ᐅ Nevada Death Notices 2009-2024
Banfield, Banez, Banes, Banel, Banegas, Bane, Bandy, Bandlow...

Robert, Lynn, Fred, Elaine, Manuel, Mary, June, Maria, Edward, Joe, Gabriel...

Database updated December 2024
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▰ Robert Banfield

Died December 13, … More Information
Robert Banfield, of Henderson, Nevada, departed this life Sunday December 13, 2008. Robert was 58.
Obituary published: December 14, 2008 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Lynn Rae (Williams) Banfield

Died February 19, … More Information
Lynn Rae (Williams) Banfield, 52, of Nevada, entered the Kingdom of Heaven February 19, 2001.
Obituary published: February 20, 2001 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Lynn Rae (Williams) Banfield

Died February 16, … More Information
Lynn Rae (Williams) Banfield, age 52 of Nevada, entered the Kingdom of Heaven February 16, 2001.
Obituary published: February 17, 2001 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Lynn R (Williams) Banfield

Died February 22, … More Information
Lynn R (Williams) Banfield, age 52 of Nevada, born in Geneva, Ohio, entered the Kingdom of Heaven February 22, 2001.
Obituary published: February 23, 2001 in "Lake County T (OH)"

▰ Fred Edward Jr Banfield

Died April 21, … More Information
Fred Edward Jr Banfield, of Reno, Nevada, passed away peacefully April 21, 2005. Fred was 75.
Obituary published: April 22, 2005 in "Times-Star (CA)"

▰ Fred Edward Jr Banfield

Died April 20, … More Information
Fred Edward Jr Banfield, of Reno, Nevada, passed from this life on April 20, 2005. Fred was 75.
Obituary published: April 21, 2005 in "Times-Star (CA)"

▰ Fred Edward Jr Banfield

Died April 19, … More Information
Fred Edward Jr Banfield, 75, of Reno, Nevada departed this life April 19, 2005.
Obituary published: April 20, 2005 in "Times-Star (CA)"

▰ Elaine L Banfield

Died January 11, … More Information
Elaine L Banfield, age 70 of Nevada, entered eternal life January 11, 1999.
Obituary published: January 12, 1999 in "Press Demo (CA)"

▰ Elaine I Banfield

Died January 04, … More Information
Elaine I Banfield, age 70 of Nevada, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord January 4, 1999.
Obituary published: January 05, 1999 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Manuel B Sr Banez

Died June 01, … More Information
Manuel B Sr Banez, age 91 of Nevada, entered into eternal rest June 1, 2000.
Obituary published: June 02, 2000 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Manuel B Sr Banez

Died June 01, … More Information
Manuel B Sr Banez, of Nevada, left hisearthly home and passed through the Veil to his Eternal Home June 1, 2000. Manuel was 91.
Obituary published: June 02, 2000 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Mary Edith Banes

Died December 18, … More Information
Mary Edith Banes, born November 3, 1920 went into the presence of the Lord on December 18, 2012 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Mary was 92.

▰ June [Daniels] Banes

Died February 23, … More Information
June [Daniels] Banes, of Nevada, born in Omaha, Nebraska, went to be with her Lord and Savior February 23, 2000. June was 81.
Obituary published: February 24, 2000 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ June [Daniels] Banes

Died February 23, … More Information
June [Daniels] Banes, age 81 of Nevada, born in Omaha, Nebraska, passed away February 23, 2000 at her home.
Obituary published: February 24, 2000 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Maria W Banel

Died July 31, … More Information
Maria W Banel, age 63 of Nevada, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before Maria July 31, 1998.
Obituary published: August 01, 1998 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Edward Winceinty Banel

Died March 24, … More Information
Edward Winceinty Banel, 71, of Nevada, entered the Kingdom of Heaven March 24, 2002.
Obituary published: March 25, 2002 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Edward Winceinty Banel

