ᐅ Hawaii Death Notices 2009-2024
Kahahane, Kagoshima, Kagiomoto, Kagimoto, Kagikawa, Kageyama...

Mildred, Libert, Florentina, Emma, Theodore, Elizabeth, Keshiko, Norio...

Database updated December 2024
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▰ Mildred Kahahane

Died May 04, … More Information
Mildred Kahahane, born February 2, 1928 passed from this life on May 4, 2017 in Hawaii. Mildred was 89.

▰ Libert "Buringki" Kahahane

Died August 17, … More Information
Libert "Buringki" Kahahane died unexpectedly on August 17, 1999 at the age of 72 in Lahaina Maui, Hawaii.
Obituary published: August 18, 1999 in "Honolulu S-B (HI)"

▰ Libert "Buringki" Kahahane

Died August 18, … More Information
Libert "Buringki" Kahahane, of Hawaii, died on August 18, 1999. Libert was 72.
Obituary published: August 19, 1999 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Florentina Matilda "Flo" (Carba) Kahahane

Died June 23, … More Information
Florentina Matilda "Flo" (Carba) Kahahane, of Hawaii, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord June 23, 1999. Florentina was 72.
Obituary published: June 24, 1999 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Florentina M "Flo" (Carba) Kahahane

Died June 22, … More Information
Florentina M "Flo" (Carba) Kahahane, of Lahaina Maui, Hawaii, left herearthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home June 22, 1999. Florentina was 72.
Obituary published: June 23, 1999 in "Honolulu S-B"

▰ Emma Hanakahe Kahahane

Died May 07, … More Information
Emma Hanakahe Kahahane, 84, of Lahaina, Hawaii departed this life May 7, 2002.
Obituary published: May 08, 2002 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Theodore Hiroshi "Ted" Kagoshima

Died January 18, … More Information
Theodore Hiroshi "Ted" Kagoshima, age 60 of Hawaii, passed away peacefully January 18, 1997.
Obituary published: January 19, 1997 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Elizabeth H Kagoshima

Died November 12, … More Information
Elizabeth H Kagoshima, age 89 of Honolulu, Hawaii, entered Heaven's gates on November 12, 1998.
Obituary published: November 13, 1998 in "Honolulu S-B"

▰ Keshiko Kagiomoto

Died February 28, … More Information
Keshiko Kagiomoto, of Hilo, Hawaii, passed from this world into the next February 28, 2001. Keshiko was 84.
Obituary published: March 01, 2001 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Norio "Mango" Kagimoto

Died October 09, … More Information
Norio "Mango" Kagimoto, of Hilo, Hawaii, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord October 9, 2001. Norio was 73.
Obituary published: October 10, 2001 in "Hawaii T-H"

▰ Norio "Mango" Kagimoto

Died October 10, … More Information
Norio "Mango" Kagimoto, age 73 of Hilo, Hawaii, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before Norio October 10, 2001.
Obituary published: October 11, 2001 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Mitsuo "Kagi" Kagimoto

Died November 01, … More Information
Mitsuo "Kagi" Kagimoto, age 73 of Hawaii, entered into eternal rest November 1, 1997.
Obituary published: November 02, 1997 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Helen Hahaunani Kagikawa

Died March 24, … More Information
Helen Hahaunani Kagikawa, of Hawaii, entered into eternal rest March 24, 1997. Helen was 85.
Obituary published: March 25, 1997 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Stanley Takao Kageyama

Died January 17, … More Information
Stanley Takao Kageyama, born August 18, 1926 passed from this life on January 17, 2017 in Kaneohe, Hawaii. Stanley was 90.

