▰ Robert Raymond Genso Died August 13, … More Information |
Robert Raymond Genso, born March 13, 1947 died on August 13, 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Robert was 69.
Family members and close friends: , Gary Kentwood |
▰ Taylor Nicole Elaine Gensmer Died April 05, … More Information |
Taylor Nicole Elaine Gensmer, born May 25, 1996 entered the Kingdom of Heaven April 5, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Taylor was 18.
Family members and close friends: , Your Mama, Mommies, Janet Vancamp, Linda Lowery, Vianey Sanchez, Stephanie Darbe, Lory Mista, Melanie Crawford, Leah Cook, Wyatt Mayhall, Tiffany Spears, Helena Dobers, Mommies, Papa Skip Clizbe, Jacqueline Bailey, Nana Vancamp, Maria & Reuben Perez, Bob Gehres, Clint N, Debra Mason, Patrice Boyd, Margaret F, Victoria Lodge, Kristina Heptner, Rebecca Hunt, Lyndsay Mccullough, Tricia Servin, Tatyana, Teresa Gonzales, Tracy Mcdaniel, Jennifer Van Camp, Mommy Van Camp, Lee Gensmer, Wyatt, Tays Mom, Tinamarie Arthur-cibel |
▰ Mary Ella Gensler Died May 03, … More Information |
Mary Ella Gensler, age 79 of Nevada, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home May 3, 1997. Obituary published: May 04, 1997 in "Las Vegas R-J" |
▰ Leon Nelson Gensler Died June 06, … More Information |
Leon Nelson Gensler, of Nevada, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, passed from this world into the next June 6, 2002. Leon was 84. Obituary published: June 07, 2002 in "Las Vegas R-J" |
▰ Leon Nelson Gensler Died June 06, … More Information |
Leon Nelson Gensler, age 84 of Nevada, born in Pennsylvania, went into the presence of the Lord on June 6, 2002. Obituary published: June 07, 2002 in "Las Vegas Sun" |
▰ Jennifer Suzann (Quinn) Gensler Died December 15, … More Information |
Jennifer Suzann (Quinn) Gensler, age 30 of Las Vegas, Nevada, went into the presence of the Lord on December 15, 2003. Obituary published: December 16, 2003 in "Las Vegas R-J" |
▰ Jennifer Suzann (Quinn) Gensler Died December 13, … More Information |
Jennifer Suzann (Quinn) Gensler, of Las Vegas, Nevada, departed this life Sunday December 13, 2003. Jennifer was 30. Obituary published: December 14, 2003 in "Las Vegas R-J" |
▰ Charleen M Gensler Died January 05, … More Information |
Charleen M Gensler, age 68 of Nevada, born in California, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord January 5, 2000. Obituary published: January 06, 2000 in "Las Vegas R-J" |
▰ Charleen M Gensler Died January 05, … More Information |
Charleen M Gensler, age 68 of Nevada, born in Santa Monica, California, went to be with the Lord on January 5, 2000. Obituary published: January 06, 2000 in "Las Vegas Sun" |
▰ Robert Dean Gensinger Died January 15, … More Information |
Robert Dean Gensinger, of Nevada, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord January 15, 1999. Robert was 54. Obituary published: January 16, 1999 in "Las Vegas R-J" |
▰ Lorraine Gensinger Died January 17, … More Information | Lorraine Gensinger, born June 12, 1951 entered into eternal rest January 17, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Lorraine was 63. |
▰ Lorraine Anne Gensinger Died January 17, … More Information |
Lorraine Anne Gensinger, born June 12, 1951 passed away peacefully January 17, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Lorraine was 63.
