ᐅ Hawaii Death Notices 2009-2024
Fazio, Faye, Fay, Faxon, Favorite, Favinger-kahoonei, Favella...

Nicholas, Charlotte, Patricia, Margaret, Leonilda, Ernest, Anthony, Vicente...

Database updated December 2024
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▰ Nicholas A Fazio

Died June 18, … More Information
Nicholas A Fazio, age 79 of Hawaii, born in Bronx, New York, left hisearthly home and passed through the Veil to his Eternal Home June 18, 1999.
Obituary published: June 19, 1999 in "Honolulu S-B"

▰ Nicholas A Fazio

Died June 18, … More Information
Nicholas A Fazio, age 79 of Hawaii, died on June 18, 1999.
Obituary published: June 19, 1999 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Charlotte Eaton Faye

Died February 09, … More Information
Charlotte Eaton Faye, age 101 of Hawaii, born in Geneva, New York, entered into eternal rest February 9, 2000.
Obituary published: February 10, 2000 in "Honolulu S-B"

▰ Charlotte Eaton Faye

Died February 07, … More Information
Charlotte Eaton Faye, of Hawaii, born in Geneva, New York, went to be with the Lord on February 7, 2000. Charlotte was 101.
Obituary published: February 08, 2000 in "Honolulu A (HI)"

▰ Patricia Ann (Peterson) Fay

Died April 17, … More Information
Patricia Ann (Peterson) Fay, age 75 of Hawaii, born in Cheyenne, Wyoming, passed from this life on April 17, 2016.
Obituary published: April 18, 2016 in "GreeleyTribune (CO)"

▰ Margaret Schmidt Fay

Died September 08, … More Information
Margaret Schmidt Fay, of Hawaii, went into the presence of the Lord on September 8, 1998. Margaret was 88.
Obituary published: September 09, 1998 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Margaret S Fay

Died September 09, … More Information
Margaret S Fay, of Honolulu, Hawaii, entered the Kingdom of Heaven September 9, 1998. Margaret was 88.
Obituary published: September 10, 1998 in "Honolulu S-B"

▰ Margaret F (Schmidt) Fay

Died August 10, … More Information
Margaret F (Schmidt) Fay, age 88 of Hawaii, went to be with the Lord on August 10, 1998.
Obituary published: August 11, 1998 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Margaret F Fay

Died August 10, … More Information
Margaret F Fay, of Honolulu, Hawaii, passed from this life on August 10, 1998. Margaret was 88.
Obituary published: August 11, 1998 in "Honolulu S-B"

▰ Margaret Deborah Miss Fay

Died August 29, … More Information
Margaret Deborah Miss Fay, of Hawaii, born in New York City, New York, left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home August 29, 2002. Margaret was 38.
Obituary published: August 30, 2002 in "MauiNews"

▰ Leonilda Rita Faxon

Died October 06, … More Information
Leonilda Rita Faxon, 79, of Kailua, Hawaii, entered the Kingdom of Heaven October 6, 2001.
Obituary published: October 07, 2001 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Ernest Edward Favorite

Died April 17, … More Information
Ernest Edward Favorite, age 64 of Aiea, Hawaii, entered the Kingdom of Heaven April 17, 2003.
Obituary published: April 18, 2003 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Anthony Kalei Favinger-Kahoonei

Died December 31, … More Information
Anthony Kalei Favinger-Kahoonei, of Hawaii, entered Heaven's gates on December 31, 1998. Anthony was 3.
Obituary published: January 01, 1999 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Anthony Kalei Favinger-Kahoonei

Died December 22, … More Information
Anthony Kalei Favinger-Kahoonei, of Hawaii, departed this life Sunday December 22, 1998. Anthony was 3.
Obituary published: December 23, 1998 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Anthony K Favinger-Kahoonei

Died December 31, … More Information
Anthony K Favinger-Kahoonei, age 3 of Wahiawa Oahu, Hawaii, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord December 31, 1998.
Obituary published: January 01, 1999 in "Honolulu S-B"