▰ Kyle Jyun Kageyama

Died October 06, … More Information
Kyle Jyun Kageyama, of Wailuku, Hawaii, entered into eternal rest October 6, 2001. Kyle was 35.
Obituary published: October 07, 2001 in "MauiNews"

▰ Kyle Jyun Kageyama

Died October 06, … More Information
Kyle Jyun Kageyama, age 35 of Wailuku, Hawaii, passed from this life on October 6, 2001.
Obituary published: October 07, 2001 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Jeanette Wo Sien (Young) Kageyama

Died February 23, … More Information
Jeanette Wo Sien (Young) Kageyama, age 64 of Hawaii, left earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home February 23, 1998.
Obituary published: February 24, 1998 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Edward Keiji Kageyama

Died June 03, … More Information
Edward Keiji Kageyama, of Hawaii, passed from this world into the next June 3, 1998. Edward was 70.
Obituary published: June 04, 1998 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Tadao Kageura

Died February 29, … More Information
Tadao Kageura, of Honolulu Oahu, Hawaii, went to be with the Lord on February 29, 2000. Tadao was 81.
Obituary published: March 01, 2000 in "Honolulu S-B (HI)"

▰ Robert Masaichi Kageura

Died July 01, … More Information
Robert Masaichi Kageura, age 85 of Hawaii passed away July 1, 1999.
Obituary published: July 02, 1999 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Robert M Kageura

Died July 02, … More Information
Robert M Kageura, age 85 of Honolulu, Hawaii, passed from this life on July 2, 1999.
Obituary published: July 03, 1999 in "Honolulu S-B"

▰ William Sukeyuki Kagesa

Died March 28, … More Information
William Sukeyuki Kagesa, age 91 of Hawaii, passed from this world into the next March 28, 2002.
Obituary published: March 29, 2002 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Masako Kagesa

Died April 03, … More Information
On April 3, 2001, Masako Kagesa, 96 of Hawaii passed from this world into the next.
Obituary published: April 04, 2001 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Wasa Kageno

Died June 09, … More Information
Wasa Kageno, of Hawaii, passed from this life on June 9, 1998. Wasa was 95.
Obituary published: June 10, 1998 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Gwen Momoye Kageno

Died June 04, … More Information
Gwen Momoye Kageno, born April 15, 1922 died on June 4, 2017 in Kaneohe, Hawaii. Gwen was 95.

▰ Hisashi Kagehiro

Died February 06, … More Information
Hisashi Kagehiro, born November 21, 1932 departed this life Sunday February 6, 2018 in Kaneohe, Hawaii. Hisashi was 85.

▰ Kazuo Kage

Died February 09, … More Information
Kazuo Kage, of Wailuku, Hawaii, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before Kazuo February 9, 2002. Kazuo was 92.
Obituary published: February 10, 2002 in "MauiNews"

▰ Chizuko Ogata Kage

Died June 13, … More Information
Chizuko Ogata Kage, of Wailuku, Hawaii, departed this life Sunday June 13, 2002. Chizuko was 71.
Obituary published: June 14, 2002 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Angelo Kagawan

Died March 04, … More Information
Angelo Kagawan, of Hawaii, entered the Kingdom of Heaven March 4, 1999. Angelo was 86.
Obituary published: March 05, 1999 in "Honolulu S-B"

▰ Angelo Kagawan

Died March 04, … More Information
Angelo Kagawan, of Hawaii, passed away peacefully March 4, 1999. Angelo was 86.
Obituary published: March 05, 1999 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Angelo Kagawan

Died March 03, … More Information
Angelo Kagawan, age 86 of Hawaii, entered into eternal rest March 3, 1999.
Obituary published: March 04, 1999 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Yoshiko Kagawa

Died November 06, … More Information
Yoshiko Kagawa, of Waimea, Hawaii, left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home November 6, 2002. Yoshiko was 90.
Obituary published: November 07, 2002 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Valencia M Kagawa

Died September 30, … More Information
Valencia M Kagawa, 85, of Honolulu, Hawaii gained her wings on September 30, 2001.
Obituary published: October 01, 2001 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Toshie Nitta Kagawa

