ᐅ Florida Death Notices 2009-2025
Baker, Patricia, Pansy, Pamela, Otto, Otis, Oscar, Ortrud, Orlin...

Patricia, Pansy, Pamela, Otto, Otis, Oscar, Ortrud, Orlin, Orie, Olivia...

Database updated March 2025
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▰ Patricia L Baker

Died March 25, … More Information
Patricia L Baker passed away March 25, 2015 in Brooksville, Florida.

▰ Patricia Baker

Died March 10, … More Information
Patricia Baker, born March 15, 1941 went into the presence of the Lord on March 10, 2015 in Pompano Beach, Florida. Patricia was 73.

▰ Patricia Lee Baker

Died March 10, … More Information
Patricia Lee Baker, born March 15, 1941 went to be with the Lord on March 10, 2015 in Lighthouse Point, Florida. Patricia was 73.

▰ Patricia A Baker

Died January 01, … More Information

▰ Patricia Baker

Died March 10, … More Information
Patricia Baker, born March 15, 1941 joined the Lord March 10, 2015 in Pompano Beach, Florida. PATRICIA was 73.

▰ Patricia Ruth Baker

Died January 31, … More Information
Patricia Ruth Baker, born January 4, 1934 joined the Lord January 31, 2020 in Fort Myers, Florida. Patricia was 86.

▰ Patricia Ann Baker

Died July 16, … More Information
Patricia Ann Baker, born December 27, 1938 died July 16, 2017 in Lake Worth, Florida. Patricia was 78.

▰ Patricia Ann Baker

Died July 16, … More Information
Patricia Ann Baker, born December 27, 1938 passed from this world into the next July 16, 2017 in Lake Worth, Florida. Patricia was 78.

▰ Patricia A Baker

Died January 01, … More Information

▰ Patricia Baker

Died March 10, … More Information
Patricia Baker, born March 15, 1941 entered Heaven's gates on March 10, 2015 in Pompano Beach, Florida. PATRICIA was 73.
Family members and close friends: , Ellen Marie Gioia, Ingrid Creasy, Anne Steinke, Veronica King, Jan Newton, Richard & Linda Daves, Angela Staples, Tom And Christine King

▰ Patricia Lee Baker

Died March 10, … More Information
Patricia Lee Baker, born March 15, 1941 entered eternal life March 10, 2015 in Pompano Beach, Florida. Patricia was 73.
Family members and close friends: , Ellen Marie Gioia, Ingrid Creasy, Anne Steinke, Veronica King, Jan Newton, Richard & Linda Daves, Angela Staples, Tom And Christine King

▰ Pansy Baker

Died April 14, … More Information
Pansy Baker, age 50 of Florida, born in Irving, Texas, went to be with her Lord and Savior April 14, 2001.
Obituary published: April 15, 2001 in "PNJ"

▰ Pamela Delola [Patterson] Baker

Died January 08, … More Information
Pamela Delola [Patterson] Baker, age 45 of Florida, born in Altamont, Tennessee, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord January 8, 2000.
Obituary published: January 09, 2000 in "OS"

▰ Pamela Delola Baker

Died January 08, … More Information
Pamela Delola Baker, of Groveland, Florida, left earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home January 8, 2000. Pamela was 45.
Obituary published: January 09, 2000 in "Daily Commercial"

▰ Pamela (Cady) Baker

Died January 26, … More Information
Pamela (Cady) Baker, age 69 of Florida, born in Ohio, entered eternal life January 26, 2013.
Obituary published: January 27, 2013 in "Sarasota H-T"

▰ Pamela (Cady) Baker

Died January 25, … More Information
Pamela (Cady) Baker, age 69 of Florida, born in Ohio, passed away peacefully January 25, 2013.
Obituary published: January 26, 2013 in "Sarasota H-T"

▰ Pamela Baker Baker

Died July 06, … More Information
Pamela Baker Baker, born November 11, 1954 died on July 6, 2016 in Fort Myers, Florida. Pamela was 61.

