ᐅ Florida Death Notices 2009-2025
Giraldo, Giraldi, Girala, Giral, Giraitis, Giragosian, Giragos...

Harold, Graciela, Gilberto, Evelyn, Carlos, Arturo, Angela, Alice, Alfredo...

Database updated March 2025
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▰ Harold Giraldo

Died January 10, … More Information
Harold Giraldo, born February 2, 1958 went into the presence of the Lord on January 10, 2015 in Winter Park, Florida. Harold was 56.

▰ Graciela Giraldo

Died November 25, … More Information
Graciela Giraldo, born April 5, 1924 passed away peacefully November 25, 2013 in Miami, Florida. Graciela was 89.
Family members and close friends: , Julian Granada

▰ Graciela Giraldo

Died November 25, … More Information
Graciela Giraldo, born April 5, 1924 died November 25, 2013 in Hialeah, Florida. Graciela was 89.
Family members and close friends: , Julian Granada

▰ Gilberto Giraldo

Died September 16, … More Information
Gilberto Giraldo, born November 20, 1951 was anxious to meet his Maker and Master September 16, 2010 in Coconut Creek, Florida. Gilberto was 58. Tags: #Gilberto #Todos #Fred #Sandra #Dios #Isabella #Alec #Niko #Beto #Heather #Effect #Next
Obituary: under the direction of Kraeer and Cremation , Coral Springs, FL.

Elogio escrito por: Luz Angela Hofer...

En primer lugar, en nombre de nuestra familia, les quiero dar las gracias a cada uno de ustedes por estar aquí con nosotros. Algunos de ustedes no los he visto en años, de pronto no hemos hablado en meses, hemos perdido contacto por una razón o otra, o estamos separados por la distancia. Sin embargo, sentimos una gran apoyo en ver tantas caras conocidas. Espero tener le oportunidad de volverlos a ver bajo diferentes circunstancias.

Si mi padre estuviera parado aquí hoy y alguien le preguntara, Gilberto, cuales serian tu utimas palabras en vida. Mi padre le diría a cada uno de ustedes, "Los amo, y yo tuve una gran vida!" Todos sabemos que my padre era un hombre feliz. El acariciaba cada momento de su vida. Él amaba la vida tanto que hasta en un vaso de agua la disfrutaba. Era muy chistoso porque se tomaba el agua, la saboreaba con la lengua, suspiraba, hacia ruidos, y decía, que delicia.

Mi padre no se quejaba de nada ni nadie. Mi papa no sabía que era a perdonar, porque él nunca guardaba rencor con nadie. A mi papa no le podía nadie hacer mal, porque todo lo cepillada a un lado. Esas son bobadas, decía mi papa. Ha esas cosas no se los pueden hacer caso en la vida .

Desde que mi esposo Fred conoció a mi padre, él siempre me ha dicho, "tu papá tiene un corazón de oro", y mi padre realmente lo tenia. Mi papa era el tipo de persona que corría por la gente.

Hay tantas cosas que aprendí de mi padre. Él me enseno a caminar de nina, a correr de adolecente, y a volar de adulta. El me animó a seguir mis sueños, y por su perseverencia a Sandra y a mi nos dio oportunidades que no habríamos tenido su no estuvieramos aqui. Mi papa trabajó muy duro por nosotros, para darnos una vida mejor, para educarnos y hacernos independientes ... y lo logró.

Cuando yo era joven, yo siempre me pregunte, por qué mi papa le da a los demás cuando el mismo necesita. Creo que en un momento mi papá hasta le llegó a pagar la cuentas a otros antes de pagar las suyas. Eso no le cayo muy bien a mi mama, y la entiendo, pero, eventualmente, sin embargo, comprendí a mi papa.

Un dia mi papa me dijo, "cuando muramos... no nos llevamos nada, solo dejamos atrás los recuerdos. "Yo era joven en el momento... pero esas palabras me causaron gran impresión y teníen mucho sentido.

Las palabras de mi padre se quedaron conmigo hace mucho tiempo y parte de mi vida se ha guiado por su filosofía. Mi padre me enseñó a dar y ser desapegada a las cosas materiales. Le doy gracias a El por eso poque Dios me ha devuelto en bendiciones cualquier acto de compasión que yo en algún momento haya tenido.

Mi papá era desinteresado y sin ataduras. El no era apegado a nada mundial. Y sin saberlo nosotros, mi papa decidió ser donante después de su muerte. Cuando me llamaron a mi, eso no me sorprendió. Ni sorprendió a mi mama ni a Sandra.

