ᐅ Colorado Death Notices 2009-2025
Boyles, Boyle-abbott, Boyle, Norma, Millard, Mary, Louis, John...

Norma, Millard, Mary, Louis, John, Georgiana, Elberta, Edna, Dwight, David...

Database updated February 2025
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▰ Norma L Boyles

Died December 14, … More Information
Norma L Boyles, born October 21, 1936 entered eternal life December 14, 2012 in Denver, Colorado. Norma was 76.

▰ Norma L Boyles

Died December 14, … More Information
Norma L Boyles, born October 21, 1936 left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home December 14, 2012 in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Norma was 76.

▰ Millard "Chubbs" Boyles

Died February 11, … More Information
Millard "Chubbs" Boyles, of Colorado, born in Torrington, Wyoming, entered into eternal rest February 11, 2008. Millard was 65.
Obituary published: February 12, 2008 in "Casper Star T (WY)"

▰ Mary E "Dollie" Boyles

Died December 26, … More Information
Mary E "Dollie" Boyles, 85, of Denver, Colorado departed this life December 26, 2001.
Obituary published: December 27, 2001 in "RMN"

▰ Louis H Boyles

Died March 20, … More Information
Louis H Boyles, age 87 of Longmont, Colorado, passed away peacefully March 20, 1997.
Obituary published: March 21, 1997 in "Daily Sentinel"

▰ John David Boyles

Died September 06, … More Information
John David Boyles, age 42 of Colorado Springs, Colorado, entered eternal life September 6, 1998.
Obituary published: September 07, 1998 in "RMN"

▰ Georgiana M Boyles

Died January 13, … More Information
Georgiana M Boyles, of Denver, Colorado, passed from this life on January 13, 2005. Georgiana was 95.
Obituary published: January 14, 2005 in "RMN"

▰ Georgiana (Ruhl) Boyles

Died January 17, … More Information
Georgiana (Ruhl) Boyles, of Denver, Colorado, entered Heaven's gates on January 17, 2005. Georgiana was 96.
Obituary published: January 18, 2005 in "Country C (OK)"

▰ Elberta J Boyles

Died October 29, … More Information
Elberta J Boyles, born March 13, 1923 went into the presence of the Lord on October 29, 2014 in Pueblo, Colorado. Elberta was 91. Tags: #Robert #Elbertas #Pueblo
Obituary: Elberta Jeanne Boyles, 91, passed away 29, 2014. Survived by her daughter; granddaughters; and their families. Preceded in death by, and now reunited with, her husband, Robert L. Boyles. May the road rise to meet you, may the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rains fall soft upon your fields. Until we meet again. At Elbertas request there will be no services. Memorials may be made direct to PAWS, PO Box 11208, Pueblo, CO 81001. Online condolences, www.MontgomerySteward.com

▰ Edna (Pafford) [Lant] Boyles

Died December 29, … More Information
Edna (Pafford) [Lant] Boyles, age 89 of Denver, Colorado, went to be with her Lord and Savior December 29, 2012.
Obituary published: December 30, 2012 in "GreeleyTribune"

▰ Edna Mae Boyles

Died December 24, … More Information
Edna Mae Boyles, born November 9, 1923 died on December 24, 2012 in Ft. Collins, Colorado. Edna was 89.
Family members and close friends: , James Pafford Sr & Jr And Family, Lynne Cedervall Stevenson, Karen Shook

▰ Dwight Edward Boyles

Died December 08, … More Information
Dwight Edward Boyles, of Colorado, born in Texas, went to be with the Lord on December 8, 1997. Dwight was 41.
Obituary published: December 09, 1997 in "Denver P"

▰ Dwight Boyles

Died November 20, … More Information
Dwight Boyles left this earth on November 20, 1997 to meet with Jesus, his Lord and Savior in Northglenn, Colorado.
Obituary published: November 21, 1997 in "Denver P"

▰ David Ellsworth Boyles

Died January 07, … More Information
David Ellsworth Boyles, age 72 of Colorado, born in Altoona, Pennsylvania, entered the Kingdom of Heaven January 7, 2011.
Obituary published: January 08, 2011 in "Coloradoan"

▰ Danny Boyles

Died March 06, … More Information
Danny Boyles, of Colorado, born in Indiana, left hisearthly home and passed through the Veil to his Eternal Home March 6, 2007. Danny was 64.
Obituary published: March 07, 2007 in "JournalCourier (IN)"

▰ Anna Lorraine Boyles

Died December 14, … More Information
Anna Lorraine Boyles, born March 11, 1935 passed away peacefully December 14, 2016 in Grand Junction, Colorado. Anna was 81.

