ᐅ California Death Notices 2009-2025
Hiller, Hillendahl, Hillend, Hillenburg, Hillenbrand, Hillenbach...

Donald, Daniel, Clarence, Charles, Cecilia, Catherine, Bess, Bert, Arthur...

Database updated February 2025
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▰ Donald Gordon Hiller

Died April 04, … More Information
Donald Gordon Hiller, age 95 of San Diego, California, entered Heaven's gates on April 4, 2020.
Obituary published: April 05, 2020 in "San Diego U-T"

▰ Donald Eugene "Don" Hiller

Died March 19, … More Information
Donald Eugene "Don" Hiller, age 74 of California, born in Mohton, Pennsylvania, entered eternal life March 19, 2002.
Obituary published: March 20, 2002 in "Santa Barbara N-P"

▰ Donald Eugene "Don" Hiller

Died March 18, … More Information
Donald Eugene "Don" Hiller, age 74 of California, born in Mohton, Pennsylvania, departed this life Sunday March 18, 2002.
Obituary published: March 19, 2002 in "Santa Barbara N-P"

▰ Donald B Hiller

Died August 18, … More Information
Donald B Hiller, of California, born in Missouri Valley, Iowa, passed from this world into the next August 18, 1996. Donald was 81.
Obituary published: August 19, 1996 in "San Luis Obispo T"

▰ Daniel Jr Hiller

Died August 10, … More Information
Daniel Jr Hiller, age 70 of California, born in Corvallis, Oregon, entered the Kingdom of Heaven August 10, 2000.
Obituary published: August 11, 2000 in "Modesto Bee"

▰ Clarence Hiller

Died December 29, … More Information
Clarence Hiller, 86, of California, entered the Kingdom of Heaven December 29, 1997.
Obituary published: December 30, 1997 in "The Daily Review"

▰ Charles A Hiller

Died July 31, … More Information
Charles A Hiller went into the presence of the Lord on July 31, 1931 in Whittier, California.

▰ Cecilia Amanda Hiller

Died January 24, … More Information
Cecilia Amanda Hiller, born January 23, 1899 left earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home January 24, 1963 in Whittier, California. Cecilia was 64.

▰ Catherine Mclean Hiller

Died January 19, … More Information
Catherine Mclean Hiller, born May 5, 1916 left earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home January 19, 2016 in Hacienda Heights, California. Catherine was 99.

▰ Bess (Polinsky) Hiller

Died February 01, … More Information
Bess (Polinsky) Hiller, age 83 of California, went to be with her Lord and Savior February 1, 2003.
Obituary published: February 02, 2003 in "Times-Star"

▰ Bert Hiller

Died November 11, … More Information
Bert Hiller, age 87 of California, left hisearthly home and passed through the Veil to his Eternal Home November 11, 2002.
Obituary published: November 12, 2002 in "SO BAY D-B"

▰ Arthur Mac Hiller

Died February 25, … More Information
Arthur Mac Hiller, born May 12, 1896 entered eternal life February 25, 1976 in Whittier, California. Arthur was 79.

▰ Ardyth L (Cherrington)[Edwards] Hiller

Died September 02, … More Information
Ardyth L (Cherrington)[Edwards] Hiller, of Palo Alto, California, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before Ardyth September 2, 1998. Ardyth was 41.
Obituary published: September 03, 1998 in "Chico E-R"

▰ David Hillendahl

Died February 04, … More Information
David Hillendahl, age 85 of Petaluma, California, was anxious to meet his Maker and Master February 4, 2013.
Obituary published: February 05, 2013 in "Argus Courier"

▰ Selma (Vesander) Hillend

Died January 31, … More Information
Selma (Vesander) Hillend, age 99 of California, born in New York, passed from this world into the next January 31, 2010.
Obituary published: February 01, 2010 in "FinnishAmericanRep (MI)"

▰ Tina M Hillenburg

Died January 31, … More Information
Tina M Hillenburg, born March 22, 1963 joined the Lord January 31, 2013 in Auburn, California. Tina was 49.

▰ Thomas Lee Hillenburg

Died February 24, … More Information
Thomas Lee Hillenburg, born January 1, 1942 went into the presence of the Lord on February 24, 1960 in Whittier, California. THOMAS was 18.

▰ Robert Harold Hillenburg

Died August 01, … More Information
Robert Harold Hillenburg, born April 4, 1958 entered the Kingdom of Heaven August 1, 1981 in Whittier, California. ROBERT was 23.

▰ Pleasant Marian Hillenburg

Died July 15, … More Information
Pleasant Marian Hillenburg, born December 7, 1887 joined the Lord July 15, 1933 in Whittier, California. Pleasant was 45.

▰ Patricia Jean Hillenburg

Died June 10, … More Information
Patricia Jean Hillenburg, born August 29, 1950 passed away peacefully June 10, 2010 in California. Patricia was 59.

▰ Maudie M Hillenburg

Died May 29, … More Information
Maudie M Hillenburg, born April 11, 1892 died May 29, 1932 in Whittier, California. MAUDIE was 40.

▰ John Everett Hillenburg

Died September 22, … More Information
John Everett Hillenburg, born July 4, 1917 entered eternal life September 22, 1977 in Whittier, California. JOHN was 60.

▰ Jess Marion Hillenburg

Died October 25, … More Information
Jess Marion Hillenburg, born July 3, 1911 went into the presence of the Lord on October 25, 1984 in Whittier, California. JESS was 73.

▰ Jess Harold Hillenburg

Died August 27, … More Information
Jess Harold Hillenburg went into the presence of the Lord on August 27, 1986 in Whittier, California.

