ᐅ Nevada Death Notices 2009-2024
Bilbao, Bilawa, Bilansky, Bilan, Bilak, Bikker, Bijak, Bihler...

John, William, Brian, Audrey, James, Hope, Myrna, Winfield, Donna, Irene...

Database updated December 2024
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▰ John Peter "Jack" Bilbao

Died July 06, … More Information
John Peter "Jack" Bilbao, age 73 of Reno, Nevada, passed away peacefully July 6, 2000.
Obituary published: July 07, 2000 in "San Mateo T (CA)"

▰ William Henry Bilawa

Died October 19, … More Information
William Henry Bilawa, born October 30, 1938 died October 19, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada. William was 76.
Family members and close friends: , Tina Missoula

▰ William Steve Bilansky Sr

Died September 24, … More Information
William Steve Bilansky Sr , born November 13, 1929 passed from this world into the next September 24, 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada. William was 86.

▰ Brian James Bilansky

Died August 18, … More Information
Brian James Bilansky, of Las Vegas, Nevada, departed this life Sunday August 18, 2010. Brian was 32.
Obituary published: August 19, 2010 in "Ventura C-S (CA)"

▰ Audrey Bernice Bilansky

Died September 22, … More Information
Audrey Bernice Bilansky, born February 22, 1928 gained her wings on September 22, 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Audrey was 86.

▰ James Allen Bilan

Died April 02, … More Information
James Allen Bilan, born September 15, 1945 entered the Kingdom of Heaven April 2, 2020 in Las Vegas, Nevada. James was 74.
Family members and close friends: , Anthony Dicocco, Charlotte Thompson, Michael Kelley-babbitt, Ian Ayers, Nancy Deppert, Lisa Hammond, Kathleen Cross

▰ Hope Bilan

Died February 17, … More Information
Hope Bilan, age 63 of Las Vegas, Nevada, went to be with her Lord and Savior February 17, 2007.
Obituary published: February 18, 2007 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Myrna (Ringel) Bilak

Died September 05, … More Information
Myrna (Ringel) Bilak, age 55 of Nevada, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord September 5, 2001.
Obituary published: September 06, 2001 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Myrna (Ringel) Bilak

Died September 05, … More Information
Myrna (Ringel) Bilak, of Nevada, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord September 5, 2001. Myrna was 55.
Obituary published: September 06, 2001 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Winfield T "Bik" Bikker

Died July 14, … More Information
Winfield T "Bik" Bikker, age 80 of Reno, Nevada, went to be with the Lord on July 14, 2003.
Obituary published: July 15, 2003 in "Reno G-J"

▰ Winfield T "Bik" Bikker

Died July 12, … More Information
Winfield T "Bik" Bikker, age 80 of Reno, Nevada, died on July 12, 2003.
Obituary published: July 13, 2003 in "Reno G-J"

▰ Donna M Bikker

Died September 19, … More Information
Donna M Bikker, age 82 of Reno, Nevada, left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home September 19, 2006.
Obituary published: September 20, 2006 in "Reno G-J"

▰ Irene M Bijak

Died November 14, … More Information
Irene M Bijak, age 85 of Nevada, born in Ohio, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before she November 14, 2001.
Obituary published: November 15, 2001 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Irene M Bijak

Died November 14, … More Information
Irene M Bijak, of Nevada, born in Cleveland, Ohio, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord November 14, 2001. Irene was 85.
Obituary published: November 15, 2001 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Edmund Anthony Bijak

Died February 18, … More Information
Edmund Anthony Bijak, of Las Vegas, Nevada, passed from this life on February 18, 2009. Edmund was 65.
Obituary published: February 19, 2009 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Edmund Bijak

Died January 09, … More Information
Edmund Bijak, of Nevada, born in Ohio, passed from this world into the next January 9, 2001. Edmund was 85.
Obituary published: January 10, 2001 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Edmund Bijak

Died January 09, … More Information
Edmund Bijak, age 85 of Nevada, born in Cleveland, Ohio, left hisearthly home and passed through the Veil to his Eternal Home January 9, 2001.
Obituary published: January 10, 2001 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Bernice Emeline Bihler

Died March 02, … More Information
Bernice Emeline Bihler, born November 9, 1918 left her earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home March 2, 2016 in Henderson, Nevada. Bernice was 97.

