ᐅ Nebraska Death Notices 2009-2025
Haber, Habell, Habel, Habegger, Habe, Habben, Haba, Haave, Haatanen...

Mr, Max, Dennis, Bryan, Lela, John, Hazel, Audrey, Henry, George, Erma, Cindy...

Database updated March 2025
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▰ Mr Max C Haber Jr

Died June 09, … More Information
Mr Max C Haber Jr , born October 24, 1929 passed away peacefully June 9, 2015 in Omaha, Nebraska. Mr was 85.
Family members and close friends: , Peggy Serefko

▰ Max C Haber

Died June 09, … More Information
Max C Haber, born October 24, 1929 joined the Lord June 9, 2015 in Omaha, Nebraska. Max was 85. Tags: #Jean #Beister #Kathy #Spicer #Laurie #Merry #Wendy #Salinas #Omaha #Club #Naval #Westlawn-
Obituary: Preceded by parents, Max Sr. and Doro­thy Haber. Survived by daughters, Jean­nie (Mike) Beister, Kathy (Scott) Spicer, Laurie Bushnell, Merry Jo (Gene) Hyn­ous, Wendy (Larry) Salinas; 14 grand­children; 4 great-grandchildren. Mem­ber of Omaha Optimist Club and Naval Reserves. MEMORIAL SERVICE 5:30pm with a gathering of family and friends from 4-5:30pm at Westlawn-Hillcrest .

▰ Max C Haber Jr

Died June 09, … More Information
Max C Haber Jr , born October 14, 1929 ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before his June 9, 2015 in Omaha, Nebraska. Max was 85.

▰ Dennis L Haber

Died November 27, … More Information
Dennis L Haber, born April 7, 1935 entered eternal life November 27, 2016 in Nebraska. Dennis was 81.

▰ Dennis Lee Haber

Died November 27, … More Information
Dennis Lee Haber, born April 7, 1935 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord November 27, 2016 in Omaha, Nebraska. Dennis was 81.

▰ Dennis L Haber

Died November 27, … More Information
Dennis L Haber, born April 7, 1935 died November 27, 2016 in Omaha, Nebraska. Dennis was 81.
Family members and close friends: , Kregg Stalcup, Merry Hynous, Deb & Mike Marlar, Kathy Spicer, Al Bird, Connie Dolan

▰ Bryan E Habell

Died October 26, … More Information
Bryan E Habell, born August 29, 1961 went into the presence of the Lord on October 26, 2016 in Omaha, Nebraska. Bryan was 55.

▰ Lela M Habel

Died January 27, … More Information
Lela M Habel, age 76 of Louisville, Nebraska, left earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home January 27, 1998.
Obituary published: January 28, 1998 in "Omaha W-H"

▰ John "Johnny" Habel

Died May 02, … More Information
John "Johnny" Habel, age 78 of Nebraska, born in Kansas, departed this life Sunday May 2, 2003.
Obituary published: May 03, 2003 in "Topeka C-J (KS)"

▰ John "Johnny" Habel

Died May 01, … More Information
John "Johnny" Habel, age 78 of Nebraska, born in Smith Center, Kansas, passed away May 1, 2003.
Obituary published: May 02, 2003 in "Manhattan-M (KS)"

▰ Hazel M Habel

Died November 20, … More Information
Hazel M Habel, of Hastings, Nebraska, joined the Lord November 20, 2009. Hazel was 83.
Obituary published: November 21, 2009 in "Hastings Tribune"

▰ Audrey Catherine (Cook) Habegger

Died April 25, … More Information
Audrey Catherine (Cook) Habegger, of Omaha, Nebraska, went to be with the Lord on April 25, 1998. Audrey was 83.
Obituary published: April 26, 1998 in "Omaha W-H"

▰ Audrey Catherine (Cook) Habegger

Died April 24, … More Information
Audrey Catherine (Cook) Habegger, age 83 of Omaha, Nebraska, passed from this world into the next April 24, 1998.
Obituary published: April 25, 1998 in "Omaha W-H"

▰ Henry Habe

Died July 30, … More Information
Henry Habe, of Ravenna, Nebraska, entered the Kingdom of Heaven July 30, 2012. Henry was 88.
Obituary published: July 31, 2012 in "Kearney Hub"