Family members and close friends: , Leila Ventura-gensinger, Sherry Jameson, Steve & Deb Chanis, Juan & Carmen Flores, Susan, Denise Gensinger-conroy, Angela Grimaldi |
▰ Gertrude Genser Died November 19, … More Information | Gertrude Genser, born June 24, 1925 died on November 19, 2020 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Gertrude was 95. |
▰ Avron Bud Genser Died May 15, … More Information |
Avron Bud Genser, of Nevada, went into the presence of the Lord on May 15, 2003. Avron was 74. Obituary published: May 16, 2003 in "Edmonton J (AB)" |
▰ Avron Bud Genser Died April 16, … More Information |
Avron Bud Genser, of Nevada, went into the presence of the Lord on April 16, 2003. Avron was 74. Obituary published: April 17, 2003 in "Las Vegas Sun" |
▰ Avron Bud Genser Died April 16, … More Information |
Avron Bud Genser, 74, of Nevada departed this life April 16, 2003. Obituary published: April 17, 2003 in "Las Vegas R-J" |
▰ Tony Genovese Died November 28, … More Information |
Tony Genovese, age 69 of Nevada, born in Bronx, New York, entered into eternal rest November 28, 2001. Obituary published: November 29, 2001 in "Las Vegas Sun" |
▰ Tony Genovese Died November 29, … More Information |
Tony Genovese, age 69 of Nevada, born in Bronx, New York, entered Heaven's gates on November 29, 2001. Obituary published: November 30, 2001 in "Las Vegas R-J" |
▰ Richard Peter Genovese Died March 08, … More Information |
Richard Peter Genovese, of Las Vegas, Nevada, entered into eternal rest March 8, 2005. Richard was 58. Obituary published: March 09, 2005 in "Las Vegas R-J" |
▰ Florence Carmella (Fidecaro) Genovese Died May 28, … More Information |
Florence Carmella (Fidecaro) Genovese, age 89 of Nevada, born in Rosetta, Pennsylvania, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before she May 28, 2006. Obituary published: May 29, 2006 in "Las Vegas R-J" |
▰ David Genovese Died June 18, … More Information |
David Genovese, born July 2, 1953 died June 18, 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada. David was 64.
Family members and close friends: , Dee Wade, Barbara Zinser, Diane Labs ( Hepinger ) |
▰ Nina (Borzellino) Genova Died September 07, … More Information |
Nina (Borzellino) Genova, 87 of Nevada, was anxious to meet her Maker and Master, September 7, 1998. Obituary published: September 08, 1998 in "Las Vegas R-J" |
▰ Nina (Borzellino) Genova Died September 07, … More Information |
Nina (Borzellino) Genova passed away peacefully September 7, 1998, at her home in Nevada. She was 87. Obituary published: September 08, 1998 in "Las Vegas Sun" |
▰ Nina Genova Died September 07, … More Information |
Nina Genova, age 87 of Nevada, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord September 7, 1998. Obituary published: September 08, 1998 in "Las Vegas Sun" |
▰ Joe Genova Died August 23, … More Information |
On August 23, 2007, Joe Genova, 92 of Las Vegas, Nevada passed from this world into the next. Obituary published: August 24, 2007 in "Las Vegas R-J" |
▰ Nancy [Shaw][Williams] Genoff Died October 01, … More Information |
Nancy [Shaw][Williams] Genoff, age 64 of Nevada, born in Illinois, departed this life Sunday October 1, 2001. Obituary published: October 02, 2001 in "Las Vegas Sun" |
▰ Nancy Genoff Died October 01, … More Information |
Nancy Genoff, age 64 of Nevada, born in Peoria, Illinois, was anxious to meet her Maker and Master October 1, 2001. Obituary published: October 02, 2001 in "Las Vegas R-J" |
▰ Mariana "Faye" Geno Died January 14, … More Information |
Mariana "Faye" Geno, born April 17, 1949 was anxious to meet her Maker and Master January 14, 2021 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Mariana was 71.
Family members and close friends: , Maybelline Cui, Christine Klein, Marzo Flores, Linda Geno, Leonnie Libajan Miller, Alyssa Baker, Antonio O Binoya, Ludi Flores |
▰ Marcello Giovanni Gennuso Died August 13, … More Information | Marcello Giovanni Gennuso, born April 13, 1998 departed this life Sunday August 13, 2017 in Nevada. Marcello was 19. |
▰ Leona Zolte [Shoor] Gennis Died September 10, … More Information |
Leona Zolte [Shoor] Gennis, of Nevada, born in New York, entered eternal life September 10, 2000. Leona was 80. Obituary published: September 11, 2000 in "Las Vegas Sun" |
▰ Leona Zolte Gennis Died September 10, … More Information |
Leona Zolte Gennis, of Nevada, born in Buffalo, New York, went to be with her Lord and Savior September 10, 2000. Leona was 80. Obituary published: September 11, 2000 in "Las Vegas R-J" |
▰ Leona (Zolte) Gennis Died September 11, … More Information |
Leona (Zolte) Gennis, of Nevada, born in Buffalo, New York, went to be with her Lord and Savior September 11, 2000. Obituary published: September 12, 2000 in "Buffalo News (NY)" |
▰ Edwin Gennis Died November 09, … More Information |
Edwin Gennis, born June 28, 1919 departed this life Sunday November 9, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Edwin was 96.