▰ Albert George Bihary

Died December 18, … More Information
Albert George Bihary, born December 12, 1933 joined the Lord December 18, 2020 in Henderson, Nevada. Albert was 87.
Family members and close friends: , Nancy Calvarino

▰ Lisa Liu Bih

Died October 10, … More Information
Lisa Liu Bih, born June 26, 1950 went to be with her Lord and Savior October 10, 2020 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Lisa was 70.

▰ Fred Loren Bigrigg

Died February 26, … More Information
Fred Loren Bigrigg, of Nevada, born in Brownsville, Pennsylvania, entered eternal life February 26, 2011. Fred was 64.
Obituary published: February 27, 2011 in "Reno G-J"

▰ Edna D (Hodgson) Bigrigg

Died December 22, … More Information
Edna D (Hodgson) Bigrigg, age 84 of Nevada, born in Courtney, Pennsylvania, passed away December 22, 2001 at her home.
Obituary published: December 23, 2001 in "Reno G-J"

▰ Derek K S Bigrigg

Died January 11, … More Information
Derek K S Bigrigg, of Reno, Nevada, left earthly home and passed through the Veil to his Eternal Home January 11, 2003. Derek was 22.
Obituary published: January 12, 2003 in "Reno G-J"

▰ Derek K S Bigrigg

Died January 04, … More Information
Derek K S Bigrigg, of Reno, Nevada, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before he January 4, 2000. Derek was 18.
Obituary published: January 05, 2000 in "Reno G-J"

▰ Derek K S Bigrigg

Died January 02, … More Information
Derek K S Bigrigg, age 18 of Reno, Nevada, entered Heaven's gates on January 2, 2000.
Obituary published: January 03, 2000 in "Reno G-J"

▰ Giovanni Alfredo Bigotti

Died April 14, … More Information
Giovanni Alfredo Bigotti, of Nevada, entered the Kingdom of Heaven April 14, 1998. Giovanni was 87.
Obituary published: April 15, 1998 in "Reno G-J"

▰ Dayzen Bigornia-Monize

Died January 01, … More Information

▰ George A Bignotti

Died September 27, … More Information
George A Bignotti, born January 12, 1916 gained his wings on September 27, 2013 in Las Vegas, Nevada. George was 97.
Family members and close friends: , Dori ( Mrs. Jim ) Pope

▰ Lois Virginia Bignoli

Died February 09, … More Information
Lois Virginia Bignoli, of Reno, Nevada, passed from this world into the next February 9, 2013. Lois was 87.
Obituary published: February 10, 2013 in "Reno G-J"

▰ Virginia Biglin

Died November 04, … More Information
Virginia Biglin, of Nevada, left herearthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home November 4, 1997. Virginia was 76.
Obituary published: November 05, 1997 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Jamesdino John "Jim" Biglin

Died June 17, … More Information
Jamesdino John "Jim" Biglin, of Reno, Nevada, passed away peacefully June 17, 2010. Jamesdino was 41.
Obituary published: June 18, 2010 in "Reno G-J (NV)"

▰ Jamesdino John "Jim" Biglin

Died June 15, … More Information
Jamesdino John "Jim" Biglin, of Reno, Nevada, went into the presence of the Lord on June 15, 2010. Jamesdino was 41.
Obituary published: June 16, 2010 in "Reno G-J (NV)"

▰ Shirley Margaret (Van Meter)[Margrave] Biglieri

Died May 29, … More Information
Shirley Margaret (Van Meter)[Margrave] Biglieri, of Nevada, born in Bakersfield, California, entered eternal life May 29, 2001. Shirley was 72.
Obituary published: May 30, 2001 in "Reno G-J"

▰ Melvin James Biglieri

Died February 22, … More Information
Melvin James Biglieri, age 85 of Nevada, born in Palisade, New York, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord February 22, 2008.
Obituary published: February 23, 2008 in "Reno G-J"

