▰ George Amos Curl Died October 11, … More Information | George Amos Curl, born June 21, 1896 passed from this world into the next October 11, 1968 in Whittier, California. GEORGE was 72. |
▰ Frances A Curl Died September 22, … More Information |
Frances A Curl, of California, died on September 22, 2000. Frances was 78. Obituary published: September 23, 2000 in "OCR" |
▰ Elizabeth Jane "Bette" Curl Died January 21, … More Information |
Elizabeth Jane "Bette" Curl, age 90 of California, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord January 21, 2008. Obituary published: January 22, 2008 in "Long Beach P-T" |
▰ Edith Curl Died June 29, … More Information | Edith Curl, born October 21, 1932 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord June 29, 2020 in Bonita, California. Edith was 87. |
▰ Donna Curl Died March 04, … More Information | Donna Curl, born February 19, 1920 died on March 4, 1992 in Whittier, California. Donna was 72. |
▰ Donald Ray Curl Died December 04, … More Information |
Donald Ray Curl, age 74 of California, born in Slater, Missouri, entered Heaven's gates on December 4, 2002. Obituary published: December 05, 2002 in "San Jose M-N" |
▰ Dale F Curl Died September 06, … More Information |
Dale F Curl, age 81 of Tracy, California, passed from this world into the next September 6, 1996. Obituary published: September 07, 1996 in "Modesto Bee" |
▰ Cora Lee Curl Died January 25, … More Information |
Cora Lee Curl, of California, born in Mexia, Texas, gained her wings on January 25, 1997. Cora was 84. Obituary published: January 26, 1997 in "West County T" |
▰ Charles Curl Died May 20, … More Information |
Charles Curl died unexpectedly on May 20, 2013 at the age of 46 in Inglewood, California. Obituary published: May 21, 2013 in "SO BAY D-B" |
▰ Belinda D Curl Died January 15, … More Information |
Belinda D Curl went into the presence of the Lord on January 15, 1997 in Antioch, California. Obituary published: January 16, 1997 in "Oakland Tribune" |
▰ Belinda D Curl Died January 16, … More Information |
Belinda D Curl went into the presence of the Lord on January 16, 1997 in Antioch, California. Obituary published: January 17, 1997 in "SF Chronicle" |
▰ Alma Rosalie Curl Died February 21, … More Information | Alma Rosalie Curl, born July 15, 1934 entered into eternal rest February 21, 2017 in Clovis, California. Alma was 82. |
▰ Alma Rosalie Curl Died February 21, … More Information | Alma Rosalie Curl, born July 15, 1934 died February 21, 2017 in Clovis, California. Alma was 82. |
▰ Alfred Eugene Curl Died September 26, … More Information | Alfred Eugene Curl, born September 12, 1918 gained his wings on September 26, 1984 in Whittier, California. ALFRED was 66. |
▰ Alfred A "Gus" Curis Died July 16, … More Information |
Alfred A "Gus" Curis, age 85 of California, entered eternal life July 16, 2002. Obituary published: July 17, 2002 in "Long Beach P-T" |
▰ Weldon Joseph Curington Died November 07, … More Information |
Weldon Joseph Curington, age 82 of California, born in Charlie, Texas, entered eternal life November 7, 2002. Obituary published: November 08, 2002 in "Sierra Star" |
▰ Timothy D Sr Curington Died January 31, … More Information |
Timothy D Sr Curington, age 68 of California, passed from this life on January 31, 2011. Obituary published: February 01, 2011 in "Daily Press" |
▰ Edna Zoe (Mcpherson) Curington Died February 03, … More Information |
Edna Zoe (Mcpherson) Curington, age 94 of California, born in Alvord, Texas, went to be with her Lord and Savior February 3, 2015. Obituary published: February 04, 2015 in "Sierra Star" |