Lo sorprendente es que 250 personas se pueden beneficiar de la donación de mi papá. Alguien tendrá otra oportunidad de vida. Alguien de pronto podrá ver un amanecer, alguien podrá caminar en la playa, y alguien de nuevo podrá disfrutar la vida como mi papa lo hizo. Yo conocía muy bien a mi papa...y se que el esta sonriendo desde el cielo sabiendo eso.

Lo extrañare mucho. Su sonrisa alegre, como él jugaba con Isabella, Alec, y Niko. Él los desfilaba a cada uno de ellos sobre sus hombros gritando "caballito". Extrañare tanto sus vocecitas gritando "papá Beto", cuando llegaba el a la puerta.

Cómo me hubiese gustado tener mas tiempo con él.

Extrañare cuando su foto se me aparecía en mi celular cuando me llamaba.

Cómo deseo haber hablado con él más a menudo.

Extrañare su sonrisa y silbada al entrar por la puerta, y su voz diciendo hola mi amor.

Cómo me gustaría haber hecho más recuerdos con él.

Todos ustedes están aquí por los recuerdos que mi mi padre les ha dejado en sus corazones y mentes. Su presencia aquí es una confirmación de que los recuerdos con mi padre fueron lindos.

Mi padre era un hombre muy inteligente y el tenía razón....Todo lo que dejamos atrás son recuerdos. Y el me dejó grandes recuerdos.

Mi papa ya no está aquí en persona, pero él estará con nosotros para siempre.

Esa era la ultima línea de este discurso, y pensé que era mi ultima frase. Pero al estar sentada en mi casa esta manana tratando de terminar estas palabras, escuché un gran alboroto afuera de mi ventana en la cocina.

Pero antes de contarles que fue el alboroto, les cuento que hace algunos años, Fred y yo hemos sido visitados por uno o dos arrendajos azules en diferentes momentos de nuestra vida.

Es curioso, porque esta historia yo se la había contado a Liz, Heather, y Sandra aproximadamente un año atrás. Yo siempre he pensado que era una forma de que alguien en el más allá, me ha dicho, aquí estoy contigo.

Y entonces me acerque a mi ventana para ver que estaba pasando. Y esta mañana habían mas del par.

Como fue en vida... ahora...en el mas allam mi papa parece que hizo amigos rápidamente. Porque eran como cinco arrendajos azules fuera de mi ventana, y mas o menos 10-15 otras aves. Eso era típico de mi padre, cuantos más mejor.

Te amo papá, continued...

▰ Evelyn Giraldo

Died January 01, … More Information
Evelyn Giraldo, born November 1, 1964 went to be with her Lord and Savior January 1, 2017 in North Miami Beach, Florida. Evelyn was 52.

▰ Carlos Octavio Giraldo

Died November 13, … More Information
Carlos Octavio Giraldo, born August 26, 1954 died November 13, 2020 in Punta Gorda, Florida. Carlos was 66.

▰ Arturo Varon Giraldo

Died December 29, … More Information
Arturo Varon Giraldo, of Florida, left us to live with the Father in his new eternal home December 29, 2001. Arturo was 78.
Obituary published: December 30, 2001 in "Sarasota H-T"

▰ Angela (Manak) Giraldo

Died February 20, … More Information
Angela (Manak) Giraldo, of Florida, born in Cleveland, Ohio, left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home February 20, 2000. Angela was 69.
Obituary published: February 21, 2000 in "OS"

▰ Alice J Giraldo

Died January 01, … More Information

▰ Alfredo Giraldo

Died November 15, … More Information
Alfredo Giraldo, born August 25, 1936 entered eternal life November 15, 2015 in Florida. Alfredo was 79. Tags: #Trust #Palm #Hospice #Luis #Giraldo #Mary #Colombia
Obituary: Alfredo "Freddie" Giraldo, 79, passed away peacefully at his residence, surrounded by family, on 15, 2015 at 2:55pm. Cremation arrangements are being handled by Babione-Kraeer and a Memorial Service will be held at Delray Beach Golf Club at 2200 Highland Ave, Delray Beach on , 18, 2015 from 1pm to 3pm. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Trust Bridge Palm Beach Hospice by the Sea.


Rest in peace to my abuelito, Luis Alfredo Giraldo. He was a great man. A man that loved the kitchen, family, and his sweetheart of a wife, Mary. He chose being a chef as his career and it suited him. He enjoyed cooking and loved to cook for us whatever we wanted.

