ᐅ North Carolina Death Notices 2009-2025
Hyzak, Hytoff, Hyssong, John, Sara, Harry, Mary...

John, Sara, Harry, Mary...

Database updated March 2025
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▰ John Joseph Hyzak

Died May 27, … More Information
John Joseph Hyzak, born January 17, 1920 died on May 27, 2012 in Cary, North Carolina. John was 92.
Family members and close friends: , Susan King, Nancy Bykowsky Cataneo, Pat & Ed Mickens

▰ Sara Hytoff

Died May 03, … More Information
Sara Hytoff, of Raleigh, North Carolina, gained her wings on May 3, 1999. Sara was 76.
Obituary published: May 04, 1999 in "Raleigh N & O"

▰ Harry "Hap" Hytoff

Died October 27, … More Information
Harry "Hap" Hytoff, of Raleigh, North Carolina, passed from this world into the next October 27, 2004. Harry was 82.
Obituary published: October 28, 2004 in "Evanston Review (IL)"

▰ Harry "Hap" Hytoff

Died October 20, … More Information
Harry "Hap" Hytoff died unexpectedly on October 20, 2004 at the age of 82 in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Obituary published: October 21, 2004 in "Skokie Review (IL)"

▰ Harry "Hap" Hytoff

Died October 12, … More Information
Harry "Hap" Hytoff, age 82 of North Carolina, born in Chicago, Illinois, entered eternal life October 12, 2004.
Obituary published: October 13, 2004 in "Raleigh N & O"

▰ Mary (Shappee) Hyssong

Died April 10, … More Information
Mary (Shappee) Hyssong, of North Carolina, born in New York, entered the Kingdom of Heaven April 10, 2000. Mary was 71.
Obituary published: April 11, 2000 in "High Point Ent"
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