ᐅ US Obituaries & Death Notices 2009-2024

Database updated May 2024
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Search obituaries

There may be many reasons why you are wanting to Search obituaries. Perhaps you're the self-appointed family historian, charged with piecing together the family tree. Social Security Death Records can only do so much. What if the person you're looking for died before the Social Security Administration was formed? In cases like that, the newspaper obituaries may well be your last chance to find out the information needed about someone in your family.

That's what makes so convenient and helpful. Here in one place you can search through millions of obituaries, sometimes dating as far back as several decades, to help fill in some of the missing blanks on family obituaries. It can also help determine whether a family member has, in fact, passed away.

Historical research is another reason why you may wish to search the obituaries. Is the ideal place to start researching. Whether you are looking for information to help you write a book, complete a school thesis, write a script or simply settle your own curiosity, chances are the information you're looking for can be found with a look on the obituary search service offered through this particular database.

This site also provides obituary searches from all fifty states, as well as birth records, cemetery records; people search records and much more. In addition to all of the information you can receive about family members and friends of the past, a membership gives you unlimited access to the obituaries data.

Then there is also the fact that you can use the information available through public records to dig up information on virtually anybody. Access to this information is 100% legal, because they are all public records. So don't waste another minute. If you have ever been curious about the birth and obituaries records of your ancestors, your family, friends, teachers or acquaintances; or if you have ever wondered about the past records of anyone, do yourself and your curiosity a favour, start your obituaries search online today.

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Family Members, Relatives & Friends

Information may include (when available): known aliases or other names, marital status, birth date and age, family members or cohabitants, arrest or conviction history, association with business, work history, professional or business licenses, property records, tax records, litigation history, driver records, and even political party affiliation.