ᐅ Nevada Death Notices 2009-2024
Bell, Belknap, Belkin, Belken, Belk, Beliveau, Belinsky, Belingheri...

Annie, Andre, Amilio, Alma, Allen, Alfred, Agnes, Margaret, Carol, Michael...

Database updated December 2024
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▰ Annie Pearl (Smith) Bell

Died April 23, … More Information
Annie Pearl (Smith) Bell, age 73 of Nevada, passed from this world into the next April 23, 2003.
Obituary published: April 24, 2003 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Annie Clementine (Mcphillips) Bell

Died May 30, … More Information
Annie Clementine (Mcphillips) Bell, age 80 of Nevada, born in Michigan, was anxious to meet her Maker and Master May 30, 2000.
Obituary published: May 31, 2000 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Annie Clementine (Mcphillips) Bell

Died May 30, … More Information
Annie Clementine (Mcphillips) Bell, age 80 of Nevada, born in Detroit, Michigan, entered the Kingdom of Heaven May 30, 2000.
Obituary published: May 31, 2000 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Andre Neil Bell

Died August 28, … More Information
Andre Neil Bell, of Las Vegas, Nevada, went to be with the Lord on August 28, 2000. Andre was 17.
Obituary published: August 29, 2000 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Andre Neil Bell

Died August 28, … More Information
Andre Neil Bell, age 17 of Las Vegas, Nevada passed away August 28, 2000.
Obituary published: August 29, 2000 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Amilio "Bill" Bell

Died November 05, … More Information
Amilio "Bill" Bell, age 88 of Fallon, Nevada, passed away peacefully November 5, 2010.
Obituary published: November 06, 2010 in "Reno G-J"

▰ Alma Sue Bell

Died August 20, … More Information
Alma Sue Bell, born March 14, 1936 left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home August 20, 2020 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Alma was 84.
Family members and close friends: , Terry Platt, Tammy Wellman

▰ Allen "Al" Bell

Died July 18, … More Information
Allen "Al" Bell, age 75 of Nevada, born in Newark, New Jersey, entered eternal life July 18, 2008.
Obituary published: July 19, 2008 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Alfred "Jack" Jr Bell

Died January 28, … More Information
Alfred "Jack" Jr Bell, of Las Vegas, Nevada, passed from this world into the next January 28, 2009. Alfred was 69.
Obituary published: January 29, 2009 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Agnes Belle Bell

Died March 09, … More Information
Agnes Belle Bell, of Nevada, born in Kansas, was anxious to meet her Maker and Master March 9, 2003. Agnes was 87.
Obituary published: March 10, 2003 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Agnes Belle Bell

Died March 09, … More Information
Agnes Belle Bell, of Nevada, born in Kansas, entered eternal life March 9, 2003. Agnes was 87.
Obituary published: March 10, 2003 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Margaret L "Marge" (Sellers) Belknap

Died October 08, … More Information
Margaret L "Marge" (Sellers) Belknap, age 70 of Nevada, born in Kokomo, Indiana, gained her wings on October 8, 2002.
Obituary published: October 09, 2002 in "Reno G-J"

▰ Carol Lynn Belknap

Died October 11, … More Information
Carol Lynn Belknap, born September 21, 1946 passed away peacefully October 11, 2014 in Minden, Nevada. Carol was 68.

▰ Michael Belkin

Died June 22, … More Information
Michael Belkin, of Nevada, entered into eternal rest June 22, 1999. Michael was 46.
Obituary published: June 23, 1999 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Michael Belkin

Died June 22, … More Information
Michael Belkin, of Nevada, died on June 22, 1999. Michael was 46.
Obituary published: June 23, 1999 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Frank Bernard Belken

Died April 12, … More Information
Frank Bernard Belken, age 78 of Nevada, born in Franktown, Missouri, entered eternal life April 12, 2003.
Obituary published: April 13, 2003 in "Reno G-J"

