Gabriel) Kaniaupio

Died September 10, … More Information
Helene (Gabriel) Kaniaupio, of Honolulu, Hawaii, entered Heaven's gates on September 10, 1998. Helene was 65.
Obituary published: September 11, 1998 in "Honolulu S-B"

▰ Helene (Gabriel) Kaniaupio

Died September 11, … More Information
Helene (Gabriel) Kaniaupio, age 65 of Hawaii, went to be with the Lord on September 11, 1998.
Obituary published: September 12, 1998 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Dorothea V Kaniaupio

Died March 12, … More Information
Dorothea V Kaniaupio, born December 29, 1925 died on March 12, 2019 in Kaneohe, Hawaii. DOROTHEA was 93.

▰ Dorothea Viola Lumilumi Kaniaupio

Died March 12, … More Information
Dorothea Viola Lumilumi Kaniaupio, born December 29, 1925 died March 12, 2019 in Kaneohe, Hawaii. Dorothea was 93.

▰ Dorothea Viola Kaniaupio

Died March 12, … More Information
Dorothea Viola Kaniaupio, born December 29, 1925 gained her wings on March 12, 2019 in Kaneohe, Hawaii. Dorothea was 93.
Family members and close friends: , Willette Naauao

▰ Dianne Noel Kopp Kaniaupio

Died March 14, … More Information
Dianne Noel Kopp Kaniaupio, born October 30, 1943 entered Heaven's gates on March 14, 2014 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Dianne was 70.
Family members and close friends: , Martha, Keith Corenevsky, Connie Poquette, Marilynne Nascimento, Roxsan Rodrigues, Lori Malin
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