▰ Anthony K Favinger-Kahoonei

Died December 23, … More Information
Anthony K Favinger-Kahoonei, of Wahiawa Oahu, Hawaii, entered Heaven's gates on December 23, 1998. Anthony was 3.
Obituary published: December 24, 1998 in "Honolulu S-B"

▰ Vicente Marquez "Vic" Favella

Died April 03, … More Information
Vicente Marquez "Vic" Favella, of Hawaii, passed from this world into the next April 3, 2001. Vicente was 62.
Obituary published: April 04, 2001 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Jacquelyn Gabriella Nalani Fautt

Died May 07, … More Information
Jacquelyn Gabriella Nalani Fautt, born July 3, 1957 gained her wings on May 7, 2019 in Kaneohe, Hawaii. Jacquelyn was 61.

▰ Edna Chiyoko Fautheree

Died December 08, … More Information
Edna Chiyoko Fautheree, 78, went to be with the Lord on December 8, 1999 in Hawaii.
Obituary published: December 09, 1999 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Silao Fautanu, Jr

Died July 15, … More Information
Silao Fautanu, Jr passed away July 15, 2014 in Honolulu, Hawaii.

▰ Sally S Faustino

Died September 01, … More Information
Sally S Faustino, born September 16, 1924 died on September 1, 2019 in Kaneohe, Hawaii. Sally was 94.

▰ Josephine P (Galera) Faustino

Died July 31, … More Information
Josephine P (Galera) Faustino left this earth on July 31, 2013 to meet with Jesus, her Lord and Savior in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Obituary published: August 01, 2013 in "SO BAY D-B (CA)"

▰ Alfonso Dr Faustino

Died May 05, … More Information
Alfonso Dr Faustino, age 71 of Hawaii, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord May 5, 2002.
Obituary published: May 06, 2002 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Marcellite Helen [Porth] Faust

Died April 25, … More Information
Marcellite Helen [Porth] Faust died unexpectedly on April 25, 2020 at the age of 98 in Hawaii.
Obituary published: April 26, 2020 in "San Diego U-T (CA)"

▰ Janice Lee Faust

Died December 05, … More Information
Janice Lee Faust, born August 3, 1925 joined the Lord December 5, 2012 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Janice was 87.
Family members and close friends: , Pat Muneno

▰ Bertha Barbara Faust

Died March 13, … More Information
Bertha Barbara Faust, born June 27, 1922 passed from this life on March 13, 2016 in Mililani, Hawaii. Bertha was 93.

▰ Abigail Kaapuaokalani (Oneha) Faust

Died June 26, … More Information
Abigail Kaapuaokalani (Oneha) Faust, age 79 of Hawaii, entered eternal life June 26, 1998.
Obituary published: June 27, 1998 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Robert Augustin Faurot

Died April 16, … More Information
Robert Augustin Faurot, of Hawaii, departed this life Sunday April 16, 1998. Robert was 67.
Obituary published: April 17, 1998 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Mary E K T "Lucky" (Colburn) Faupata

Died September 05, … More Information
Mary E K T "Lucky" (Colburn) Faupata, of Hawaii, went to be with the Lord on September 5, 1997. Mary was 64.
Obituary published: September 06, 1997 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Fautino Faumuina

Died June 06, … More Information
Fautino Faumuina, age 72 of Hawaii, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord June 6, 1998.
Obituary published: June 07, 1998 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Tuivale Tasi Faumui

Died April 21, … More Information
Tuivale Tasi Faumui, of Hawaii, departed this life Sunday April 21, 1999. Tuivale was 46.
Obituary published: April 22, 1999 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Tuivale T Faumui

Died April 21, … More Information
Tuivale T Faumui, age 46 of Hawaii, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before Tuivale April 21, 1999.
Obituary published: April 22, 1999 in "Honolulu S-B"

▰ Tuivale Faumui

Died September 24, … More Information
Tuivale Faumui, born June 7, 1955 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord September 24, 2014 in Wailuku, Hawaii. Tuivale was 59.