He was a pioneer of the Giraldo family. The first of our family to migrate to this country from Colombia and over time, brought all 8 of his children and my grandma to live here. Without him, I wouldn't be here along with my brother, cousins, and beautiful newborn son. We owe it all to him.

He meant a lot to us and I'll always cherish the loving memories we have of him. I love you abuelito!! You'll always be in our hearts.

25, 1936 - 15, 2015

▰ Alfredo "Freddie" Giraldo

Died November 15, … More Information
Alfredo "Freddie" Giraldo, born August 25, 1936 died on November 15, 2015 in Boca Raton, Florida. Alfredo was 79.
Family members and close friends: , Cielo Jaramillo, Teodoro Talbot

▰ Sergio F Giraldi

Died May 02, … More Information
Sergio F Giraldi, age 87 of Florida, passed from this world into the next May 2, 2018.
Obituary published: May 03, 2018 in "Tampa Bay"

▰ Sergio F Giraldi

Died April 30, … More Information
Sergio F Giraldi, born November 13, 1930 went to be with the Lord on April 30, 2018 in Largo, Florida. Sergio was 87.

▰ Adolfo Juan Girala

Died October 07, … More Information
Adolfo Juan Girala, born June 16, 1933 passed away peacefully October 7, 2019 in Miami, Florida. Adolfo was 86.
Family members and close friends: , Adolfo Antonio Girala, Vilma Victoria Girala, Michele Romeo, Ricardo Adolfo Girala, Ana Mercedes Girala-tye

▰ Carlos N Giral

Died July 28, … More Information
Carlos N Giral, born December 5, 1940 passed away peacefully July 28, 2016 in Tampa, Florida. Carlos was 75.

▰ Carlos N Giral

Died July 28, … More Information
Carlos N Giral, born December 5, 1940 went into the presence of the Lord on July 28, 2016 in Tampa, Florida. Carlos was 75.

▰ Albert P Sr "Gerry" Giraitis

Died January 06, … More Information
Albert P Sr "Gerry" Giraitis, age 95 of Florida, born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, died on January 6, 2006.
Obituary published: January 07, 2006 in "Tallahassee D"

▰ Gregory George Giragosian

Died June 16, … More Information
Gregory George Giragosian, born September 8, 1934 entered the Kingdom of Heaven June 16, 2017 in Seffner, Florida. Gregory was 82.

▰ Gregory George Giragosian

Died June 16, … More Information
Gregory George Giragosian, born September 8, 1934 went to be with the Lord on June 16, 2017 in Brandon, Florida. Gregory was 82.
Family members and close friends: , Stacy Pace

▰ Charles Kegham "Chuck" Giragosian

Died May 18, … More Information
Charles Kegham "Chuck" Giragosian, age 56 of Florida, born in Chicago, Illinois, passed from this life on May 18, 2004.
Obituary published: May 19, 2004 in "Gainesville Sun"

▰ Charles C Giragosian

Died March 12, … More Information
Charles C Giragosian, of Boca Raton, Florida, passed from this world into the next March 12, 2005. Charles was 82.
Obituary published: March 13, 2005 in "Sun-Sent"

