ᐅ California Death Notices 2009-2025
Etzler, Etzle, Etzkorn, Etzenhauser, Etzen, Etz, Etyemezian, Etuale...

Gary, Cornelia, David, Ida, Fred, Louise, Stanley, Inez, Gladys, Elaine...

Database updated March 2025
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▰ Gary B Etzler

Died August 03, … More Information
Gary B Etzler, born November 19, 1934 entered eternal life August 3, 2014 in Newhall, California. GARY was 79.

▰ Gary B Etzler

Died August 03, … More Information
Gary B Etzler, born November 25, 1934 passed away peacefully August 3, 2014 in Newhall, California. Gary was 79.
Family members and close friends: , Sherease Henderson, Jolene Valdes, Amanda Etzler

▰ Cornelia Ruth Etzler

Died June 29, … More Information
Cornelia Ruth Etzler, born February 8, 1915 left earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home June 29, 2011 in Red Bluff, California. Cornelia was 96.

▰ David W Etzle

Died December 18, … More Information
David W Etzle passed away December 18, 1997 in San Francisco, California.
Obituary published: December 19, 1997 in "Citizen V (PA)"

▰ Ida Louise (Allario) Etzkorn

Died January 06, … More Information
Ida Louise (Allario) Etzkorn, of Los Gatos, California, died on January 6, 2004. Ida was 91.
Obituary published: January 07, 2004 in "Los Gatos W-T"

▰ Fred L Etzkorn

Died January 20, … More Information
Fred L Etzkorn went into the presence of the Lord on January 20, 1990 in Whittier, California.

▰ Louise M Miss Etzenhauser

Died November 15, … More Information
Louise M Miss Etzenhauser, of San Luis Obispo, California, passed from this life on November 15, 1999. Louise was 84.
Obituary published: November 16, 1999 in "San Luis Obispo T"

▰ Stanley Bernard Etzen

Died August 21, … More Information
Stanley Bernard Etzen, born April 25, 1930 departed this life Sunday August 21, 2018 in Victorville, California. Stanley was 88.

▰ Inez Cora (Legg) Etzen

Died September 28, … More Information
Inez Cora (Legg) Etzen, age 93 of Apple Valley, California, entered into eternal rest September 28, 1998.
Obituary published: September 29, 1998 in "Springfield J-R (IL)"

▰ Gladys Marie Mrs Etz

Died February 08, … More Information
Gladys Marie Mrs Etz, age 80 of California, born in Harbor Beach, Michigan, left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home February 8, 2001.
Obituary published: February 09, 2001 in "SO BAY D-B"

▰ Elaine Ann Etz

Died February 13, … More Information
Elaine Ann Etz, of Vista, California, gained her wings on February 13, 2008. Elaine was 76.
Obituary published: February 14, 2008 in "Californian"

▰ Serpouhi Etyemezian

Died January 11, … More Information
Serpouhi Etyemezian, born January 18, 1929 went into the presence of the Lord on January 11, 2021 in Glendale, California. Serpouhi was 91.

▰ Sosoatu Etuale

Died July 20, … More Information
Sosoatu Etuale, born April 15, 1936 departed this life Sunday July 20, 2015 in Garden Grove, California. Sosoatu was 79. Tags: #Forest #Cypress #California
Obituary: Sosoatu Etuale, 79, born on 15, 1936, in Apia, Western Samoa, passed away 20, 2015. He resided in Garden Grove, California at the time of his passing. are under the direction of Forest Lawn, Cypress, California.

▰ Mariann Natalie Ettorre

Died December 04, … More Information
Mariann Natalie Ettorre, born July 15, 1956 gained her wings on December 4, 2017 in Santa Ana, California. Mariann was 61.
Family members and close friends: , Denise Bennett, Eckel Ribadeneira, Marci Braybrooks, Dominic Florio, Kevin Boshea, Cheryl Freels, Beth Greenwood, Don Heide, Marlene Tarloski, Chaplain Brad Stetson, Bruce Speck

▰ Joanne Ettner

Died July 13, … More Information
Joanne Ettner, born July 25, 1952 passed from this life on July 13, 2020 in Oakhurst, California. JoAnne was 67.

▰ Jeannette (Jenkins) Ettner

Died August 07, … More Information
Jeannette (Jenkins) Ettner, of Visalia, California, gained her wings on August 7, 2006. Jeannette was 95.
Obituary published: August 08, 2006 in "VTD"

▰ Dorothy Isabel Ettner

Died July 30, … More Information
Dorothy Isabel Ettner, born September 23, 1917 passed away peacefully July 30, 2019 in Westminster, California. Dorothy was 101.