▰ Otto D Baker

Died June 26, … More Information
Otto D Baker, born December 3, 1938 gained his wings on June 26, 2017 in Florida. Otto was 78.

▰ Otis Eugene "Oe" Baker

Died November 21, … More Information
Otis Eugene "Oe" Baker, of Florida, born in Owensburg, Indiana, entered into eternal rest November 21, 2000. Otis was 73.
Obituary published: November 22, 2000 in "Ocala S-B"

▰ Otis E Baker

Died August 28, … More Information
Otis E Baker, a resident of Florida for decades, died August 28, 1992 in Florida at the age of 79.
Obituary published: August 29, 1992 in "Tallahassee D"

▰ Otis Baker

Died September 21, … More Information
Otis Baker, age 78 of Perry, Florida, left us to live with the Father in his new eternal home September 21, 1989.
Obituary published: September 22, 1989 in "Tallahassee D"

▰ Oscar O'Terra Jr Baker

Died September 06, … More Information
Oscar O'Terra Jr Baker, age 19 of Quincy, Florida, joined the Lord September 6, 1994.
Obituary published: September 07, 1994 in "Tallahassee D"

▰ Oscar (Rowley) Baker

Died October 30, … More Information
Oscar (Rowley) Baker, age 87 of Florida, born in Danville, Louisiana, left us to live with the Father in his new eternal home October 30, 1997.
Obituary published: October 31, 1997 in "Annap MD Capital (MD)"

▰ Oscar Baker

Died June 18, … More Information
Oscar Baker, of Florida, was anxious to meet his Maker and Master June 18, 1997. Oscar was 96.
Obituary published: June 19, 1997 in "Fosters DD (NH)"

▰ Oscar Baker

Died June 18, … More Information
Oscar Baker, of W Palm Beach, Florida, left earthly home and passed through the Veil to his Eternal Home June 18, 1997. Oscar was 96.
Obituary published: June 19, 1997 in "Manchester U-L (NH)"

▰ Ortrud F Baker

Died February 07, … More Information
Ortrud F Baker, born October 10, 1931 entered eternal life February 7, 2018 in Miami, Florida. Ortrud was 86.

▰ Orlin Henry Baker

Died May 14, … More Information
Orlin Henry Baker, of Florida, born in Indiana, passed away peacefully May 14, 2001. Orlin was 88.
Obituary published: May 15, 2001 in "Sarasota H-T"

▰ Orie W Jr Baker

Died October 11, … More Information
Orie W Jr Baker, age 70 of Oviedo, Florida, went to be with the Lord on October 11, 2000.
Obituary published: October 12, 2000 in "Presque Isle C-A (MI)"

▰ Olivia Faye Baker

Died May 07, … More Information
Olivia Faye Baker, age 30 of Quincy, Florida passed away May 7, 1992.
Obituary published: May 08, 1992 in "Tallahassee D"

▰ Oliver Baker

Died April 23, … More Information
Oliver Baker passed away April 23, 2001 in Jacksonville, Florida.
Obituary published: April 24, 2001 in "Florida T-U"

▰ Olga (Valentine) Baker

Died June 10, … More Information
Olga (Valentine) Baker, age 91 of Florida, born in Boston, Massachusetts, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before she June 10, 2003.
Obituary published: June 11, 2003 in "Tampa Trib"

▰ Oleita C Baker

Died July 16, … More Information
Oleita C Baker, age 87 of Florida, born in Louisiana, died on July 16, 2000.
Obituary published: July 17, 2000 in "PNJ"

▰ Ola Elizabeth (Brown) Baker

Died April 30, … More Information
Ola Elizabeth (Brown) Baker, of Florida, born in Titus, Alabama, entered into eternal rest April 30, 2018.
Obituary published: May 01, 2018 in "Tampa Bay"

▰ Ola (Eeds) Baker

Died May 18, … More Information
Ola (Eeds) Baker, age 82 of Florida, born in Huttig, Arkansas, passed from this world into the next May 18, 2008.
Obituary published: May 19, 2008 in "Tallahassee D"

▰ Ola Elizabeth Baker

Died April 27, … More Information
Ola Elizabeth Baker, born July 26, 1921 gained her wings on April 27, 2018 in Tampa, Florida. Ola was 96.

