ᐅ Tennessee Death Notices 2009-2025
Jolley, Jollay, Joliet, Jolicouer, Jolicoeur, Joita, Jointer...

H, Guendolyn, Frances, Evelynn, Edith, Doris, Cornelia, C, Blake, Audrey...

Database updated March 2025
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▰ H C Jolley

Died January 06, … More Information
H C Jolley, age 74 of Cleveland, Tennessee, died on January 6, 2003.
Obituary published: January 07, 2003 in "Chattanooga TFP"

▰ H C Jolley

Died January 06, … More Information
H C Jolley, age 74 of Cleveland, Tennessee, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord January 6, 2003.
Obituary published: January 07, 2003 in "Daily P-A"

▰ Guendolyn [Davis] Jolley

Died March 12, … More Information
Guendolyn [Davis] Jolley, age 95 of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, died on March 12, 2009.
Obituary published: March 13, 2009 in "DemGaz (AR)"

▰ Guendolyn [Davis] Jolley

Died March 12, … More Information
Guendolyn [Davis] Jolley, age 95 of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, joined the Lord March 12, 2009.
Obituary published: March 13, 2009 in "Pine Bluff Com (AR)"

▰ Frances (Baker) Jolley

Died March 14, … More Information
Frances (Baker) Jolley, of Tennessee, born in Monticello, Arkansas, went into the presence of the Lord on March 14, 2014. Frances was 99.
Obituary published: March 15, 2014 in "DemGaz (AR)"

▰ Evelynn Moyer Jolley

Died March 18, … More Information
Evelynn Moyer Jolley, born February 7, 1926 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord March 18, 2018 in East Ridge, Tennessee. Evelynn was 92.
Family members and close friends: , Deborah Bramlett, Jean Lawson, Sue Marcum, Peggy Ha

▰ Edith (Mills) Jolley

Died May 01, … More Information
Edith (Mills) Jolley, age 92 of Humboldt, Tennessee, went into the presence of the Lord on May 1, 2002.
Obituary published: May 02, 2002 in "Jackson S"

▰ Doris Jolley

Died October 30, … More Information
Doris Jolley, born August 1, 1923 entered Heaven's gates on October 30, 2019 in Memphis, Tennessee. Doris was 96.

▰ Cornelia F "Connie" Jolley

Died October 01, … More Information
Cornelia F "Connie" Jolley, age 82 of Madison, Tennessee, went into the presence of the Lord on October 1, 1998.
Obituary published: October 02, 1998 in "Nashville Tenn"

▰ C Jerry Jolley

Died January 03, … More Information
On January 3, 2001, C Jerry Jolley, 55 of Nashville, Tennessee passed from this world into the next.
Obituary published: January 04, 2001 in "Nashville Tenn"

▰ Blake Jolley, Jr

Died June 10, … More Information
Blake Jolley, Jr , born June 13, 1935 passed away peacefully June 10, 2016 in Jackson, Tennessee. Blake was 80. Tags: #Dale
Obituary: Blake was born on 13, 1935 and passed away on , 10, 2016. Blake was a resident of Jackson, Tennessee at the time of passing. Blake was married to Dale.

▰ Audrey (Hall) Jolley

Died January 27, … More Information
Audrey (Hall) Jolley, of Tennessee, born in Alabama, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before her January 27, 2009. Audrey was 97.
Obituary published: January 28, 2009 in "ElkVT"

▰ Aliyah Gail Jolley

Died July 21, … More Information
Aliyah Gail Jolley, born June 5, 2015 left her earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home July 21, 2015 in Tennessee. Aliyah was 0.

▰ Aliyah Gail Jolley

Died July 21, … More Information
Aliyah Gail Jolley, born June 5, 2015 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord July 21, 2015 in Knoxville, Tennessee. Aliyah was 0.
Family members and close friends: , Vickie Goddard, Cindi D Harris, Tina Rich, Laura Smith, Alia Schrader, Millie Sims, Brenda Tomassoni, Debby Nuchols, Kathy Kennedy-bell, Mark, Janette And Katelyn Overton, Dean & Judy Davis, Becky And Zach Johnson, Susan Calderón, Lora Geames, Regina Gilbert, Saundra Johnson, Amy Berrier, The Satterfield Family, Angela & Brooke Lawson, Robbie Snapp, Jane Pennington

▰ Alice Dale (Cobb) Jolley

Died January 07, … More Information
Alice Dale (Cobb) Jolley, of Memphis, Tennessee, entered into eternal rest January 7, 2000. Alice was 78.
Obituary published: January 08, 2000 in "Com-A"