▰ Clifton Curington Died October 05, … More Information |
Clifton Curington, age 80 of California, born in Arkansas, entered the Kingdom of Heaven October 5, 1997. Obituary published: October 06, 1997 in "Contra Costa" |
▰ Virginia Curinga Died January 19, … More Information | Virginia Curinga went into the presence of the Lord on January 19, 1987 in Whittier, California. |
▰ Madelyn Mary Curilich Died March 20, … More Information |
Madelyn Mary Curilich, age 90 of San Andreas, California, passed away peacefully March 20, 2012. Obituary published: March 21, 2012 in "Union Dem" |
▰ Valeria Alexandra Curiel Died August 17, … More Information |
Valeria Alexandra Curiel, of French Camp, California, joined the Lord August 17, 2006. Valeria was 0. Obituary published: August 18, 2006 in "Modesto Bee" |
▰ Transito G Curiel Died February 21, … More Information | Transito G Curiel, born December 2, 1937 died February 21, 2011 in Azusa, California. Transito was 73. |
▰ Tillie J (Martinez) Curiel Died November 08, … More Information |
Tillie J (Martinez) Curiel, age 65 of Sacramento, California, died on November 8, 1999. Obituary published: November 09, 1999 in "San Jose M-N" |
▰ Sophie Mendez Curiel Died February 28, … More Information | Sophie Mendez Curiel, born September 10, 1921 died on February 28, 1983 in Whittier, California. SOPHIE was 61. |
▰ Silviano Diaz Curiel Died September 16, … More Information |
Silviano Diaz Curiel, of California, entered Heaven's gates on September 16, 2008. Silviano was 83. Obituary published: September 17, 2008 in "Modesto Bee" |
▰ Serafina [Lopez-Polamus] Curiel Died June 02, … More Information |
Serafina [Lopez-Polamus] Curiel, of California, born in Grandview, Texas, joined the Lord June 2, 2003. Serafina was 78. Obituary published: June 03, 2003 in "Hemet News" |
▰ Ruby Lee Curiel Died December 21, … More Information | Ruby Lee Curiel, born March 2, 1909 died on December 21, 1981 in Whittier, California. RUBY was 72. |
▰ Raul C Curiel Died December 04, … More Information |
Raul C Curiel, age 41 of California, born in Lampasas, Texas, entered the Kingdom of Heaven December 4, 2003. Obituary published: December 05, 2003 in "San Jose M-N" |
▰ Ramona Curiel Died November 30, … More Information |
Ramona Curiel, age 45 of Oakland, California, entered the Kingdom of Heaven November 30, 1999. Obituary published: December 01, 1999 in "Contra Costa" |
▰ Ramon Guzman Curiel Died January 06, … More Information |
Ramon Guzman Curiel, born April 10, 1933 passed from this life on January 6, 2016 in Piru, California. Ramon was 82.
Tags: #Elvira #Mateo #Cuando #Martin #Fillmore #Yuma #Veracruz #Bufadora #Ensenada #California #Ramon #Oxnard #Tracy #Lake #Yakima #Guatemala #Chiapas #Bobadilla #Patricia #Roberto #Isabel #Rocio #Gonzalo #Daniela #Ivan #Denise #Desiree #Loren #Sammy #Alan #Andrew #Betito #Devany #Colegio #Ventura #Sera #Gracias
Obituary: Ramón Curiel (1933 - 2016) Ramon Curiel, amado esposo, querido padre, granpa, tío y amigo. hoy comparte el cielo con sus demás seres queridos, sus padres Mónica y Feliciano lo recibieron en el cielo con regocijo, al igual que sus hermanas Carmen y Faviana, sus hermanos Chon, Pedro y Martin. Le sobreviven su esposa Elvira, sus cinco hijos, 12 nietos, 2 bisnietos y su hermano Mateo. Él nos regaló su sencillez, sus anécdotas y cuentos, su sabiduría, su pasión por la lectura, su gusto al canto donde sobresalía su afinada voz, sus sonrisas y ocurrencias, pero sobre todo su empeño en siempre superarse. Cuando pequeño tuvo una niñez humilde y gracias a sus padres aprendió el valor del trabajo y la perseverancia. La