Family members and close friends: , Christine Las Vegas |
▰ Robert Francis "Bob" Gennette Died June 26, … More Information |
Robert Francis "Bob" Gennette, 82, went to be with the Lord on June 26, 2011 in Nevada. Obituary published: June 27, 2011 in "Reno G-J" |
▰ Marguerite Marie (Bennett) Gennette Died September 02, … More Information |
Marguerite Marie (Bennett) Gennette, age 73 of Nevada, left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home September 2, 1995. Obituary published: September 03, 1995 in "Hartford Courant (CT)" |
▰ Antonio Gennaro Died March 23, … More Information |
Antonio Gennaro, age 76 of Nevada, born in Cleveland, Ohio, went to be with the Lord on March 23, 1998. Obituary published: March 24, 1998 in "Las Vegas R-J" |
▰ Peggy Jean (Wadell) Gennarelli Died January 19, … More Information |
Peggy Jean (Wadell) Gennarelli, of Nevada, departed this life Sunday January 19, 2001. Peggy was 75. Obituary published: January 20, 2001 in "Las Vegas R-J" |
▰ Dominic J Gennantonio Died February 13, … More Information |
Dominic J Gennantonio, age 83 of Nevada, born in West Virginia, went to be with the Lord on February 13, 2001. Obituary published: February 14, 2001 in "Las Vegas R-J" |
▰ Dominic J Gennantonio Died February 13, … More Information |
Dominic J Gennantonio, of Nevada, born in Coketon, West Virginia, went to be with the Lord on February 13, 2001. Dominic was 83. Obituary published: February 14, 2001 in "Las Vegas Sun" |
▰ Flora (Deforest) Genkinger Died November 13, … More Information |
Flora (Deforest) Genkinger, age 81 of Nevada, born in California, went to be with her Lord and Savior November 13, 2008. Obituary published: November 14, 2008 in "Reno G-J" |
▰ Lorna Rances Genio Died September 12, … More Information |
Lorna Rances Genio, born October 20, 1951 went to be with the Lord on September 12, 2019 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Lorna was 67.
Family members and close friends: , Mary-catherine Dublin, Breanna Detroit, Annemarie Long Island, Esther Sandra M. Regaspi, Suz Chicago, Adrian Delhi, Jenn Philadelphia, Alexandra San Francisco, Lindsay Calgary, Victoria Los Angeles, Aida Genio Almendral, Jennifer Christchurch, Nz, Meg Des Moines, Katie Raleigh, Kate Victoria, Los Angeles, Chloé Atlanta, Nicky, Lisa Pittsburgh, Samantha Nyc, Marissa Saint Louis, Mackenzie St. Louis, Deyanira Tijuana, Catarina Lisbon, Portugal, Badra Marrakech, Ea Aarhus Denmark, Darcey Tampa, Victor Omar Genio ( Deceased ), Fabiana Garland, Chloe Maryborough, Aries G Almendral, Carrie, Rachel Vancouver, Delia Ramstein, Laura Millerton, Rachel Neola, Olivia Roanoke, Brenda, Zahra, Rawan Toronto, Jennifer Danville, Jose Amado Genio, Antonina Genio Meulio, Rose Long Beach, Deanna Assateague, Helen St Petersburg, Laurie Los Angeles, Amanda Le Havre, France, Whangaparaoa, Auckland, New, Maria Concepcion M. Comeo, Noa Rosh Pinna, Isabelle Marie Orinion, Hannah Hardwick, Marina Kitty Hawk, Tucson, April Huntington Beach, Michelle New Orleans, L Vancouver, Joshua Allen Genio, Cindy Gig Harbor, Marvin Romeo Amposta, Jomalyn Genio, Holly Sorrento, Gabbie Los Angeles, Jamey Hagerstown, Caitlyn Toronto, Emily Lisboa, Portigal, Christina, Marielon Beltrano Medina, Jose Avelino Genio, Victor Omar Genio Jr, Jennifer, Maria