▰ Henry Habe

Died July 29, … More Information
Henry Habe, age 88 of Ravenna, Nebraska, died on July 29, 2012.
Obituary published: July 30, 2012 in "Kearney Hub"

▰ Henry Habe

Died July 30, … More Information
Henry Habe, of Ravenna, Nebraska, passed from this world into the next July 30, 2012. Henry was 88.
Obituary published: July 31, 2012 in "Grand Island D-I"

▰ George Habe

Died January 19, … More Information
George Habe, age 68 of Kearney, Nebraska, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before he January 19, 1998.
Obituary published: January 20, 1998 in "Grand Island D-I"

▰ Erma (Carlson)[Peterson] Habe

Died August 18, … More Information
Erma (Carlson)[Peterson] Habe, of Kearney, Nebraska, joined the Lord August 18, 2007. Erma was 90.
Obituary published: August 19, 2007 in "Grand Island D-I"

▰ Erma (Carlson) Habe

Died July 21, … More Information
Erma (Carlson) Habe, age 90 of Kearney, Nebraska, left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home July 21, 2007.
Obituary published: July 22, 2007 in "Grand Island D-I"

▰ Erma (Carlson) Habe

Died August 19, … More Information
Erma (Carlson) Habe, of Kearney, Nebraska, went into the presence of the Lord on August 19, 2007. Erma was 90.
Obituary published: August 20, 2007 in "Kearney Hub"

▰ Erma (Carlson) Habe

Died August 20, … More Information
Erma (Carlson) Habe, 90, of Kearney, Nebraska, left her earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home August 20, 2007.
Obituary published: August 21, 2007 in "Aurora N-R"

▰ Cindy Lou (Nelson) Habe

Died May 14, … More Information
Cindy Lou (Nelson) Habe, age 58 of Ravenna, Nebraska, gained her wings on May 14, 2019.
Obituary published: May 15, 2019 in "Kearney Hub"

▰ Rosetta C Habben

Died February 27, … More Information
Rosetta C Habben passed away peacefully February 27, 1998, at her home in Minden, Nebraska. She was 88.
Obituary published: February 28, 1998 in "Hastings Tribune"

▰ Rosetta C Habben

Died February 26, … More Information
On February 26, 1998, Rosetta C Habben, 88 of Minden, Nebraska passed from this world into the next.
Obituary published: February 27, 1998 in "Hastings Tribune"

▰ Rudolph J "Rudy" Haba

Died May 23, … More Information
Rudolph J "Rudy" Haba, age 88 of Nebraska, born in Kansas, went into the presence of the Lord on May 23, 2001.
Obituary published: May 24, 2001 in "Clay County News"

▰ Mildred V (Hesman) Haba

Died January 01, … More Information
Mildred V (Hesman) Haba, age 87 of Hastings, Nebraska, departed this life Sunday January 1, 2003.
Obituary published: January 02, 2003 in "Clay County News"

▰ Mildred V (Hesman) Haba

Died December 27, … More Information
Mildred V (Hesman) Haba, of Hastings, Nebraska, died on December 27, 2002. Mildred was 87.
Obituary published: December 28, 2002 in "Hastings Tribune"

▰ Joe C Haba

Died November 07, … More Information
Joe C Haba, of Wahoo, Nebraska, died on November 7, 2007. Joe was 85.
Obituary published: November 08, 2007 in "Wahoo Newspaper"

▰ Joe C Haba

Died November 09, … More Information
Joe C Haba, age 85 of Wahoo, Nebraska, went to be with the Lord on November 9, 2007.
Obituary published: November 10, 2007 in "Fremont Trib"

▰ Emma Marie Miss Haba

Died June 11, … More Information
Emma Marie Miss Haba, age 84 of Nebraska, born in Kansas, left herearthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home June 11, 2001.
Obituary published: June 12, 2001 in "Hastings Tribune"

▰ Eddie Haba

Died September 16, … More Information
Eddie Haba, born October 16, 1926 entered Heaven's gates on September 16, 2014 in Wahoo, Nebraska. Eddie was 87.