▰ Dorothy Isabel Ettner

Died July 30, … More Information
Dorothy Isabel Ettner, born September 23, 1917 entered into eternal rest July 30, 2019 in Roseville, California. Dorothy was 101.

▰ Betty Ettmer

Died October 14, … More Information
Betty Ettmer passed away October 14, 1997 in California.
Obituary published: October 15, 1997 in "Los Angeles T"

▰ Herman L Ettman

Died November 08, … More Information
Herman L Ettman, of Oceanside, California, left us to live with the Father in his new eternal home November 8, 2000. Herman was 82.
Obituary published: November 09, 2000 in "NC Times"

▰ Herman L Ettman

Died November 09, … More Information
Herman L Ettman, 82, of Oceanside, California, left his earthly home and passed through the Veil to his Eternal Home November 9, 2000.
Obituary published: November 10, 2000 in "NC Times"

▰ Frances Cartisano Ettman

Died March 10, … More Information
Frances Cartisano Ettman, born January 1, 1924 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord March 10, 2011 in Canoga Park, California. Frances was 87. Tags: #United #Dominick #Brooklyn #York #Mary #Vincent #Edward #California #Bruce #Michele #Andrea #Manuel #Jenna #Daniel #Blake #Marisa #Chris #Alexandra #Dominique #Gianna
Obituary: Frances Cartisano Ettman was born 1, 1924 in Caulonia, Reggio Calabria, Italy. At just three months of age, her father, Ilario, passed away from pneumonia, and together with her sister Nicolina and her brother Domenico, she was raised by her mother Anna, and grandmother. As a child, she studied the difficult art of embroidery, which led to her longtime love of sewing.

When she was 21, she made the courageous journey alone to the United States as a war bride to marry Dominick Cirillo, a sergeant in the United States army. Together they settled in Brooklyn, New York, bought a home, and raised a family. had two children, Mary and Vincent.

Her passion for sewing led her to open a successful childrens clothing factory with her second husband, Edward Ettman. In 1987, she retired to California to be close to her children and their families.

She was best known for her wonderful sense of humor, her feisty personality, her love of friends and family, and her delicious meatballs and eggplant parmesan.

She is survived by her children, Mary, Bruce, Vincent, Michele, her 8 grandchildren, Andrea, Manuel, Jenna, Daniel, Blake, Marisa, Chris and Alexandra, and her 2 great-grandchildren Dominique and Gianna.

She made a lasting impression on all who knew her, and will be greatly missed by all.

▰ Pauline Ettlinger

Died July 01, … More Information
Pauline Ettlinger, born April 4, 1923 died on July 1, 2017 in San Diego, California. Pauline was 94.

▰ Max Ettlinger

Died October 08, … More Information
Max Ettlinger went into the presence of the Lord on October 8, 1907 in San Francisco, California.
Obituary published: October 09, 1907 in "Cincinnati E/P (OH)"

▰ Walter Alan Ettlin

Died June 21, … More Information
Walter Alan Ettlin, age 75 of Walnut Creek, California, entered into eternal rest June 21, 2008.
Obituary published: June 22, 2008 in "Contra Costa"

▰ Steve Ettleson

Died June 09, … More Information
Steve Ettleson, 56, of Los Angeles, California, entered the Kingdom of Heaven June 9, 2001.
Obituary published: June 10, 2001 in "Wash DC Post (DC)"

▰ Steve Ettleson

Died June 05, … More Information
Steve Ettleson, of California, born in Illinois, entered into eternal rest June 5, 2001. Steve was 56.
Obituary published: June 06, 2001 in "Los Angeles T"

▰ Virgil Harold Ettleman

Died June 22, … More Information
Virgil Harold Ettleman, of Mission Viejo, California, left earthly home and passed through the Veil to his Eternal Home June 22, 1997. Virgil was 78.
Obituary published: June 23, 1997 in "Orange Co R"

▰ Jennie Bell Ettleman

Died June 05, … More Information
Jennie Bell Ettleman, born June 3, 1896 left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home June 5, 1983 in Whittier, California. Jennie was 87.

▰ Clifford Ettleman

Died December 01, … More Information
Clifford Ettleman, age 89 of Calimesa, California, left us to live with the Father in his new eternal home December 1, 2007.
Obituary published: December 02, 2007 in "PE"

▰ Barbara Beatrice Ettleman

Died January 30, … More Information
Barbara Beatrice Ettleman, born March 16, 1937 left earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home January 30, 2018 in Rancho Mirage, California. Barbara was 80.

