ᐅ Nevada Death Notices 2009-2024
Basham, Bash, Basgall, Basford, Basey, Baser, Basden, Basciano...

Louis, Etta, Becky, Darrell, Barbara, Robert, Kenneth, Jane, Dennis, Sidney...

Database updated December 2024
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▰ Louis R Basham

Died September 20, … More Information
Louis R Basham, born October 19, 1941 died on September 20, 2015 in Henderson, Nevada. Louis was 73. Tags: #Patty
Obituary: Louis was born on 19, 1941 and passed away on , 20, 2015. Louis was a resident of Henderson, Nevada at the time of passing. Louis was married to Patty.

▰ Etta "Mae" (Bannan) Basham

Died March 23, … More Information
Etta "Mae" (Bannan) Basham, age 79 of Nevada, born in Illinois, departed this life Sunday March 23, 2009.
Obituary published: March 24, 2009 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Becky Faust Basham

Died June 08, … More Information
Becky Faust Basham left this earth on June 8, 2004 to meet with Jesus, her Lord and Savior in Reno, Nevada.
Obituary published: June 09, 2004 in "Shreveport Times (LA)"

▰ Darrell Sampson Bash

Died May 15, … More Information
Darrell Sampson Bash, of Las Vegas, Nevada, passed away peacefully May 15, 2004. Darrell was 82.
Obituary published: May 16, 2004 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Barbara (Hampton) Bash

Died December 18, … More Information
Barbara (Hampton) Bash, age 68 of Nevada, born in Cincinnati, Ohio, entered Heaven's gates on December 18, 2008.
Obituary published: December 19, 2008 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Robert L "Bob" Basgall

Died October 08, … More Information
Robert L "Bob" Basgall went into the presence of the Lord on October 8, 2006 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Obituary published: October 09, 2006 in "Hutchinson News (KS)"

▰ Kenneth Eugene Basgall

Died November 13, … More Information
Kenneth Eugene Basgall, born December 24, 1944 entered the Kingdom of Heaven November 13, 2020 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Kenneth was 75.
Family members and close friends: , Yvette Del Pino

▰ Jane (Zook) Basgall

Died March 08, … More Information
Jane (Zook) Basgall, age 74 of Las Vegas, Nevada, gained her wings on March 8, 2008.
Obituary published: March 09, 2008 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Dennis Basgall

Died September 19, … More Information
Dennis Basgall, age 59 of Las Vegas, Nevada, entered eternal life September 19, 2002.
Obituary published: September 20, 2002 in "Hutchinson News (KS)"

▰ Dennis Basgall

Died September 12, … More Information
Dennis Basgall, age 59 of Nevada, entered into eternal rest September 12, 2002.
Obituary published: September 13, 2002 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Dennis Basgall

Died September 12, … More Information
Dennis Basgall, age 59 of Nevada, entered eternal life September 12, 2002.
Obituary published: September 13, 2002 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Sidney L Basford

Died December 11, … More Information
Sidney L Basford, age 64 of Nevada, born in Florida, went into the presence of the Lord on December 11, 2001.
Obituary published: December 12, 2001 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Sidney L Basford

Died December 11, … More Information
Sidney L Basford, of Nevada, born in Greenwood, Florida, joined the Lord December 11, 2001. Sidney was 64.
Obituary published: December 12, 2001 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Robert Jordan Basford

Died March 22, … More Information
Robert Jordan Basford, age 85 of Nevada, went into the presence of the Lord on March 22, 2000.
Obituary published: March 23, 2000 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Robert Jordan Basford

Died March 22, … More Information
Robert Jordan Basford, a resident of Nevada for decades, died March 22, 2000 in Nevada at the age of 85.
Obituary published: March 23, 2000 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Teranda Emelda Basey

Died September 04, … More Information
Teranda Emelda Basey, born March 25, 1957 entered into eternal rest September 4, 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Teranda was 61.
Family members and close friends: , Mercedes Aka Babs Las Vegas

▰ David E Baser

Died October 28, … More Information
David E Baser, born June 25, 1939 left earthly home and passed through the Veil to his Eternal Home October 28, 2013 in Las Vegas, Nevada. David was 74.