▰ W G "Jerry" Jollay

Died January 05, … More Information
W G "Jerry" Jollay, of Knoxville, Tennessee, departed this life Sunday January 5, 2005. JOLLAY was 65.
Obituary published: January 06, 2005 in "Knoxville N-S"

▰ Samuel Paul Jollay

Died May 11, … More Information
Samuel Paul Jollay, of Knoxville, Tennessee, entered Heaven's gates on May 11, 1999. Samuel was 63.
Obituary published: May 12, 1999 in "Knoxville N-S"

▰ Samuel Paul Jollay

Died May 10, … More Information
Samuel Paul Jollay, age 63 of Knoxville, Tennessee, left earthly home and passed through the Veil to his Eternal Home May 10, 1999.
Obituary published: May 11, 1999 in "Knoxville N-S"

▰ Richard A Jollay

Died January 20, … More Information
Richard A Jollay, born January 18, 1957 died January 20, 2014 in Knoxville, Tennessee. Richard was 57.
Family members and close friends: , Ernie Bisang, The Staff Of Weaver Funeral Home, Donna Swift, Lisa Steele

▰ Richard Arnold Jollay

Died January 20, … More Information
Richard Arnold Jollay, born January 18, 1957 departed this life Sunday January 20, 2014 in Knoxville, Tennessee. Richard was 57.
Family members and close friends: , Ernie Bisang, The Staff Of Weaver Funeral Home, Donna Swift, Lisa Steele

▰ Nena Catherine (Maples) Jollay

Died June 20, … More Information
Nena Catherine (Maples) Jollay, born May 17, 1926 passed from this world into the next June 20, 2015 in Dayton, Tennessee. NENA was 89.

▰ Mary Josephine (Maples) Jollay

Died March 03, … More Information
Mary Josephine (Maples) Jollay passed away peacefully March 3, 2009, at her home in Jefferson City, Tennessee. She was 81.
Obituary published: March 04, 2009 in "Knoxville N-S"

▰ Lloyd J Sr Jollay

Died January 14, … More Information
Lloyd J Sr Jollay, age 84 of Knoxville, Tennessee, went into the presence of the Lord on January 14, 2002.
Obituary published: January 15, 2002 in "Knoxville N-S"

▰ Lloyd J Sr Jollay

Died January 13, … More Information
Lloyd J Sr Jollay, of Knoxville, Tennessee, passed away peacefully January 13, 2002. Lloyd was 84.
Obituary published: January 14, 2002 in "Knoxville N-S"

▰ Lizzie (Sharp) Jollay

Died January 21, … More Information
Lizzie (Sharp) Jollay, of Knoxville, Tennessee, went to be with her Lord and Savior January 21, 2001. Lizzie was 86.
Obituary published: January 22, 2001 in "Knoxville N-S"

▰ Horace Wayne Jollay

Died October 30, … More Information
Horace Wayne Jollay, of Jefferson City, Tennessee, left us to live with the Father in his new eternal home October 30, 2006. Horace was 79.
Obituary published: October 31, 2006 in "Knoxville N-S"

▰ Herman Alexander Jollay

Died January 14, … More Information
Herman Alexander Jollay, born January 5, 1925 joined the Lord January 14, 2016 in Dayton, Tennessee. HERMAN was 91.

▰ Estella C (Cate) Jollay

Died November 14, … More Information
Estella C (Cate) Jollay, age 78 of Knoxville, Tennessee, was anxious to meet her Maker and Master November 14, 2007.
Obituary published: November 15, 2007 in "Knoxville N-S"

▰ E G Jr "Ed" Jollay

Died June 29, … More Information
E G Jr "Ed" Jollay, age 79 of Knoxville, Tennessee, joined the Lord June 29, 2002.
Obituary published: June 30, 2002 in "Knoxville N-S"

▰ Charles A Jollay

Died April 23, … More Information
Charles A Jollay, 77, went to be with the Lord on April 23, 2005 in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Obituary published: April 24, 2005 in "Knoxville N-S"

▰ Charles A Jollay

Died April 22, … More Information
Charles A Jollay, age 77 of Knoxville, Tennessee, entered eternal life April 22, 2005.
Obituary published: April 23, 2005 in "Knoxville N-S"

▰ Bonnie Janette (Davis) Jollay

Died November 08, … More Information
Bonnie Janette (Davis) Jollay, of Knoxville, Tennessee, was anxious to meet her Maker and Master November 8, 2010. Bonnie was 88.
Obituary published: November 09, 2010 in "Knoxville N-S"