▰ Christina (Haba) Haba

Died July 26, … More Information
Christina (Haba) Haba, of Columbus, Nebraska, entered into eternal rest July 26, 1999. Christina was 80.
Obituary published: July 27, 1999 in "Lincoln Star"

▰ Christina Haba

Died July 26, … More Information
Christina Haba, 80, of Columbus, Nebraska, entered the Kingdom of Heaven July 26, 1999.
Obituary published: July 27, 1999 in "Fremont Trib"

▰ Agnes Mary Anne (Kosmacek) Haba

Died November 01, … More Information
Agnes Mary Anne (Kosmacek) Haba, 92, of Hastings, Nebraska, left her earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home November 1, 2017.
Obituary published: November 02, 2017 in "Hastings Tribune"

▰ Gordon E Haave

Died May 27, … More Information
Gordon E Haave, born December 21, 1920 joined the Lord May 27, 2017 in Nebraska. Gordon was 96.

▰ Gayl Haave

Died November 17, … More Information
Gayl Haave, born July 29, 1925 died on November 17, 2014 in Norfolk, Nebraska. Gayl was 89.

▰ Elna (Erickson) Haatanen

Died January 24, … More Information
Elna (Erickson) Haatanen, age 73 of Omaha, Nebraska, went to be with her Lord and Savior January 24, 1979.
Obituary published: January 25, 1979 in "OaklandInd"

▰ Charles E Haatanen

Died March 31, … More Information
Charles E Haatanen, of Nebraska, born in Massachusetts, entered into eternal rest March 31, 1982.
Obituary published: April 01, 1982 in "OaklandInd"

▰ Steven Paul Haataja

Died May 07, … More Information
Steven Paul Haataja, of Nebraska, born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, passed away peacefully May 7, 2007. Steven was 46.
Obituary published: May 08, 2007 in "ChadronRecord"

▰ Wilbur C Haase

Died July 25, … More Information
Wilbur C Haase, of Nebraska, born in Wisconsin, left us to live with the Father in his new eternal home July 25, 2005. Wilbur was 87.
Obituary published: July 26, 2005 in "Grand Island D-I"

▰ Walter Carl Haase

Died October 22, … More Information
Walter Carl Haase, 93, went to be with the Lord on October 22, 2007 in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Obituary published: October 23, 2007 in "Hastings Tribune"

▰ Vernie H R (Toelle) Haase

Died March 23, … More Information
Vernie H R (Toelle) Haase, 87, went to be with the Lord on March 23, 2004 in West Point, Nebraska.
Obituary published: March 24, 2004 in "Fremont Trib"

▰ Vernie Haase

Died March 22, … More Information
Vernie Haase, of West Point, Nebraska, passed away peacefully March 22, 2004. Vernie was 87.
Obituary published: March 23, 2004 in "Fremont Trib"

▰ Vera M (Roland) Haase

Died May 23, … More Information
Vera M (Roland) Haase, of Randolph, Nebraska, entered Heaven's gates on May 23, 1997. Vera was 78.
Obituary published: May 24, 1997 in "Norfolk Daily News"

▰ Sharon K Haase

Died April 28, … More Information
Sharon K Haase, born September 20, 1945 entered the Kingdom of Heaven April 28, 2016 in Nebraska. Sharon was 70.

▰ Sharon K Haase

Died April 28, … More Information
Sharon K Haase, born September 20, 1945 entered the Kingdom of Heaven April 28, 2016 in Papillion, Nebraska. Sharon was 70.

▰ Robert C Haase

Died July 11, … More Information
Robert C Haase, of Bellevue, Nebraska, went into the presence of the Lord on July 11, 1996. Robert was 25.
Obituary published: July 12, 1996 in "Omaha W-H"

▰ Robert C Haase

Died July 10, … More Information
Robert C Haase, of Bellevue, Nebraska, entered into eternal rest July 10, 1996. Robert was 25.
Obituary published: July 11, 1996 in "Omaha W-H"

▰ Richard Haase

Died July 15, … More Information
Richard Haase, born January 21, 1928 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord July 15, 2015 in Creighton, Nebraska. Richard was 87. Tags: #Ruby
Obituary: Richard was born on 21, 1928 and passed away on , 15, 2015. Richard was a resident of Creighton, Nebraska at the time of passing. Richard was married to Ruby.

▰ Olivia Haase

Died October 21, … More Information
Olivia Haase, 95, of Fremont, Nebraska gained her wings on October 21, 2009.
Obituary published: October 22, 2009 in "Fremont Trib"
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