▰ Terry Lynn Basden

Died April 07, … More Information
Terry Lynn Basden, a resident of Las Vegas, Nevada for decades, died April 7, 2007 in Las Vegas, Nevada at the age of 61.
Obituary published: April 08, 2007 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Tessa Rose Basciano

Died March 11, … More Information
Tessa Rose Basciano, of Nevada, born in Cedar City, Utah, left herearthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home March 11, 2003. Tessa was 17.
Obituary published: March 12, 2003 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Tessa Rose Basciano

Died March 11, … More Information
Tessa Rose Basciano, age 17 of Nevada, born in Utah, entered Heaven's gates on March 11, 2003.
Obituary published: March 12, 2003 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Anne L Basche

Died February 16, … More Information
On February 16, 1998, Anne L Basche, 98 of Nevada passed from this world into the next.
Obituary published: February 17, 1998 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Shirley Basch

Died May 15, … More Information
Shirley Basch, of Nevada, born in Cleveland, Ohio, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord May 15, 2004. Shirley was 81.
Obituary published: May 16, 2004 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Shirley Basch

Died May 14, … More Information
Shirley Basch, of Nevada, born in Cleveland, Ohio, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord May 14, 2004. Shirley was 81.
Obituary published: May 15, 2004 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Pat (Ridge) Basch

Died July 31, … More Information
Pat (Ridge) Basch, age 73 of Nevada, born in Cleveland, Ohio, departed this life Sunday July 31, 2001.
Obituary published: August 01, 2001 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Pat (Ridge) Basch

Died July 31, … More Information
Pat (Ridge) Basch, age 73 of Nevada, born in Ohio, entered eternal life July 31, 2001.
Obituary published: August 01, 2001 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Felisa (Uriguen) Basanez

Died March 02, … More Information
Felisa (Uriguen) Basanez, age 94 of Elko, Nevada, passed from this life on March 2, 2008.
Obituary published: March 03, 2008 in "Elko Daily FP"

▰ Milka Basaites

Died April 24, … More Information
Milka Basaites, born October 8, 1928 entered into eternal rest April 24, 2019 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Milka was 90.

▰ Randy Gorospe Basa

Died December 23, … More Information
Randy Gorospe Basa, born October 20, 1928 entered into eternal rest December 23, 2018 in Carson City, Nevada. Randy was 90.
Family members and close friends: , Sam Woods

▰ Jun Millinchamp Basa

Died November 28, … More Information
Jun Millinchamp Basa, born January 19, 1981 went into the presence of the Lord on November 28, 2019 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Jun was 38.
Family members and close friends: , Jackie Love, Angela Basa, Missy Mae Millinchamp, Shystee Ru, Angela Basa, Olympia Basa, Melissa Millinchamp, Nilda & Jay Bell, Moms Newton, James Basa Jr., Lawrence Millinchamp, Jay & Nilda Bell, Nicola Washington, Angela Basa, Priscilla Finau, Aaron Bell, Jun Jun Llarenas, Alexis Gray, Jackie San Nicolas, Tyrone V. Imanil, Michelle Basa, Tiffany Basa

▰ Cezar V Basa

Died February 16, … More Information
Cezar V Basa, born November 29, 1951 entered the Kingdom of Heaven February 16, 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Cezar was 62.
Family members and close friends: , Delia Cavizo, Rowena Bliss Saba, Vergara Family, Rebecca Enriquez, Aloha Ramey, Jude Basa

▰ Asiamae Basa

Died February 07, … More Information
Asiamae Basa, of Reno, Nevada, went into the presence of the Lord on February 7, 2002. Asiamae was 2.
Obituary published: February 08, 2002 in "Reno G-J"

▰ Michael S Barzyk

Died April 06, … More Information
Michael S Barzyk, age 76 of Nevada, born in Detroit, Michigan, passed away peacefully April 6, 1999.
Obituary published: April 07, 1999 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Michael S Barzyk

