ᐅ Colorado Death Notices 2009-2025
Johnson, Leonard, Leona, Leon, Leola, Leo, Lenwood, Lenore, Lenora...

Leonard, Leona, Leon, Leola, Leo, Lenwood, Lenore, Lenora, Lena, Leland, Lela...

Database updated March 2025
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▰ Leonard F Johnson

Died October 24, … More Information
Leonard F Johnson, of Colorado, born in Bancroft, Kansas, passed from this world into the next October 24, 2001. Leonard was 92.
Obituary published: October 25, 2001 in "RMN"

▰ Leonard Leroy Johnson

Died October 08, … More Information
Leonard Leroy Johnson, born March 1, 1929 departed this life Sunday October 8, 2015 in Greenwood Villag, Colorado. Leonard was 86.

▰ Leonard Leroy Johnson

Died October 08, … More Information
Leonard Leroy Johnson, born March 1, 1929 left us to live with the Father in his new eternal home October 8, 2015 in Greenwood Villag, Colorado. Leonard was 86.

▰ Leonard Leroy Johnson

Died October 08, … More Information
Leonard Leroy Johnson, born March 1, 1929 was anxious to meet his Maker and Master October 8, 2015 in Littleton, Colorado. Leonard was 86.

▰ Leonard Leroy Johnson

Died October 08, … More Information
Leonard Leroy Johnson, born March 1, 1929 gained his wings on October 8, 2015 in Centennial, Colorado. Leonard was 86.

▰ Leona Johnson

Died September 06, … More Information
Leona Johnson, of Longmont, Colorado, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord September 6, 2009. Leona was 53.
Obituary published: September 07, 2009 in "Longmont T-C"

▰ Leon C Johnson

Died March 10, … More Information
Leon C Johnson went into the presence of the Lord on March 10, 2003 in Colorado.
Obituary published: March 11, 2003 in "RMN"

▰ Leola R (Johnson)[?] Johnson

Died July 19, … More Information
Leola R (Johnson)[?] Johnson, of Colorado, born in Lodgepole, Nebraska, passed from this world into the next July 19, 2004. Leola was 78.
Obituary published: July 20, 2004 in "Sidney S-T (NE)"

▰ Leola F Johnson

Died March 17, … More Information
Leola F Johnson, born November 19, 1923 entered Heaven's gates on March 17, 2017 in Loveland, Colorado. Leola was 93.

▰ Leo J Johnson

Died March 19, … More Information
Leo J Johnson, of Lakewood, Colorado, departed this life Sunday March 19, 1999. Leo was 79.
Obituary published: March 20, 1999 in "RMN"

▰ Leo Johnson

Died December 19, … More Information
Leo Johnson, age 75 of Keenesburg, Colorado, died on December 19, 2006.
Obituary published: December 20, 2006 in "RMN"

▰ Lenwood Johnson, Sr

Died November 17, … More Information
Lenwood Johnson, Sr , born April 17, 1936 passed from this life on November 17, 2015 in Denver, Colorado. Lenwood was 79.

▰ Lenore D Johnson

Died August 22, … More Information
Lenore D Johnson, born December 5, 1909 gained her wings on August 22, 2014 in Pueblo, Colorado. Lenore was 104.

▰ Lenore D Johnson

Died August 22, … More Information
Lenore D Johnson, born December 5, 1909 went to be with her Lord and Savior August 22, 2014 in Pueblo, Colorado. LENORE was 104.

▰ Lenora Marie (Schmitz) Johnson

Died April 25, … More Information
Lenora Marie (Schmitz) Johnson, age 95 of Colorado, born in Nebraska, passed from this world into the next April 25, 2002.
Obituary published: April 26, 2002 in "MDG (NE)"

▰ Lenora Marie (Schmidt) Johnson

Died December 17, … More Information
Lenora Marie (Schmidt) Johnson, of Colorado, born in Nebraska, entered Heaven's gates on December 17, 2001. Lenora was 95.
Obituary published: December 18, 2001 in "MDG (NE)"

▰ Lena Alice Johnson

Died January 15, … More Information
Lena Alice Johnson, born January 15, 1926 died January 15, 2016 in La Junta, Colorado. Lena was 90.