▰ Lois Eloise (Raffetto) Biglieri

Died September 08, … More Information
Lois Eloise (Raffetto) Biglieri, age 86 of Reno, Nevada, passed from this world into the next September 8, 2009.
Obituary published: September 09, 2009 in "Reno G-J"

▰ Lois Eloise (Raffetto) Biglieri

Died September 09, … More Information
Lois Eloise (Raffetto) Biglieri, age 86 of Reno, Nevada, died on September 9, 2009.
Obituary published: September 10, 2009 in "Reno G-J"

▰ John David Biglieri

Died September 15, … More Information
John David Biglieri, age 70 of Modesto, Nevada, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord September 15, 2003.
Obituary published: September 16, 2003 in "Reno G-J"

▰ Theresa (Marinelli) Bigliardi

Died May 09, … More Information
Theresa (Marinelli) Bigliardi, age 82 of Nevada, born in Laredo, West Virginia, departed this life Sunday May 9, 2003.
Obituary published: May 10, 2003 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Thomas W Bigley

Died September 06, … More Information
Thomas W Bigley, age 61 of Nevada, born in Pennsylvania, passed from this life on September 6, 2001.
Obituary published: September 07, 2001 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Thomas W Bigley

Died September 06, … More Information
Thomas W Bigley, age 61 of Nevada, born in Fallsington, Pennsylvania, went into the presence of the Lord on September 6, 2001.
Obituary published: September 07, 2001 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Mildred Jeanne (Carkeek) Bigley

Died November 03, … More Information
Mildred Jeanne (Carkeek) Bigley, of Nevada, born in Butte, Montana, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord November 3, 2012. Mildred was 87.
Obituary published: November 04, 2012 in "Reno G-J"

▰ David Arnold Bigler

Died November 10, … More Information
David Arnold Bigler, of Las Vegas, Nevada, was anxious to meet his Maker and Master November 10, 1995. David was 68.
Obituary published: November 11, 1995 in "Deseret News (UT)"

▰ David Arnold Bigler

Died November 10, … More Information
David Arnold Bigler passed away November 10, 1995 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Obituary published: November 11, 1995 in "Salt Lake Tribune (UT)"

▰ Millicent June Bigham

Died October 31, … More Information
Millicent June Bigham, age 87 of Nevada, died on October 31, 1998.
Obituary published: November 01, 1998 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Barbara Jean (Skans) Bigham

Died July 14, … More Information
Barbara Jean (Skans) Bigham, age 90 of Nevada, born in Portland, Oregon, gained her wings on July 14, 2018.
Obituary published: July 15, 2018 in "Mail Tribune (OR)"

▰ Anna Crawley Bigham

Died August 20, … More Information
Anna Crawley Bigham, born December 20, 1928 gained her wings on August 20, 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Anna was 87.
Family members and close friends: , Danielle, Marita Bigham, Keith Bigham, Cheryl & Joan Platt Platt, Jacqueline Parham, Joyce Fitz.-harris

▰ Zachary Robert Biggs

Died November 19, … More Information
Zachary Robert Biggs, of Nevada, born in Washington, died on November 19, 2008. Zachary was 35.
Obituary published: November 20, 2008 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ William Biggs

Died July 23, … More Information
William Biggs, of Nevada, joined the Lord July 23, 2002. William was 60.
Obituary published: July 24, 2002 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Thomas Wayne Biggs Sr

Died June 21, … More Information
Thomas Wayne Biggs Sr , born January 20, 1938 departed this life Sunday June 21, 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Thomas was 76.
Family members and close friends: , Lonnita Biggs, Matt Morale, Grace Versola, Shannon Rustad, Scotty Greer, Jerry Cunningham, Ethelene, Dave Dunn, Warren/rosemary Batchelor, Joy Brown/jacobs, Lew Weiland, Glade Lamoreaux, Gary Robey, Carl Cassell, Roy Nelson, Galen Kester, Jon Mehringer, Randal Biggs, Don And Patricia Charleboix

▰ Sylvia J Biggs

Died June 25, … More Information
Sylvia J Biggs, 69, went to be with the Lord on June 25, 2008 in Reno, Nevada.
Obituary published: June 26, 2008 in "Reno G-J"
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