ᐅ California Death Notices 2009-2025
Elsasser, Elsass, Elsas, Elsanadi, Elsaesser, Elsacer, Elsabbagh...

Truth, Stanley, Robert, Peter, Norma, Marion, Louis, Lorine, Eva, Donald...

Database updated March 2025
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▰ Truth Elaine Elsasser

Died September 14, … More Information
Truth Elaine Elsasser, born February 16, 1921 joined the Lord September 14, 1975 in Whittier, California. TRUTH was 54.

▰ Stanley E Elsasser

Died August 21, … More Information
Stanley E Elsasser passed away peacefully August 21, 2005, at his home in California. He was 48.
Obituary published: August 22, 2005 in "Long Beach P-T"

▰ Stanley E Elsasser

Died August 20, … More Information
Stanley E Elsasser, of California, left hisearthly home and passed through the Veil to his Eternal Home August 20, 2005. Stanley was 48.
Obituary published: August 21, 2005 in "Long Beach P-T"

▰ Stanley E Elsasser

Died August 18, … More Information
Stanley E Elsasser, age 48 of California, entered into eternal rest August 18, 2005.
Obituary published: August 19, 2005 in "Long Beach P-T"

▰ Robert William Elsasser

Died July 25, … More Information
Robert William Elsasser, born September 24, 1939 went to be with the Lord on July 25, 2020 in Escondido, California. Robert was 80.

▰ Peter James Elsasser

Died October 31, … More Information
Peter James Elsasser, born February 14, 1895 passed away peacefully October 31, 1974 in Whittier, California. PETER was 79.

▰ Norma J Elsasser

Died June 10, … More Information
Norma J Elsasser passed away June 10, 1986 in Whittier, California.

▰ Marion O Elsasser

Died September 27, … More Information
Marion O Elsasser, born July 24, 1928 died September 27, 2011 in Whittier, California. Marion was 83.

▰ Louis John Elsasser

Died September 20, … More Information
Louis John Elsasser, born September 7, 1952 passed away peacefully September 20, 2019 in Bellflower, California. Louis was 67.
Family members and close friends: , Sally Contreras, Annie Prajak, Rapeepan Elsasser

▰ Lorine (Smith)[Trumbull] Elsasser

Died April 28, … More Information
Lorine (Smith)[Trumbull] Elsasser, of Santa Barbara, California, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord April 28, 2000. Lorine was 88.
Obituary published: April 29, 2000 in "Nonpareil (IA)"

▰ Eva Jane Elsasser

Died June 30, … More Information
Eva Jane Elsasser, born June 14, 1950 left her earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home June 30, 1983 in Whittier, California. EVA was 33.

▰ Donald Richard Elsasser

Died December 01, … More Information
Donald Richard Elsasser, born July 29, 1929 died December 1, 1984 in Whittier, California. DONALD was 55.

▰ Charles H Elsasser

Died April 02, … More Information
Charles H Elsasser, of California, born in Omaha, Nebraska, entered the Kingdom of Heaven April 2, 2002.
Obituary published: April 03, 2002 in "Long Beach P-T"

▰ Charles Frederick Elsasser

Died June 12, … More Information
Charles Frederick Elsasser, born April 27, 1911 passed from this life on June 12, 1971 in Whittier, California. CHARLES was 60.

▰ Brian J Elsasser

Died April 26, … More Information
Brian J Elsasser, of California, born in Kalamazoo, Michigan, entered eternal life April 26, 2016. Brian was 62.
Obituary published: April 27, 2016 in "Kalamazoo Gazette (MI)"

▰ Anna V Elsasser

Died October 02, … More Information
Anna V Elsasser, born December 9, 1896 ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before her October 2, 1975 in Whittier, California. ANNA was 78.

▰ Alma Christina Elsasser

Died February 01, … More Information
Alma Christina Elsasser, born April 17, 1896 died on February 1, 1947 in Whittier, California. ALMA was 50.

▰ Philomena Elsass

Died June 09, … More Information
Philomena Elsass, of Ventura, California, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord June 9, 2008. Philomena was 77.
Obituary published: June 10, 2008 in "Ventura C-S"

▰ Richard William Elsas

Died May 25, … More Information
On May 25, 2001, Richard William Elsas, 72 of Santa Ana, California passed from this world into the next.
Obituary published: May 26, 2001 in "OCR"

▰ Mounir Y Elsanadi

Died January 12, … More Information
Mounir Y Elsanadi, born February 15, 1924 departed this life Sunday January 12, 2014 in Westminster, California. MOUNIR was 89.

▰ Alice D Elsanadi

Died January 31, … More Information
Alice D Elsanadi, born March 27, 1937 left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home January 31, 2020 in Westminster, California. ALICE was 82.

▰ Wayne Hayes Elsaesser

Died January 11, … More Information
Wayne Hayes Elsaesser, age 78 of Palm Springs, California, passed from this life on January 11, 2007.
Obituary published: January 12, 2007 in "Desert Sun"

▰ Keith F Elsaesser

Died May 25, … More Information
Keith F Elsaesser went into the presence of the Lord on May 25, 2004 in California.
Obituary published: May 26, 2004 in "Long Beach P-T"

▰ Keith F Elsaesser

Died May 19, … More Information
Keith F Elsaesser, age 73 of California, passed away peacefully May 19, 2004.
Obituary published: May 20, 2004 in "Long Beach P-T"

▰ William Charles Elsacer

Died December 29, … More Information
William Charles Elsacer, born February 10, 1883 went into the presence of the Lord on December 29, 1947 in Whittier, California. WILLIAM was 64.