Died March 24, … More Information
Edward Winceinty Banel, age 71 of Nevada, entered Heaven's gates on March 24, 2002.
Obituary published: March 25, 2002 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Robert A Jr Banegas

Died September 08, … More Information
Robert A Jr Banegas, age 43 of Nevada, born in Arizona, went into the presence of the Lord on September 8, 1999.
Obituary published: September 09, 1999 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Robert A Jr Banegas

Died September 08, … More Information
Robert A Jr Banegas, of Nevada, born in Arizona, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord September 8, 1999. Robert was 43.
Obituary published: September 09, 1999 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Joe Banegas

Died November 18, … More Information
Joe Banegas, of Nevada, born in Wickieup, Arizona, died on November 18, 1997. Joe was 76.
Obituary published: November 19, 1997 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Gabriel Banegas

Died April 03, … More Information
Gabriel Banegas, of Nevada, born in Arizona, went to be with the Lord on April 3, 2003. Gabriel was 37.
Obituary published: April 04, 2003 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Gabriel Banegas

Died March 30, … More Information
Gabriel Banegas, of Nevada, born in Arizona, peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord March 30, 2003. Gabriel was 37.
Obituary published: March 31, 2003 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Frances (Montoya) Banegas

Died March 24, … More Information
Frances (Montoya) Banegas, age 68 of Nevada, born in New Mexico, died on March 24, 2000.
Obituary published: March 25, 2000 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Alexander A Sr Banegas

Died December 24, … More Information
Alexander A Sr Banegas, age 71 of Nevada, born in Wikieup, Arizona, joined the Lord December 24, 1999.
Obituary published: December 25, 1999 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Peggy Ellen (Rose) Bane

Died December 18, … More Information
Peggy Ellen (Rose) Bane, age 58 of Nevada, born in Hayward, California, left herearthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home December 18, 2001.
Obituary published: December 19, 2001 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Peggy Ellen (Rose) Bane

Died December 18, … More Information
Peggy Ellen (Rose) Bane, age 58 of Nevada, born in Hayward, California, departed this life Sunday December 18, 2001.
Obituary published: December 19, 2001 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Peggy Ellen Bane

Died December 18, … More Information
Peggy Ellen Bane, age 58 of Nevada, born in California, was anxious to meet her Maker and Master December 18, 2001.
Obituary published: December 19, 2001 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Ethel Elaine Bane

Died August 30, … More Information
Ethel Elaine Bane, age 74 of Nevada, born in Colorado, entered eternal life August 30, 1997.
Obituary published: August 31, 1997 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Donald Richard Bane

Died August 15, … More Information
Donald Richard Bane, age 80 of Nevada, born in Indiana, passed from this life on August 15, 2012.
Obituary published: August 16, 2012 in "Ocala S-B (FL)"

▰ Donald Richard Bane

Died August 14, … More Information
Donald Richard Bane, age 80 of Nevada, born in Williamsburg, Indiana, entered eternal life August 14, 2012.
Obituary published: August 15, 2012 in "Ocala S-B (FL)"

▰ Elizabeth "Bibby" Bandy

Died May 28, … More Information
Elizabeth "Bibby" Bandy, of Nevada, born in Branchville, Texas, left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home May 28, 2002. Elizabeth was 83.
Obituary published: May 29, 2002 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Elizabeth "Bibby" Bandy

Died May 28, … More Information
Elizabeth "Bibby" Bandy, of Nevada, born in Branchville, Texas, entered Heaven's gates on May 28, 2002. Elizabeth was 83.
Obituary published: May 29, 2002 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Allan John Bandy

Died April 11, … More Information
Allan John Bandy, born November 25, 1961 ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before his April 11, 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Allan was 54.