Canberra, Australia, Chloe Mebourne, Australia, Aoife Newcastle Upon Tyne, Adrienne Glasgow, Scotland, Emmanuel L Genio Jr, Belen Silva Rances ( Deceased ), Samantha Boise, Katee Oakland, Jessika San Francisco, Camille, Kristen Seattle, Kelli San Francisco, A Glasgow Scotland, Sarah Minneapolis, Andrea Santa Cruz, Jobel Genio, Heather Dallas, Jill Burlington, Anna Nairobi, Emily Tampa, Belinda Chicago ( Hometown Of San Ant, Jindra L Genio-samson, Charmaine New Zealand, Alondra Las Vegas, Marci Baltimore, Maddelyn Perth, Western Australia, Wendy Boston, Angie Vancouver, Hannah Orlando, Tamara Baghdad, Kelly Altoona, Heather Savannah, Nancy Bend, Sharla Denver, Debbie Toronto, Tania Brownsville, Silvia Monopoli, Lori Williamsburg, Noelle Miami, Amber Auckland, New Zealand, Kelly Bainbridge, Alaina Pittsburgh, Sneha, Karla Farmington, Diana Tampa, Johann Andrei Genio, Emmanuel Rances Genio, Kristen Greensboro, Martha Exeter, Gauri Singapore, Alexandra Sydney, Elina Athens, Greece, Catie Glastonbury, Karen Huntsville, Melanie England, Filtisia, Sheila Greensboro, Christine Quincy, Kim Mesa, Anna Warner Robins, Jessica Chicago, Nicole San Francisco, Becca New York, Glt St. Petersburg, Amanda Melbourne, Kayla Manhattan Beach, Rhandy G. Meulio, Shannon Perth, Mary Seattle, Molly New York City, Chelsea Hull, Briana, Lauryn, Holli Long Island New York, Rogel Pepa Jr, Maximillion Beltrano Orion, Cara Sydney, Patricia Mediterranean Islands Of Mal, Jade Melbourne, Holly Vc, Mario Santiago Beltrano Jr., Christine Merritt Island, Brittany Small Town, Katie Louisville, Maia Ames, Linda Grande Prairie, Shy Philippines, Cas Edmonton, Michaela Vienna, Ericka Newark, Sofi Santiago, Chile, Emily Costa Mesa, Jijy Dallas, Deanna Columbus, Kiana Rose Fort Worth, Cameron Loulé, Baily LipsoÃ, Stephanie Monrovia, Mina San Diego, Amanda Boston, Allie San Francisco, Jackie Nyc, Katie Lancaster, Evelyn, Jaid Destiny Hill, Jessica Washington, Glt Cleveland, Christy, Roberta Vadnais Heights, Olivia Toronto, Ilona Lviv, Ukraine, Glenda L Genio, Kaila Margaret Rose Beltrano, Michelle Stockholm, Carina San Diego, Penelope Houston, Ma. Francia L Genio-goluch, Brigitta Melbourne, Australia, Megan, Melody Ava Beltrano Medina, Judy Green Bay, Kristen Spanish Fort, D'angelo Lopez Beltrano, Carolyn Taree Australia, Shannon Toms River, Piyumi Baltimore, Sarah Bruges, Belgium, Sally Folsom, Steph Perth, Laura Geneva, Switzerland, Erika Nürnberg, Germany, Josette Emlen Genio, Sarah Louisville, Taylor Space Coast, Rose Aztec, Kiana Rose Orinion, Soph Kent, Nicolette Austin, Yabel Guatemala, Leo Angelo Lopez, Johnnie Anchorage, Jennifer Charlotte, Anne Fort Worth, Jaymie Orlando, Liz Miami, Rei Gaborone, Botswana, Marta Hercules, Brooke Brisbane, Australia, Vicki San Diego, Kristen Staunton, Sandra Atlanta, Ashley Hobart, Danielle Calgary, Kelsey Tacoma, Amanda Whitehorse, Kayla Avon, Jackie Missoula, Angel Las Vegas, Rosey Te Anau, New Zealand, Katie Marion, Mary Ann M. Milano, Dede - Glt Minneapolis, Ma. Josefina Geno, Cathleen Dana Point, Samantha Edmonton, Demi Oosterhout, Ana San Antonio, Cass Gold Coast, Christian Fort Worth, Weenah Las Vegas, Christina L Genio-kaiparambat, Eric Las Vegas, Amanda, Julie Detroit, Karen Victoria, Ivy Sydney, Carol Salem, Angie Naples, Annie