falta de dinero no fue un obstáculo para alcanzar sus sueños, al contrario fue la motivación que lo llevo a buscar oportunidades para realizarse. A la edad de tan solo 16 años, tomo la decisión de lanzarse en búsqueda de estas oportunidades a pesar de los riesgos y dificultades que implicaría cruzar al norte. Afortunadamente su hermano Martin le abrió el camino y lo recibió en Fillmore en 1949. Desde esa fecha hasta el año de 1966, trabajo en la pisca de temporada en lo que fue la naranja, limones, peras, tomates, algodón, manzanas, betabeles, papas, aceitunas, uvas, cerezas, y alfalfa. Además, trabajo en una fábrica de carbón en Yuma Arizona y en la construcción de carreteras en Veracruz incluyendo la carretera hacia la Bufadora, en Ensenada Baja California, México. En su búsqueda de una mejor vida, Ramon trabajo en distintos lugares incluyendo: Fillmore, Oxnard, Yuma, Tracy, Lake Port, Yakima, Guatemala, Veracruz, Chiapas y Ensenada. Fue en esta última ciudad que estableció un negocio por 18 años. Mientras trabajo en Veracruz, Ramón empezó su amor por la lectura, se instruyo con libros de diferentes temas, entre ellos la filosofía, salud, política, etc. Amplio su interés en estos y otros diferentes temas. Cuando retorno a su pueblo natal, (14 años después) se casó con Elvira Robles Bobadilla Juntos empezaron su jornada como pareja formando una hermosa familia. Fueron bendecidos con cinco hijos que lo van a extrañar infinitamente. Gonzalo (Susana), Patricia (Miguel), Roberto (Sandra), Isabel (Eusebio) y Rocio (Roberto). Ramón se sacrificó trabajando por su cuenta en mecánica al igual que otros negocios para mantener a su familia. En 1989, Ramon se hizo ciudadano y sintió que todos sus sufrimientos y sacrificios habían valido la pena para poder ofrecer una vida con más oportunidades para sus hijos. A cada uno de sus hijos, Ramón le inculco el valor de ser trabajadores, ser humildes y valorar la educación. Y lo mismo les ha inculcado a sus nietos: Gonzalo Jr. (Marisol), Néstor y Daniela (hijos de Gonzalo), Ivan y Denise (hijos de Patricia), Desiree (Raúl) y Loren (hijos de Roberto), Héctor y Sammy (hijos de Isabel), Alan y Andrew (hijos de Rocio). Al igual que a sus sobrinos y sobrinas. Y sus enseñanzas también se le inculcaran a sus bisnietos Betito y Devany. Ramón siempre tuvo interés en superarse intelectualmente y como resultado, en el 2007 a la edad de 75 años, se inscribió en el Colegio de Ventura para perfeccionar su ingles en escritura y pronunciación. En el 2010 obtuvo su GED, (certificado de preparatoria) y decidió tomar cursos de psicología y filosofía en clases normales en el mismo Colegio de Ventura. A pesar de sus enfermedades, él persevero con los cursos de filosofía e inspiro a todos los que le rodeaban a continuar su educación. Ejemplo y reto que deja para los que lo conocimos. Sera infinitamente extrañado por su esposa, sus hijos, nietos, bisnietos, su hermano Mateo, sobrinos, familiares, amigos y amistades. Gracias por darnos el privilegio de compartir tu vida con todos nosotros. |
▰ Ramon Montez Curiel, Sr Died December 22, … More Information |
Ramon Montez Curiel, Sr , born June 2, 1930 passed from this life on December 22, 2014 in Vacaville, California. Ramon was 84.
Tags: #Patricia
Obituary: Ramon was born on 2, 1930 and passed away on , 22, 2014. Ramon was a resident of Vacaville, California at the time of passing. Ramon was married to Patricia. |
▰ Ramon Curiel Died January 06, … More Information |
Ramon Curiel, born April 10, 1933 ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before his January 6, 2016 in Newhall, California. Ramon was 82.