▰ Roland J Bandlow

Died April 30, … More Information
Roland J Bandlow, age 74 of Nevada, born in Cleveland, Ohio, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before he April 30, 1997.
Obituary published: May 01, 1997 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Mary Ellen (Rawson) Bandley

Died December 28, … More Information
Mary Ellen (Rawson) Bandley, age 75 of Nevada, born in Price, Utah, passed from this world into the next December 28, 2005.
Obituary published: December 29, 2005 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Mary Ellen (Rawson) Bandley

Died December 27, … More Information
Mary Ellen (Rawson) Bandley, of Nevada, born in Utah, left herearthly home and passed through the Veil to her Eternal Home December 27, 2005. Mary was 75.
Obituary published: December 28, 2005 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Kay Richard Bandley

Died February 20, … More Information
Kay Richard Bandley, born December 24, 1928 peacefully entered eternal life with our Lord February 20, 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Kay was 87.
Family members and close friends: , Patsy Lahti, Nicole Kay Bandley Cave

▰ Marjorie M Bandle

Died November 05, … More Information
Marjorie M Bandle, of Nevada, born in Toledo, Iowa, went to be with her Lord and Savior November 5, 2002. Marjorie was 84.
Obituary published: November 06, 2002 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Marjorie M Bandle

Died November 05, … More Information
Marjorie M Bandle, of Nevada, born in Toledo, Iowa, left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home November 5, 2002. Marjorie was 84.
Obituary published: November 06, 2002 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Arthur G Bandle

Died December 28, … More Information
Arthur G Bandle, of Nevada, born in Decorah, Iowa, died on December 28, 1998. Arthur was 82.
Obituary published: December 29, 1998 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Arthur G Bandle

Died December 28, … More Information
Arthur G Bandle, of Nevada, born in Decorah, Iowa, entered into eternal rest December 28, 1998. Arthur was 82.
Obituary published: December 29, 1998 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Arthur J Bandini

Died October 29, … More Information
Arthur J Bandini, of Nevada, born in Belle Vernon, Pennsylvania, left us to live with the Father in his new eternal home October 29, 1999. Arthur was 68.
Obituary published: October 30, 1999 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Isidro Ramon Isidro Bandilla Bandilla

Died March 18, … More Information
Isidro Ramon Isidro Bandilla Bandilla, born May 15, 1957 went to be with the Lord on March 18, 2012 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Isidro was 54.

▰ Fannie (Dennino) Bandiera

Died February 07, … More Information
Fannie (Dennino) Bandiera, of Nevada, born in New York, went to be with the Lord on February 7, 2002. Fannie was 85.
Obituary published: February 08, 2002 in "Las Vegas R-J"

▰ Fannie (Deninno) Bandiera

Died February 07, … More Information
Fannie (Deninno) Bandiera, age 85 of Nevada, born in New York, left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home February 7, 2002.
Obituary published: February 08, 2002 in "Las Vegas Sun"

▰ Betty C Bandics

Died December 14, … More Information
Betty C Bandics, born January 30, 1926 left us to live with the Father in her new eternal home December 14, 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Betty was 88.

▰ Karl David Bandhauer

Died February 09, … More Information
Karl David Bandhauer, born July 25, 1940 departed this life Sunday February 9, 2020 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Karl was 79.
Family members and close friends: , Wenell Frey Alameda, Cara Neth Fort Collins

▰ Arlo Crail Sr Bandfield

Died November 27, … More Information
Arlo Crail Sr Bandfield, of Nevada, born in Waterloo, Iowa, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before he November 27, 2001. Arlo was 82.
Obituary published: November 28, 2001 in "Waterloo CFC (IA)"

▰ Genevieve "Genny" (Bondetti) Bandera

Died January 29, … More Information
Genevieve "Genny" (Bondetti) Bandera, of Sparks, Nevada, ascended to heaven into the loving arms of all whom have gone before she January 29, 2006. Genevieve was 96.
Obituary published: January 30, 2006 in "Elko Daily FP"

▰ Trinidad Castaneda Banda

Died May 04, … More Information
Trinidad Castaneda Banda, age 77 of Nevada, born in California, departed this life Sunday May 4, 1999.
Obituary published: May 05, 1999 in "Reno G-J"
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