▰ Caroline S (Souza)[Carreiro] Belken

Died June 18, … More Information
Caroline S (Souza)[Carreiro] Belken, age 89 of Nevada, went to be with the Lord on June 18, 2003.
Obituary published: June 19, 2003 in "Reno G-J"

▰ Sylvia Ellen Belk

Died January 01, … More Information
Sylvia Ellen Belk, age 50 of Sparks, Nevada, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before she January 1, 1998.
Obituary published: January 02, 1998 in "Reno G-J"

▰ Sylvia Ellen Belk

Died January 05, … More Information
Sylvia Ellen Belk, of Sparks, Nevada, joined the Lord January 5, 1998. Sylvia was 50.
Obituary published: January 06, 1998 in "Standard-Times (MA)"

▰ Kenneth G Belk

Died April 13, … More Information
Kenneth G Belk, 74, went to be with the Lord on April 13, 2013 in Pahrump, Nevada.
Obituary published: April 14, 2013 in "Daily Press (CA)"

▰ Jerald Ray Belk

Died April 10, … More Information
Jerald Ray Belk, of Nevada, born in Massbach, Illinois, died on April 10, 2008. Jerald was 73.
Obituary published: April 11, 2008 in "Reno G-J"

▰ Ray Beliveau

Died July 15, … More Information
Ray Beliveau, age 69 of Nevada, born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, went to be with the Lord on July 15, 2001.
Obituary published: July 16, 2001 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Ray Beliveau

Died July 15, … More Information
Ray Beliveau, of Nevada, born in Minnesota, departed this life Sunday July 15, 2001. Ray was 69.
Obituary published: July 16, 2001 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Lena Christine (Porter) Beliveau

Died November 12, … More Information
Lena Christine (Porter) Beliveau, of Nevada, born in Judsonia, Arkansas, entered into eternal rest November 12, 2000. Lena was 65.
Obituary published: November 13, 2000 in "Nevada Appeal"

▰ Joseph Mccallum Beliveau

Died April 29, … More Information
Joseph Mccallum Beliveau, of Nevada, born in Covina, California, joined the Lord April 29, 1998. Joseph was 27.
Obituary published: April 30, 1998 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Joseph M Jr Beliveau

Died May 04, … More Information
Joseph M Jr Beliveau, of Nevada, born in Victoria, Texas, went into the presence of the Lord on May 4, 1998. Joseph was 27.
Obituary published: May 05, 1998 in "Victoria Advoc (TX)"

▰ Brenda S Beliveau

Died November 04, … More Information
Brenda S Beliveau, age 56 of Nevada, born in Illinois, left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home November 4, 2000.
Obituary published: November 05, 2000 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Robert Belinsky

Died December 03, … More Information
Robert Belinsky, of Nevada, went into the presence of the Lord on December 3, 2001. Robert was 64.
Obituary published: December 04, 2001 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Robert Belinsky

Died December 03, … More Information
Robert Belinsky, of Nevada, born in New York City, New York, entered Heaven's gates on December 3, 2001. Robert was 64.
Obituary published: December 04, 2001 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Bo Belinsky

Died November 26, … More Information
Bo Belinsky, age 64 of Las Vegas, Nevada, entered the Kingdom of Heaven November 26, 2001.
Obituary published: November 27, 2001 in "Boston Globe (MA)"

▰ Laura Marie (Lee) Belingheri

Died February 12, … More Information
Laura Marie (Lee) Belingheri, age 84 of Nevada, born in California, left earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home February 12, 2007.
Obituary published: February 13, 2007 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Deegan Tony Belingheri

Died January 15, … More Information
Deegan Tony Belingheri, age 0 of Reno, Nevada, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before Deegan January 15, 2005.
Obituary published: January 16, 2005 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Mary E (Durbin) Belgrade

Died January 22, … More Information
Mary E (Durbin) Belgrade, of Nevada, born in Denver, Colorado, passed away peacefully January 22, 2003. Mary was 68.
Obituary published: January 23, 2003 in "KingCoJournal (WA)"

▰ Morie B Belgorod

Died November 05, … More Information
Morie B Belgorod, born August 3, 1944 entered into eternal rest November 5, 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Morie was 70. Tags: #Marcia
Obituary: Morie was born on 3, 1944 and passed away on , 5, 2014. Morie was a resident of Las Vegas, Nevada at the time of passing. Morie was married to Marcia.