Died June 25, … More Information
Toshie Nitta Kagawa, age 78 of Honolulu, Hawaii, entered the Kingdom of Heaven June 25, 2001.
Obituary published: June 26, 2001 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Seigo Kagawa

Died December 16, … More Information
Seigo Kagawa, 84, of Waimea Kauai, Hawaii departed this life December 16, 1999.
Obituary published: December 17, 1999 in "Honolulu S-B (HI)"

▰ Seigo Kagawa

Died December 16, … More Information
Seigo Kagawa, age 84 of Hawaii, entered the Kingdom of Heaven December 16, 1999.
Obituary published: December 17, 1999 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Rose Etsuko Yamamoto (Yamamoto) Kagawa

Died October 20, … More Information
Rose Etsuko Yamamoto (Yamamoto) Kagawa, age 77 of Honolulu, Hawaii passed away October 20, 2001.
Obituary published: October 21, 2001 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Mitsuyo Kagawa

Died December 06, … More Information
Mitsuyo Kagawa, of Honolulu, Hawaii, went to be with the Lord on December 6, 2001. Mitsuyo was 91.
Obituary published: December 07, 2001 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Donald Saburo Kagawa

Died January 10, … More Information
Donald Saburo Kagawa, born September 16, 1943 entered into eternal rest January 10, 2020 in Koloa, Hawaii. Donald was 76.
Family members and close friends: , Lorraine Rapozo

▰ Tolifili Kafalava

Died March 28, … More Information
Tolifili Kafalava, born December 28, 1967 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord March 28, 2014 in Kaneohe, Hawaii. Tolifili was 46.

▰ Tolifili "Uili" Kafalava

Died March 28, … More Information
Tolifili "Uili" Kafalava, born December 28, 1967 entered eternal life March 28, 2014 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Tolifili was 46.

▰ Kazutaka Kaetsu

Died April 02, … More Information
Kazutaka Kaetsu, of Pearl City Oahu, Hawaii, joined the Lord April 2, 1999. Kazutaka was 75.
Obituary published: April 03, 1999 in "Honolulu S-B"

▰ Kazutaka Kaetsu

Died April 02, … More Information
Kazutaka Kaetsu, of Hawaii, entered into eternal rest April 2, 1999. Kazutaka was 75.
Obituary published: April 03, 1999 in "Honolulu A (HI)"

▰ Victoria Y K Kaeo

Died October 05, … More Information
Victoria Y K Kaeo, 89, of Honolulu, Hawaii, left her earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home October 5, 2001.
Obituary published: October 06, 2001 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Samuel Kamuela Kaeo, Jr

Died August 12, … More Information
Samuel Kamuela Kaeo, Jr , born December 20, 1950 passed from this life on August 12, 2016 in Hilo, Hawaii. Samuel was 65.

▰ Maybelle Bernadine Kawai (Candelario) Kaeo

Died November 19, … More Information
Maybelle Bernadine Kawai (Candelario) Kaeo passed away peacefully November 19, 2001, at her home in Nanakuli, Hawaii. She was 58.
Obituary published: November 20, 2001 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Ellijah Jr Kaeo

Died September 24, … More Information
Ellijah Jr Kaeo, age 42 of Kane'ohe, Hawaii, passed from this life on September 24, 2002.
Obituary published: September 25, 2002 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Douglas Mervin Jr Kaeo

Died May 21, … More Information
Douglas Mervin Jr Kaeo, of Hawaii, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before he May 21, 1999. Douglas was 30.
Obituary published: May 22, 1999 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Claire Kuulei Kaeo

Died June 29, … More Information
Claire Kuulei Kaeo, of Hawaii, entered into eternal rest June 29, 1998. Claire was 55.
Obituary published: June 30, 1998 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Claire Kuulei Kaeo

Died July 02, … More Information
Claire Kuulei Kaeo, 55, of Hawaii, left her earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home July 2, 1998.
Obituary published: July 03, 1998 in "Honolulu A"
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