ᐅ South Carolina Death Notices 2009-2025
Gyurco, Gysin, Gysgt, Gysel, Gypin, Gyorki, Gyngell, Gymer, Gygax...

John, William, Rita, Ronald, Thana, Jack, Barbara, Mary, Winifred, Linda...

Database updated March 2025
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▰ John James Gyurco

Died January 27, … More Information
John James Gyurco passed away January 27, 2015 in Conway, South Carolina. Tags: #Maryann
Obituary: John passed away on , 27, 2015. John was a resident of Conway, South Carolina at the time of passing. John was married to Maryann.

▰ William G Gysin

Died February 01, … More Information
William G Gysin, born May 24, 1926 passed from this world into the next February 1, 2020 in Greenville, South Carolina. William was 93.
Family members and close friends: , John Vorlick, Barbara Moore

▰ Rita Marie Gysin

Died March 26, … More Information
Rita Marie Gysin, born April 18, 1927 left earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home March 26, 2019 in Greenville, South Carolina. Rita was 91.
Family members and close friends: , Mary Beth Gysin ( Deceased ), Jesse Gysin, Linda Gysin, Ann Wood, Jack Strayer, Winifred Wilson, Will Gysin, Lindsey Strayer, Taylor Gysin, Davis Gysin, Ellen Gysin, Hannah Gysin, Mark Gysin, Bill Gysin, Bradley Gysin, Chris Wood, Jennifer Wood, Kendall Gysin, Clarence Pressley, Debbie Gysin, Matthew Gysin, Emily Wilson

▰ Ronald A Brooks Gysgt

Died March 15, … More Information
Ronald A Brooks Gysgt, born October 21, 1949 departed this life Sunday March 15, 2017 in Anderson, South Carolina. Ronald was 67.

▰ Thana "Candy" (Smith) Gysel

Died December 30, … More Information
Thana "Candy" (Smith) Gysel, age 52 of Westminster, South Carolina, went into the presence of the Lord on December 30, 2000.
Obituary published: December 31, 2000 in "Greenville News"

▰ Jack Leroy Jr Gypin

Died July 28, … More Information
Jack Leroy Jr Gypin, 42, of South Carolina, entered the Kingdom of Heaven July 28, 2000.
Obituary published: July 29, 2000 in "P&C"

▰ John Gyorki

Died December 21, … More Information
John Gyorki, born January 18, 1936 entered eternal life December 21, 2014 in Bluffton, South Carolina. John was 78.

▰ Barbara Morgan Gyngell

Died June 22, … More Information
Barbara Morgan Gyngell, born February 26, 1927 went to be with her Lord and Savior June 22, 2015 in Bluffton, South Carolina. Barbara was 88.

▰ Mary Ann (Craig) Gymer

Died February 02, … More Information
Mary Ann (Craig) Gymer passed away February 2, 2002 in Langley, South Carolina.
Obituary published: February 03, 2002 in "The State"

▰ Mary A (Craig) Gymer

Died February 02, … More Information
Mary A (Craig) Gymer went into the presence of the Lord on February 2, 2002 in Langley, South Carolina.
Obituary published: February 03, 2002 in "Augusta Ch (GA)"

▰ Winifred Edith (Hottinger) Gygax

Died October 12, … More Information
Winifred Edith (Hottinger) Gygax, age 94 of South Carolina, born in Brooklyn, New York, went to be with the Lord on October 12, 2006.
Obituary published: October 13, 2006 in "P&C"

▰ Linda (Quinn) Gydos

Died July 07, … More Information
Linda (Quinn) Gydos, 45, of Seneca, South Carolina departed this life July 7, 2002.
Obituary published: July 08, 2002 in "Spartanburg H-J"

▰ Kara Lynn "Kay" (Thomas) Gwynne-Vaughan

Died October 05, … More Information
Kara Lynn "Kay" (Thomas) Gwynne-Vaughan, age 57 of South Carolina, born in Brownwood, Texas, joined the Lord October 5, 2000.
Obituary published: October 06, 2000 in "P&C"

▰ Kara "Kay" Lynn (Thomas)[Simmons] Gwynne-Vaughan

Died October 07, … More Information
Kara "Kay" Lynn (Thomas)[Simmons] Gwynne-Vaughan, of South Carolina, born in Brownwood, Texas, passed from this life on October 7, 2000. Kara was 57.
Obituary published: October 08, 2000 in "Index J"

▰ Chester V Gwyer

Died October 19, … More Information
Chester V Gwyer, of South Carolina, born in Pennsylvania, gained his wings on October 19, 2004. Chester was 90.
Obituary published: October 20, 2004 in "Raleigh N & O (NC)"

▰ Milton William Dr Gwinner

Died March 15, … More Information
Milton William Dr Gwinner, age 88 of South Carolina, born in Ohio, entered eternal life March 15, 2002.
Obituary published: March 16, 2002 in "The State"

▰ Wilma Foster Gwinn

Died October 09, … More Information
Wilma Foster Gwinn, born May 18, 1928 passed from this world into the next October 9, 2014 in Laurens, South Carolina. Wilma was 86. Tags: #Charles
Obituary: Wilma was born on May 18, 1928 and passed away on , 9, 2014. Wilma was a resident of Laurens, South Carolina at the time of passing. Wilma was married to Charles.

▰ Vonnie Kate Gwinn

Died December 22, … More Information
Vonnie Kate Gwinn, born August 21, 1927 left earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home December 22, 2015 in Greer, South Carolina. Vonnie was 88. Tags: #Gentry
Obituary: Vonnie was born on 21, 1927 and passed away on , 22, 2015. Vonnie was a resident of Greer, South Carolina at the time of passing. Vonnie was married to Gentry.

▰ Tina Ruth Gwinn

Died January 13, … More Information
Tina Ruth Gwinn, born February 20, 1962 departed this life Sunday January 13, 2015 in Aiken, South Carolina. Tina was 52. Tags: #Daniel
Obituary: Tina was born on 20, 1962 and passed away on , 13, 2015. Tina was a resident of Aiken, South Carolina at the time of passing. Tina was married to Daniel.

▰ Thomas Judson Gwinn

Died June 10, … More Information
Thomas Judson Gwinn, age 81 of Taylors, South Carolina, went into the presence of the Lord on June 10, 2003.
Obituary published: June 11, 2003 in "Spartanburg H-J"

▰ Thomas Judson Gwinn

Died June 10, … More Information
Thomas Judson Gwinn, of Taylors, South Carolina, entered into eternal rest June 10, 2003. Thomas was 81.
Obituary published: June 11, 2003 in "Greenville News"

▰ Thomas J Gwinn

Died June 09, … More Information
Thomas J Gwinn died unexpectedly on June 9, 2003 at the age of 81 in Taylors, South Carolina.
Obituary published: June 10, 2003 in "Spartanburg H-J"

▰ Roy Jefferson Gwinn

Died May 27, … More Information
Roy Jefferson Gwinn, of Gaffney, South Carolina, joined the Lord May 27, 2003. Roy was 99.
Obituary published: May 28, 2003 in "Spartanburg H-J"

▰ Reginald Thomas Gwinn

Died May 28, … More Information
Reginald Thomas Gwinn, age 49 of Greenville, South Carolina, left us to live with the Father in his new eternal home May 28, 2003.
Obituary published: May 29, 2003 in "Spartanburg H-J"
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