▰ Toetu Faumui

Died August 25, … More Information
Toetu Faumui, age 52 of Honolulu, Hawaii, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before Toetu August 25, 1998.
Obituary published: August 26, 1998 in "Honolulu S-B"

▰ Toetu Faumui

Died August 25, … More Information
Toetu Faumui, of Hawaii, passed from this life on August 25, 1998. Toetu was 52.
Obituary published: August 26, 1998 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Rosemary Fossitt Faulkner

Died April 10, … More Information
Rosemary Fossitt Faulkner, of St Saviour's GSY C, Hawaii, entered Heaven's gates on April 10, 2006. Rosemary was 80.
Obituary published: April 11, 2006 in "Guernsey P"

▰ John Robert Faulk

Died January 10, … More Information
John Robert Faulk, age 61 of Hawaii, born in Tacoma, Washington, joined the Lord January 10, 2009.
Obituary published: January 11, 2009 in "Tacoma N-T (WA)"

▰ Matilda Edith Faufata

Died June 23, … More Information
Matilda Edith Faufata, age 88 of Hawaii, passed away peacefully June 23, 1997.
Obituary published: June 24, 1997 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Mary E K T "Lucky" (Colburn) Faufata

Died September 08, … More Information
Mary E K T "Lucky" (Colburn) Faufata, of Hawaii, passed from this world into the next September 8, 1997. Mary was 64.
Obituary published: September 09, 1997 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Sieni Tuiva Faualo

Died December 17, … More Information
Sieni Tuiva Faualo, age 85 of Hawaii, went to be with the Lord on December 17, 2001.
Obituary published: December 18, 2001 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Marlene Carol Faualo

Died April 23, … More Information
Marlene Carol Faualo, age 66 of Koloa, Hawaii, entered the Kingdom of Heaven April 23, 2001.
Obituary published: April 24, 2001 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Enele Fau

Died January 30, … More Information
Enele Fau, age 66 of Hawaii, entered eternal life January 30, 1999.
Obituary published: January 31, 1999 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Mary (Collingwood) Fattorini

Died March 03, … More Information
Mary (Collingwood) Fattorini, age 84 of GSY C, Hawaii, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord March 3, 1996.
Obituary published: March 04, 1996 in "Daily T (ENG)"

▰ Ethel Ching (Ching) Fatt

Died May 10, … More Information
Ethel Ching (Ching) Fatt, of Honolulu, Hawaii, passed from this life on May 10, 2003. Ethel was 88.
Obituary published: May 11, 2003 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Lenisi Iveni Fatai

Died January 06, … More Information
Lenisi Iveni Fatai, born August 15, 1946 passed away peacefully January 6, 2020 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Lenisi was 73.

▰ Doris Fassl

Died June 20, … More Information
Doris Fassl, of Hawaii, left earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home June 20, 1997. Doris was 87.
Obituary published: June 21, 1997 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Dorothy "Dot" (Le Page) Fassett

Died June 17, … More Information
Dorothy "Dot" (Le Page) Fassett, age 70 of St Andrews GSY C, Hawaii, passed from this life on June 17, 2005.
Obituary published: June 18, 2005 in "Guernsey P"

▰ Thelma Chiyoko Fasone

Died January 09, … More Information
Thelma Chiyoko Fasone, 74, of Kapolei, Hawaii, entered the Kingdom of Heaven January 9, 2003.
Obituary published: January 10, 2003 in "Honolulu A"

▰ Maria Luz Bobbin Salve Fasone

Died June 25, … More Information
Maria Luz Bobbin Salve Fasone, born December 21, 1931 went to be with the Lord on June 25, 2018 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Maria was 86.

▰ Florence Asako Fasi

Died May 26, … More Information
Florence Asako Fasi passed away peacefully May 26, 1997, at her home in Hawaii. She was 74.
Obituary published: May 27, 1997 in "Honolulu A"
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