▰ Walter S Ettl

Died April 22, … More Information
Walter S Ettl, age 71 of Palm Desert, California, entered eternal life April 22, 2006.
Obituary published: April 23, 2006 in "Wisconsin S-J (WI)"

▰ Walter S Ettl

Died April 11, … More Information
Walter S Ettl, of California, born in Wisconsin, entered eternal life April 11, 2006. Walter was 71.
Obituary published: April 12, 2006 in "Desert Sun"

▰ Martha Ettl

Died May 05, … More Information
Martha Ettl, born February 19, 1912 passed from this world into the next May 5, 2016 in Laguna Beach, California. Martha was 104.

▰ Lillian P Ettinghausen

Died August 24, … More Information
Lillian P Ettinghausen, born May 25, 1919 was anxious to meet her Maker and Master August 24, 2014 in San Diego, California. Lillian was 95.

▰ Vanessa Miss "Spider Lady" Ettinger

Died April 03, … More Information
Vanessa Miss "Spider Lady" Ettinger, 56, went to be with the Lord on April 3, 2002 in California.
Obituary published: April 04, 2002 in "Los Angeles T"

▰ Stella B (Kuczynska) Ettinger

Died June 21, … More Information
Stella B (Kuczynska) Ettinger, age 95 of Los Angeles, California, left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home June 21, 2004.
Obituary published: June 22, 2004 in "Patriot Ledger (MA)"

▰ Stella B (Kuczynska) Ettinger

Died June 23, … More Information
Stella B (Kuczynska) Ettinger, age 95 of Glendale, California, entered into eternal rest June 23, 2004.
Obituary published: June 24, 2004 in "Hingham Journal (MA)"

▰ Sheila June Ettinger

Died February 10, … More Information
Sheila June Ettinger, born June 2, 1938 entered into eternal rest February 10, 2018 in San Jose, California. Sheila was 79.
Family members and close friends: , Sonia Caudilloybarnes

▰ Sanford "Sandy" Eugene Ettinger

Died April 03, … More Information
Sanford "Sandy" Eugene Ettinger, born January 10, 1928 joined the Lord April 3, 2018 in Mission Hills, California. Sanford was 90.
Family members and close friends: , Sam Ettinger, Tommy Ettinger, Robert Ettinger, Sydney Alexander Ettinger, Of Blessed Memory ( Deceased ), Jane Ettinger, Grace Ettinger, Of Blessed Memory ( Deceased ), Susan Ettinger, Libbie Dorothy ( Neé Goldstein ) Ettinger, Of Blessed Memory ( Deceased ), Howard J. Ettinger, Of Blessed Memory ( Deceased )

▰ Sandra "Sandy" Ettinger

Died November 27, … More Information
Sandra "Sandy" Ettinger, age 56 of Century City, California, gained her wings on November 27, 1999.
Obituary published: November 28, 1999 in "Los Angeles T"

▰ Robin Edwin Ettinger

Died January 13, … More Information
Robin Edwin Ettinger went into the presence of the Lord on January 13, 2015 in West Sacramento, California. Tags: #Betty
Obituary: Robin passed away on , 13, 2015. Robin was a resident of West Sacramento, California at the time of passing. Robin was married to Betty.

▰ Richard Prentice Jr Ettinger

Died May 01, … More Information
Richard Prentice Jr Ettinger, age 72 of Corona de Mar, California, passed away peacefully May 1, 1996.
Obituary published: May 02, 1996 in "Augusta Ch (GA)"

▰ Moshe Ettinger

Died January 01, … More Information

▰ Mitzi Ettinger

Died June 19, … More Information
Mitzi Ettinger, born January 17, 1923 died June 19, 2014 in Camarillo, California. Mitzi was 91.

▰ Mary F (Durand) Ettinger

Died December 17, … More Information
Mary F (Durand) Ettinger, age 83 of California, born in Oregon, entered the Kingdom of Heaven December 17, 2001.
Obituary published: December 18, 2001 in "NC Times"

▰ Martha Ellen (Arnold) Ettinger

Died July 26, … More Information
Martha Ellen (Arnold) Ettinger, age 74 of California, born in Iowa City, Iowa, left earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home July 26, 2012.
Obituary published: July 27, 2012 in "SO BAY D-B"

▰ Lorene H Ettinger

Died August 20, … More Information
Lorene H Ettinger left this earth on August 20, 1984 to meet with Jesus, her Lord and Savior in Whittier, California.

▰ Kathleen Elouise (Mccaustland) Ettinger

Died October 06, … More Information
Kathleen Elouise (Mccaustland) Ettinger, of California, born in Minnesota, left herearthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home October 6, 1998. Kathleen was 84.
Obituary published: October 07, 1998 in "Contra Costa"

▰ Joan (Wear) Ettinger

Died July 21, … More Information
Joan (Wear) Ettinger, of California, born in Portland, Maine, entered into eternal rest July 21, 2011. Joan was 64.
Obituary published: July 22, 2011 in "Modesto Bee"
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