▰ Alice M Hillenburg

Died July 23, … More Information
Alice M Hillenburg left this earth on July 23, 1990 to meet with Jesus, her Lord and Savior in Whittier, California.

▰ Sandra Dianne Hillenbrand

Died June 22, … More Information
Sandra Dianne Hillenbrand, 63, of Stanford, California gained her wings on June 22, 2008.
Obituary published: June 23, 2008 in "Merced Sun Star"

▰ George Louis Hillenbrand

Died July 06, … More Information
George Louis Hillenbrand, born May 18, 1927 passed from this world into the next July 6, 2015 in Petaluma, California. George was 88. Tags: #Joan
Obituary: George was born on May 18, 1927 and passed away on , 6, 2015. George was a resident of Petaluma, California at the time of passing. George was married to Joan.

▰ Warre Alanya Hillenbach

Died March 14, … More Information
Warre Alanya Hillenbach, born January 17, 1955 died on March 14, 2017 in Newhall, California. Warre was 62.

▰ Warre Alanya Hillenbach

Died March 14, … More Information
Warre Alanya Hillenbach, born January 17, 1955 died on March 14, 2017 in Newhall, California. Warre was 62.
Family members and close friends: , Nicole Viger, Jeanette Beltran, Alice Christensen, Cavell Flowers, Deanna Lesueur Weireter, Stacey Clark, Bill & Linda Christensen, Joey Sario, Craig Binkley, Craig & Christine Binkley, Colleen Duggan

▰ Carl Hillenbach

Died November 09, … More Information
Carl Hillenbach, age 84 of Goleta, California, entered the Kingdom of Heaven November 9, 2007.
Obituary published: November 10, 2007 in "Ventura C-S"

▰ Victor Powell Hilleman

Died October 25, … More Information
Victor Powell Hilleman, born December 29, 1911 passed away peacefully October 25, 2014 in Cherry Valley, California. Victor was 102.

▰ Victor Powell Hilleman

Died October 25, … More Information
Victor Powell Hilleman, born December 29, 1911 went into the presence of the Lord on October 25, 2014 in Cherry Valley, California. Victor was 102.

▰ Victor Powell Hilleman

Died October 25, … More Information
Victor Powell Hilleman, born December 29, 1911 joined the Lord October 25, 2014 in Bloomington, California. Victor was 102.

▰ Victor Powell Hilleman

Died October 25, … More Information
Victor Powell Hilleman, born December 29, 1911 went to be with the Lord on October 25, 2014 in Bloomington, California. Victor was 102.

▰ Laura Lynn Hilleman

Died August 26, … More Information
Laura Lynn Hilleman, born December 3, 1945 gained her wings on August 26, 2011 in Bloomington, California. LAURA was 65.

▰ Dean W Hilleman

Died December 18, … More Information
Dean W Hilleman, born January 13, 1942 entered eternal life December 18, 2020 in Bloomington, California. Dean was 78.

▰ Alvin Leroy Hilleland

Died September 07, … More Information
Alvin Leroy Hilleland, age 81 of California, went to be with his Lord and Savior September 7, 1998.
Obituary published: September 08, 1998 in "Contra Costa"

▰ Yohanan Hillel

Died July 29, … More Information
Yohanan Hillel, born December 31, 1932 went to be with the Lord on July 29, 2013 in Mission Hills, California. Yohanan was 80.

▰ Tova Hillel

Died May 13, … More Information
Tova Hillel, born August 2, 1933 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord May 13, 2020 in Mission Hills, California. Tova was 86.

▰ Tova Hillel

Died May 13, … More Information
Tova Hillel, born August 2, 1933 was anxious to meet her Maker and Master May 13, 2020 in Mission Hills, California. Tova was 86.

▰ Bess M Hillel

Died July 03, … More Information
Bess M Hillel, age 87 of California, born in New York, passed from this life on July 3, 2001.
Obituary published: July 04, 2001 in "Sacramento Bee"

▰ Bess M Hillel

Died July 05, … More Information
Bess M Hillel, of California, born in New York, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord July 5, 2001. Bess was 87.
Obituary published: July 06, 2001 in "Contra Costa"

▰ Ingeborg (Schmidt) Hilleke

Died February 05, … More Information
On February 5, 2002, Ingeborg (Schmidt) Hilleke, 71 of California passed from this world into the next.
Obituary published: February 06, 2002 in "SO BAY D-B"

▰ Clarence Hilleke

Died July 24, … More Information
Clarence Hilleke, age 73 of California, born in St Louis, Missouri, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord July 24, 1998.
Obituary published: July 25, 1998 in "SO BAY D-B"

▰ Ruby R Hilleger

Died September 11, … More Information
Ruby R Hilleger, born March 31, 1913 left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home September 11, 1998 in Whittier, California. Ruby was 85.

▰ Justina Hilleger

Died September 04, … More Information
Justina Hilleger left this earth on September 4, 1987 to meet with Jesus, her Lord and Savior in Whittier, California.

▰ Julius G Hilleger

Died May 09, … More Information
Julius G Hilleger, born January 10, 1892 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord May 9, 1967 in Whittier, California. JULIUS was 75.

▰ Tom Hillegass

Died June 30, … More Information
Tom Hillegass, age 52 of California, born in Milbank, South Dakota, passed from this world into the next June 30, 1992.
Obituary published: July 01, 1992 in "GrantCoReview (SD)"

▰ Edward Franklin Hillegass

Died March 15, … More Information
Edward Franklin Hillegass, born January 1, 1912 passed from this life on March 15, 1971 in Whittier, California. EDWARD was 59.

▰ Thomas Woodrow Hillegas

Died January 01, … More Information
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