▰ Leland Johnson

Died February 11, … More Information
Leland Johnson went into the presence of the Lord on February 11, 2004 in Colorado.
Obituary published: February 12, 2004 in "RMN"

▰ Lela A Johnson

Died October 29, … More Information
Lela A Johnson, age 94 of Colorado, born in Indianola, Iowa, left earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home October 29, 2000.
Obituary published: October 30, 2000 in "RMN"

▰ Lela A Johnson

Died November 02, … More Information
Lela A Johnson, age 94 of Colorado, born in Iowa, went to be with her Lord and Savior November 2, 2000.
Obituary published: November 03, 2000 in "Denver P"

▰ Leila Ellen Johnson

Died July 08, … More Information
Leila Ellen Johnson, born February 14, 1933 entered the Kingdom of Heaven July 8, 2015 in Denver, Colorado. Leila was 82.

▰ Leila Ellen Johnson

Died July 08, … More Information
Leila Ellen Johnson, born February 14, 1933 went to be with the Lord on July 8, 2015 in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Leila was 82.
Family members and close friends: , Kathy & Daniel Crane, Kimberly Johnson, The Hellers

▰ Leihman O Johnson

Died April 06, … More Information
Leihman O Johnson, born April 24, 1924 passed from this life on April 6, 2018 in Pueblo, Colorado. Leihman was 93.

▰ Leigh (Updike) Johnson

Died January 28, … More Information
Leigh (Updike) Johnson, age 71 of Colorado, born in Elizabeth, New Jersey, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord January 28, 2006.
Obituary published: January 29, 2006 in "Sarasota H-T (FL)"

▰ Leif Melvin Johnson

Died August 30, … More Information
Leif Melvin Johnson, born August 12, 1953 was anxious to meet his Maker and Master August 30, 2013 in Grand Junction, Colorado. Leif was 60.

▰ Lawrence O Johnson

Died December 19, … More Information
Lawrence O Johnson, of Colorado, entered the Kingdom of Heaven December 19, 2007. Lawrence was 75.
Obituary published: December 20, 2007 in "Denver P"

▰ Lawrence Johnson

Died January 07, … More Information
Lawrence Johnson went into the presence of the Lord on January 7, 1992 in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Obituary published: January 08, 1992 in "GrantCoReview (SD)"

▰ Laverne (Pearson) Johnson

Died March 25, … More Information
Laverne (Pearson) Johnson, of Colorado, born in Chicago, Illinois, went to be with the Lord on March 25, 2004. LaVerne was 73.
Obituary published: March 26, 2004 in "Coloradoan"

▰ Laverne Johnson

Died January 27, … More Information
Laverne Johnson, age 77 of Colorado, born in Aledo, Illinois, entered Heaven's gates on January 27, 2009.
Obituary published: January 28, 2009 in "Coloradoan"

▰ Laverl M (Schladweiler) Johnson

Died April 01, … More Information
Laverl M (Schladweiler) Johnson, of Colorado, born in Durand, Wisconsin, passed from this world into the next April 1, 2010. LaVerl was 85.
Obituary published: April 02, 2010 in "Coloradoan"

▰ Laverl M Johnson

Died April 02, … More Information
Laverl M Johnson, of Colorado, born in Durand, Wisconsin, joined the Lord April 2, 2010. LaVerl was 85.
Obituary published: April 03, 2010 in "Coloradoan"

▰ Laverl M Johnson

Died March 31, … More Information
Laverl M Johnson, born September 23, 1924 went into the presence of the Lord on March 31, 2010 in Greeley, Colorado. Laverl was 85.
Family members and close friends: , Sandy Swain, Sandy Swain, Sandy, Ralph Starck, Katie Hoover, Rachel Bannon, Janette And John Dickey, Amanda Stroh