▰ Nyna "June" Baker

Died September 10, … More Information
Nyna "June" Baker, of Florida, born in Iowa, passed from this world into the next September 10, 2007. Nyna was 86.
Obituary published: September 11, 2007 in "TreasureCoastPalm"

▰ Norman E Baker

Died October 01, … More Information
Norman E Baker, a resident of Sun City Center, Florida for decades, died October 1, 2013 in Sun City Center, Florida at the age of 90.
Obituary published: October 02, 2013 in "Tampa Trib"

▰ Norman Charles Baker

Died February 12, … More Information
Norman Charles Baker, of Deland, Florida, died on February 12, 1998. Norman was 60.
Obituary published: February 13, 1998 in "St Louis P-D (MO)"

▰ Norma Vella (Atchley) Baker

Died November 19, … More Information
Norma Vella (Atchley) Baker, age 95 of Florida, born in Missouri, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord November 19, 2009.
Obituary published: November 20, 2009 in "Flint Journal (MI)"

▰ Norma Jean Baker

Died February 23, … More Information
Norma Jean Baker, of Florida, born in West Virginia, joined the Lord February 23, 2009. Norma was 70.
Obituary published: February 24, 2009 in "DailySun"

▰ Norma Jean Baker

Died August 16, … More Information
Norma Jean Baker, born September 26, 1952 left her earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home August 16, 2016 in Jacksonville, Florida. Norma was 63.

▰ Nora Marie Baker

Died July 29, … More Information
Nora Marie Baker, a resident of Ft Myers, Florida for decades, died July 29, 2008 in Ft Myers, Florida at the age of 81.
Obituary published: July 30, 2008 in "Ft Myers N-P"

▰ Nora K Baker

Died July 14, … More Information
Nora K Baker, 82, of Palm Bay, Florida gained her wings on July 14, 2006.
Obituary published: July 15, 2006 in "PJ"

▰ Nobuko I Baker

Died November 09, … More Information
Nobuko I Baker, born September 28, 1928 was anxious to meet her Maker and Master November 9, 2019 in Tampa, Florida. Nobuko was 91.
Family members and close friends: , Charles & Linda Novak, Nobuko Plantamura, Joan Mellen, Genetta Williams, Luella Franqui, Raymond Gregory

▰ Nobuko Baker

Died November 12, … More Information
Nobuko Baker, of Tampa, Florida, passed from this world into the next November 12, 2019. Nobuko was 91.
Obituary published: November 13, 2019 in "Tampa Bay"

▰ Noama C (Remsburg) Baker

Died November 18, … More Information
Noama C (Remsburg) Baker, of Orlando, Florida, passed away peacefully November 18, 1999. Noama was 92.
Obituary published: November 19, 1999 in "Hagerstown M-H (MD)"

▰ Nina Eleshia Baker

Died April 06, … More Information
Nina Eleshia Baker, of Quincy, Florida, entered into eternal rest April 6, 2005. Nina was 39.
Obituary published: April 07, 2005 in "Tallahassee D"

▰ Nicholas Baker

Died April 16, … More Information
On April 16, 1998, Nicholas Baker, 87, of Ft Myers, Florida left us to live with the Father in his new eternal home.
Obituary published: April 17, 1998 in "Ft Myers N-P"

▰ Nelson Collins Ii Baker

Died November 14, … More Information
Nelson Collins Ii Baker, of Fort Myers, Florida, passed from this world into the next November 14, 2019. Nelson was 85.
Obituary published: November 15, 2019 in "Gainesville T (GA)"

▰ Nellie S Baker

Died December 12, … More Information
Nellie S Baker, of Bonita Springs, Florida, departed this life Sunday December 12, 1997. Nellie was 92.
Obituary published: December 13, 1997 in "Ft Myers N-P"
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