Family members and close friends: , Gerardo Montelongo |
▰ Peter M Curiel Died May 02, … More Information |
Peter M Curiel, of Moreno Valley, California, passed from this world into the next May 2, 2016. Peter was 68. Obituary published: May 03, 2016 in "OCR" |
▰ Peter Curiel Died April 14, … More Information | Peter Curiel, born September 19, 1947 went into the presence of the Lord on April 14, 2016 in Moreno Valley, California. Peter was 68. |
▰ Peter Curiel Died April 14, … More Information | Peter Curiel, born September 19, 1947 went to be with the Lord on April 14, 2016 in Riverside, California. Peter was 68. |
▰ Patricia Anne Curiel Died August 15, … More Information |
Patricia Anne Curiel, of Vacaville, California, passed from this life on August 15, 2003. Patricia was 73. Obituary published: August 16, 2003 in "SF Chronicle" |
▰ Pastor Santiago Curiel Died April 10, … More Information |
Pastor Santiago Curiel, age 97 of California, entered Heaven's gates on April 10, 2010. Obituary published: April 11, 2010 in "NC Times" |
▰ Olivia Leon De Curiel Died September 04, … More Information | Olivia Leon De Curiel, born June 10, 1935 went into the presence of the Lord on September 4, 2020 in Chino, California. Olivia was 85. |
▰ Narciso Curiel Died February 01, … More Information |
Narciso Curiel, age 82 of California, passed from this life on February 1, 2008. Obituary published: February 02, 2008 in "Desert Sun" |
▰ Michael B Curiel Died June 23, … More Information |
Michael B Curiel, of San Jose, California, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord June 23, 1997. Michael was 54. Obituary published: June 24, 1997 in "San Jose M-N" |
▰ Michael B Curiel Died June 20, … More Information |
Michael B Curiel, 54, went to be with the Lord on June 20, 1997 in San Jose, California. Obituary published: June 21, 1997 in "San Jose M-N" |
▰ Martiniano Curiel Died December 14, … More Information |
Martiniano Curiel, born July 1, 1924 entered the Kingdom of Heaven December 14, 2015 in California. Martiniano was 91.
Tags: #Martin #Fillmore #Bracero #Pinas #Clay #Cora #Bamba #Mexico #English #Martins #Farmworker #Rights #Ventura #Cesar #Immigration #Control #Piru #Isaac #Grandpa #Curiel #Francisco #Hortencia #Monica #Martha #Frank #John #Freddy #Ramon #Mateo #Jazmyn #Roman #Noah #Anthony #Matthew #Steven #Serena #David #Turi #Tonio #Alex #Becca #Amanda #Jordyn #Vince #Alisa #Tino #Payton #Catalina #Laura #Esther #Casey #Shawn #Skillin- #Chapel #Rosary #Avenue #Mass #Assisi #Bardsdale #Street
Obituary: Martinano Curiel, our beloved father, grandfather, brother, and uncle passed away quietly on 14, 2015 at the age of 93. Our Father in Heaven decided it was time to reunite him with his wife Cora, daughter Josie, son Bill, sisters Fabiana & Carmen, brother Chon, mother Monica, and Father Feliciano. As a very young man, Martin came to Fillmore as a Bracero and found a home at Pinas on Clay Street. There he met Cora who he eventually married and had a beautiful family with. He later moved to the house in Fillmore known as the La Bamba House. God blessed Martin with a caring and humble heart. If he knew of a young man arriving from Mexico in search of a better life, he would open his door and offer them shelter and food. He would tell us the story when he first arrived to Fillmore of a man who found him sleeping in a cement drain pipe who helped him with food and shelter at 14 years old. He was taught that lesson at a young age to help people in need. Martin also encouraged the boys to go to school, learn English and graduate. He was a firm believer in education for all especially for women. With Martins support all his daughters received an