▰ Lila Anna Elsacer

Died February 18, … More Information
Lila Anna Elsacer, born November 8, 1885 departed this life Sunday February 18, 1966 in Whittier, California. LILA was 80.

▰ Aiman Adnan Elsabbagh

Died October 11, … More Information
Aiman Adnan Elsabbagh, born November 17, 1964 entered the Kingdom of Heaven October 11, 2019 in North Hollywood, California. Aiman was 54.
Family members and close friends: , Connie Windsor, Lawrence Wong, Leslee Windsor-christie, Cindy Banescu

▰ Said Elsaadi

Died July 07, … More Information
Said Elsaadi, age 48 of Long Beach, California, died on July 7, 2006.
Obituary published: July 08, 2006 in "SO BAY D-B"

▰ Patricia Claire (Quigley) Elsa

Died August 15, … More Information
Patricia Claire (Quigley) Elsa went into the presence of the Lord on August 15, 2001 in California.
Obituary published: August 16, 2001 in "Siskiyou D-N"

▰ Geroge T Elsa

Died March 10, … More Information
Geroge T Elsa passed away March 10, 2006 in Lakeport, California.
Obituary published: March 11, 2006 in "Lake Co R-B"

▰ Russell Lee Elroy

Died June 03, … More Information
Russell Lee Elroy, of Hawthorne, California, left us to live with the Father in his new eternal home June 3, 2004. Russell was 47.
Obituary published: June 04, 2004 in "SO BAY D-B"

▰ Robert Lee Mc Elroy

Died April 16, … More Information
Robert Lee Mc Elroy, born August 22, 1925 entered eternal life April 16, 2016 in Visalia, California. Robert was 90.

▰ Gloria Ruth Elroy

Died August 08, … More Information
Gloria Ruth Elroy left this earth on August 8, 2018 to meet with Jesus, her Lord and Savior in Mission Hills, California.

▰ Francis Cox Mc Elroy

Died September 03, … More Information
Francis Cox Mc Elroy, born March 9, 1939 went into the presence of the Lord on September 3, 2012 in Ventura, California. Francis was 73.

▰ Frances L Mc Elroy

Died April 22, … More Information
Frances L Mc Elroy, born June 5, 1922 entered the Kingdom of Heaven April 22, 2014 in California. Frances was 91.

▰ Eva Mae Mc Elroy

Died April 18, … More Information
Eva Mae Mc Elroy, born July 11, 1918 left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home April 18, 2011 in San Jose, California. Eva was 92.

▰ Robert Elross

Died June 15, … More Information
Robert Elross, age 82 of California, born in Cleveland, Ohio, passed away June 15, 2004.
Obituary published: June 16, 2004 in "SF Chronicle"

▰ Betty I Elron

Died April 20, … More Information
Betty I Elron, age 79 of California, born in Wisconsin, went to be with her Lord and Savior April 20, 2004.
Obituary published: April 21, 2004 in "Tracy P"

▰ William John "Bill" Elrod

Died December 19, … More Information
William John "Bill" Elrod, of California, born in Bryant, Arkansas, passed from this world into the next December 19, 2008. William was 88.
Obituary published: December 20, 2008 in "Chino Champion"

▰ William Dean Elrod Sr

Died March 24, … More Information
William Dean Elrod Sr , born August 29, 1942 passed from this world into the next March 24, 2015 in Newhall, California. William was 72.

▰ William T Elrod

Died January 01, … More Information

▰ W J "Dub" Elrod

Died January 28, … More Information
W J "Dub" Elrod, of Dos Palos, California, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before W January 28, 2003. ELROD was 72.
Obituary published: January 29, 2003 in "Merced Sun Star"

▰ Verna Lucille (Baggerly)[Gill] Elrod

Died June 22, … More Information
Verna Lucille (Baggerly)[Gill] Elrod, 84 of California, was anxious to meet her Maker and Master, June 22, 2005.
Obituary published: June 23, 2005 in "State J-R (IL)"

▰ Verna Lucille (Baggerly) Elrod

Died June 18, … More Information
Verna Lucille (Baggerly) Elrod, age 84 of California, born in Springfield, Illinois, entered eternal life June 18, 2005.
Obituary published: June 19, 2005 in "Desert Sun"

▰ Sonja E Elrod

Died March 19, … More Information
Sonja E Elrod, born September 21, 1937 went to be with the Lord on March 19, 2017 in San Jose, California. Sonja was 79.

▰ Sonja E Elrod

Died March 19, … More Information
Sonja E Elrod, born September 21, 1937 ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before her March 19, 2017 in San Jose, California. Sonja was 79.
Family members and close friends: , Mike Flanagan

▰ Shirley L Elrod

Died June 03, … More Information
Shirley L Elrod, 73, of Tulare, California departed this life June 3, 2009.
Obituary published: June 04, 2009 in "VTD"

▰ Ruby Florence Elrod

Died February 27, … More Information
Ruby Florence Elrod, born June 28, 1909 went to be with her Lord and Savior February 27, 1986 in Whittier, California. Ruby was 76.

▰ Ruby F Elrod

Died June 05, … More Information
Ruby F Elrod passed away June 5, 1989 in Whittier, California.

▰ Rickey Ii Elrod

Died December 15, … More Information
Rickey Ii Elrod, age 20 of California, went to be with his Lord and Savior December 15, 1997.
Obituary published: December 16, 1997 in "Merced Sun Star"
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