▰ Therese Helen Giragos

Died May 30, … More Information
Therese Helen Giragos, born December 8, 1930 went to be with the Lord on May 30, 2016 in Lake Worth, Florida. Therese was 85. Tags: #Detroit #John #Teresa #Clancey #Visitation #School #Class #Academy #Monroe #Michigan #University #Marygrove #Giragos #Canada #Lake #Palm #Elementary #Joshua #Sheila #Grippo #Wendy #Keith #Soileau #Gianni #Christjon #Cassie #Chase #Connor #Andrew #Blake #Austin #Kyle #William #Robert #Roger #Memorial #Lisieux #Road #Wellington #South #National #Trust #Hospice #East #West #Beach #Quattlebaum #Cremation #Event #Hillcrest
Obituary: GIRAGOS, Therese Helen Tess
85 years old, of Lake Worth, FL, passed away on , May 30, 2016 after a brief illness. Mrs. G was born in Detroit, MI on 8, 1930, the daughter of John A. Clancey and Teresa K. Nixon Clancey. She was a graduate of Visitation Elementary School, Class of 1944, St. Mary Academy of Monroe, MI, Class of 1948 and attended Michigan State University, University of Detroit and Marygrove . On 18, 1955 she married John George Giragos and together they lived in Detroit for 43 years, spending the summers at their beloved cottage in Canada on Lake Eire. In 1973 they moved to the Palm Beaches where she taught in numerous Palm Beach schools, including St. Ann School and Palm Beach Elementary. Tess volunteered for many years at Café Joshua.
She is survived by her children, Sheila Soileau (John), Ann Grippo (Frank), Wendy Yarbrough (Buddy), John G. Giragos, Jr Jay, and Keith Giragos; ten grandchildren, Ian Soileau, Gianni and Christjon Grippo, Cassie and Chase Yarbrough, Connor and Andrew Giragos, Blake, Austin and Kyle Giragos; and her brother William G. Clancey. She was preceded in death by her husband, John G. Giragos, her sister, Sr. Mary Sheila, O.P. and her brothers, Robert J. Clancey and Roger L. Clancey.
A Memorial Mass will be held at 10:00 AM on , 9, 2016 at St. Therese de Lisieux Church, 11800 Lake Worth Road, Wellington, FL 33449. She will be interred next to her beloved husband in the South Florida National , at a later date. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made in her memory to TrustBridge Hospice, 5300 East Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL 33407.

under the direction of Quattlebaum , Cremation & Event at Hillcrest, West Palm Beach, FL.

▰ Therese Helen Giragos

Died May 30, … More Information
Therese Helen Giragos, born December 8, 1930 passed from this world into the next May 30, 2016 in West Palm Beach, Florida. Therese was 85.
Family members and close friends: , Paula Smith, Sean Clancey, Kathleen & Pete Hockenbury, Sherry Stowers, Annette Allison, Judy&herb Ebers, Shirley And Bill Lange, Kevin Clancey, Karen Lueking-ramsay, Charmaine, Melody & Neil, Wendy Eissey

▰ Mercedes De Girado

Died March 02, … More Information
Mercedes De Girado, born May 12, 1927 left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home March 2, 2013 in Tampa, Florida. Mercedes was 85.
Family members and close friends: , Staff Of Gonzalez Funeral Home, Christina Dimiceli

▰ Virginia Elizabeth [Shaw] Giradin

Died July 04, … More Information
Virginia Elizabeth [Shaw] Giradin, of Florida, born in Georgia, entered the Kingdom of Heaven July 4, 2001. Virginia was 89.
Obituary published: July 05, 2001 in "Ft Myers N-P"

▰ Virginia Elizabeth [Shaw] Giradin

Died July 04, … More Information
Virginia Elizabeth [Shaw] Giradin, of Ft Myers, Florida, went to be with her Lord and Savior July 4, 2001. Virginia was 89.
Obituary published: July 05, 2001 in "Ft Myers N-P"

▰ Virginia Elizabeth [Shaw] Giradin

Died July 03, … More Information
Virginia Elizabeth [Shaw] Giradin, 89, went to be with the Lord on July 3, 2001 in Ft Myers, Florida.
Obituary published: July 04, 2001 in "Ft Myers N-P"

▰ Virginia Elizabeth [Shaw] Giradin

Died July 02, … More Information
Virginia Elizabeth [Shaw] Giradin, of Ft Myers, Florida, was anxious to meet her Maker and Master July 2, 2001. Virginia was 89.
Obituary published: July 03, 2001 in "Ft Myers N-P"

▰ Mabel Marion Gira

Died March 07, … More Information
Mabel Marion Gira, age 88 of Florida, born in Illinois, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before she March 7, 1998.
Obituary published: March 08, 1998 in "Tampa Trib"

▰ Glen N Gira

Died May 02, … More Information
Glen N Gira, of Florida, born in Wisconsin, passed from this world into the next May 2, 2004. Glen was 55.
Obituary published: May 03, 2004 in "Tampa Trib"

▰ Milton F Gipstein

Died December 24, … More Information
Milton F Gipstein, of Florida, born in Hartford, Connecticut, departed this life Sunday December 24, 2005. Milton was 91.
Obituary published: December 25, 2005 in "Sarasota H-T"

▰ Elaine (Cohen) Gipstein

Died February 23, … More Information
Elaine (Cohen) Gipstein, of Florida, passed from this life on February 23, 2000. Elaine was 92.
Obituary published: February 24, 2000 in "Hartford Courant (CT)"