▰ Albert Boyles

Died May 06, … More Information
Albert Boyles, age 88 of Pueblo, Colorado passed away May 6, 2004.
Obituary published: May 07, 2004 in "The Chieftain"

▰ Patricia "Patty" (Boyle) Boyle-Abbott

Died May 09, … More Information
Patricia "Patty" (Boyle) Boyle-Abbott, age 46 of Colorado, born in New York, departed this life Sunday May 9, 2007.
Obituary published: May 10, 2007 in "AZ Republic (AZ)"

▰ Patricia "Patty" (Boyle) Boyle-Abbott

Died May 08, … More Information
Patricia "Patty" (Boyle) Boyle-Abbott, age 46 of Colorado, born in Syracust, New York, passed away peacefully May 8, 2007.
Obituary published: May 09, 2007 in "AZ Republic (AZ)"

▰ Patricia "Patty" (Boyle) Boyle-Abbott

Died May 05, … More Information
Patricia "Patty" (Boyle) Boyle-Abbott, age 46 of Colorado, born in Syracust, New York, died on May 5, 2007.
Obituary published: May 06, 2007 in "AZ Republic (AZ)"

▰ William J Boyle

Died June 04, … More Information
William J Boyle, of Colorado, born in Chicago, Illinois, went into the presence of the Lord on June 4, 1996. William was 72.
Obituary published: June 05, 1996 in "Denver P"

▰ William "Bill" Boyle

Died April 28, … More Information
William "Bill" Boyle, age 75 of Colorado, born in Le Mars, Iowa, passed away peacefully April 28, 2003.
Obituary published: April 29, 2003 in "Coloradoan"

▰ William Boyle

Died January 01, … More Information

▰ William Bill Boyle

Died January 01, … More Information

Family members and close friends: , Richard Auxer, Steve Schriener, Greg Speckman, Tom Brenneman, Doug & Cheryl Brower, Ted Searles, Joyce Cooper, Dan & Leslie Lamb, Hud Hudson ( Usafa '72 )

▰ Virginia Ann Boyle

Died February 16, … More Information
Virginia Ann Boyle, born September 17, 1928 left her earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home February 16, 2015 in Longmont, Colorado. Virginia was 86.
Family members and close friends: , Jill Grivetti, Donald Eriksen Dds, Connie & Jerry Kennedy

▰ Travis Neil Sr Boyle

Died October 02, … More Information
Travis Neil Sr Boyle, age 41 of Aspen, Colorado, departed this life Sunday October 2, 2015.
Obituary published: October 03, 2015 in "Cincinnati E/P (OH)"

▰ Thelma Geneva Boyle

Died April 03, … More Information
Thelma Geneva Boyle, born December 24, 1932 left earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home April 3, 2018 in Longmont, Colorado. Thelma was 85.
Family members and close friends: , Diane Anderson

▰ Stephen Richard Boyle

Died March 30, … More Information
Stephen Richard Boyle, born June 13, 1953 entered the Kingdom of Heaven March 30, 2016 in Denver, Colorado. Stephen was 62. Tags: #Anne
Obituary: Stephen was born on 13, 1953 and passed away on , 30, 2016. Stephen was a resident of Denver, Colorado at the time of passing. Stephen was married to Anne.

▰ Rosalyn R (Hosterman) Boyle

Died January 03, … More Information
Rosalyn R (Hosterman) Boyle, of Colorado, born in Pennsylvania, departed this life Sunday January 3, 2004. Rosalyn was 82.
Obituary published: January 04, 2004 in "Centre DT (PA)"

▰ Robert L Boyle

Died January 02, … More Information
Robert L Boyle, of Colorado, born in Ohio, entered into eternal rest January 2, 2006. Robert was 82.
Obituary published: January 03, 2006 in "Longmont T-C"

▰ Robert J Boyle

Died March 30, … More Information
Robert J Boyle, born December 17, 1928 entered eternal life March 30, 2016 in Centennial, Colorado. Robert was 87. Tags: #Miriam
Obituary: Robert was born on 17, 1928 and passed away on , 30, 2016. Robert was a resident of Centennial, Colorado at the time of passing. Robert was married to Miriam.