Vienna, Kaleigh Phoenix, Megan Reading, Nancy Hollywood, Desrie', Austin G Almendral, Bernadette Sydney, Shaylin Edmonton, Katie Grand Rapids, Andrea Malta, Kayla Cobourg, Andres Rances Genio, Jess Adelaide, Courtney Welland, R Auckland, Kathy Perth, Bayleigh Roswell, Ceci Southern California, Vincent Gabriel New York, Danielle Tel Aviv, Lieselot Ghent, Gina Rockaway Beach, Mario Miguel Beltrano, Tanya Glt, Aaron G Almendral, Laura Boston, Ash Gold Coast, Jennifer San Francisco, Ma. Theresa M. Octavo, Lisa Reno, Jose Parafina Genio ( Deceased ), Kathy, Anna New York, Jean Auckland, New Zealand, Trudi Karin Hill, Romeo Jose G. Meulio, C San Antonio, Louise Göteborg, Sarah Toronto, Michelle San Diego, Fatima Islamabad, Dallas, Michelle Charlotte, Deb Coin, Maria Wenonah Beltrano |
▰ Leonard Stephen Del Genio Died September 26, … More Information | Leonard Stephen Del Genio, born March 22, 1943 joined the Lord September 26, 2012 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Leonard was 69. |
▰ Leonard S Del Genio Died September 26, … More Information |
Leonard S Del Genio, born March 22, 1943 died September 26, 2012 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Leonard was 69.
Family members and close friends: , Oz Las Vegas, Curt Las Vegas, Kathleen Las Vegas, Harvey Mount Kisco, Toni Girl And Family Fairview, Michael Las Vegas, Anita Las Vegas,, Diana Las Vegas, Bill Las Vegas, Cornelia Westport, Steve & Eloisa Las Vegas, Norma Las Vegas, Al & Joanne Sugar Land, David San Diego, Jerry And Natalie Las Vegas, Fred Westlake Village, Scotty, Cindy Las Vegas, Jay Las Vegas, Cornelia Bronxville, Roxy Las Vegas |
▰ Annick Louise Del Genio Died July 22, … More Information |
Annick Louise Del Genio, born August 9, 1938 entered into eternal rest July 22, 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Annick was 77.
Family members and close friends: , Henriette Manassas, Valérie Las Vegas, Melanie Burbank, Josette El Paso |
▰ Marius George Genin Died March 29, … More Information | Marius George Genin, born December 26, 1909 passed from this world into the next March 29, 1969 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Marius was 59. |
▰ Walt Genier Died May 03, … More Information |
Walt Genier, age 72 of Nevada, born in New York, joined the Lord May 3, 2000. Obituary published: May 04, 2000 in "Las Vegas R-J" |
▰ Walt Genier Died May 03, … More Information |
Walt Genier, age 72 of Nevada, born in Glen Falls, New York, went into the presence of the Lord on May 3, 2000. Obituary published: May 04, 2000 in "Las Vegas Sun" |
▰ Robert Clarence Genier Died September 22, … More Information |
Robert Clarence Genier, age 38 of Nevada, born in Tucson, Arizona, died on September 22, 1999. Obituary published: September 23, 1999 in "Las Vegas R-J" |
▰ Robert Clarence Genier Died September 22, … More Information |
Robert Clarence Genier, of Nevada, born in Tucson, Arizona, departed this life Sunday September 22, 1999. Robert was 38. Obituary published: September 23, 1999 in "Las Vegas Sun" |
▰ Betty K Genge Died April 30, … More Information |
Betty K Genge, of Nevada, went to be with her Lord and Savior April 30, 2001. Betty was 77. Obituary published: May 01, 2001 in "Las Vegas R-J" |
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