▰ Rose Mary Belgiano

Died February 22, … More Information
Rose Mary Belgiano, of Nevada, passed from this world into the next February 22, 2000. Rose was 74.
Obituary published: February 23, 2000 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Rose Mary Belgiano

Died February 22, … More Information
Rose Mary Belgiano, of Nevada, left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home February 22, 2000. Rose was 74.
Obituary published: February 23, 2000 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Dorothy (Mcmann) Belger

Died December 26, … More Information
Dorothy (Mcmann) Belger, 81, of Nevada, left her earthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home December 26, 1996.
Obituary published: December 27, 1996 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Virgil H (Dude) Belford

Died November 14, … More Information
Virgil H (Dude) Belford, of Reno, Nevada, departed this life Sunday November 14, 1985. Virgil was 76.
Obituary published: November 15, 1985 in "Tacoma N-T (WA)"

▰ Roberta M "Bobbie" (Colvin) Belford

Died October 07, … More Information
Roberta M "Bobbie" (Colvin) Belford, age 71 of Nevada, born in San Francisco, California, passed away peacefully October 7, 1998.
Obituary published: October 08, 1998 in "Reno G-J"

▰ Leslie Dawn (Teeters) Belford

Died June 26, … More Information
Leslie Dawn (Teeters) Belford, of Nevada, born in Englewood, California, entered Heaven's gates on June 26, 2003. Leslie was 48.
Obituary published: June 27, 2003 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Leslie D Belford

Died June 26, … More Information
Leslie D Belford, age 48 of Nevada, born in Inglewood, California, departed this life Sunday June 26, 2003.
Obituary published: June 27, 2003 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Geneva L Belford

Died February 12, … More Information
Geneva L Belford, of Nevada, born in Bristow, Oklahoma, entered the Kingdom of Heaven February 12, 1998. Geneva was 77.
Obituary published: February 13, 1998 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Amburs C Belflower

Died April 07, … More Information
Amburs C Belflower, age 53 of Henderson, Nevada, passed from this life on April 7, 2000.
Obituary published: April 08, 2000 in "Tulare A-R (CA)"

▰ Harold "Hal" Belfer

Died March 08, … More Information
Harold "Hal" Belfer, age 77 of Nevada, born in California, went into the presence of the Lord on March 8, 1999.
Obituary published: March 09, 1999 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Harold "Hal" Belfer

Died March 12, … More Information
Harold "Hal" Belfer passed away March 12, 1999 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Obituary published: March 13, 1999 in "Los Angeles T (CA)"

▰ Vades "Vj" (Borneman) Belew

Died February 14, … More Information
Vades "Vj" (Borneman) Belew, of North Las Vegas, Nevada, passed from this world into the next February 14, 2009. Vades was 62.
Obituary published: February 15, 2009 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Donald R Beleski

Died April 16, … More Information
Donald R Beleski, age 74 of Henderson, Nevada, entered eternal life April 16, 2008.
Obituary published: April 17, 2008 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Valparaiso B Belen

Died June 30, … More Information
Valparaiso B Belen, 60, went to be with the Lord on June 30, 2008 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Obituary published: July 01, 2008 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Sergio Davila Belen Jr

Died March 03, … More Information
Sergio Davila Belen Jr , born March 3, 2011 died March 3, 2011 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Sergio was 0.

▰ Romeo M Belen

Died October 01, … More Information
Romeo M Belen, born June 25, 1937 left earthly home and passed through the Veil to his Eternal Home October 1, 2012 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Romeo was 75.
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