▰ Mary Kenny (Kenny) Boyle

Died November 23, … More Information
Mary Kenny (Kenny) Boyle, of Colorado, born in Ogden, Utah, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord November 23, 1999. Mary was 76.
Obituary published: November 24, 1999 in "RMN"

▰ Mary Kenny Boyle

Died November 24, … More Information
Mary Kenny Boyle, of Colorado, born in Ogden, Utah, passed away peacefully November 24, 1999. Mary was 76.
Obituary published: November 25, 1999 in "Denver P"

▰ Mary (Kenny) Boyle

Died November 27, … More Information
Mary (Kenny) Boyle, of Colorado, born in Ogden, Utah, gained her wings on November 27, 1999. Mary was 76.
Obituary published: November 28, 1999 in "Salt Lake Tribune (UT)"

▰ Mary (Kenny) Boyle

Died November 27, … More Information
Mary (Kenny) Boyle, of Colorado, born in Ogden, Utah, entered into eternal rest November 27, 1999. Mary was 76.
Obituary published: November 28, 1999 in "Deseret News (UT)"

▰ Marjorie Reva Boyle

Died January 14, … More Information
Marjorie Reva Boyle, born June 19, 1922 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord January 14, 2018 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Marjorie was 95.
Family members and close friends: , Christine Ellsworth, Kitty Faricy-eide, Patricia Damewood, Karen Higgins, Mary Ellen Swan Claes, Dee Salamon

▰ Marion B Boyle

Died December 12, … More Information
Marion B Boyle, age 85 of WheatRidge, Colorado, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord December 12, 2005.
Obituary published: December 13, 2005 in "RMN"

▰ Marion B Boyle

Died December 13, … More Information
Marion B Boyle, of WheatRidge, Colorado, passed away peacefully December 13, 2005. Marion was 85.
Obituary published: December 14, 2005 in "RMN"

▰ Margaret F Boyle

Died October 12, … More Information
Margaret F Boyle, of Colorado, born in Dodge Co, Nebraska, entered into eternal rest October 12, 1977. Margaret was 89.
Obituary published: October 13, 1977 in "North B-E (NE)"

▰ Margaret A (Decourcey) Boyle

Died May 09, … More Information
Margaret A (Decourcey) Boyle, age 85 of Colorado, born in Idaho, passed from this life on May 9, 2000.
Obituary published: May 10, 2000 in "Gillette N-R (WY)"

▰ Louise (Snyder) Boyle

Died August 25, … More Information
Louise (Snyder) Boyle, of Colorado, born in Chicago, Illinois, entered Heaven's gates on August 25, 2007. Louise was 83.
Obituary published: August 26, 2007 in "Contra Costa (CA)"

▰ Lou Ann (Beck) Boyle

Died October 02, … More Information
Lou Ann (Beck) Boyle, of Colorado, born in West Virginia, passed from this world into the next October 2, 2003. Lou was 66.
Obituary published: October 03, 2003 in "Daily Camera"

▰ Lena Mae Boyle

Died March 09, … More Information
Lena Mae Boyle, born May 17, 1929 went to be with the Lord on March 9, 2017 in Lakewood, Colorado. Lena was 87.

▰ June (Ott) Boyle

Died December 29, … More Information
June (Ott) Boyle, age 91 of Fort Collins, Colorado, entered into eternal rest December 29, 2008.
Obituary published: December 30, 2008 in "Coloradoan"

▰ June (Ott) Boyle

Died December 30, … More Information
June (Ott) Boyle, age 91 of Colorado, entered into eternal rest December 30, 2008.
Obituary published: December 31, 2008 in "Casper Star T (WY)"

▰ Joseph Boyle

Died February 05, … More Information
Joseph Boyle passed away February 5, 1907 in Salida, Colorado.
Obituary published: February 06, 1907 in "Cincinnati E/P (OH)"

▰ John F Boyle

Died June 29, … More Information
John F Boyle, of Colorado, born in Wyoming, went to be with the Lord on June 29, 2008. John was 91.
Obituary published: June 30, 2008 in "Journal-Advocate"

▰ John Edward Boyle

Died March 07, … More Information
John Edward Boyle, age 58 of Centennial, Colorado, passed from this world into the next March 7, 2006.
Obituary published: March 08, 2006 in "RMN"

▰ John Boyle

Died February 11, … More Information
John Boyle, born August 18, 1934 entered the Kingdom of Heaven February 11, 2016 in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. John was 81.

▰ James M Boyle

Died May 23, … More Information
James M Boyle, of Colorado, entered the Kingdom of Heaven May 23, 2002. James was 46.
Obituary published: May 24, 2002 in "RMN"
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