Died April 06, … More Information
Michael S Barzyk, age 76 of Nevada, born in Detroit, Michigan, passed from this life on April 6, 1999.
Obituary published: April 07, 1999 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Joan Sona Barzekoff

Died October 10, … More Information
Joan Sona Barzekoff, age 67 of Nevada, born in Brooklyn, New York, went into the presence of the Lord on October 10, 1998.
Obituary published: October 11, 1998 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Joan Sona Barzekoff

Died October 10, … More Information
Joan Sona Barzekoff passed away October 10, 1998 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Obituary published: October 11, 1998 in "Los Angeles T (CA)"

▰ Samuel F Barzano

Died March 25, … More Information
Samuel F Barzano, a resident of Las Vegas, Nevada for decades, died March 25, 2004 in Las Vegas, Nevada at the age of 65.
Obituary published: March 26, 2004 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Samuel F Barzano

Died March 24, … More Information
Samuel F Barzano, age 65 of Las Vegas, Nevada, entered the Kingdom of Heaven March 24, 2004.
Obituary published: March 25, 2004 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Robert E Barwick

Died January 13, … More Information
Robert E Barwick, age 74 of Nevada, born in Illinois, passed from this world into the next January 13, 1997.
Obituary published: January 14, 1997 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Donna C Barwick

Died April 15, … More Information
Donna C Barwick, age 47 of Nevada, born in Columbia, South Carolina, entered Heaven's gates on April 15, 1999.
Obituary published: April 16, 1999 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Donna C Barwick

Died April 15, … More Information
Donna C Barwick, of Nevada, born in Columbia, South Carolina, left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home April 15, 1999. Donna was 47.
Obituary published: April 16, 1999 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ William D Baruffi

Died August 01, … More Information
William D Baruffi, of Nevada, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord August 1, 2000. William was 41.
Obituary published: August 02, 2000 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ William D Baruffi

Died August 01, … More Information
William D Baruffi, age 41 of Nevada, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, went to be with the Lord on August 1, 2000.
Obituary published: August 02, 2000 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Rose Baruffi

Died September 23, … More Information
Rose Baruffi, born January 1, 1901 entered Heaven's gates on September 23, 1993 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Rose was 92.

▰ Patricia Bibeau Baruffi

Died August 05, … More Information
Patricia Bibeau Baruffi, age 64 of Las Vegas, Nevada, went into the presence of the Lord on August 5, 2003.
Obituary published: August 06, 2003 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Patricia [White] Baruffi

Died August 05, … More Information
Patricia [White] Baruffi, age 64 of Nevada, born in Bismarck, North Dakota, entered the Kingdom of Heaven August 5, 2003.
Obituary published: August 06, 2003 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Andrew Thomas Baruffi

Died January 03, … More Information
Andrew Thomas Baruffi, born July 6, 1938 passed from this life on January 3, 2013 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Andrew was 74.

▰ Andrew Thomas Baruffi

Died January 03, … More Information
Andrew Thomas Baruffi, born July 6, 1938 passed from this life on January 3, 2013 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Andrew was 74.
Family members and close friends: , Mark Cedar City, John Oscar Las Vegas, Peggy Las Vegas, Mark Cedar City, Ray & Colleen Las Vegas, The Delena Family Denver, Lisa Pontiac, Tom Nlas Vegas

▰ Valdimir Richard "Dick" Baruch

Died May 15, … More Information
Valdimir Richard "Dick" Baruch, age 69 of Nevada, born in Flint, Michigan, went into the presence of the Lord on May 15, 2006.
Obituary published: May 16, 2006 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Lorraine Baruch

Died December 28, … More Information
Lorraine Baruch, born October 24, 1941 went to be with her Lord and Savior December 28, 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Lorraine was 75.
Family members and close friends: 

▰ Dean Bartzack

Died July 01, … More Information
Dean Bartzack, of Nevada, born in Tucson, Arizona, entered Heaven's gates on July 1, 1997. Dean was 23.
Obituary published: July 02, 1997 in "Las Vegas R-J"
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