▰ Bonnie Janette (Davis) Jollay

Died November 07, … More Information
Bonnie Janette (Davis) Jollay, age 88 of Knoxville, Tennessee, went into the presence of the Lord on November 7, 2010.
Obituary published: November 08, 2010 in "Knoxville N-S"

▰ Alvin Alexis Jr Joliet

Died December 12, … More Information
Alvin Alexis Jr Joliet, of Knoxville, Tennessee, entered eternal life December 12, 2005. Alvin was 90.
Obituary published: December 13, 2005 in "Knoxville N-S"

▰ Annette (Jones) Jolicouer

Died July 22, … More Information
On July 22, 1999, Annette (Jones) Jolicouer, 49 of Knoxville, Tennessee passed from this world into the next.
Obituary published: July 23, 1999 in "Knoxville N-S"

▰ Ella N Jolicoeur

Died December 06, … More Information
Ella N Jolicoeur, born August 30, 1937 died on December 6, 2017 in Greeneville, Tennessee. Ella was 80.
Family members and close friends: , Don Chamblee, Tanya Jolicoeur, Sandra, Rn

▰ Florenta Joita

Died September 16, … More Information
Florenta Joita, born February 23, 1954 departed this life Sunday September 16, 2018 in Goodlettsville, Tennessee. Florenta was 64.

▰ Florenta Joita

Died September 16, … More Information
Florenta Joita, born February 23, 1954 died September 16, 2018 in Nashville, Tennessee. Florenta was 64.

▰ Tillman Jointer

Died July 06, … More Information
Tillman Jointer, age 64 of Memphis, Tennessee, departed this life Sunday July 6, 2004.
Obituary published: July 07, 2004 in "Com-A"

▰ Travis Joines

Died September 15, … More Information
Travis Joines, born November 14, 1969 went to be with his Lord and Savior September 15, 2018 in Hixson, Tennessee. Travis was 48.
Family members and close friends: , James And Mary Maddox, Todd Lindley, Russell Whitfield, Rob Comptin, Todd Lindley, Sylvia Hutchens, Roger And Rebecca Mcniel, Jennifer Cason, Eddie Brackett, Charlotte Gooden

▰ Sue Miss Joines

Died September 20, … More Information
Sue Miss Joines, age 90 of Madisonville, Tennessee, passed from this world into the next September 20, 2001.
Obituary published: September 21, 2001 in "Knoxville N-S"

▰ Sue Joines

Died September 23, … More Information
Sue Joines, of Etowah, Tennessee, passed away peacefully September 23, 2001. Sue was 90.
Obituary published: September 24, 2001 in "MonroeCoAdDem"

▰ Stanley Joines

Died October 27, … More Information
Stanley Joines, of Sweetwater, Tennessee, entered the Kingdom of Heaven October 27, 2000. Stanley was 91.
Obituary published: October 28, 2000 in "Knoxville N-S"

▰ Stanley Joines

Died October 26, … More Information
On October 26, 2000, Stanley Joines, 91, of Sweetwater, Tennessee left us to live with the Father in his new eternal home.
Obituary published: October 27, 2000 in "Knoxville N-S"

▰ Rev Randall D Joines

Died August 15, … More Information
Rev Randall D Joines, born September 5, 1920 passed from this life on August 15, 2016 in Newport, Tennessee. Rev was 95. Tags: #Newport #Tennessee
Obituary: Rev. Joines was born on 5, 1920 and passed away on , 15, 2016. Rev. Joines was a resident of Newport, Tennessee at the time of passing.

▰ Renee' Wilson Joines

Died December 04, … More Information
Renee' Wilson Joines, born April 17, 1979 passed from this life on December 4, 2016 in Nashville, Tennessee. Renee' was 37.

▰ Paul Joines

Died November 20, … More Information
Paul Joines, of Lafayette, Tennessee, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord November 20, 1998. Paul was 74.
Obituary published: November 21, 1998 in "Nashville Tenn"

▰ Ms Ann Joines

Died October 24, … More Information
Ms Ann Joines passed away October 24, 2016 in Lafayette, Tennessee.

▰ Mary Joines

Died August 20, … More Information
Mary Joines passed away August 20, 2016 in Dowelltown, Tennessee.

▰ Margaret Ann (Watkins) Joines

Died July 11, … More Information
Margaret Ann (Watkins) Joines, of Lebanon, Tennessee, entered into eternal rest July 11, 2001. Margaret was 64.
Obituary published: July 12, 2001 in "Nashville Tenn"
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