education. He truly believed and often said, No woman is guaranteed a man to support her, so get your degree. What made us most proud of Dad was his strong support and his believe in the fight for civil injustice in Fillmore for Farmworker Union Rights. He was a pioneer of the citrus strikes in Ventura at which Cesar Chavez organized at his home. Along with his activism Martin sponsored over 100 farmworkers to receive their immigration papers, during the Immigration Reform & Control Act of the 1980s. Our dad was a proud farmer and teacher. He started growing crops in the 1960s through 2000s. Being the first farmer to have a roadside vegetable stand off the highway. Many would see him in Fillmore driving his tractor on the 126 between Fillmore and Piru. Martin would share his farming knowledge to all who would listen and willing to learn, especially with his grandson Isaac. We all share fond memories at the ranch with Grandpa Martin. Martin was a true story teller, where each story always ended with a lesson to be learned. Dad was well loved in his community. We love Grandpa Martin. My tio was a great man who opened so many doors for all of us. Rocio Curiel Benevides Gracias tio por todo, lo que enseno a trabajar. Por usted estoy aqui. Mateo Curiel You will always be loved and missed by the countless people whose lives you touched. Matiniano Francisco Curiel (Tino) Martin is survived by his three daughters, Hortencia, Monica, and Martha (Ruben), three sons, Frank (Ailsa), John (Patty), and Freddy. His two brothers, Ramon (Elvira) and Mateo Curiel. Martin leaves behind several grand and great grandchildren: Isaac (Lydia), Jazmyn, & Roman. Cookie (Orlando) & Noah. Lea (Randy) & Anthony. Danny (Stacy) & Matthew & Steven. David & Serena & David Jr. Ramona (Arturo) & Turi, Tonio, & Alex. Bill Jr (Berta), Becca, Amanda, & Jordyn. Monica (Vince), Vince Jr., Alisa, Mateo; Tino, Payton, Tino Jr., Catalina; Laura, Esther, Casey & Shawn. Visitation will be held at Skillin-Carroll Chapel on , 20, 2015, from 4:00-8:00pm With Rosary at 7:00 pm. Located at 600 N. Central Avenue, Fillmore, Ca. 93015. Mass will be held at St. Francis of Assisi Church on , 21, 2015 at 10:00am at 1048 Ventura Street in Fillmore, with burial to follow at Bardsdale 1698 S. Sespe Street in Fillmore. |
▰ Martiniano Curiel Died December 14, … More Information |
Martiniano Curiel, born July 1, 1924 passed from this life on December 14, 2015 in Fillmore, California. Martiniano was 91.
Family members and close friends: , Matthias James Gonzales Funeral Staff Skillin Carroll Mortuary, Cookie Valles |
▰ Maria L Curiel Died November 15, … More Information |
Maria L Curiel, of California, entered the Kingdom of Heaven November 15, 2005. Maria was 38. Obituary published: November 16, 2005 in "Long Beach P-T" |
▰ Maria L "Mary" Curiel Died April 13, … More Information |
Maria L "Mary" Curiel, of California, entered eternal life April 13, 2009. Maria was 86. Obituary published: April 14, 2009 in "Contra Costa" |
▰ Maria (Fausto) Curiel Died February 15, … More Information |
Maria (Fausto) Curiel, of California, joined the Lord February 15, 2011. Maria was 95. Obituary published: February 16, 2011 in "NC Times" |
▰ Maria Felipa Ramos De Curiel Died November 10, … More Information | Maria Felipa Ramos De Curiel, born May 26, 1962 joined the Lord November 10, 2016 in Bakersfield, California. Maria was 54. |
▰ Maria Amanda Curiel Died January 01, … More Information | |
▰ Maria Curiel Died February 08, … More Information | Maria Curiel, born May 3, 1915 went to be with the Lord on February 8, 2011 in Fallbrook, California. Maria was 95. |
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