▰ Dorothy (Weitzman) Gipstein

Died August 12, … More Information
Dorothy (Weitzman) Gipstein, age 100 of Florida, born in Springfield, Massachusetts, entered eternal life August 12, 2014.
Obituary published: August 13, 2014 in "Sarasota H-T"

▰ Dorothy (Weitzman) Gipstein

Died August 11, … More Information
Dorothy (Weitzman) Gipstein, age 100 of Florida, born in Massachusetts, gained her wings on August 11, 2014.
Obituary published: August 12, 2014 in "Sarasota H-T"

▰ William L "Bill" Gipson

Died April 09, … More Information
William L "Bill" Gipson, age 83 of The Villages, Florida, went into the presence of the Lord on April 9, 2018.
Obituary published: April 10, 2018 in "DailySun"

▰ Will Gipson

Died July 28, … More Information
Will Gipson left this earth on July 28, 2014 to meet with Jesus, his Lord and Savior in Alva, Florida. Tags: #Tammy
Obituary: Will passed away on , 28, 2014. Will was a resident of Alva, Florida at the time of passing. Will was married to Tammy.

▰ Warren Odene Gipson

Died July 03, … More Information
Warren Odene Gipson, born October 23, 1949 died July 3, 2017 in Florida. Warren was 67.

▰ Walter Gipson

Died December 05, … More Information
Walter Gipson, age 83 of Ocala, Florida, joined the Lord December 5, 2006.
Obituary published: December 06, 2006 in "ChipleyBugle"

▰ Virginia W (Gibbs) Gipson

Died November 05, … More Information
Virginia W (Gibbs) Gipson, age 86 of Florida, born in Kalamazoo, Michigan, passed away November 5, 2001 at her home.
Obituary published: November 06, 2001 in "Sarasota H-T"

▰ Stanley Wallace "Bo" Gipson

Died May 09, … More Information
Stanley Wallace "Bo" Gipson, age 74 of Micco, Florida, was anxious to meet his Maker and Master May 9, 2004.
Obituary published: May 10, 2004 in "PJ"

▰ Stanley Leroy Gipson

Died January 01, … More Information

▰ Sheryl E (Monroe) Gipson

Died October 03, … More Information
Sheryl E (Monroe) Gipson, 47, of Orlando, Florida departed this life October 3, 2002.
Obituary published: October 04, 2002 in "OS"

▰ Rosa Gipson

Died January 01, … More Information

▰ Robert Leigh "Bob" Gipson

Died July 17, … More Information
Robert Leigh "Bob" Gipson, age 72 of Florida, born in Gulfport, Mississippi, departed this life Sunday July 17, 2001.
Obituary published: July 18, 2001 in "PNJ"

▰ Robert Leigh "Bob" Gipson

Died July 14, … More Information
Robert Leigh "Bob" Gipson, of Florida, born in Mississippi, entered eternal life July 14, 2001. Robert was 72.
Obituary published: July 15, 2001 in "PNJ"

▰ Robert Hull Gipson

Died May 08, … More Information
Robert Hull Gipson, born September 18, 1927 entered eternal life May 8, 2017 in Florida. Robert was 89. Tags: #Bloomington #Illinois
Obituary: Robert was born on 18, 1927 and passed away on , May 8, 2017. Robert was a resident of Florida. Robert was formerly from Bloomington, Illinois.

▰ Prophetess Jacqueline D Gipson

Died February 13, … More Information
Prophetess Jacqueline D Gipson, born May 13, 1956 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord February 13, 2017 in West Palm Beach, Florida. Prophetess was 60.
Family members and close friends: , Alicia Olofin, Hank Vereen, Alexis King, Chaplain Drjean Ezell, Betty Murph, Rosilyn Strawter, Cynthia Mcclellion-street, Mother Icylin Williams, Roxanne Payne, Barbara Tyler, Dr. T. Lucas Adams, Th D

▰ Phoebe (Jackson) Gipson

Died January 18, … More Information
Phoebe (Jackson) Gipson, age 96 of Vero Beach, Florida, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord January 18, 2012.
Obituary published: January 19, 2012 in "Press Journal"

▰ Patricia Ann Gipson

Died March 28, … More Information
Patricia Ann Gipson, born November 30, 1946 passed from this life on March 28, 2015 in Miami, Florida. PATRICIA was 68.

▰ Patricia Ann Gipson

Died March 28, … More Information
Patricia Ann Gipson, born November 30, 1946 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord March 28, 2015 in Miami, Florida. PATRICIA was 68.
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