▰ Lavera Johnson

Died December 26, … More Information
Lavera Johnson, born November 25, 1921 entered Heaven's gates on December 26, 2007 in Greeley, Colorado. Lavera was 86.
Family members and close friends: , Stephanie Gibbons, Betty And Leonard Donnelly

▰ Laurie (Hugunin) Johnson

Died December 08, … More Information
Laurie (Hugunin) Johnson, age 52 of Colorado, born in Minnesota, entered into eternal rest December 8, 1999.
Obituary published: December 09, 1999 in "Denver P"

▰ Laurence E Johnson

Died June 20, … More Information
Laurence E Johnson, of Colorado, born in Nebraska, departed this life Sunday June 20, 1996. Laurence was 87.
Obituary published: June 21, 1996 in "Denver P"

▰ Laurence E Johnson

Died May 27, … More Information
Laurence E Johnson, of Colorado, born in Nebraska, went into the presence of the Lord on May 27, 1996. Laurence was 87.
Obituary published: May 28, 1996 in "Denver P"

▰ Laurence A Johnson

Died March 03, … More Information
Laurence A Johnson, of La Junta, Colorado, passed from this world into the next March 3, 1998. Laurence was 56.
Obituary published: March 04, 1998 in "Douglas County NP"

▰ Lauren Moilien Johnson

Died January 10, … More Information
Lauren Moilien Johnson, age 23 of Colorado, born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord January 10, 2009.
Obituary published: January 11, 2009 in "Coloradoan"

▰ Laura A (Mosharger) Johnson

Died October 05, … More Information
Laura A (Mosharger) Johnson, of Colorado, born in Wellington, Kansas, entered the Kingdom of Heaven October 5, 2001. Laura was 83.
Obituary published: October 06, 2001 in "RMN"

▰ Laura A Johnson

Died January 01, … More Information

▰ Laura A Johnson

Died May 11, … More Information
Laura A Johnson left this earth on May 11, 2015 to meet with Jesus, her Lord and Savior in Denver, Colorado.

▰ Laura A Johnson

Died January 01, … More Information

▰ Larry William Johnson

Died April 24, … More Information
Larry William Johnson, of Colorado, born in Cloquet, Minnesota, joined the Lord April 24, 2000. Larry was 50.
Obituary published: April 25, 2000 in "Denver P"

▰ Larry William Johnson

Died April 18, … More Information
Larry William Johnson, age 50 of Colorado, born in Minnesota, entered into eternal rest April 18, 2000.
Obituary published: April 19, 2000 in "RMN"

▰ Larry V Johnson

Died July 25, … More Information
Larry V Johnson, of Colorado, born in Hershey, Nebraska, passed from this life on July 25, 2001. Larry was 65.
Obituary published: July 26, 2001 in "Daily Camera"

▰ Larry R Johnson

Died October 19, … More Information
Larry R Johnson, of Colorado, born in Minden, Nebraska, passed from this life on October 19, 2007. Larry was 65.
Obituary published: October 20, 2007 in "GZ"

▰ Larry Lee Johnson

Died February 25, … More Information
Larry Lee Johnson, of Littleton, Colorado, joined the Lord February 25, 1998. Larry was 55.
Obituary published: February 26, 1998 in "Fremont Trib (NE)"

▰ Larry L Johnson

Died February 16, … More Information
Larry L Johnson, 55, of Littleton, Colorado, entered the Kingdom of Heaven February 16, 1998.
Obituary published: February 17, 1998 in "Denver P"

▰ Larry H Johnson

Died September 01, … More Information
Larry H Johnson, of Golden, Colorado, departed this life Sunday September 1, 2003. Larry was 70.
Obituary published: September 02, 2003 in "RMN"

▰ Larry Andrew Johnson

Died January 08, … More Information
Larry Andrew Johnson, born February 16, 1967 entered Heaven's gates on January 8, 2021 in Denver, Colorado. Larry was 53.
Family members and close friends: , Lily Mae Guevarra, Sheridan Tanner, Sharlenna Sudiswa, Betty Watts, Cristine Marie Galope, Tina Baumann-meyer, Delia Guillermo, Barbara Cyrus, Sunny Tiburon
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